05/21/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Samuel 29:1-31:13, John 11:55-12:19, Psalms 118:1-18, Proverbs 15:24-26

Today is the 21st day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it is, like every single day, great to be here with you. What an honor to…yeah…just take our place around the Global Campfire, release everything else that’s going on and just exhale and take this time to be at peace. So, our adventures been taking us through the book of first Samuel, which has introduced us to Samuel, to Saul, Israel’s first King and to David, who Saul has tried to kill and number of occasions, forcing David to defect to the Philistines. Now the Philistines and the Israelites are gonna go into battle and David is expected to go and fight for the Philistines against his countrymen. While Saul, the king of Israel has visited us spiritist, a medium, and called up Samuel from beyond the grave who has told Saul that…well…in less than a day he will also be in the realm of the dead. So, how’s that for a set up for today’s reading because that’s right where we find ourselves. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. First Samuel chapters 29, 30, and 31 today.


Okay, so the…the portion of road that we’re walking down right now through the book of first Samuel is very dramatic, for that matter, as is what’s going on in the book of John in the New Testament. So, I mean, just today, Saul, the king of Israel, the very, very first King of Israel dies in battle. We’ve been walking alongside Saul since before he knew he was gonna be king back out looking for donkeys that had disappeared and coming back home finding out “you’re gonna be anointed the king of Israel.” The whole story. We’ve followed this story and we’ve just basically watched Saul disintegrate page by page. He’s dead now. And David, the primary person that Saul wanted to kill was about to go into battle, right, and then they were sent away. And they were sent when they had to walk three days. Like that’s how far it was and that’s right. David was staying in Ziklag. This is a place down in the South in a transition zone by the desert. They had to walk all the way up into the Jezreel Valley near the Galilee. So, yeah, that’s a long walk. This is the same…not exact same walk…but the same kind of walk Jesus would walk when He came down from the Galilea to go to Jerusalem. It’s a long ways. It’s a long ways to walk. So, David and his men. they get back to Ziklag and find out it’s burned to the ground. Like the Amalekites have raided and everything is gone. So, he has to deal with that in the exhaustion from like a three day march up to the battle and a three-day march back. And, so, they have to go to battle on their own in the South with the Amalekites, even as the Israelites and the Philistines are doing battle in the north where Saul has been killed. David doesn’t know this. Like David doesn’t know yet that Saul is dead. And we can read the story and go, “well good. He’s dead. Now David can become the king.” And we may even just assume, “like, that’s just how it goes.” But that’s not just how it goes as we’ll see in the days ahead. The king has died. Three of his sons, successors have died. And you don’t just elect a new king, right? It’s the house of Saul. So, who in his family? And a lot of times what you see in these ancient battles, right, is the destruction of the house of the king, like the wiping out of the family altogether so that there can be a new dynasty established. So, to assume that the nation of Israel is just gonna fall in line with the David, that's…that’s not exactly how it’s gonna go. It's…there’s some steps out in front of us and in those steps, we learn more and more things about ourselves.

Meanwhile, the religious elite in the book of John are looking for Jesus. I mean, after the resurrection of Lazarus and the rumors that are flying around and the eyewitness accounts that are happening, they decide that Jesus has to die basically, he’s got…he’s got to disappear. And they’ve even decided to see if they can do away with Lazarus and just kind of eliminate, right, sort of the wipe out the memory of these things that happened after the same fashion that new dynasties would wipe out the memory of the leaders who were before them. So, Jesus is kind of…kind of forced to be a little bit stealthy Himself, be very, very choosy about where He’s moving. And yet, he does come. He does come to Jerusalem for the Passover and He’s staying in Bethany, where Mary anoints Him as we see in the book of John. But this is a Passover like none other because Jesus isn’t leaving Jerusalem, not before a trial and an execution. And as I was mentioning yesterday, this…I mean where kind of at the front end of this story, but this is the last time we’ll move through this story and this year. So, let’s immerse ourselves in…in the story and in contemplating the story. And yes, the time that we would normally really, really focus our attention on this story would be holy week, right, leading up to Easter, which is what, a month and a half ago now? But really, when…when should we not contemplate the gift, the sacrifice, the humility, the story of Jesus last days? And, so yes, once again, I remind us, like as we’re going through this to understand that this isn’t going to be repetitive. This is the final journey through this story this year.


Father we thank You for Your word. We thank You for just…I mean there’s so much drama in today’s reading, it’s just riveting to understand this and to begin to watch how things are shaping up and how the sort of…the next move for the nation of Israel will begin to materialize even as we watch Your next move in the gospel of John, the move that will lead You down the pathway to the cross. We are thankful. We are thankful for Your word in our lives. We are thankful for Your sacrifice that has brought us eternal life and hope. We are thankful for each other, that we can move through the seasons of life together step by step, day by day as You lead and guide us throughout the earth. Come Holy Spirit into this day, into every thought, every word, every deed of our lives. May we be honoring to You in all that we do and say and think. We pray this in the name of Jesus our Savior. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website and that is home and yeah, it’s home for a virtual community like ours. It’s the home of the Global Campfire. And, so, yeah, just be familiar. Stay connected in any way that you can.

Check out the Community section. Definitely contact points there, places to reach out and stay connected on social media as well as the Prayer Wall.

Check out the resources that are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop including like our Windfarm coffee and tea. These…these are like a decade old part of our history, things that work, that pair well with the rhythm of life that we have. So, we set aside a part of our day each day and immerse ourselves in God’s word and step away from the chaos that’s going on and give ourselves permission to do that. And it’s nice to have a cup of coffee or cup of tea and just have these little kind of…I don’t know…traditions that revolve around creating sacred space in our own lives, setting aside a little bit of space that we create as an oasis because life…yeah…life has its challenges, and there’s no…no shortage of things to distract us or pull us apart, like that we feel like we’re being pulled in a million directions. So, one thing that we’ve learned over many years is that this rhythm can be created to be a safe place, a sacred place. And, so, that’s why we fill it with this stuff. I mean, most of us drink a cup of coffee. We might dash through a drive-through and drink it, you know, it might just be an afterthought, but what if it was an intentional thing? And, so, that’s the idea. So, check out the coffee, the tea. We have it so you can just grind it yourself and enjoy. It’s super fresh. We also have a…it’s exportable. We’ve got these little pouches and we’ve kind of made this little homemade…like you can dunk…like steep your…your coffee like you would steep tea and it’s fantastic. Its Nitro sealed. It stays fresh. So, wherever you are you can enjoy a good cup of coffee, a good cup of tea, continue with the rhythm of the Bible. So, check that out in the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, thank you humbly. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together. Thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the red button at the top, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

05/20/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Samuel 26:1-28:25, John 11:1-54, Psalms 117:1-2, Proverbs 15:22-23

Today is the 20th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is a joy and a pleasure to be here with you today as we move forward one more step taking us one step further away from the beginning of the year one step closer to the end of the year because the journey we are on lasts a year and is life-changing because the Bible in a year touches everything about us. And that should be apparent by now. May 20th. We’ve already been through an awful lot this year and the Scriptures in our lives makes such a difference in pointing the direction that we should go. And, so, let’s take that next step. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this…this week and we’re working our way through the book of first Samuel and now we are firmly ensconced in the story between David and King Saul. Today, First Samuel 26, 27, and 28.


