02/02/2020 DAB Transcript

Exodus 15:19-17:7, Matthew 22:1-33, Psalms 27:1-6, Proverbs 6:20-26

Today is the 2nd day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here as we twist the knob and throw open the gateway and step into this brand-new shiny week. And it’s a brand-new shiny month. So, new beginnings all around and we have a story to tell and it’s certainly telling the story of the Bible as we read through it each and every day but it’s also the story of our lives and we will write that story this week with our decisions and choices and attitudes and we will write the story of this month with the same things. And thank God, right friends? Thank God we have His word to counsel us. So, this week we’ll read from the Voice Translation and we’ll be picking up where we left off in the book of Exodus where the children of Israel have crossed the Red Sea on dry ground and the Egyptian army, they didn’t. They didn’t quite cross and it wasn’t dry and so they ended up at the bottom of the sea. And, so, today Exodus chapter 15 verse 19 to 17 verse 7.


Thank You, Father for bringing us into this new week and into this new month. And again…again, we thank You, we thank You for last month, we thank You for bringing us safely through January and for all that You did in our lives through Your word and that month. And, so, we have great anticipation as we continue the story forward and we invite You fully. New beginnings, new month, new week and we give it to You in advance. Come Holy Spirit we pray in Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website and that is home base and its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, like I say every day, be sure to stay connected in any way the cam or any way that you want to.

Reminding you that the Prayer Wall also lives there in the Community section and that is a fantastic place to go and receive prayer but also to offer prayer. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or if you prefer the mail, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request a comment you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top or there are a number of phone numbers you can use. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to call. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078. If you are in Australia 61-3-8820-5459 is number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning, I am Surely Goodness and Mercy from Sarasota Florida I’ve listened to Daily Audio Bible for several weeks now and I enjoy being a part of this group. I’m responding to that prayer request of Paula the child advocate from LA area. Paula’s ladies group friend Dolores committed suicide this week and they thought she was better after her son’s sudden death. Dolores had announced a Christmas for daughter’s engagement the wedding to be held later this year. Father God help Dolores and her Father to heal from this tragedy. Lord God I ask that You’ll please heal this daughters broken heart, give her wisdom and insight into the grieving process, and let her not go into blame but to forgive even though she’s been robbed of her mom and robbed of her mom being mother of the bride and being a grandma and seeing the birth of these grandchildren and I pray God that she’ll not lose the dad as well. Holy Father help this daughter not to blame herself or blame God or blame others. Help her not to linger with anger over these losses. Help this daughter to walk with You and to look to You Father God for answers for the future and comfort and peace. May she enter to God’s Sabbath rest. I pray that she’ll, as an orphan, she’ll not be overwhelming reality to her but to realize that she’s grafted into God’s family. I ask for family members to rally around and be a strong support to her and the ladies that have known Dolores for these 30 years will have a soften heart in a powerful way toward this daughter. If it’s God’s will, please raise up another mom substitute that can encourage and love and step into a significant role of this Young lady as she goes through her wedding plans and wedding celebrations. And then I have a prayer request. My husband’s niece Gail had emergency back surgery this week. They live in New York and have two small children. My prayer request is that the nerve function in her leg return, that everything will be knit properly, and pain will continue…

Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is J from Nashville. So, I woke up this morning with some amazing news. Those of you who have been listening for a while know my story and I have, through a friend of a friend, located the state in which my ex-wife and my child are located. So, what I’d like to do is I’d like to pray that God will give me guidance, discernment and clarity and a means by which to have a relationship with my child. Lord Jesus, I thank You Father for this glorious day and this wonderful overwhelming news. Father, every bone in my body wants to completely relocate in the next 30 seconds to that state so that I can be close. But Lord I don’t want to do these things in my own power, in my own wisdom, in my own strength, in my own desires. I want to do them according to Your will. So, Lord I pray that You will send Your Holy Spirit before me and soften my ex-wife’s heart, clear her mind, and open her eyes spiritually to allow her to see me the way that You see me. All the hurt and pain that I’ve caused as undoubtedly caused serious trauma. I pray Lord that You will begin to mend that trauma in a way that will allow a relationship with this child. I pray that in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Hello family this is Cindy the flute player. I’ve called in before and been a listener for a long time, but I wanted to call and apologize to my family. When I called in, I was discouraged and just wanted to give up and after 40 years of being a believer I haven’t given up and actually I feel like I’m in the season now where I have seen so many answers to prayer. The one that steepest to my heart, well there’s a couple, I haven’t seen but I am trusting Him. I’m trusting that He will and is moving and I just keep speaking my heart to Him. And I want you to know out there family that I’m listening to your heart and I’m praying for you instantly when you’re talking and you’re bringing your requests to us and I especially have Esther and Anonymous on my heart and want you to know that the Spirit, the Holy Spirit reminds me to pray for you and to not give up and that He sees you and that He loves you and so do I even though we’ve never met. And I want…I just…I’m so thankful for all of you out there and thankful for this format. It really is beautiful. And there’s lots going on on this reservation and by heart is deeply troubled for the children but I’m sure that’s why He’s planted me here. And, so, you know, God bless all of you. I hope, sometime I get to meet you. I’ll be able to come to Tennessee someday. All right. Love you. God bless you.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is for Danny in southern Oregon and I just started listening to the Community Prayer for the weekend and…whew…I’ve got five hours to go but you were in the beginning and I heard you talk about your mom being very sick and that you’re gonna read scriptures over her. I don’t know if that was my suggestion, but I know I had said it. And I just wanted to share with you that at the end of my father’s life he started to see dark figures and he looked at me and he said there are dark men behind me, and they’ve come to get me. And I looked at him and I swore up, but I won’t swear here and I said the bleep they ain’t. And I canceled all of my appointments that day and I started praying with everything I had out loud. He was in and out of consciousness and I was just praying, bringing down the Angels because I said I will not lose my father to whatever has come to get him. And the nurse came into the room and she looked at me and she said is everything all right in here and I said I think it’s…we’re at the end and he is seeing dark figures who have come to get him and she locked eyes with me and she said well we need Jesus. And I said yes we do. And she worked all day and then at the end of her shift she came in. She prayed with me and we…we brought…we opened the doors of heaven and I felt Angels around us and I just read and read and read. I didn’t sleep that night. I went home and I changed it to work out cloths, I broke out into a sweat. I mean I was up all night and the next morning was when he mouthed back the Psalm back to me. And, so, Danny I just tell you, you fight and Lord I just I build up my sister Danny to fight for her mother’s soul and that what she reads over her mother would yield fruit in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Hi this is Cheyenne butterfly from Bakersfield I haven’t called in for a long time. I used to call regarding my son JJ. Today’s situation is he got off the spice, still using straight drugs. He has a mental illness. He has schizophrenia and he has a pay service, got his pay service to give him $2000 for a car, brought the car home, the car was worth $200, couldn’t run. I couldn’t get…convince him to let me have the contact person who would sell him a car that wasn’t worth $200 and couldn’t get smogged, couldn’t get registered, car broke down. Some other drug dealers or drug addicts sold him another car for $500. He lived in it for about three weeks. Cops arrested him for Grand Theft Auto for stealing the car. Now he’s sitting in jail. He has a mental illness. He needs lots of prayer. I’m leaving a whole lot of the story out, but the bottom line is this child needs God, he needs prayer, he needs redemption, he needs somebody in his life. God pray that somebody in jail is a Christian and helps him because he won’t listen to me. I’m just calling and asking for prayer for this child his name is JJ. He’s almost 30, he has schizophrenia, he’s been homeless on and off now for the last 10 years. I’m just asking for major prayer for this child. I listen to you daily, been listening to daily for the last couple years and I know the power of prayer on this is strong. I’ve watched it happen. I thank you so much and I thank the Daily Audio Bible for providing us the service. I love you all and thank you so much.

Good morning DABber family this is Walta the Burning Bush that will not be Devoured for the Glory of our God and King. I’m calling for, I believe, Cara and her son Nitch from Denver. I just want you to know that I heard your request and I prayed for you and it meant something special to me because I struggled with what you’re going through. I guess it’s been, gosh since, my son was 17 years old. He’s 22 now he struggled for three straight years with addiction and had problems with the law. And praise God, for the last two years he’s been sober. He’s…he’s back in college and he’s counseling other people with addiction. He’s actually found the Lord. I’m staring this testimony with you so that you know that there is nothing impossible for God. While I was walking through my struggled God reminded me that my son Emmanuel is not just my son, he’s God son who God entrusted to me. God entrusted Nitch to you and now you give him back to God as Abraham gave his son back to God. He is God’s son and God will watch over him and He will protect him while he’s out there in his prodigal phase. But know that God loves niche more than you do and be at peace in your heart knowing that God is faithful to do exceedingly abundantly above our expectation. If God can heal and deliver my son from addiction, if God can save him, God can do the same for Nitch and I’m praying that through this testimony that you will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony I pray that you will be encouraged. I pray that you will be encouraged. Look for Insight, the Insight program online and see if you can find a community with which you can just find support because there are many families struggling with this addiction problem. I love you my sister. I can’t wait to hear your testimony and I will continue to pray for him until I hear…

Hi DAB family this is Tahara in Southern California and there are a few people that are on my heart today. I’ll try to do this quickly. Cara from Denver your call really resonated with me. I have two sisters who were out and using for years and it is so hard. I had a friend once say that loving an addict is like hugging a chainsaw. So, I just pray…first of all I want to thank God for your sobriety and I pray that He will give you supernatural peace and secondly I pray for your son, that God will protect him until he is ready to just fall to his knees in that broken openness that we need for healing. There was a woman who did not leave her name, she has a 22-year-old nephew with lupus and possibly dyskinesia and I pray for complete healing and that God would protect him from despair. I also pray that her nephew would recognize his unique placement to let Jesus love shine through him. Sienna, I heard so much fear in your prayer request. I just want to give you a hug girl. I pray that God will redeem the incredible difficult circumstances that you’re going through. I also pray that He will give you strength to hold healthy boundaries and also for healing over your body. I pray that He would bless you with peace and trust in Him. Diana Davis you are in my heart and on my mind. I pray for your healing as well as for your two wonderful sons. I pray that God will bless them and protect them and surround them with loving people. I pray also for Isaiah who was given mind altering drugs and abused and I just pray for the healing of his mind and soul. Becky from Orlando thank you for the praise report that you shared. I just…I really needed to hear that. I needed a reminder of God’s power. And finally, God’s Smile in England, thank you for your brief and joy filled testimony, it really touched my heart and made me smile.