Okay. So, we…I mean…pretty dramatic reading today, both old and new Testaments. So, in first Samuel again, Saul is after David. He’s pursuing him to destroy him again. David, has an opportunity to kill the King but spares the king and then exposes the king and exposes the deficiencies of the people who are keeping the king alive by calling out and just showing like, “I could have killed you again. You could be dead right now but your hearing my voice because I spared you. So, once again Saul is exposed here. Part of the plot against David that Saul is whipping up is that David wants to destroy the king…the king…that David wants the king dead. But David was never plotting against the king and this keeps showing itself. And the thing is, the people are seeing, right? So, like Saul’s got 3000 elite warriors who are loyal to the king in the kingdom but they’re seeing all of this, people are talking about this. In the end though, like after this episode David is like, “you know what…I mean…I have to be on my game 100% of the time. If I mess up one time, we could all be dead. He’s not gonna stop.” And, so, David defects to the Philistines, actually becoming like a Philistine with his allegiance…his allegiance to king Achish of Gath. And, so, the king gives David a city to take his people to and that’s where they settle. And, so, for over a year then, King Saul’s not going to pursue David into Philistine territory like crossing an international border. So, David finds some…some safety. Meanwhile the Philistines are gonna go to battle, and a big battle with the Israelites and David is expected to go into the battle as a Philistine, which he agrees to do. Meanwhile, Saul is a little bit freaking out because God won’t answer him. And, so, he tries to re-create the structure that he had at one point with the final judge of Israel, the prophet of Israel, even the leader of Israel, Samuel, who has died. Saul goes to spiritist and calls of Samuel from the dead. And this seems to be actually Samuel coming up from the dead, not like some kind of demon or something impersonating Samuel. The Bible is saying this is Samuel, who has essentially one final prophecy for Saul and that prophecy is that…that Saul and his sons will be with Samuel in the realm of the dead in one day. So, we’ll have to wait until tomorrow’s reading to find out if that is true. What a strange showdown we have. We have Saul who has pursued David all this time to kill him, who was not successful, but David, in order to preserve his life has had to defect to the Philistines who are now expecting that he will be in battle against Saul. And meanwhile Saul’s essentially told that he’s got less than a day to live. So, yeah, some drama building for us in first Samuel.

Now, in the book of John there’s also drama building. It’s the story of Lazarus being raised up from the dead and its a very, very famous story. And, so we won’t go into all of the story right now. Let’s just kind of skip to the end. Lazarus is raised from the dead after having been in the tomb for four days. That would cause a ripple effect, right, of information spreading throughout all the social networks of the day. Obviously, there weren’t social networks online. Like we understand that everybody has some type of social network - the people that you know. This would spread all around very quickly. And Bethany just being 2 miles from Jerusalem, word would’ve gotten to Jerusalem very quickly. And it did. And it caused a meeting of the Sanhedrin. It brought together the people who were most studied in the law and most studied in the how…how to govern the people because of the law, the Mosaic law. They got together and decided that if this guy Jesus thinks he can run around raising people from the dead, then they’re going to kill him. So, we are kinda getting set up here for a couple of showdowns in the old and the New Testament. Of course, in the New Testament we know the story of the gospel, but let’s understand that the territory we are moving into in the book of John, this is the last time we will be moving through this territory. And, so, let’s remember that as…as we give it the honor that it’s due.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another day that You have allowed Your word to come into our lives and…and…and just work in our minds, work in our hearts, challenging our motivations, and allowing us to see that we can… we can read these texts and they can be thousands of years old but underneath of them all the motives of the human heart is the same. So, we thank You that You guide and direct us as we look into the lives of those who have gone before. Come Holy Spirit. Continue this work of transformation in us, this work of sanctification in us as we continue to open ourselves fully to Your will and Your ways and Your direction, to Your comfort, to Your discipline in our lives. We open ourselves fully to You because we trust You. Come Jesus we pray. In Your name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that’s where you find what’s going on around here in the community.

Of course, all the things you can find at dailyaudiobible.com you can also find in the app by pushing the Drawer button, icon, in the upper left-hand corner. But check that out.

Check out the resources that are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop, resources that have been created for this journey through a year together in community in the Bible. So, check them out. Some of them are resources to take the journey deeper. Some of them are resources just enhance, just enjoy the lifestyle, the rhythm of the Bible being in our lives every day. Some of them are just fun, things to wear. And but then some of the more serious like the journals and then things to write with, journaling our way through the Bible, writing down our thoughts after taking such an epic adventure which is the Bible. It’s good to have those fieldnotes to refer back to. So, these resources are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com also. There’s a link on the homepage. And I thank you with all my heart with deep gratitude. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t do this together. And, so, with deep gratitude I’m grateful that we’re here another day. Thank you for your partnership. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 3717.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top or there are a number of numbers that you can use depending on where you are in the world. If you are in the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to dial. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number. If you are in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

05/19/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Samuel 24:1-25:44, John 10:22-42, Psalms 116:1-19, Proverbs 15:20-21

Today is the 19th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we move forward. It’s the only way we move, forward each and every day as we take the journey of a lifetime through the Scriptures. So, first Samuel is where we’ve been kind of campin’ out here for the last week getting to know Saul, getting to know David, getting to know all the circumstances that swirled around the establishment of the kingdom of Kings in Israel. And, so, we’ve reached a point where Saul is certainly paranoid about David. David keeps increasing. Saul keeps kind of fading. And Saul wants David dead. And, so here’s where we pick up the story. First Samuel chapters 24 and 25 today.


Okay. So, in the book of first Samuel we see David increasing, right, in momentum and Saul just kind of decreasing. He’s the king, he’s got a lot of power, this is gonna take some time, but we can see him kind of diminishing. He is trying to find David. He wants to kill David. Like this is his obsession at this point. He wants to get rid David before David can get rid of him and his household obliterating the memory of his name. Like, you know, we hear this kind of stuff talked about as Kings destroy other kings and kingdoms. So, he wants to get rid of David because he can sort of see what’s gonna happen, he can see where this is headed. This isn’t just to protect the kingdom. Like, this super personal. He has been trying, one way or another, to get David killed for a long time and David has just had to kind of learn as he goes. He’s had to learn how to be cunning and swift. I mean, he was a shepherd and then he killed the giant, Goliath. Now he wasn’t incapable, obviously. He had killed a lion and a bear as a shepherd. Like, he was capable but this…like…it was never on his radar that someday he would be on the run from the king of Israel because the king of Israel was so paranoid about him. So, David’s had to grow pretty fast. So, Saul, the king of Israel’s, out looking for David with 3000 troops to find and surround and engulf and overwhelm and destroy David’s camp if they can get to them. And Saul has to use the bathroom. This is kind of a funny story because, you know, he's…he’s out with the soldiers so, yeah, if you were like watering the flowers or whatever, probably no big deal, but if you need some privacy, probably something a little more than that. And David’s hiding in the cave and just the whole thing of it. Saul using the bathroom while David’s cutting off the edge of his robe. It’s like a pretty dramatic, pretty gross, pretty…pretty…pretty uncomfortable situation. And then the king gets back out of the cave and that’s when David reveals himself and is like, “I wouldn't…I could have killed you. Like, I could have done to you what you are trying to do to me. Right now, you could be dead. I could have killed you. So, I’m trying to show you that I don't…I’m not trying to do anything against anybody.” And Saul is humiliated and humbled in the moment for sure. He does, you know, like his eyes are opened for a minute…like he can see, “yeah, David could have…I could be dead. David could’ve killed me. So, he must not want to kill me because he had to me.” So, this buys a little time with David and Saul. Meanwhile, David’s been, you know, kind of out in the fields. They’ve had to stay the run, but we encountered this guy named Nabel, and David has protected his shepherds and they just need a little supplies at harvest time, and they are kind of expecting that since they protect…protected the shepherds and the flocks that they would receive some gratitude. Nabel doesn’t give gratitude, but Nabel’s wife, Abigail certainly does and you can tell in the conversation that they have, that David is…is impressed with Abigail, is taken with her shrewdness and wisdom and insight in being proactive. So, once whole incident is over and Nabel finds out what Abigail has done he…I mean he dies 10 days later. And, so, Abigail becomes the wife of David, along with Ahinoam and a sort of kingly dynasty is in the making.