02/01/2020 DAB Transcript

Exodus 13:17-15:18, Matthew 21:23-46, Psalms 26:1-12, Proverbs 6:16-19

Today is the 1st day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian. So, as we close a week, we begin the second month of the year and what a joy it is to have made it this far on the journey with you settling into a rhythm now that will carry us all the way through this year together but all the way through the Bible as well. And probably after a month we, you know, if…if…it’s been a daily rhythm for a month we can see…we can see why the Bible matters, how interesting it is and how deeply it can touch our lives and bring truth into our souls. So, great to be here with you on this first day of the new month. It’s the same week, so we’ve been reading from Evangelical Heritage Version this week, which is what we’ll do today. And the children of Israel in the book of Exodus have exited Egypt and their enslavement and that is kind of the point at which they’re adventure begins. And, so, we are right at the beginning of the…of the next era with the children of Israel. Exodus chapter 13 verse 17 through 15 verse 18 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You, we thank You for bringing us across the threshold and into the second month of the year. We thank You for the life that You’ve given us. We thank You for the journey that we are on together as we continue to allow Your word to speak into our hearts. We thank You for the month of January and all that You have begun to do inside of us because of that month. And, so we set our sights before us into this month that we are about to live, and we realize that we are at this threshold. In this second month that story has not yet been told. And day by day step-by-step choice by choice we will write the story of that month and we invite Your Holy Spirit to permeate it. We pray that on every page that we would write that Your name would be in every sentence and paragraph, in every thought word and deed of our lives in this coming month. May we honor You. Come, Holy Spirit we pray we pray. We love You, we worship You, we pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the web site, its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, stay tuned and stay connected. The Prayer Wall lives at dailyaudiobible.com. You can access it using the Daily Audio Bible app, but that is a fantastic resource if you’re shouldering burdens you shouldn’t carry alone or you just want to help, you just…you just want to pray for your brothers and sisters and stay connected in Spirit. That’s a fantastic resource.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link, it’s on the homepage. Thank you profoundly for your partnership. I am…words…words are not…I mean…words…the…I just don’t have the vocabulary. I’m in awe of what God has done and I’m grateful beyond words that…that each day we can meet here like this. And, so, thank you for your partnership. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address if you prefer is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request a comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here next week, which happens to be tomorrow.

01/31/2020 DAB Transcript

Exodus 12:14-13:16 Matthew 20:29-21:22 Psalms 25:16-22 Proverbs 6:12-15

Today is the 31st day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and this is the last day of the first month of the year. So, we have journeyed a full month into this new year and it has flown by. Probably…it has for me…flown by in life, but it’s like all that comes up in the Bible right out of the gate in the first month is huge and we can see why this is the adventure of a lifetime. I mean, in the Old Testament, which is what we’re about to read from today, alone this month we have begun at the beginning and found out what happened to us. We watched a…a flood of the entire earth, a reset of all things and we watched the heart of mankind as it was separated from God deteriorate and Abram who became Abraham and we met Isaac and we met Jacob, whose name became Israel and then he had kids, the children of Israel and then they sold one of their brothers into slavery in Egypt, which eventually had the whole family in Egypt and then 400 years passed and they’d become this massive people as was promised. And then a person named Moses came onto the scene in a basket in the Nile River. He has now become the…the prophetic voice to the Hebrew people demanding of Pharaoh that God’s people be set free. And as we conclude this first month of the year, that in fact is what we are about to witness. So, we’ve been reading from the Evangelical Heritage Version this week, which is what we’ll continue today. Exodus chapter 12 verse 14 through 13 verse 16.


Okay. So, on this final day of this first month of the year we experienced what is known as the Exodus. So, the children of Israel, who had been enslaved, making their exit, their exodus from Egypt and heading out toward the Sinai Peninsula toward this land of promise. And we will be journeying with them now for quite some time, pretty much for the rest of the Bible. So, as we make this Exodus, we will hear references to the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob throughout our time for the rest of this year but let’s not forget that we…we learned their stories. Like, we…we journeyed along with them. We got to know Abram who became Abraham and we got to understand this son of promise, Isaac who was born to parents well beyond the age of childbearing. And we got to meet Isaac’s kids, Jacob and Esau, right, and Jacob was the conniver who had to flee and how it reaped…reaped certainly the…the harvest of his…of his deception. But God also came for him as part of the promise and changed…changed his name to Israel. So, as we move forward into a new month, we’re leaving some of those stories behind, but let’s not forget these stories that we have journeyed through this far.

We get into the book of Matthew today and…and the context for…for the stories that we read today was that Jesus was on a walk from the Galilee to Jerusalem where He was to die. Like, we’re on that walk and it’s a 90-mile walk and it's…a lot of it is uphill especially once you get to Jericho. From thereon it’s all uphill, pretty strenuous hike, 18 miles up to Jerusalem. And that’s kinda where the story begins today, is in Jericho. So, Jesus has…if it’s a 90-mile journey, then in Jesus only has 18 miles left so, He’s already walked a long way, people are following along. He’s informed His disciples very clearly about what’s to happen and they’re quite confused about it, even to the point where some of them, you know, their mom comes and asks for seats at the right and the left hand of Jesus on His throne. They’re expecting once He gets to Jerusalem that there probably will be a throne because this is it. And Jesus has always taught in parables. And, so, even though He’s explicitly telling them He’s gonna be handed over to the religious leaders and then ultimately be turned over to the Gentiles and be killed, it seems that they’re not taking Him seriously or literally. So, you can only just imagine the loneliness of that walk. Just, you’re not alone, but you’re misunderstood and there’s nothing you can do. And, so, it’s isolating, and you can only imagine that. So, Jesus has walked quite a ways, and He’s arrived at Jericho now knowing that He’s gonna be walking uphill for 18 miles and all that work is for one purpose, to die a pretty horrible death. So, when some blind men start calling out to Him, you would understand Him being a little preoccupied, like just wanting to keep moving and just keep focused. But they keep calling and He, according to the Scriptures was moved with compassion. And that is so beautiful, because let’s imagine ourselves in the most stressful situation that we’ve ever faced, like the kinds of stuff, you don’t even want to remember, the kinds of stuff we don’t want to think about, the hardships that we might have gone through where we were like, “I don’t think I’m going to survive this. I don’t think I can…I can do this. I can’t do this another day. I can’t make this.” Like when we’re just really, really overwhelmed. And then just imagine people screaming out for you and you even having the capacity to be moved with compassion in a moment like that because we’re so…you know…when things are so stressful for us we’re self-absorbed and focused on what can be done to alleviate the pain. And Jesus would’ve been walking, you know, step-by-step one step closer to agony and somehow still…still He’s moved with compassion. And, so, He stops, and He asks an important question, really important question that we need to allow to linger with us, to actually become kind of part of the rhythm of our lives as we’re moving forward, a part of what we contemplate this weekend. Jesus stopped and called them and I’m quoting the Scriptures here, “and then He asked, “what do you want me to do for you?””. What they wanted is what we all want. “Lord open our eyes.”


Jesus, we have asked this many, many times and we see this, that you are opening the eyes of physically blind men, but you are moving about the countryside calling for anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear the kingdom being revealed. And so, we realize that maybe we have not physically faced blindness. Although many of us have, but we have all faced and face spiritual blindness and we are asking you to open our eyes that we may see. And we confess, indeed, we have prayed prayers like this before, but we are not messing around now. We are serious. Holy Spirit come and open our eyes so that we might see and be irreversibly changed so that the course and trajectory of our lives falls in line with the narrow path that will lead to life. Come Holy Spirit we pray and give us eyes to see. Open our eyes we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website and home base for all things Daily Audio Bible and what’s going on around here. So, be sure to stay connected.

The Prayer Wall is there. Of course, the Prayer Wall can also be accessed using the Daily Audio Bible app. So, stay connected in that way.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if…if this is life-giving, if the rhythm of God’s word being in your life every day in community is a life-giving thing to you then thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request a comment 877-942-4253 is number to dial or you can just hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top and share from there.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

01/30/2020 DAB Transcript

Exodus 10:1-12:13, Matthew 20:1-28, Psalms 25:1-15, Proverbs 6:6-11

Today is the 30th day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today on the eve of the last day of the first month of the new decade 2020. It’s great to be here with you today to take that next step forward. And in the book of Exodus, which is what we have settled into there is a showdown happening between God the most-high, and…and the Pharaoh of Egypt. And the battle is over God’s people who have been enslaved in Egypt. He wants them out and Pharaoh who thinks he’s a God himself isn’t having any of it, but he’s learning some pretty hard lessons in the process. So, we’re reading from the Evangelical Heritage Version this week. Exodus chapter 10 verse 1 through 12 verse 13.


Okay. In the book of Matthew Jesus continues to talk and reveal the kingdom of God. His ministry is centered around this revelation and the interesting thing about the revelation is that it is a different kind of kingdom than anyone is expecting. They are expecting a kingdom that is rooted in the physical world that can be experienced by the senses, right? One in which a great battle and great destruction and lots of blood of the enemies is involved. And Jesus is indeed announcing the kingdom of heaven, but it’s not that. It’s a totally different thing than that. It’s something that is happening now if we have eyes to see and ears to hear. And, so, Jesus gave us another piece of what that looks like today. And, so, He tells a story as He’s prone to do as we’ve already explored. “Indeed, the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard.” That’s how Jesus began, and He tells a story of how He hired some workers in the morning and a then, you know, He hired some workers midday and after launch and in the afternoon and getting toward the end of the day with only one hour left to work He hired more workers and they all went into the field. And, so, when everybody lines up to get paid, He starts with the people who got in last and he gives them a denarius, a day’s wage, the agreed-upon days wage from the people who started first. And, so, when He gets to the people that had worked all day, they’re obviously expecting maybe something a little more than what they had agreed to. But at the end of it He gives them what they agreed to, like everybody got the same, everybody got paid. Of course, this angered the ones who felt as if they deserved more. They had agreed to the terms and they were given exactly what they had agreed to but as they compared themselves to others, they got a sense of entitlement that made them feel as if they deserved more. And the response of the master says it all. “Are you envious because I am generous? In the same way the last will be first and the first last.” So, what can we glean here about God’s kingdom from what Jesus is saying? We can say that those who believe that they are owed something or deserve something from God because they have earned somehow something from God will get what they deserved and get it last. Those who realize that they are unspeakably fortunate just to be here at all can appreciate the value of what they’ve been given. Everyone gets the same. Nobody’s better. Nobody deserves more. Nobody deserves more spotlight. And why would this be? Because we’re one body with one head. Nobody can say to anybody else, “I don’t need you.” That’s not true. God’s kingdom is not a kingdom of comparison and selfishness. And as we explore this kingdom that we are a part of and that is happening through the lips of Jesus we are being awakened. We are learning. We are becoming aware. But we can see that Jesus disciples were not completely aware either. After this Story takes place, Jesus is continuing his journey to Jerusalem and this isn’that t for a visit, this…this is…this is Jesus going to die. And, so, He pulls His disciples together on this walk and tells them that He’s going to die, that He’s going to be arrested and turned over to the Gentiles and killed and that He’s gonna come back. And, I mean, just imagine that you had that kind of foreknowledge about your own life. Imagine you knew that…that you’re gona die in a couple of days and you’re trying to kind of comfort everybody and share things. And, so, you say what you’ve gotta say and then a couple of your kids come to you and say, “hey since you’re gonna die can I have your car?” I mean that would be like so out of place, so bizarre. And yet that’s essentially what happened to Jesus. He’s telling His friends, “I’m gonna die.” And He unpacks all of that and then they keep walking and two of Jesus disciples and their mom come home to talk to Jesus and the mom…it’s the mom, she's…she’s doing the requesting. Promise that in your kingdom these two sons of mine may sit one on your right hand and one on your left-hand. So, I’m not pointing out that piece of the story to bring us to some kind of application to our lives or some ways to think about this, I’m just pointing out the disconnect. Here we have the son of the living most-high God on planet Earth operating in a kingdom that is being revealed and living a life after a human fashion but completely whole and He’s unpacking all of these parables, He’s teaching privately of the kingdom. And now they’re on their way to His death and this is how disconnected it is, “promise that I get a throne next to your throne. And we can often find that that's…that’s really the motives, that’s really what we’re after is what we want. Like, we’re…we’re in this whole faith thing to get blessed, like to get stuff but if Jesus hasn't…Jesus hasn’t made it clear enough yet, God’s kingdom isn’t a kingdom of stuff. And we can be just as oblivious as Zebedee’s sons sometimes.


Father we thank You for Your word, we thank You for another day to be in Your word, we thank You for what Your word is revealing to us and we thank You that as we do this day by day over and over coming back day after day, changes are happening within us and we are so open to it, we welcome it. We invite You fully to lead us into all truth. Come, Holy Spirit we pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, where you find out what’s happening, what’s going on around here. So, be sure to…to stay connected in any way that you can.

The Prayer Wall is there. Links to social media are there. The Shop is there. Some of our initiatives are there. So, check it out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, I…I…I have a heart pure gratitude and amazement that we’re…we’re in this year 15 doing this together as a community and I have said hundreds of times over these years, this this Daily Audio Bible is something the just kind of happened out of the dust of the Internet. There was no big plans. This just kind of…I just felt like this is something I was being led to do and here we are. And what we’ve done we’ve done together, and I thank you with all of my heart your partnership. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request a comment 877-942-4253 is a number to dial.

And that is all for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

01/29/2020 DAB Transcript

Exodus 8:1-9:35, Matthew 19:13-30, Psalms 24:1-10, Proverbs 6:1-5

Today is the 29th day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian like every day, and it’s great to be here with you on this day as we take the next step forward in the Scriptures. And we’re kind of settling into this new territory that we’ve begun in the book of Exodus, the story of Moses and the children of Israel. And right now, the children of Israel have been enslaved in Egypt, and God is demanding their release through Moses and Aaron and things have not gone so well so far. And, so, we pick up the story today. We’re reading from the Evangelical Heritage Version this week. Exodus chapter 8 and 9 today.


Okay. So, we have things going on in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, which is the story of the Bible. That’s kind of the story of our every day. But we are definitely seeing the plagues descend upon Egypt and the Bible’s saying God’s hardening Pharaoh’s heart. So, let’s like explore this for minute. What does that mean? Because that would seem kinda unfair right? Like God’s hardened Pharaoh’s heart in advance so that he’s gonna take blow after blow after blow as Egypt is sort of disintegrating but God hardened his heart, so nothing can be done about it. That’s not what’s going on here. Think of yourself from a position of power. Like, you know what you’re doing and you have all the bills paid and you have a little bit in the bank…like you have a little sort of place of security and somebody comes along and tells you what you are going to do. Whether you want to or not, you must submit, and humble yourself and obey. That’s probably gonna harden your heart. And that’s what’s happening to Pharaoh. He is the king of Egypt. He is the Pharaoh, but he also believes he is the son of the gods, he is a deity himself, he is a god himself. So, “no God is coming into my land and telling me what to do. Who is this God of the Hebrews”, right? So, you can see his posture here. And, so, what’s happening is God is systematically certainly showing His authority and power but is also demonstrating to Pharaoh and all of Egypt that the God who has chosen the Hebrew people to be His chosen ones in the world, these are His people that He is doing a new thing through and all of these lesser lower spiritual beings that are being worshiped, all of these false gods that nations and people are following will not stand in the face of the most-high God or the people of the most-high God. Pharaoh hasn’t quite learned that lesson, but he is learning it and we will continue that story tomorrow.