Father, we thank You for Your word. And like Saul we have to confess that we can allow things to begin building up inside of us. We can start telling ourselves a story about somebody else. We can start filling in all of the blanks with assumptions. We can pave over those assumptions with additional fabrications so that we are believing something completely false about someone else, even to the point that we want to harm them or we want something bad to happen to them and then for a moment the lights go on and we can see things clearly. We can see how much we’ve made up and how much gossip we’ve listened to and how much it took to make up this story only to see that it’s not true, that isn’t the other person’s heart toward us at all. We’re seeing this on a grand scale in the story between Saul and David, but on smaller scales we play this story out all of the time. And, so, may we receive the humble posture that King Saul had to take on today once he realized that David really indeed could have done away with him once and for all. Help us Holy Spirit to remain humble toward one another, not making up things about each other, not just assuming things, but actually entering into the intimacy of a relationship so that we know things. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus. We ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, its where you find out what’s going on around here as always. So, stay connected.

Be aware of the Community section at the website. Of course, this is all available in the Daily Audio Bible app as well. But be familiar with that. That’s where the Prayer Wall lives. So that’s all…there’s always somewhere to reach out and there is always somewhere to…well…I mean reach out if you are in need or reach out if you want to pray, let somebody know you’re there, that they’re not alone. This is always happening. So, be familiar with that.

In the Community section you’ll also find the different links to the social media channels that we interact on. It’s good to follow Daily Audio Bible there. That’s where you get announcements etc. etc. There are different groups that you can be a part of. Like, if you’re a woman and you’re not a part of the Daily Audio Bible women’s group you’re missing out, you’re missing out on a sisterhood. And Jill, my wife, leads that group and its thriving. It’s a beautiful thing. So, you can find all the links to that in the Community section at dailyaudiobible.com.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission that we have as a community to bring the spoken word of God to anyone who will listen to it anywhere on this planet any time of day or night and to use that rhythm to build community around the rhythm so that we know that we’re not alone, this isn’t a solitary journey, we’re in this together. If that brings life and good news and hope into your world, then thank you humbly for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

This is for the dad who called in on the 15th of May for his son named Joshua. You’d lost your other son in September the year before. My name is God’s Life Speaker. Lord we just left this family up to You. We just ask a hedge of protection from their mind their hearts their bodies Lord Jesus. We just declare life in this family in Your name. We speak it over them and we speak it over Joshua, that he would use his brothers story to tell Your story Lord, that somewhere inside Joshua he would know he is more useful here serving Christ for others to see, and to just bring to life his brother through his brothers story. Lord, somehow help the dad and mom to communicate that, that he could be used mightily by God, by You Lord, that You would just use Joshua and that he, through his sadness in his heart, his broken spirit would come to You Lord, that he would just decide knowing who You are, and for others to know who You are is more important Lord, that he would just bring his brother back to life in a story that leads countless, countless to Your son. And we just ask this, we ask just wisdom for the dad just energy and just start speaking what is not into being, just start believing what You don’t see and start speaking it over Joshua, that he is a life speaker, that his life in Your son who is passed has just gone on and on and on because Joshua decided this day, this day that he would serve the Lord and that he would…

Hello my name is Ruth I’m calling because I’ve been a member…I’ve been listening to the DAB family for about four years now and this is my very first time calling in. And I’m calling in, I live in New York, and I’m calling in because I need prayer for my business. I’m losing…I…I don’t know what I’m gonna do because of this corona. Business has been closed and I’m just asking God direction to lead me and direct me where to go from here. Thank God for Brian and this…this forum that we can come in. I’ve listened to many prayers and listened to many requests and I’m just am asking for prayer for me that God will help my business or guide me and show me where I should go from here. I pray that all is well with everyone and that this too shall pass. Thank you for your prayers. God bless.

This is Danny. My mom who’s battling cancer went to pick up some fried chicken the other day and there was quite a few people in there so she sat down waiting her turn and by the time her turn was up she was so weak she couldn’t get up out of her chair. So, she asked the man next to her to help her and he walked away from her. And everybody saw it and she asked if anybody could help her out to the counter and nobody came forward. Finally, the employee behind the counter came over and he helped her up and she looked at the crowd and she said, “I don’t have the virus I have cancer and you can’t catch that from me.” And he took her to the counter, and he took her order and then he walked her to the car and he said, “I’ll bring your order out you”, which he did. And my mother was so grateful. The next day she brought him a card with some money in it and she learned that his name was Abraham, which she immediately had a bond with him because she’s Jewish. And, so, I just would like you all to just join me in prayer to just pour out blessings on this young man named Abraham. Heavenly Father, thank You so much for this Young man, that he stood up and he did the right thing like a good Samaritan. I pray Lord that You would just heap blessings upon him and I just pray that You would just…just know in his heart that he did the right thing. He didn’t care about being fired by violating the social distancing rules, he just did the right thing for my mother. So, thank You for that Lord and I pray that You would give all of the people present another opportunity Lord to do the right thing and they would remember how they failed and they would do the right thing going forward Lord. Thank You, Jesus. In Your heavenly name I pray. Amen.

Hi everyone, DAB family __ I am calling for your prayers please. We all know what we’re dealing with right now, but this is the first time it’s really hitting me. One of my absolute best friends, my sister Lila just tells me that she’s tested positive, she’s a nurse, she’s a __ nurse at one of our COVID designated hospitals and it’s like she just…oh my goodness. And I just had my first COVID patient today and I’m about to go to open an all new…an all new COVID unit on Monday. So, please just keep us in your prayers. Please pray for healing powers over Lila’s body and protection over mine as we go into this situation. People are dying every day. She just buried her cousin two days ago and it’s just crazy. So, please everyone, please be safe, please do everything in your power to…to boost your immune system and keep contact down. Even though I know some states are opening back up and people have to go to work, but just please reduce your contact with the world and just keep yourself and your family physically safe and spiritually prayed up. Thank you DAB family.

Good morning DAB this is Ken calling from California and I’d like to ask for prayer for my 15-year-old son, Reed, who’s going through a difficult season in life. He’s very withdrawn right now. In fact, in February he refused to…to go to school. He spends virtually all day in his room with his lights off, refuses to associate with others and basically pushes everyone…pushed everyone out of his life. He doesn’t talk or want to receive encouragement or help of any kind from us as parents, his friends or receive professional help. He’s angry. He is very harsh towards others, scowls a lot, seems bitter, but doesn’t…doesn’t want to talk about. He appears very confused and no doubt he’s under attack by the enemy and he seems to have given up on his relationship with God. Reed really needs a breakthrough now. So, thank you DAB family for lifting him up…lifting Reed up in prayer.

Hi this is Jeanette from Denmark I have a word of encouragement for the grandmother who has just gotten custody of a 13-year-old grandson. When I heard your story, I was so grateful. I also had a grandmother who mothered from me for several years when I was a teenager and during those years there was a lot of material that I had to get off my heart and mind from the things I’d experienced before. It took time to establish a trust relationship with her, but it was the most blessed thing that happened. Suddenly, I was in a stable home and I really appreciate, right now, all of the things that she provided for me - food, clothing, a place to sleep, help with my homework, and yeah, a healthy example of what it can be to to get to know people. Thank you so much for the work that you’ve started. And also, Father thank You for covering my older sister in You with the grace to carry out the task that she has agreed to do. And Father I ask that You comfort her with Your Holy Spirit day and night, that Your words in her heart would become instruction and a path of her, that You would help her minute by minute and day by day.