And then we get into the book of Matthew. Really, really interesting conversation happens between a…a really good person who has obeyed the Mosaic law and he’s come to the rabbi teacher Jesus asking, “you know, what else do I need to do? Like what…what act, what posture, what do I need to do to have eternal life?” And Jesus said, “you need to obey the commandments.” And the guys like, “well, which commandments?” And Jesus is like, “you don’t murder, and you don’t commit adultery, and you don’t steal, and you shouldn’t lie, you shouldn’t give false testimony. Honor your father and mother and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Now that idea is certainly in the book of Leviticus. I believe it’s also in the book we’re reading, Exodus. I believe it’s also in the book of Deuteronomy. It’s definitely in the New Testament, it’s definitely from the lips of Jesus. “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Actually, at a later point Jesus will summarize the entire law of God, the Mosaic law that we will read through by saying, “it…it can all be encapsulated, love the Lord your God with all your soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.” So, in other words, if you’re doing those things, you are walking the right path, you are in obedience to God. Love your neighbor as yourself. Generally, we interpret that or understand what’s being said here as…as the Golden rule, treat others as you would like to be treated. Treat your neighbor as you would like to be treated. And that’s right. And that’s good and that’s true, but it’s even deeper than that. We have talked plenty about separation from God as we’ve experienced it in the Bible. We’ve also watched Jesus come on the scene, announcing and revealing a kingdom that exists and is happening and is in and among us. What we’re watching in Jesus is the declaration that the separation that existed between God and man can be bridged and is gone, therefore the separation that we feel from one another is also gone. It’s not about separation anymore, it’s about union. And we…we’ve already mentioned this. In Jesus high priestly prayer, “make them one as we are one.” Paul’s unpacking of all of that describing us as a body with every part irreplaceable and necessary, whether seen or unseen. So, our trajectory is to become aware of this inter connection, this body that we are a part of, that we aren’t acting as individuals but as believers in Jesus. We are Christ on earth in this world as the body of Christ because Christ indwells us. And, so wherever we are there also is Christ and we are all over the world. So, this deepens, “you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” It’s deeper than just trying to do for others what you would like to be done for you. It’s loving them as yourself. Loving them like they were a part of the you. It’s pretty hard to be selfish if you’re loving your neighbor as if they were a part of you because than anything you are being selfish about what have to include all of yourself. But it goes deeper than that. If everyone in the body of Christ loved their neighbor as themselves the construct that our culture has created for us, the culture of the lack the one that’s telling us constantly that something’s missing and we need to find that something and buy that something kinda goes away because there is no lack, it’s an illusion. We have what we need, we’re not alone, we’re in this together. We are bound together as one body on this earth that is animated by the very Spirit of God. And I’m not making any of that up and I’m not taking any of that out of context. If anything, I mean context is a huge deal for me, that’s what the Bible says. We’ll see that all for ourselves. So, Jesus says, “love your neighbor as you love yourself”, and then the young man says to him, “I have kept all these. What am I still lacking?” Alright, so, there’s this sense that somethings missing. And Jesus told him like, “if you want to be perfect then go sell everything you have and give to the poor and you’ll have treasure in heaven. And then come, follow me.” So, like He’s inviting this guy to become a disciple. “Come follow me.” That’s what He says to all the people that he follow…that He calls. But Jesus has found the one thing and the man leaves saddened because he had a lot of stuff. This was that particular person’s thing, like Jesus found that thing. The guy came to Jesus and was like, “I think…I think I’m doing everything right. I believe that I have earned righteousness before God but I’m just checking with you and Jesus finds the thing that is his hang up and He will find ours too if we’ll let him and then we’ll have to decide if are going to walk away sad or if we’re gonna embrace Him. But we can say some things about this kingdom that Jesus is revealing. We can say that it is a kingdom of forgiveness and that forgiveness is irreplaceable as we talked about yesterday. We can say that this kingdom is in and among everything, it’s sown in among all things. So, among all the evil of the world goodness is everywhere among it. So, that as Jesus says, “no one will be able to say, look over there, there’s the kingdom or here, over here, here it is.” Because it’s within us. It’s among us. we could say that the kingdom of God is a very interconnected one, one in which we understand our interdependence on one another, one in which we understand that the animating life force, the source is God, and it is the Spirit of God that indwells us. Or we could also say that the kingdom of heaven is…is not a kingdom of lack, it’s a kingdom of abundance, but normally we are only measuring that with our five physical senses. We are only measuring abundance by what we can experience with our physicality, with our bodies, ignoring the richness of a sound mind and the beauty of a whole heart. So, if we began to look through the eyes of this kingdom that we’re beginning to discover through the lips of Jesus, we could clearly say that it is in this world and happening right now and we can experience it fully, but we will have to disengage from the kind of cultural traps that we continually find ourselves in - in the world but not of the world. And if we realize that what we’re ultimately after is wholeness here, where our minds and our Spirits and our bodies are in collaboration with the Spirit of the living God within us, then we wouldn’t be able to help, but seeing God everywhere and we wouldn’t have a sense of abandonment or lack. We would understand we have all we need and there is no lack, there is a never ending supply. This entire world and everything in it, no matter how much we think we have our private property and our own couches that are paid for and like these are our things, everything in this world belongs to God. He is the creator of it, and he has no lack. So, we are beginning to see this kingdom and see that we can be in it. We just need eyes to see and ears to hear.


Holy Spirit again, that’s what we ask for, eyes to see and ears to hear. We open ourselves to You. We invite You fully. we declare nothing is off-limits to You after the same fashion that You found the thing that was gonna hold back this rich Young ruler in the book of Matthew, we ask You might reveal those things to us. What are the things that are gonna keep us from seeing Your kingdom? What are the things that are gonna keep us from operating in Your kingdom? A vast wide-open peaceful place where the world can swirl all around us with its chaos, but we are with You and everything is Yours. Come Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


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And that is all for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

01/28/2020 DAB Transcript

Exodus 5:22-7:25, Matthew 18:21-19:12, Psalms 23:1-6, Proverbs 5:22-23

Today is January 28th, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today. Looking at the number, January 28th and just realizing we’ve only got a few more days in this month and I’m still scratching my head about where the weeks have gone because I know I just celebrated Christmas but…but I don't…and…and that happens every year and I don’t know why I can’t finally get my…I mean, I’m at this every single day. So, I should be able to mark my days but then I get to the end of January and I’m like, how did that happen so quickly? Anyway, how are you? How’s your day going? You’re probably just like right where you need to be. You’re right centered in the here and now, January 28th, you’re not wondering where the month went. You lived it fully. And that’s great. I want to grow up to be like you. And, so, that’s why I read the Bible every day to us. And I let’s get to it. We’re in the book of Exodus. We have begun to…to get to know Moses who is a major character in the Bible, and we’ll be journeying with Moses for…for a while as I’ve mentioned. So, we’ll get to know him. He has reluctantly obeyed God and gone back to Egypt and confronted Pharaoh who has essentially laughed him out of the palace and made things much more difficult for the Hebrew people. And we can already tell a pretty big showdown is gonna happen at some point. So, let’s take the next step forward. We’re reading from Evangelical Heritage Version this week. Exodus chapter 5 verse 22 through 7 verse 25.


Okay. So, in the book of Matthew Jesus brought up a subject that He has already brought up and He was even more direct and forceful with it this time than…than the first time we encountered it because it is, according to Jesus, an irreplaceable component of God’s kingdom, and it’s a word that…I mean…it can…it can be a tricky work, forgiveness. It’s kind of a funny thing because we like the concept of it. We just…we just don’t want to have to do it. We want everybody else to have to do it, but we don’t have to let go. So, the way that this goes down is that Peter’s just asking like, “okay. I see forgiveness is a part of this story. How many times…like define this for me. If…if somebody sins against me, how many times,  seven? Like do I forgive them 7 times.” Jesus is like, “no, like 77,” right? So, like if you forgive somebody 77 times and you’re counting it up and you get to offense number 78 and you tell that person, “I don’t forgive you because I’ve forgive you 77 times” then you probably haven’t forgiven them 77 times. Jesus tells a story - a master and a servant. A servant, who…who owes a great deal, an amount he can’t pay. He falls to his knees and begs for forgiveness. He begs for mercy. He begs for more time. The master forgives him completely and sends him on his way. But then that person will not forgive his brother, his fellow servant who owes them significantly less. He won’t forgive that debt. He throws him into prison. So, just imagine this for a minute. Imagine God saying to you, “you wicked servant. I forgave you all that debt when you bagged me to. Should you not have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had mercy on you?” I do not ever, ever, ever want to hear those words from my Father but I’m quoting Jesus here. “This is what my heavenly Father will also do to you, unless each one of you forgives his brother from his heart.” Like that…that’s pretty hard to navigate around. Like, that’s pretty hard to set aside and say, “well it doesn’t really mean what…it’s…it’s not…that’s not what it means” because Jesus has taken away the ability to sort like fake it. He said, “from the heart.” So, it’s like…it’s got to be real and genuine. And this…this can bring up all kinds of things inside of us, because we immediately…you know when we start thinking about forgiveness we have to begin to think about the wounds of our lives and some of them have been fairly significant. Like, none of us…none of us gets out of here without getting hurt in some way and some of us have been hurt pretty bad. And, so, just to even go there at all is a pretty…pretty difficult journey. But to think of forgiveness, you know, it’s really easy to be like, “you just don’t understand. Like you don’t know happened to me, the trauma. Like you just don’t understand. I…I…the guy with the microphone…I…I wouldn't…I’ve been through my own traumas…I wouldn't…but normally we’re not trying to say this to somebody else, we’re trying to say to God, “like I can’t do what you’re asking me to do because it broke me and I’m fragmented and I don’t even know how…how to approach forgiveness when something so wicked has happened. And, so, we can be angry that God would even think about asking us or forcing us into this kind of posture, but let's…let’s just pause for second…and understand like, we’re 19 chapters into the book of Matthew and Matthew is the first of the Gospels and for this year anyway, this is first accounting of Jesus ministry and so we’re getting to know Jesus for this year as we go through the Gospels. And we noticed right away there was something different. Like, we saw right from the get-go, and we began to realize is that we’re looking at somebody who is different because they are whole. Their…their heart and their mind and their bodies are not all detached and living in separate realities. Wholeness, the lack of separation any longer inside of ourselves and from God, this is the message of the gospel. And, so, this is what Jesus is revealing in His ministry as He reveals the kingdom of God. And you could be like, “I am tracking with you there. What has that got to do with forgiveness?” Forgiveness can bring wholeness. Forgiveness isn’t saying, “alright. I guess it was okay that that happened to me. I forgive them for what they did. I guess I have to do that. It’s gotta be okay.” That’s not what forgiveness is. And forgiveness isn’t. “Okay. I’m not gonna talk about that anymore, that wound anymore. I’m not gonna…I’m gonna forget it. Like, I’m gonna…I’m gonna suppress it down and never visit it again.” That’s not it either. Forgiveness is saying, “injustice in some way was done to me. It happened. It shattered to me in some way. I’m broken because of it. There’s poison inside of me like seeping through my veins. It affects my life and it has affected the way my life has gone, and I cannot do this anymore and I cannot get free of this by myself. I’ve tried to medicate. I’ve tried everything. I can’t do it. And, so, I release this to You God. You are the judge. I release this to You. You handle this. I release them to You. God, I can’t handle this anymore. I release them to You. I unchain myself from that person or event and I give it to you.” Forgiveness is one of these things, at least in the ministry of Jesus that is very direct because it’s very important because forgiveness sets us free and unforgiveness does the opposite. And Jesus came to set us free. So, we can hold onto those wounds as if they’ve become a part of our identity. We can hold onto those attachments or things that have hurt us as if we wouldn’t even know how to be ourselves without carrying that around anymore, or we can understand this is part of the process of walking the narrow path that leads to life and wholeness. And I realize I’m…I mean I’m talking to lots and lots of people and there lots and lots of stories. There are plenty of things to release. There are plenty of things to let go of. There are…I mean the posture of forgiveness isn’t a one-off, it’s a lifestyle, it’s always on and never off. And at least in my experience, some of the deepest roots of bitterness and awfulness and frank…frankly darkness and evil happen between spouses. Like that’s ground zero. Like that is your ultimate union with another person and that union then represents your greater union with God. And the thing that will destroy that out right straightaway is unforgiveness. And we all know it. Unforgiveness leads to bitterness, anger, resentment, you name it, and none of that will bring us to God.