05/18/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Samuel 22:1-23:29, John 10:1-21, Psalms 115:1-18, Proverbs 15:18-19

Today is the 18th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you around this Global Campfire that is always burning. And no matter what time of day or night it is, whenever we come around the Global Campfire we are not alone. It is…there’s never a time that somebody else isn’t here at the campfire just listening to God’s Word and allowing it to be a part of the day or the evening, to be a part of our lives. So, it is wonderful, it is a joy to be here with you as we prepare to take the next step. We’ve been working our way through the book of first Samuel. We are firmly now in the story of David, but we are also firmly in the story of Israel’s first king, Saul. And we learned about…a lot about Saul as we were getting to know him, his fear of man, his instability. We’ve witnessed things. We’ve even looked at those things in our own lives. But now David has emerged, and he is a very threatening figure to Saul even though David’s not personally threatening Saul or even trying to do anything disloyal to Saul. Saul has become increasingly paranoid about David, plotting to kill him, trying to find a way to assassinate him, being angry with anyone who would protect him. Like he’s really paranoid. And that’s kinda where we’re gonna pick up the story today. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. First Samuel chapter 22 and 23.


Okay. So, when we met Saul, he wasn’t a king yet. He was not a major player in his family or in his clan. He was looking for donkeys, right? Like, that’s where we started this story. But even as we’ve moved on from there, we’ve…we’ve watched Saul and some of his Achilles heels, basically, some of the things that are like fatal to his leadership. And the primary one would be he’s completely motivated by what people think about him, which doesn’t leave him with much of a core. And, so, we’ve watch him kinda swaying back-and-forth in all these kinds of situations because he…he seems to be more afraid about how he…how he looks to people than how we actually is. And we knew all that about Saul before this guy David ever entered the picture, but of course David did enter the picture. And again, we met him before he was famous about anything. He is also a lower person on the totem pole in his clan and family. He’s a shepherd who ends up on the battle lines to try to see about his brothers so he can report back to his father and ends up on the battlefield slaying the giant Goliath and achieving a tremendous national victory for the Israel…Israelite people over the Philistines. So, David go…goes from nothing to superhero, like national treasure, national hero and that has significant impact on Saul. And we’ve kind of watched that but at the same time we’ve watched David kind of with this confused look on his face almost like, “I’m just lucky to be here. I don’t know how this happened. I’m not trying to do anybody any wrong. I’m just trying to do what I’m told.” Like, he’s loyal to the King and we will watch that even though the king, King Saul, David’s father-in-law at this point is indeed trying to assassinate him. David isn’t trying to get rid of Saul he’s trying to remain faithful and loyal to Saul the best that he can while running for his life. And the contrasts are pretty stark in this story when we overlay them in our own lives and begin to examine our own hearts posture, our own motives for doing the things that we do. So, Saul…things have gotten so out of hand. Like he has gotten so paranoid that he needs music to calm him down, he is throwing spears, even at his own son Jonathan and in today’s reading he kills 80 innocent priests of God, right? So, David had gone to Ahimelech the priest, but Ahimelech didn’t know anything about what was going on at all. He’s completely innocent in the matter, and his whole family and the whole town, everything in it is wiped out because of Saul’s paranoia. Let us watch this. That’s what we’re intended to do here. That’s why the story’s in the Bible. We’re watching a path. We’re watching a systematic path in King Saul’s life and this is where when you’re swaying around in life trying to find an identity by trying to find whoever is going to give you the affirmation, whoever’s gonna to tell you what you want to hear, then it becomes very unstable and it becomes incredibly unstable when you’re in a leadership position. So, let’s watch this continue to play out. At the same time, we should be watching David. We’re gonna get to know David well, but at this point in David’s life he's…he’s got everything he needs. He’s a good-looking guy. He’s had to learn to become very cunning because he’s trying to stay alive. So, he’s had to fit inside into all kinds of situations just…just to stay alive but at the same time we see a different kind of core. Like David is being pursued to be snuffed out and his only hope for survival is in God and that is a different path than the one Saul is taking. And, so, we have these two stories that are intertwined with their two different paths that show us an awful lot…an awful lot about ourselves.


Holy Spirit, we invite You into this continually because this a point in the Bible, yes, where the era is changing, and things are changing. We've…we’ve navigated thousands of years since we started this story. So, this is where we are now and even as the era is changing in the Bible this interaction between King Saul and David is important for us in knowing not only how the story moves forward, but also this is a very rich moment in the year that we start to examine the interior life that we’re living and what is motivating it. So, come Holy Spirit we pray into all that we’ve read and into all that we will contemplate today we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, it’s how you stay connected around here, it’s how you stay resourced around here, Yeah, it’s home base. So, be familiar. Check it out.

The Community section is where you go to find the Prayer Wall. It’s where you go to find different links on social media channels. It’s one of the ways stay connected.

The Daily Audio Bible Shop is full of resources for our journey, whether that be resources like reading resources to go deeper, to take the journey deeper, or that be you just things to wear your colors and remember you’re a part of the community or that be resources for…for writing your journey, journaling your way through the Scriptures, journaling your way through a life, a year in your life in your own words in your own hand. These are all available at the Daily Audio Bible Shop. So, be sure to check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you humbly, deeply. Thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that is your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or there are a few numbers that you can dial. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number. In the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 and in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

05/17/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Samuel 20:1-21:15, John 9:1-41, Psalms 113:1-114:8, Proverbs 15:15-17

Today is the 17th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you at the beginning of a new week. And, so, we all know that means. We’re stepping through the threshold into a week that has not been lived yet. And, so, it’s shiny and sparkly and waiting for us and we get to write the story of our lives upon this week and we’re doing the right thing by allowing God’s word to inform those decisions. So, here we are, brand new week. We’ll read from the Christian Standard Bible this week and continue our journey through the book of first Samuel where we are getting to know David and his tumultuous relationship with King Saul. So, today first Samuel chapters 20 and 21.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us into this shiny, sparkly new week. We even thank You for the passage of time as we look back over time whether that be one month, six months, one year, six years we see that we have…like…we’re here, that we’re still here, that You are faithful, that You have been faithful. And that tells us You will continue to be faithful. We just have to remember that this is a relationship and we must be faithful as well, loyal to You in all things. And, so, as we write the story of this week that is our mission, that is what is before us. You have been faithful. Have we been faithful? Come Holy Spirit that we might write the days of this week in loyalty and faithfulness we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website and that is home base for us here. This is our little location where we can come together figure out what’s going on around here.

It’s where the Prayer Wall is.

It’s where the resources are in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. It’s how you stay connected. So, be aware of that.

If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can access most of this by pushing the Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if life and good news and encouragement flow from here into your heart, into your world and into your life then thank you for your partnership so that we can continue day after day without missing any days. Thank you profoundly. So, there’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner of the app or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top where you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

05/16/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Samuel 18:5-19:24, John 8:31-59, Psalms 112:1-10, Proverbs 15:12-14

Today is the 16th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today. It is a joy as we close down another of our weeks together to take the next step forward in the Scriptures. And I was saying it yesterday, what a week it’s been, because…especially in the Old Testament, through the book of first Samuel just all of…all of the drama of a monarchy coming to Israel, a new era in Israel and just kind of learning about the first King, Saul and seeing him…ourselves in him in so many ways and then this emergence of David, who has killed a giant named Goliath. That was in yesterday’s reading and that’s kind of where we left things. So, we’re about to begin to see the repercussions of that as we move forward through today. So, we’re reading from the New International Version this week, which is today. First Samuel chapter 18 verse 5 through 19 verse 24.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us into and through the center of another month marked day by day by day with the counsel of Your word in our lives. We thank You for that. We thank You for each other. We thank You for community when communities been a lot more difficult to achieve in the last little spell of our lives here on earth. We thank You God for allowing us to just continue forward being together around the Global Campfire. We are grateful and You continue to speak into our lives through Your word. No matter what’s going on in the world You are still speaking and transforming us, and we are grateful. And we ask that You continue this work of sanctification, setting us apart, making us holy and our part in that is to continually be in an attitude of repentance, one in which we are willing to change our minds and moving in a new direction and we thank You for the ability to do that. So, come Holy Spirit as we end another week, we invite You completely into every aspect of our lives. We surrender our rights. We surrender our wrongs to You. Come Jesus we pray in Your mighty name, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website and its home base, where you find what’s happening here in…in…in the Community. So, be aware of that.

Be aware of the Community section. That’s where the Prayer Wall is. maybe it’s not…maybe you just need to reach out in prayer. Maybe there’s nothing going on right now that you need prayer for but you know that that life has its way of bringing things along that you need to not carry alone and so maybe its your turn to reach out in prayer and…and help shoulder burdens. You…there’s never a shortage at the Prayer Wall. So, you can always…always do that. And maybe you are in need of prayer and this is a place to reach out. So, be aware of that. That’s in the Community Section.

And, also in the Community section are the different links to the different social media channels that we…we are on. So, be aware, stay connected.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There’s a link on the homepage. Thank you, thank you profoundly. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi, this is Vickie from Arizona and I am calling because I listened to the podcast earlier and I heard Running Desperately to Jesus and she now has custody of her 13-year-old grandson and she’s finding it challenging. And my prayer is that God would just completely overshadow you, overtake you and that you would not be overwhelmed but you would be overjoyed, and you would see that there’s an opportunity. And I know that it can be really, really tough. She…you had said that you’ve been living alone but I just know that God has intervened in this boy’s life and you are his hope and you are a chance. And I pray that God would just give you the grace and the strength that you need to make a difference and whatever time you have with him that you would just…just stay prayed up and know that God has given you this as a gift and that you’re leaving a legacy and I just pray that God would just completely just show you what to do on a day-to-day minute by minute basis. So, I just want you to know that you’ve been on my heart and I’m believing for a miracle with your name on it and your grandson’s name on it. And I pray for all of us that have to go through things that are not fun and not comfortable. I’ve been without my son and my husband for over two years. Actually, Friday will be the two-year mark for my husband’s passing and I’m actually coveting your prayers on May 15th. Just, you know, a day of remembering. And that I am praying for God to bring more people in my life. He said he puts the lonely in friends and that us what I’m praying for, that God would put me in a family and I wouldn’t be lonely in Jesus’ name I’m praying and I ask you to agree with me for that prayer request. Thank you all, I love you, God bless you, have a great day.

Hello this is Terry from Toledo and I was just listening to the May 12th podcast and I heard the lady whose husband is in hospice. My heart goes out to you. When my father was dying, they gave us a little book from hospice and the first part of it said, “dying is the sacred rite of passage.” That has stuck with me through the whole thing. He died in 2013 and it still sticks with me. It’s a sacred rite of passage. And we are…we have the privilege and honor of helping them transition from this life to the next. So, I hope that helps you. And for the other lady that called today about her son, Father God we just pray right now for the children. We ask right now Lord that You just come and touch them in a special way today. Help them know Your presence, help them know that You love them and that You care for them. And help us moms and grandmom’s, the prayer warriors of the family not give up hope. Keep pressing in and keep believing that You will work all things together for good and that if we train up a child in the way that he should go he will not depart from it. Thank You, Lord in Jesus’ name we pray. Bless you Brian, Jill. Bless you China and Ben and bless you all Daily Audio Bible. I love you. Bye.

Bonjour this is Cindy the flute player. Pray with me please. Dear Father thank You for a praying community and thank You Father for those that prayed specifically for me. Thank You for a community that loves You word, that loves people. We’re willing to stand in the gap for each other. Thank You that even though my own church doesn’t know me, thank You that Daily Audio Bible really knows me. Thank You for Your kindness to each of us. Thank You for every blessing. Thank You for the woodshed experience. Father whatever it is that You want to cleanse so badly, do it, take out what grieves You but in the process will You strengthen my heart, my resolve to live well, my desire to keep reaching out, will You hear my heart that in all that I have ever wanted is for people to love You, to be reconciled to each other, that the things that have been stolen will be returned, that the people that had been stolen will be returned. I submit my emotions to You, and I commit to seeing life through Your eyes, Your eternal eyes. I thank You that we can depend on Your word, Your heart, Your character. Thank You for the prayers of the lady from DAB that asked for someone to step up in the gap, stand in the gap for me. Thank You for Dawn, thank You for the interview on the phone yesterday. Thank You for Your word that says there’s repentance that can lead unto righteousness. Father by Your grace, by Your spirit, bring true repentance over my reservation, over my family, over my country. It seems Father that You’re leading me to another spot on the earth to be with indigenous people that love You with all their heart. Thank You for the Father. Open that door if it is Your perfect and most pleasing will. I don’t want second-best or just good enough. So, I want to say one of my favorite parts about DAB, I love you…oops…this is Cindy I love you and I’ll meet you here tomorrow.

I know you’re probably feeling broken right now and hurting but I want to stop and give you some perspective. Clear your mind and picture yourself sitting in this moment in the darkness and in the pain, but someone comes up beside you, kneels on the floor to you and whispers in your ear, “beloved I hear your cries of your heart, I know the things that you are longing for, the things that you’re hoping for, the things that you have been seeking before. Trust me. I have a perfect plan. My timing may be different than what you are expecting but know that I am never late. Keep on seeking me and I will provide for you.” God is with you in this moment. Let Him into your brokenness and just seek Him. I love this community and I just want to know…or I just want to let you guys know that I am I’m praying for you. So, thank you.

Hello, DABbers this is Elisa Marie from Dinuba California today is May 13th and I’m calling on behalf of a sister that called in yesterday May 12th for her father who the doctors had given up on him and he’s dying. She’s in Mexico and waiting to fly to Korea to be with her father. I don’t think she gave her name, but my heart went out to her. So, I’m gonna say a prayer. But first of all, the Scripture that came to mind was Isaiah 38:4,5…38:4,5, and 6 where Hezekiah was given a word from the Lord that he was to…he was going to be dying soon from the illness that he had and then he turned his face to the wall and cried out to God for mercy and God granted him 15 more years. So, we’re gonna pray that God will grant your father 15 more years to live. Father I come to You Father God on behalf of my sister and in agreement with my sister and all who are playing for her that You would have mercy Father God, that You would send forth Your word and heal her Father from this illness that’s bringing destruction to his body. Your word says that You send forth Your word and You healed him, and You delivered his body from all destruction. So, we ask that by in Jesus’ stripes he is healed. We ask You for mercy Father God. We ask You to send someone to his bedside to deliver to him the word of salvation, the word of hope. And we ask for peace and comfort for the whole family Lord. Get our sister to Korea safe and sound Father God where she will be able to speak with her dad Father God. We ask these things in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank you, father. Love you DABbers. Have a great day.