Father, it is to You that we want to be led. It is a growing awareness of Your presence in and around and among and through and in all things, including our lives and our relationships and our marriages. And one of the things that flows through all of that in Your kingdom is the ability to let go, the ability to release, the ability to forgive. And all we have to do is look at our own lives and we can find the places that we’ve been bound up because of bitterness and unforgiveness. We were talking about our marriages a minute ago Father and all we have to do is look there really to find places that have been walled off and places that have become battle lines and we might count 7 times or we might count 77 times and then we’re done with it. And, so, we begin the slow, steady, methodical process of dismantling and disintegrating our relationships through this unforgiveness. And You’ve been very clear, very clear in the Scriptures that that is leading nowhere. And, so, Father help us to learn to forgive. Help us to learn to release and let go. And help us to be willing to ask to be forgiven because in one way or another we’re in need of it. Father, it’s our desire to dwell in Your presence in Your kingdom and to reveal it in this world and one of the ways that we will do that is that we walk in forgiveness. Come Holy Spirit we pray into this because it’s a big thing for us. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Sara Groves - It’s Me

Well, it came and caught us off our guard
We were just laughing, feeling alright
Had such a great time just last night
We walked into a minefield undetected
You took a tone and I took offense
Anger replacing all common sense

Oh, run for your life, all tenderness is gone
In the blink of an eye all goodwill has withdrawn
We mark out our paces and stare out from our faces
Baby, you and I are gone, gone, gone

Incomprehensible layers of isolation
Now you’re the man with a heart of stone
Making me pay by being alone
Soon you will justify righteous indignation
Now I’m a woman who holds all her pain
Looking for somebody else to blame

Oh, run for your life, all tenderness is gone
In the blink of an eye all goodwill has withdrawn
We mark out our paces and stare out from our faces
But baby, you and I are gone, gone, gone

We hold all the keys to our undoing
Cutting me down in small degrees
You know my worst insecurities
I’m making no effort to understand
No one can hurt you like I can

Deep down inside the girl’s waking up
She’s going out to the boy she loves
It’s me, oh, baby, it’s me

How in the world can tenderness be gone
In the blink of an eye?
Oh, how in the world can tenderness be gone
In the blink of an eye?

And the girl in me, she’s calling out
Oh, the girl in me, she’s calling out
To the boy in you, to the boy in you
And the girl in me, she’s calling out
Oh, the girl in me, she’s calling out
To the boy in you

Baby, come back, baby, come back to me
Baby, come back, baby, come back

01/27/2020 DAB Transcript

Exodus 4:1-5:21, Matthew 18:1-20, Psalms 22:19-31, Proverbs 5:15-21

Today is the 27th day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s wonderful to be here with you today as we come in and find ourselves around the Global Campfire, find ourselves…even though we’re all over the world. Just knowing that we’re not alone. No one ever listens to the Daily Audio Bible alone. Someone somewhere, many someone’s, many somewhere’s normally. It…it’s always happening. We’re never alone. So, it’s great to be here with you now as we take the next step forward in our week and in our adventure through the Scriptures. And we have begun the second book of the Old Testament, the book of Exodus. And we have met a person named Moses and we’ll be traveling through the story of Moses and the rise of the children of Israel for a while now. The children of Israel have thrived and flourished in Egypt after Joseph’s death, but they have also been enslaved. And we learned of Moses in the…in the river, in the basket and becoming Pharaoh’s daughter and killing an Egyptian and fleeing. And then there’s this burning bush that’s not being consumed and God is calling Moses to go back to Egypt, back to Pharaoh and demand…and demand the people’s release. So let’s pick up the story. Exodus chapter 4 verse 1 through 25 verse 21 today.


Okay. So, wow, there’s so much to talk about you guys. Like every day there’s so much to talk about. Let’s talk about the book of Exodus just for a second and let’s touch on the book of Matthew. So, in Exodus we have met Moses. Obviously, the burning bush incident has occurred and we…we witnessed that today and…and God instructed Moses to go back and supplied him with some signs that he could see knowing that he was going back with some actual power of God. And Moses is doing all kinds of backpedaling about why he can’t do what he’s being asked to do and why he’s not qualified to do what he’s being asked to do. And…and he's…he’s telling God this who is speaking to him in a burning bush that is not being consumed. It's…it's…it’s beautiful to watch God’s patience, how He’s just having the conversation about all of the concerns that Moses has. And he’s essentially saying like, “I see that you have these concerns, but I will be with you and I am that I am. Like I will be with you. You don’t have to fear. You’re not going alone. I’ll go with you.” But Moses just keeps backpedaling. “I can’t talk. I don’t know how to form my words.” All of these things until we reach another one of the really sad, sad scenes in the Bible because here is God and…and we’ve watched the story unfold right, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, who became Israel who had children, who were the children of Israel, Joseph going to Egypt, the early children of Israel going to Egypt and becoming a massive people while in Egypt over four centuries. There was a promise and Abraham was told all these things were before his progeny. And, so, now God is coming because the people have accumulated and are now ready to leave Egypt so that they can move toward the land of promise, so that the promise can be fulfilled. And, so, God comes and calls this prophetic voice in Moses, “go back. You’re gonna lead my people out of Egypt.” And Moses says, “could you send somebody else?” We can certainly put ourselves in the position of Moses and understand that what He’s being asked to do is pretty serious. And yeah, like his concerns are legitimate. Will the people listen to him? Will they pay attention to him? Like he’s gotta go back to a nation where he’s wanted for murder. Like, he’s being asked to do some big things and so we can easily get into the into the mindset of Moses, but what about the heart of God in this situation? God has heard his people crying out. They have become a people and He has heard their cry and He has come for them and He’s being asked to find somebody else. You have to wonder how many times that has happened at critical points in our human story when there was no one else. We have to look at our own lives when we’re feeling the nudge, when we’re feeling the pull, when we’re being swept into something that God seems to be pulling us into. And, you know, always when you get a vision for something, the beginning of the story is always fun. It’s a dream, but then when you have to do it, it’s not a dream anymore. It’s a very, very, very high mountain to climb. So, we could think of how many times God has been asked to send somebody else throughout our history and we can only imagine because if we look at our own lives, we realize that’s been us too, that’s been our voice to Him too. Thankfully God is patient and perseverant. And Aaron comes, Moses brother, and they do go back, and the people believe them, and they are able to get before Pharaoh and speak the word of the Lord, right? So, like, through it all, at the end of it all Moses obeyed and was given an audience before the Pharaoh of Egypt and he was able to say in the ears of Pharaoh the word of the Lord, “let my people go.” And, of course, Pharaoh’s like, “who’s the Lord?” He didn’t let the people go. Actually, where we leave today’s reading, he has withdrawn supplies for them to do their forced labor. And, so, now things have only gotten harder.

Okay. Let’s push pause. Let’s look at the story of the Bible so far. We don’t have to review every story. But if we look at the arc after…after a word of the Lord, after a promise is given things don’t just get easy and just kind of sail downhill into the promise, they get harder and more difficult and then the promise must be contended for and that season of difficulty becomes a refining furnace that purifies. This arc is over and over and over throughout the stories of the Bible. Take for example the story that we just read as we concluded the book of Genesis, the story of Joseph who’s having dreams as a child, but before those dreams are fulfilled he’s trafficked into slavery by his own family, right, falsely accused, thrown into a dungeon. Like, we know the story. It got way more challenging before the outcome became apparent. Joseph was refined and by the time that Pharaoh called him up he was ready to lead. We’re gonna watch the same thing happen to Moses and then at some point we might wonder why in the world it’s happening to us, misread the obstacles and challenges, become estranged from God and angry, while missing the point that we were being refined and called up into the next thing for us. This is important context for our lives and it’s coming from the Bible.

We move into the book of Matthew and Jesus is asked a question, “who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven”, which is…which is like the exact…like the…the worst question that could be asked based upon what Jesus is teaching about the kingdom. And, so, Jesus uses a child as an illustration by calling a child and saying, “unless you’re turned and become like children, you’ll never even enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” We know these kinds of stories. we know Jesus love for children. It’s legendary. There’s lots of paintings depicting it. Like, we know this, but are we hearing what He’s saying, because He’s saying once again what He’s been saying all along. The world is backward, it’s all backward to the ways of God’s kingdom. You become the greatest in God’s kingdom by not even thinking about that. That’s not the goal. Humble yourself like a little child if you want to be great in God’s kingdom. I mean, it should be obvious to us how opposite the world is to what Jesus is saying because our cultures are normally about how much we can shine the light on us as individuals. We can’t become superstars of God’s kingdom and…and…and that the evidence of that be that we’re on the cover of a magazine or have a best-selling book or like…that’s not the evidence, the humility of a child in a person, at least according to Jesus, is the evidence. But we live in a culture that…that…that praises and worships individuality, that the accomplishment that one person can do. But this is not the way of God’s kingdom. So, one of the last things that Jesus said in our reading today was, “if two of you on earth agree to ask for anything it will be done for them by my father who is in heaven. In fact, where two or three have gathered together in my name, there I am among them.” He didn’t say anything about one, which is not to say that God’s presence does not exist if you are by yourself. What Jesus is laying out for us and what the apostle Paul will unpack thoroughly for us is that this whole process is not about us getting to be more and more individual and unique and high and mighty and celebrated. It is that we become aware that the separation that existed between us and God no longer exists, which means the separation from each other also no longer exists for those who are in Christ. We are being made one. And Jesus specifically prays for that and Paul gives us useful language, “the body. We are one body.” The objective isn’t to be the greatest in God’s kingdom. The objective is to be overwhelmed by the fact that we are in it at all.