Well good morning Daily Audio Bible family. I was listening to May the 12th as I’m catching up and our Korean sister was praying for her dad as he is losing his grasp and his grip on life. And they’ve been encouraged to say their goodbyes. This is Sandra from Centennial Colorado and I am just wanting to pray for you my sister. Heavenly father you can see both this dear woman and her father at the same time right now and I pray that in the name of Jesus you place your hand over both of them and allow nothing that is apart from your plan to enter into their experience. Oh, heavenly Father we need You so desperately. Thank You so much for coming to this place, for invading this world of pain. Thank You so much for taking things that were intended to be evil for us and turning them into things that bring glory to You and relief to us. I pray that, as Victoria Soldier says in the name of Jesus, I can’t say it as well as she does Lord but You know how much we both love it, in the name of Jesus You be with this dear sister and with her dear Father. Grant him years if it is Your will that he may serve You longer. Grant her courage to face whatever it is that You allow her to walk through with You at her side and we will be careful to thank You for it is in the name of Jesus that I pray. Amen.

05/16/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Samuel 18:5-19:24, John 8:31-59, Psalms 112:1-10, Proverbs 15:12-14

Today is the 16th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today. It is a joy as we close down another of our weeks together to take the next step forward in the Scriptures. And I was saying it yesterday, what a week it’s been, because…especially in the Old Testament, through the book of first Samuel just all of…all of the drama of a monarchy coming to Israel, a new era in Israel and just kind of learning about the first King, Saul and seeing him…ourselves in him in so many ways and then this emergence of David, who has killed a giant named Goliath. That was in yesterday’s reading and that’s kind of where we left things. So, we’re about to begin to see the repercussions of that as we move forward through today. So, we’re reading from the New International Version this week, which is today. First Samuel chapter 18 verse 5 through 19 verse 24.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us into and through the center of another month marked day by day by day with the counsel of Your word in our lives. We thank You for that. We thank You for each other. We thank You for community when communities been a lot more difficult to achieve in the last little spell of our lives here on earth. We thank You God for allowing us to just continue forward being together around the Global Campfire. We are grateful and You continue to speak into our lives through Your word. No matter what’s going on in the world You are still speaking and transforming us, and we are grateful. And we ask that You continue this work of sanctification, setting us apart, making us holy and our part in that is to continually be in an attitude of repentance, one in which we are willing to change our minds and moving in a new direction and we thank You for the ability to do that. So, come Holy Spirit as we end another week, we invite You completely into every aspect of our lives. We surrender our rights. We surrender our wrongs to You. Come Jesus we pray in Your mighty name, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website and its home base, where you find what’s happening here in…in…in the Community. So, be aware of that.

Be aware of the Community section. That’s where the Prayer Wall is. maybe it’s not…maybe you just need to reach out in prayer. Maybe there’s nothing going on right now that you need prayer for but you know that that life has its way of bringing things along that you need to not carry alone and so maybe its your turn to reach out in prayer and…and help shoulder burdens. You…there’s never a shortage at the Prayer Wall. So, you can always…always do that. And maybe you are in need of prayer and this is a place to reach out. So, be aware of that. That’s in the Community Section.

And, also in the Community section are the different links to the different social media channels that we…we are on. So, be aware, stay connected.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There’s a link on the homepage. Thank you, thank you profoundly. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi, this is Vickie from Arizona and I am calling because I listened to the podcast earlier and I heard Running Desperately to Jesus and she now has custody of her 13-year-old grandson and she’s finding it challenging. And my prayer is that God would just completely overshadow you, overtake you and that you would not be overwhelmed but you would be overjoyed, and you would see that there’s an opportunity. And I know that it can be really, really tough. She…you had said that you’ve been living alone but I just know that God has intervened in this boy’s life and you are his hope and you are a chance. And I pray that God would just give you the grace and the strength that you need to make a difference and whatever time you have with him that you would just…just stay prayed up and know that God has given you this as a gift and that you’re leaving a legacy and I just pray that God would just completely just show you what to do on a day-to-day minute by minute basis. So, I just want you to know that you’ve been on my heart and I’m believing for a miracle with your name on it and your grandson’s name on it. And I pray for all of us that have to go through things that are not fun and not comfortable. I’ve been without my son and my husband for over two years. Actually, Friday will be the two-year mark for my husband’s passing and I’m actually coveting your prayers on May 15th. Just, you know, a day of remembering. And that I am praying for God to bring more people in my life. He said he puts the lonely in friends and that us what I’m praying for, that God would put me in a family and I wouldn’t be lonely in Jesus’ name I’m praying and I ask you to agree with me for that prayer request. Thank you all, I love you, God bless you, have a great day.

Hello this is Terry from Toledo and I was just listening to the May 12th podcast and I heard the lady whose husband is in hospice. My heart goes out to you. When my father was dying, they gave us a little book from hospice and the first part of it said, “dying is the sacred rite of passage.” That has stuck with me through the whole thing. He died in 2013 and it still sticks with me. It’s a sacred rite of passage. And we are…we have the privilege and honor of helping them transition from this life to the next. So, I hope that helps you. And for the other lady that called today about her son, Father God we just pray right now for the children. We ask right now Lord that You just come and touch them in a special way today. Help them know Your presence, help them know that You love them and that You care for them. And help us moms and grandmom’s, the prayer warriors of the family not give up hope. Keep pressing in and keep believing that You will work all things together for good and that if we train up a child in the way that he should go he will not depart from it. Thank You, Lord in Jesus’ name we pray. Bless you Brian, Jill. Bless you China and Ben and bless you all Daily Audio Bible. I love you. Bye.

Bonjour this is Cindy the flute player. Pray with me please. Dear Father thank You for a praying community and thank You Father for those that prayed specifically for me. Thank You for a community that loves You word, that loves people. We’re willing to stand in the gap for each other. Thank You that even though my own church doesn’t know me, thank You that Daily Audio Bible really knows me. Thank You for Your kindness to each of us. Thank You for every blessing. Thank You for the woodshed experience. Father whatever it is that You want to cleanse so badly, do it, take out what grieves You but in the process will You strengthen my heart, my resolve to live well, my desire to keep reaching out, will You hear my heart that in all that I have ever wanted is for people to love You, to be reconciled to each other, that the things that have been stolen will be returned, that the people that had been stolen will be returned. I submit my emotions to You, and I commit to seeing life through Your eyes, Your eternal eyes. I thank You that we can depend on Your word, Your heart, Your character. Thank You for the prayers of the lady from DAB that asked for someone to step up in the gap, stand in the gap for me. Thank You for Dawn, thank You for the interview on the phone yesterday. Thank You for Your word that says there’s repentance that can lead unto righteousness. Father by Your grace, by Your spirit, bring true repentance over my reservation, over my family, over my country. It seems Father that You’re leading me to another spot on the earth to be with indigenous people that love You with all their heart. Thank You for the Father. Open that door if it is Your perfect and most pleasing will. I don’t want second-best or just good enough. So, I want to say one of my favorite parts about DAB, I love you…oops…this is Cindy I love you and I’ll meet you here tomorrow.

I know you’re probably feeling broken right now and hurting but I want to stop and give you some perspective. Clear your mind and picture yourself sitting in this moment in the darkness and in the pain, but someone comes up beside you, kneels on the floor to you and whispers in your ear, “beloved I hear your cries of your heart, I know the things that you are longing for, the things that you’re hoping for, the things that you have been seeking before. Trust me. I have a perfect plan. My timing may be different than what you are expecting but know that I am never late. Keep on seeking me and I will provide for you.” God is with you in this moment. Let Him into your brokenness and just seek Him. I love this community and I just want to know…or I just want to let you guys know that I am I’m praying for you. So, thank you.

Hello, DABbers this is Elisa Marie from Dinuba California today is May 13th and I’m calling on behalf of a sister that called in yesterday May 12th for her father who the doctors had given up on him and he’s dying. She’s in Mexico and waiting to fly to Korea to be with her father. I don’t think she gave her name, but my heart went out to her. So, I’m gonna say a prayer. But first of all, the Scripture that came to mind was Isaiah 38:4,5…38:4,5, and 6 where Hezekiah was given a word from the Lord that he was to…he was going to be dying soon from the illness that he had and then he turned his face to the wall and cried out to God for mercy and God granted him 15 more years. So, we’re gonna pray that God will grant your father 15 more years to live. Father I come to You Father God on behalf of my sister and in agreement with my sister and all who are playing for her that You would have mercy Father God, that You would send forth Your word and heal her Father from this illness that’s bringing destruction to his body. Your word says that You send forth Your word and You healed him, and You delivered his body from all destruction. So, we ask that by in Jesus’ stripes he is healed. We ask You for mercy Father God. We ask You to send someone to his bedside to deliver to him the word of salvation, the word of hope. And we ask for peace and comfort for the whole family Lord. Get our sister to Korea safe and sound Father God where she will be able to speak with her dad Father God. We ask these things in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank you, father. Love you DABbers. Have a great day.

Well good morning Daily Audio Bible family. I was listening to May the 12th as I’m catching up and our Korean sister was praying for her dad as he is losing his grasp and his grip on life. And they’ve been encouraged to say their goodbyes. This is Sandra from Centennial Colorado and I am just wanting to pray for you my sister. Heavenly father you can see both this dear woman and her father at the same time right now and I pray that in the name of Jesus you place your hand over both of them and allow nothing that is apart from your plan to enter into their experience. Oh, heavenly Father we need You so desperately. Thank You so much for coming to this place, for invading this world of pain. Thank You so much for taking things that were intended to be evil for us and turning them into things that bring glory to You and relief to us. I pray that, as Victoria Soldier says in the name of Jesus, I can’t say it as well as she does Lord but You know how much we both love it, in the name of Jesus You be with this dear sister and with her dear Father. Grant him years if it is Your will that he may serve You longer. Grant her courage to face whatever it is that You allow her to walk through with You at her side and we will be careful to thank You for it is in the name of Jesus that I pray. Amen.

05/15/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Samuel 15:1-16:23, John 8:1-20, Psalms 110:1-7, Proverbs 15:8-10

Today is the 15th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you as we move forward like every day. And we’re rounding the corner and moving ourselves into the end of another week together. It’s been an amazing week as we moved our way through first Samuel and learned of Samuel and…and now of King Saul and now we have moved into the part of the story where this man, actually this boy, David enters the picture. So, we’ll continue the journey. We’re reading from the New International Version this week. First Samuel 17 verse 1 through 18 verse 4 today.


Okay. So, in first Samuel today, obviously now if we we’re not certain about which David had kind of shown up on the scene in first Samuel, in Samuel’s life, in Saul’s life, in Israel’s life, it’s the David of the David and Goliath story, which is what we read today. And it’s fascinating to read that story because Valley the Valley of Elah exists and all those named cities where people were and how they were on hills, like these places exist and we were just there not too long ago. So, I’m just like reading the story and picturing the place and the brook that runs through in my….in my mind. And we get so much out of the story about David. And we should pay attention because, you know, there’s coming a point where David really will be front, and center and we will do a lot of traveling with David. But here, as with Samuel, right, we started Samuel’s story before he was even born with his mother crying out in Shiloh, Hannah crying out for a son. Here we get the story of David before David was, you know, “David”. So, he’s a shepherd, he’s taking care of his father’s sheep, he’s being sent back-and-forth from Bethlehem to the battle lines in the Valley of Elah, which is a little Southwest of Bethlehem. He’s bringing supplies to his brothers. He’s bringing gifts for these brother’s commanders. And, so, we can, read in there that Jesse, the father of these four boys, trying to keep them safe, right? Trying to send goodwill through the commanders by giving gifts. And David’s there and he hears the giant, and he starts asking questions and he finds out like there’s a big reward for killing this giant. David is, at least as described in the Bible, young, vibrant, healthy, vital, well-built, good-looking, strong. He’s these things. But he’s young and so he’s like, “wait, what? So, whoever kills that giant marries the king’s daughter, like doesn’t pay taxes? Like all these things happen? I’ll do…I’ll do it.” But it’s more than just ambition, like he’s upset that the Philistine army would dare defy the armies of the living God. So, eventually he’s brought before the king and eventually he tells the king, you know, “like…like I can do this.”  Because the king’s like, “you’re a boy. Like this…you’re not…he’s a warrior. You can’t go fight him.” And David’s like, “I killed a bear, I killed a lion. This guy isn’t any more than those.” So, Saul’s finally convinced. He’s gonna let David go and try to fight this giant. It might be just counterintuitive enough to work, who knows. So, he puts his royal armor on David and David’s trying to walk around in it but he’s not used to it and doesn’t feel like him and it’s not a fighting style that he’s accustomed to and it’s just not gonna work. And, so, he basically says, “I can’t wear this armor. I have to…I have to do it my way.” And there is amazingly profound and important lesson just right there in that moment. David is preparing to go into battle. He feels the presence of God…like he feels…he’s defending the name of God in this moment, that the Philistine should defy the armies of the living God. So, he’s got that, and he has obvious skill with a slingshot and in defending the sheep, being a shepherd, but he can’t go fight that battle wearing somebody else’s clothes. He can’t go into battle wearing somebody else’s armor. Like are you getting the message here for our own lives? We have permission to be ourselves. We have to be ourselves. We’re necessary in God’s kingdom. It’s important that we be ourselves and fight the battles we are supposed to be in, not go into somebody else’s battle or not go into our battle wearing somebody else’s clothes, pretending to be something that we aren’t. David went into this battle, but he had to go as himself, which basically made him look defenseless, basically made him look like there is no chance. He just went as a shepherd. But as the story goes, he killed the warrior giant and cut off his head. So, let’s remember that as we go into our day. And it’s important to note here, everything has changed. Like we don’t quite understand the repercussions of this battle yet. Everything has changed. David from this moment is going from obscurity to like national hero in an instant. Like, you have to imagine David waking up that morning tending the sheep and everything and his father Jesse saying, “go check on your brothers.” Like, he didn’t know he was going to become a national hero by that evening. He didn’t know that everybody was gonna know his name within a few days. So, this is a huge turning point. And David’s fame because of this moment is gonna have profound effects on the king, King Saul, who we have already witnessed is deeply flawed in his fear of man, is deeply moved around by what people think of him. And, so, this moment of the slaying of Goliath will have a profound effect on him as well and we’ll see that in the days ahead.


Father, we thank You for Your words and we thank You that these stories, they’re riveting to read, and they’re rooted in places that are real and yet they speak to something so much deeper. Your word continually gets below the surface and starts speaking into the motivations of our hearts and we are thankful for that. We need that, that we are deeply grateful. This is why we come around the Global Campfire every day, to hear from You. And, so, we thank You for today. We thank You that we need to think about how it is we’re trying to fight a battle. We’re trying to fight that wearing somebody else’s clothes? We’re trying to fight that pretending we’re somebody we’re not? That explains so much. And, so, we invite Your Holy Spirit to come as we ponder these things today and shine the light of truth into our lives and show us how to make the necessary changes so that we can be who we must, ourselves who You created us to be. Come Holy Spirit into this we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s home, it’s where the Global Campfire is. I guess in a virtual world like ours, in a virtual community like ours, this is how base. It’s always good to know the way home and that’s dailyaudiobible.com. So, check that out. Be familiar.