Father we invite you into all that we’ve read as we launch into our week here. We…we find that we have asked you to send someone else just like Moses. We’re all guilty of this. It’s in us all and we’ve all been less than humble like a child as we’ve represented you in this world. We have misrepresented you on a number of occasions and even had the audacity to blame you for things that you had nothing to do with. And, so, there's…this kind of stuff comes up a lot because we struggle with these things…this…this is the battle and we thank you for bringing these things up in your word so that we can wrestle with them, so that they won’t go away until they’re dealt with. And, so, come Holy Spirit, help us to have the humility of a child today. Help us walk around this earth with wonder that we’re here and wonder that there are others like us here and that we bear your image. Help us to be light in the darkness. Help us to be good in a world that is full of evil. Hep us to continue to understand that the journey that we are ultimately on is a journey inward, that you are awakening things in our hearts, that you are awakening our hearts to your presence. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio  Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that is all for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

01/26/2010 DAB Transcript

Exodus 2:11-3:22, Matthew 17:10-27, Psalms 22:1-18, Proverbs 5:7-14

Today is the 26th day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we begin a brand-new week together. And yesterday we concluded the book of Genesis and began the book of Exodus which is what we’re journeying through now. So, we met this baby and his name was Moses and we’re going to be getting to know Moses for quite a while, but we were able to make his acquaintance yesterday as a baby in the Nile River in a basket being discovered by Pharaoh’s daughter and then raising her…raising him as her own. So, we’ll read from the Evangelical Heritage Version this week. Exodus chapter 2 verse 11 through 3 verse 22.


Father, we thank You for Your word and as we move into this brand-new week and…and…and look out before us, we take this time as we do most weeks to understand that it’s all out in front of us. What this week is going to look like has yet to be written, and it will be written by the choices that we make. So, we invite Your Holy Spirit to come and offer wisdom in the deepest places of our souls and in all of our important decisions that are before us. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website. So, that’s where you find out what’s going on around here. Be sure to stay connected as we continue our journey forward.

You can find the social media links in the Community section of the website and that’s where like links to DAB friends on Facebook or the Daily Audio Bible women’s group, which is a massive group of women encouraging one another, led by my wife Jill. So, like if you haven't…if you’re a woman and you’re not connected there then you may be missing out on a lot of encouragement for you days. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link and it lives on the homepage and I thank you with all my heart for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that is your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that is all for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

01/25/2020 DAB Transcript

Genesis 50:1-Exodus 2:10, Matthew 16:13-17:9, Psalms 21:1-13, Proverbs 5:1-6

Today is the 25th day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you at the end of another one of our weeks. And this is actually the final weekend of the first month of the year. So, well done. And as we end this week there’s also another special line that we’re gonna cross. Today, we will conclude the first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis and then begin the book of Exodus. So, well done! And let’s get to it. Let’s conclude the book of Genesis and then we’ll talk about the book of Exodus as we begin it. But first, Genesis chapter 50, which is the final chapter of the book. And we’ll conclude the story of Joseph.

Introduction to the Book of Genesis:

Okay, so that concludes the book of Genesis and the book of Genesis concludes with the conclusion of the story of Joseph. So, what we have started at the very beginning, right, when we started on January 1st, the first words of the Bible were, “in the beginning.” So, we started at the beginning, we got a glimpse of how things were always intended to be for us. We saw how that got blown apart. We saw separation from God be introduced into the human story and then we watched humans try to use the knowledge of good and evil to essentially glorify themselves so that they could be their own God, which is what the serpent essentially tried to promise them, but we watched that disintegrate and fall apart completely until everyone’s heart was evil and the world was flooded, which took us to the story of Noah. As we continued to journey forward, we met a man named Abram whose…his name was changed to Abraham and he entered into a covenant with God. God selected Abram changed his name to Abraham and then said, “I’m starting over with you. I’m going to create a people set apart unto me on this earth among all of the other people who bear my image, but who have rejected me and embraced separation. Through you. I’m going to create a people set apart as mine and through you will be the light to the world and all the nations will be blessed.” So, in other words God’s saying, “we’ve tried a few things but this knowledge of good and evil inside the heart of man is corrupting him utterly. So, I’m going to create a people of my own through Abram, Abraham. So, Abraham didn’t have any kids. We know that. He had a child in his old age, the son of promise named Isaac. And we went through all of that story. Isaac then had sons, Jacob and Esau. We went through that story of conniving and deception by Jacob and it certainly was revisited upon him. He did reap what he sowed but in the end Jacob’s name became Israel. Alright. And, so, his children then are the children of Israel of which Joseph was one of them. And Joseph was trafficked into Egypt as we know. But that is how the children of Israel got to Egypt. And, so, we close Genesis at that point. Now we’re about to pick up the second book of the Bible.

And Exodus picks up this very same story, we’re just moving centuries into the future as we pick it up. So, these original children of Israel, the actual children who became tribes of Israel had…had certainly died. We’re centuries into the future, but their offspring had flourished in Egypt. They had become as numerous as the stars in the heavens, which is what God promised Abraham. But this flourishing that was happening was happening in Egypt and we’re centuries in the future and Joseph is forgotten and the Egyptians began to fear the numbers of the Hebrews and to fear their loyalty. So, like I said, Joseph’s forgotten and they don’t necessarily remember that he had saved them from devastation centuries in the past. So, Israel’s children were enslaved. And the new Pharaoh of Egypt wanted to curb and control the explosion of population among the Hebrews. So, his version of population control was to demand that the Hebrew midwives would literally…would throw every boy, every baby boy that was born into the Nile River and the girls could live. And this…this, among other things certainly cause the Hebrew people, the children of Israel, Jacob’s children, they cried out to God. And there was a baby and he was a boy and he was supposed to be thrown into the Nile River, but instead he was…he was put into the Nile River in a basket and then his little sister kinda watched from a distance to kinda watch out for him while he’s technically in the Nile River. But he’s being saved. This little boy’s name is Moses and we will be journeying with Moses for quite a while. And as it turns out, this little basket that had this little baby in it was discovered by the daughter of Pharaoh and he was given the name Moses. And, so, he was a Hebrew who had been raised as an Egyptian and we will watch that story unfold as we now begin the second look at the Bible, the book of Exodus.


Father, we thank You, we thank You, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for bringing us these 25 days into this new year all the way to the last weekend of this first month. And we acknowledge, time, it moves by quickly, but as we established this rhythm, it strengthens us, it encourages us, it gives us wisdom for the road ahead. And, so, we thank You for all that You’ve done in our lives as we’ve journey through the book of Genesis, all that You are doing as we move through the first Gospel of Matthew. And we invite Your Holy Spirit as we release this week into our history and look forward to the next, that we would be aware of Your presence in all things. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, its the website, its where you find out what’s going on around here. And there’s always something or another going on. So, be sure to check that out.

Stay connected on social media. If you’re on social media stay connected to the Prayer Wall. Pray for your brothers and sisters.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. And I thank you with all of my heart for your partnership. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or you can just press the Hotline button, the little red hotline in the app at the top, you can’t miss it, and just start sharing from there.

And that is…that’s it for this week friends and that’s it for today. I love you I’m Brian and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi Daily Audio Bible listeners my name is Brent. I was encouraged to call by Ben from Ohio. I’m the guy that’s been on the fence from calling in. Anyway, I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible for eight years. I’ve been a Christian since I was a young child and I talk to God all day long every day but I struggle from an addiction to prescription pain medicine that I used to take for my back but I now take for the euphoric feeling that I used to feel before I built up a tolerance. So, I end up taking too many and running out two weeks before my refill is due, and it’s been a vicious cycle and has destroyed my marriage. I’m still married but my wife and I don’t talk very much anymore, and I need deliverance from this stronghold. And I ask that you will pray that God will free me from this bondage. That’s about it. Thank you.

While happy new year family this is Biola calling from Maryland. I actually had to call even though I’m recovering from tooth surgery and my cheek looks as if a chipmunk hid a nut or two in it. Pray for me when you think of me for full recovery. But I had to call in because I heard Kimberly, Yvonne, and Victoria Soldier. I had to call into pray for you. Kimberly I am so sorry for what you’ve gone through. Father Lord I pray for Your daughter. You are the one that comforts oh God Lord and heels. I pray that You will heal Kimberly completely oh God emotionally oh God Lord Father even spiritually. I pray that You will give her a heart oh God even to forgive these people oh God and release them even though I know it’s very difficult. But Lord You said oh God Lord that when we do forgive its freeing. Father God I pray that You will heal her from PTSD in the name of Jesus. Father every part oh God that the devil is using to harass this woman oh God Father I put a stop to it right now and I command it to cease and desist in the name of Jesus set her free Lord. In Jesus name give us her sleep oh God in the name of Jesus. Yvonne…Yvonne my sister I heard Your prayer request regarding Your children. You know it is comforting what happened to the prodigal son. The prodigal son’s dad just kept waiting, waiting proudly praying for him and that is a picture of our Lord. You are not responsible for their choices, but I know as a mother myself I know how You feel. So, keep praying for them. Father Lord I pray that You will draw Yvonne’s children back to You. Arrest their hearts oh God Lord in the name of Jesus. Father let them turn their way even from darkness back into light in the name of Jesus. Lastly Victoria soldier so sorry for Your cousin. I pray that God will comfort You in Your loss in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible community I just wanted to call and pray for Brian this morning. This is Darby in Georgia. And Brian I just…I was thinking about meeting today in Genesis 39 and I think it’s verse 22 or 23 where God just he…he was with Joseph. It’s all about Joseph and being put in prison. And I think with depression and anxiety you can feel as if you’re in a prison, that you’re in a pit. But Joseph lived as if God was with him because he was. And at that right time God brought him out of the pit and raised him up so that he could not only be free of that but also be a blessing to many others. And I just pray today that God would give you hope, that God would fill you with a sense of his nearness even though you said you feel like He’s far from you, He is not. And I know I’m not the only one that’s been provoked by just your hopelessness today. I just pray that God would just give you a sense through His Holy Spirit that He is near to you, He is not far. And God, fill him with hope, fill Brian with hope and let him choose to live this day as if You were with him. Give him direction, give him wisdom, and surround him with others Lord who will help to fill him with hope and to see You and to raise his head up and look for You and find You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hi this is Linda calling from Folsom California and I’m a first-time caller and wanted to call. Today’s date is 1/19 and I just listened to the prayers for today and I’ve been meeting to call for a long time. I’ve been a listener for about five years. And Ben, I’m just going to thank you and do a callout for pushing us to call because I’d wanted to call again today and your prayer of “just call” has…has prompted this. So, I thank you but today I’m really calling about Brian. My brother, I heard your prayer today. I heard your anguish and feeling depression and problems in your marriage and lack of memory and I just want you to know you’re not alone. I…it’s been for me about 15 - 20 years, that I had to because of my depression have a ECT which…that’s the electroconvulsive shock therapy. And, so, since then I have suffered not only the disease of bipolar but with lack of…loss of memory and how frustrating. I do know…I do know what that feels like and I want you to know how much God loves you and it can be frustrating but continue in the blood of Christ. Remember how much He loves you and wants to be with you. Let Him…let Him and don’t shoot Him…don’t shut Him out by telling Him that you don’t feel Him. He loves you. He is inside of you. I also want to do a shout out that I am praying for Diana and Burning Bush. That was such great news. Welcome with your citizenship and I’m so glad to hear about your sister. Love you all.

Hi Daily Audio Bible this is Kylie calling from Brooklyn New York. I’m a first-time caller. I’ve been listening since 2018. I just…I heard some calls today. I’m reaching out for new listeners who haven’t called in before and I was super touched, and I was grinning really widely on the train. So, I just wanted to say that this community has been a family to me since I stepped foot into it in October. Even just by listening I have been met in places I never thought I could be met in by this community. So, thank you. It’s like a hug every day listening to you. Be well and talk soon.

Good evening DABbers this is Running Desperately to Jesus calling for you Diana. I have started and stopped calling on the prayer line so many times because I feel I don’t know what to say to you but then God let me know that you need to her know by His stripes you are healed. To be healed down here on earth or in eternity, but the ultimate is that you are going to be healed. Your boys will be taken care of. God has them in the palm of His hand. He will honor your request because you have been faithful to Him Diana. You have been faithful, you have taken His word and made it into rhymes and poems so that it…it touches everyone’s heart. Your legacy is here. Your boys will be taken care of. Diana, we love you, I love you. I desire to see you in person. I don’t…I don’t know what else to say. My heart wants to cry but at the same time I’m happy because I know that this whole thing, cancer does not have dominion over you. I love you Diana. Running Desperately to…

Hello, my name is Claire and I’m calling from Canada. I am a longtime listener and first-time collar. I just want to say that I’ve been praying for everybody all these years. Everybody I hear call in, I pray with you and I’m just glad that you guys do call in. I did want to mention the guy that was running, that he just started listening as a podcast. I thought that…just…it made me so happy to hear that because I pray for the salvation and that people would start listening to the Daily Audio Bible all the time. And anyways, I want to call in because I have a friend and this is probably running prevalent through a lot of people’s lives, but I had a friend that’s been injured, he’s had crones for many years. We’ve been friends for 20 years and he’s really suffered. He is a believer but it’s the crones, they ended up putting him on painkillers when he went through surgery and after that he became addicted to them. And anyways, he’s living with my mother now and we’re trying to get him into detox and the enemy really has, you know, a grip on him emotionally and spiritually and I just, you know, want to ask, you know, everybody to please pray for him as, you know, he is really fighting a battle and, you know…I’m sorry but it’s just, you know, I don’t…I…I really want to see him healed once and for all. And just so you know I’m praying for all the people that are dealing with sicknesses and cancer right now and all these kinds of things. I am standing in prayer with all of you as well. So…I didn’t want to cry or anything but be blessed everyone and thank you for this podcast. It’s an amazing gift to my day. Thank you. Bye for now.

Hello Daily Audio Bible community I’m calling in today because I just listened this morning and Ben from Columbus Ohio encouraged those of us who have been reticent to call in to just get on it and do it. And, so, here I am. I’m going into my 10th year with the Daily Audio Bible and I’ve been praying for all of you this whole time, just never called in myself. But I just wanted to share a praise report. Over the last…some of the things you’ve shared with me and my wife of the last 10 years even though you didn’t know you were sharing them with us, you were. So, we’re both soldiers in the U.S. Army and the last 10 years both of our children were born. We’ve done seven moves, we’ve done 23 month-long training deployments, we’ve done two combat deployments between two of us. We’ve done two noncombat deployments between the two of us. The year before this last job I’ve had I did 190 days on business travel over that one year. We did to master’s degrees and then we both got selected to command at the next level. Her unit that’s about 4000 people, mine is about 600…well 640 exactly today. I am currently on one of those noncombat deployments right now. And here comes…that was the praise report, here comes the prayer request. Reintegration with my family, looking at that in about 30 days. I’ve spent a lot of time away from them training and being deployed over the last 3 to 4 years and I need to be the person they need me to be. I need them…I need them to just see Jesus through my actions when we get back under the same roof. So, that’s…sometimes it’s more difficult coming back from all that time separated and living apart but just help when we’re back together and living under the same roof together. All right. I love you all. Thanks.

01/24/2020 DAB Transcript

Genesis 48:1-49:33, Matthew 15:29-16:12, Psalms 20:1-9, Proverbs 4:20-27

Today is the 24th day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today. It’s a joy that we can kind of come around the Global Campfire for another day and just enjoy each other’s company as we listen to God’s word. So, we’ve been reading from the English Standard Version this week. We will continue with that through the end of the week. And today Genesis chapters 48 and 49.


Okay. So, as we continue our journey through the book of Matthew and kind of walk alongside Jesus in his ministry, we’re seeing things start to amp up. He’s shown up on the radar very clearly. He’s clearly drawing a crowd. He’s definitely becoming well. And, so, the religious leaders are watching Him and traveling to question Him. And, so, that’s where we find ourselves today. They travel to see Him and asked for a sign from heaven. So, Jesus answers them like, “when it’s evening you say it will be fair weather for the skies red and in the morning, it’ll be stormy because the skies red and threatening. So, you know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you can’t interpret the signs of the times.” So, it’s like Jesus saying, “you’re asking me to show you a sign from heaven when signs from heaven are everywhere you look and you can’t interpret them and you are the leaders.” So, we see the tension. In terms of Jesus, it’s not really coming from the people that He’s ministering too. Rather, it’s coming from the people who feel as if their territory is being invaded and it’s easy just to look at, you know, that the leaders are taking…are antagonistic toward Jesus. And that’s really the story but you have to imagine, this Rabbi just kind of shows up and…and all of a sudden is igniting something in the hearts of the people that hasn’t been seen…like that they are not able to…to make happen. And all…all of the rumors are that God is on the move…like the miraculous is happening, the power of God is on display. And, so, they’re certainly asking questions and checking things out but what’s happening in the processes is that Jesus is this essentially making mincemeat of the way that they’re doing things by saying, “you have lost the Spirit of the law. You’re trying to obey the letter of the law, but you forgot why it exists. And, so, this whole thing has boiled down to a set of rituals and power and control over the people. You’re not leading to people deeper into an awareness and relationship with God, you’re leading them deeper into a cage of rules that has become a cage because you’ve been willing to wrestle with things among yourselves and come up with conclusions that void the word of God.” So, we sort of see this showdown in the making. And later on, after this exchange Jesus is talking to the disciples and He’s like, “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.” And, of course, they were confused. They thought He was talking about bread because that's…that’s the context for leaven. Like, leaven is an agent that modifies the dough so that it will become inflated and…and actually it ferments and then there’s gases and that it inflates and then it can hold more air and be more puffy and more edible for bread. And that's…that’s really nice the way that that works in bread but not very nice when you think of your faith, being fermented and full of gas and puffed up and full of holes so that it’s inflated and it’s been modified. And, so, yeah, this is…this is what Jesus is dealing with. And that is fundamentally people who are asleep, who do not have eyes to see and ears to hear, who are asleep, who need to be revived, who need to be awakened so that they can see and interpret the times. We don’t need that any less now. And we can get into these stories and see what Jesus is dealing with and see that He’s trying to bring light, He’s trying to bring life and good news and awareness. He’s trying to say like, “the stories different than the one you’re living in.” But they’re blinded. And we…we struggle. We see through a glass darkly as the apostle Paul said. So, you know, we struggle with the same kinds of issues. What are we supposed to do? We’ve got 2000 years a history here since that time. So, it seems like we should be moving forward. How do…how do we stay rooted and grounded like Jesus? How to navigate like He did. How was He able to see the things that He saw? And I think we’ve already…we’ve already talked about this. We’re watching God walk the path of wisdom and the path of truth. The irony is that there’s nothing that was available to Jesus that has been withheld from us. Jesus said all these things you see me do, you can do these things. You can do greater than these things because I’m going to the Father. Paul tells us it’s the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead that is indwelling us. There’s nothing that’s withheld from us here. So, how do we walk that path? How do we navigate like Jesus?

We walk the path of wisdom that Jesus is walking. which brings us to the voice of wisdom from the Proverbs today, practically on her knees begging us, “my son be attentive to my words. Incline your ear, like bend your ear to my sayings Let them not escape from your site”, right? “Don’t let wisdom out of your sight. Keep these sayings within your heart. Their life to those who find them and healing to their flesh. Keep your heart with all vigilance for from it flows the springs of life.” That’s wisdom telling us, “your heart is central. Everything flows outward from that place. It is the most true and essential part of you. From it flows the springs of life.” So, she, the voice of wisdom is basically saying, “hey! Attention! Watch where you’re going.” We understand that in terms of like of vehicle, right? If you’re gonna get in a vehicle and start the ignition you better pay attention and watch where you’re going, or you can get hurt or killed or kill somebody. Wisdom is saying, “apply that idea to your heart and watch where you’re going.”


Father we invite Your Holy Spirit into all that we read today about leaven and puffed up and air and all of this as well as how to navigate listening to the voice of wisdom. And that’s something we’ve gotta learn because we’re so used to hearing things so many other ways when the voice of wisdom, the voice of Your Holy Spirit is deep within us. So, again, we’re asking what we’ve been asking, give us eyes to see and ears to hear Your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, which makes it home base for us here as a…as a virtual family going through the Bible together. So, be sure to stay tuned and stay connected there.

The Daily Audio Bible Shop’s there with resources that are available for…well…for our year journey.

The Prayer Wall is there for whenever…whenever you need it or whenever you feel strong, you wanna pray for your brothers and sisters and…and get back into their lives. It’s there in the Community section. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, that can be done at dailyaudiobible.com as well. And I thank you from bottom my heart for your partnership. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, of course, if you have a prayer request or comment, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi this is Yvonne from Chicago I’m calling in for prayer for a member of my family, my cousin Isaiah. He’s in his mid-20s and is going through a crisis related to his mental health. He’s not the same young man that I knew growing up and he knows God. He was given the foundation of the Lord with our family. Unfortunately, there were some dramatic things that happened to him, you know, as a young adult. He still is a young adult. But he, for lack of a better word, he was violated in some way and given…given mind altering drugs against his will. And as a result of that issue it has caused trauma where it’s like he’s not in his right mind. He goes in and out of being in his right mind and reality. I don’t know the full diagnosis but I’m just asking for the DAB family to pray for my cousin Isaiah. He was a prayer warrior when he was a toddler, praying and laying hands on people and now it grieves me to see the enemy trying to take him out by way of mental illness, his mind, depression, oppression. So just praying and asking for the DAB family to keep Isaiah listed in prayer and that the Lord will restore him mentally and bring him back.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family this is Becky in Orlando. Anyway, I’m a couple days behind I just finished listening to the 14th and Diane, my heart goes out to you. I can’t imagine how you feel right now with metastatic breast cancer having that metastasize into your brain and knowing about your kids who have autism and a husband who’s dealing with his own demons right now. I just want to let you know that I’m praying for you and I’m praying for your full recovery. I know that God can heal you. I remember a couple years ago I was out walking, and I had heard a mother call in about her son. Her son had cancer that metastasized, and they said that he only had months left to live. He decided that he was going to quit going to college in he was going to become a full-time missionary. And talk about how faithful God had been in his life. Even though he only had months left to live. And I just thought how brave this boy is. And then a couple months later she called in again and said that he had gone in for update to see where the cancer had spread to and how bad it had become. And guess what? He had divine healing. There was nothing left in his body that they could detect that was cancer and the doctors couldn’t explain. I know that God didn’t can do this for you Diane and I am believing in it for you. And Kathleen from Mount Zion Illinois I have listened to you for so many years and I love your spirit and I’m praying for your daughter. I’m praying for her complete healing and am also praying for you to get a flight out of Abu Dhabi. I love you guys and I look forward to hearing your praise report and I will talk to you soon. Thanks. Bye.

Hi, DABbers this is Kim in Recovery. I just heard Victoria Soldier prayer request and I just want to lift her up. Lord, we pray for the special sweet sister. Lord, so many times I’ve heard her lift up the DABbers and pray for us. Lord, I want to send out a special prayer for her as she’s had this loss of her cousin, the pastor of a church that recently burned down. Her family church Lord. Lord, I just want to pray for her, her family and this community. Lord, pray specially for this community of believers that they just lost their pastor and their church. That, You’ll bring them together, that You’ll knit these special souls together, that they’ll be able to do Your will in the rebuilding of this church, of the changing in the landscape, or whatever Your will would be and what You would have this church and this community as they’ve had this great loss. Lord, we pray that You will You’ll give the resources, that You will pray for each church member, that they will not get discouraged, that…that…that we know that You’re always near us and You’ll walk with us in any circumstance Lord. We pray especially for this community, we pray for Victoria Soldier, pray for her family, and we pray that You’re…that Your mighty work will be shown and that…that Your glory will be magnified in this rebuilding of this church and with this community and we pray in Your sweet Savior’s name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family, to be a Blessing in California. Just wanted to let folks know who I haven’t heard from in a while that I’m praying for you. I’m thinking Salvation is Mine, Cherry Chase Cherry Pie, Malisa, Annette from Oklahoma City. Praying also for Drew from California. And I wanted to let those who are starting this beautiful journey this year for the first time as well as reminding those who have been a part of this community as well that it’s so easy for the enemy to make us think that our prayer requests are not important, that reaching out to get prayerful support won’t matter but it really does. To know that there are people out there praying for you even though you may have forgotten what your request was, it’s so important. God wants to do amazing things for us, and He says Jesus tells us that we don’t have because we don’t ask. And also, we might be asking for things that are going to be for our best good, but God knows about. So, He may not answer our prayer the way that we want but know that He will answer our prayers. He’s faithful. He loves us so. I experienced that situation last year where I wasn’t calling in for a while because I was just under depression, feeling hopeless. So, I pray that whenever we find ourselves in those situations that we will push through, pick up the phone, push the button and ask for help. Diane Olive Brown, I’m certainly praying for you and your family. God bless each and every one of you. Bye-bye.

This is Colette from California and I’m led to call in to pray for the three mothers that called in this week. The first mother, I believe her name is Kenisha and she called in regarding her two eldest children, a son who may be involved in some illegal activity and a daughter who is expressing some behaviors associated with depression. Father, we also want to bring before You the mother who called in regarding her two children who are delving into the occult. And the third mother called in regarding her two daughters who appear to be following their own way and are being tossed to and fro by their decisions. So, we want to come before the Lord this morning. Father, we come humbly yet boldly to Your throne of grace pleading for these situations to be halted in their very tracks. You promised in Your word according to acts 16:31 that if we believe our entire households will be saved. We believe, we stand, we claim this in the mighty matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And Father, one other request, is that You give these mothers a measure of peace that is unusual, that is irrational, that is not understandable Father as they go through these life situations that are…that are currently plaguing them. Father we know that we are to be anxious for nothing but often times these situations do rattle us, but Father we know that Your balm of Gilead can be swabbed over their minds, their hearts, their souls, their emotions so that they are coming before You in prayer and in clarity. And Father we know that You will give them wisdom. Father, we also know that situations are for Your glory and that they will and in the testimony one day. Thank You, Father in advance for delivering and for answering this prayer. Amen.

Hey, DABbers this is Slave of Jesus in North Carolina. I am in the middle of the Middle East and I sometimes listen to the Daily Audio Bible when I’m getting ready to go to sleep or trying to get a nap or whatever. And today I heard a prayer request that literally…I’m on my knees right now…got me out of bed right before I was ready to fall asleep. And Lord I just ask you to honor…honor this prayer request as for one of our DABbers. I ask you forgiveness from my wife for mentioning a female’s name on the DAB prayer line. But Lord I ask You to watch over Diana Davis. I ask You to miraculous…we know what the doctors have said about her cancer, but Lord You are the ultimate physician, the ultimate healer and I ask You to miraculously heal her so that she can honor You here in the DAB family. She has faithfully, faithfully honored You for…for 13 years but more importantly Lord, if it’s her time to come on we ask You to honor prayer request, to keep her sons Elijah and Michael together. Autistic people are some of the most wonderful people in the world and we ask You to use them Lord long after whenever You decide to take Diana. We ask You to use them to honor You but just to show joy and peace and to bring people into their lives that they can honor You. Love You all. Have a great day.

Hello DAB family this is Paula the child advocate from the LA area calling. I just wanted to ask for some prayers. I heard some really sad news yesterday. There’s a group of women that I’ve been getting together with for 30 years or more and this past Christmas we got together at the one of our friend’s homes, her name is Doris. And Doris has had a hard time because her son died a few years ago unexpectedly, but she had some good news to share with us, that her daughter was recently engaged and getting married this year. And we all felt that Doris was doing so much better and we were delighted to spend the evening at her home with her. And then yesterday I got this very sad news that Doris took her life this week. And it’s just such a shocking thing for myself and my whole group of women friends because we just didn’t see anything that indicated that, you know, she wasn’t doing well. So, I ask for your prayers please for Doris’s daughter and for her husband who now have suffered, you know, the loss of not only their child, their son, but also now their mother. Thank you DAB family. I really appreciate it. I hear your prayers and I pray for you all. Thank you.