The Prayer Wall lives there.

The Daily Audio Bible Shop lives there full of resources that are for this journey and for our lives in community. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage and I thank you. Thank you for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174,

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app and just begin to share right from within the app or there are a number of numbers that you can use depending on where you are in the world. In the Americas 877-942-4253. If you’re in the UK or in Europe 44-20-3608-8078. And if you are in Australia or the part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

05/14/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Samuel 15:1-16:23, John 8:1-20, Psalms 110:1-7, Proverbs 15:8-10

Today is the 14th day of April…no it’s not…why would you even say that when we’re halfway into this month? I don’t know…I can’t…I’m not the only one who’s ever done that before. Today is the 14th day of May, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible it is an honor to be here with you as we spend the next couple of days moving through the center of this month, the fifth month of this year. So, in the Old Testament we’ve been working our way through the first book of Samuel and we are firmly moving our way through the life of Israel’s first king, His name is Saul and we’ve been getting to know a lot about Saul because there’s a lot of Saul in us and there’s much to learn. And, of course, in the New Testament we’re reading through the final gospel, the gospel of John. So, this week we’re reading from the New International Version. Today, first Samuel 15 and 16.


Okay. Some pretty big movements in the book of first Samuel today. We met somebody today, somebody very, very famous, somebody that will really kind of accompany us in one way or another through the rest of the Bible and who has been with us since the beginning. And this is a man named David. And the reason that he’s kind of been with us somewhat from the beginning is that we’ve been reading a lot of his poetry, a lot of the lyrics to his songs along the way because he penned a good portion of the Psalms, including the Psalm that we just read. So, we’re just like meeting him for the first time. He’s the youngest boy in his family. He’s like a shepherd boy but he’s also a skilled musician as we learned in first Samuel today. Saul, being troubled, would bring David in to play the lyre, play soft music that would calm him down. He was obviously an expert musician because his songs are preserved in the Psalms. David is gonna have a significant impact on Saul. He’s gonna have a significant impact on everything that happens in the story going forward. His son which isn’t born yet, but his son, one of his sons will be named Solomon and we are enjoying some of that collected wisdom from Solomon in the book of Proverbs. So, we just have a little spot here where we can kind of look out…like this is almost like a mountaintop, where we can kind of look out over where we’re going. Meanwhile, with Saul in our reading today basically drove the final nail into his own proverbial coffin, at least as far as being the king goes, at least in the eyes of God. So, Saul was instructed to go to battle against the Amalekites and destroy everything. Once again he did not do what he was instructed to do and this is an ongoing thing and it seems as if the motivator, like the deep motivation for this is that he…it’s the fear of man, that he is afraid of what people think of him. So, his actions are confused and clouded because of it and basically we get this from Saul’s own mouth today. So, Samuel confronts Saul about why he did not completely obey the word of the Lord. Saul has all kinds of excuses, but when he runs out of excuses he says, “I have sinned. I violated the Lord’s command and your instructions. I was afraid of the men and so I gave into them. Now I beg you, forgive my sin and come back with me so that I may worship the Lord.” Like, even as he’s confessing what he did he’s asking Samuel to come back with him so he can worship the Lord in front of these people because if Samuel won’t go back with him what’s that gonna look like. So, like this runs very, very deep in Saul. The thing that makes this helpful for us is that one way or another this runs very deep in us too.  But what we get here in the Scriptures is the roadmap. Like we can watch in Saul’s life where this is going and then understand that’s where it will take us too.


Father, we thank You. We thank You for Your word. We thank You for the way that it will penetrate deep into our hearts, it will absolutely go to the root of our motivations, the “why” we do the things that we do, even when we don’t even understand why we do the things that we do. So, we are thankful for the counsel of Your word in our lives and we are thankful for the ability to just day by day step-by-step move through the Scriptures seeing how all of the characters emerge and how it all fits together in the comprehensive view that it is showing us, giving us the guidance we need for our lives. And, so, we are grateful, and we are thankful, and we invite Your Holy Spirit to help us see the things that we need to see and hear the things that we need to hear. Come Holy Spirit into all of this we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, home base for the Global Campfire, home base for the community that we are as we take our journey through the Scriptures this year. So, be aware and stay tuned and stay connected.

The Community section there…and by the way, all this can be accessed through the Daily Audio Bible app as well. But the Community section is definitely where you find the different links to connect on social media. The Prayer Wall lives there and that is that is always happening, 24 hours a day, seven days a week 365 days a year, 366 days a year this year. The Prayer Wall is always happening. So, if you’re carrying something that you shouldn’t carry alone, you don’t have to do that by yourself. You can…you can reach out and people are continually praying there. So, be aware of that. Check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. And I think you profoundly, humbly. We…you know, wouldn’t be here if we didn’t do this together. So, thank you for your partnership. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can just hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red Hotline button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

05/13/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Samuel 14:1-52, John 7:31-53, Psalms 109:1-31, Proverbs 15:5-74

Today is May 13th welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we move through the center of another week and pretty much through the center of another month. But no matter what time it is, no matter what day it is we’re here together around the Global Campfire and that is a joy and an honor. So, let's…let’s take that next step forward together. We’re reading from the New International Version this week and we’re in the book of first Samuel learning about Samuel, learning about the first king of Israel, Saul. And Saul…Saul is showing us a lot about ourselves. Today, first Samuel chapter 14.


Okay. So, in the book of first Samuel, as we learn about Saul, we have already been able to observe his fear of man, right? Like, what people think about him very, very much influences the way that he behaves and the way that he makes decisions because of what they’re going to look like. In today’s reading we also see that Saul is rash, like he has enormous power, he is the king but he makes decisions without like seeking wisdom, without knowing like, this is a crossroads I need to slow down for a second,  think this through, be wise about this next move. Instead he’s like trying to appear to be this strong leader and that works. Like, they’ve fought lots of battles but he’s also trying to make these decisions that have implications on down the line. And that happens today. So, Jonathan doesn’t tell his dad, doesn’t tell anybody that he’s gonna go over and check out the Philistine camp, which is probably an error on Jonathan’s part, but they do go over they’re like, you know, “if they say wait there we’ll come to you” then they’ll know one thing and if they say, “come up here we’ll…we’ll show you some things” then they’ll know that they should climb up and fight with them. And they do and that starts battle and Jonathan’s victorious in that battle, but it kind of sets off a chain reaction where the Philistine army is confused. And, so, they start fighting each other and there’s a lot of confusion and Saul sees all this going on and he’s like, “let’s go get them. No one can eat a thing until we have avenged our enemies.” Okay. Like, I am not the exercise guru of the Daily Audio Bible by any stretch but I know that if you do begin to do some kind of strenuous exercise, something that you’re gonna have to get the heart rate up and you’re gonna be running and you’re gonna be stopping and you’re gonna be swinging and you’re gonna be flicking and you’re gonna be jousting, all these kinds of things and you’re going to be doing it kind of indefinitely, but at least a day and you’re gonna have nothing to re-energize yourself, then that is ultimately going to exhaust you and slow you down. And yet, this is what the king ordered so this is what everybody’s obeying, which actually hampers the victory. Of course, Jonathan he started…instigated the whole thing but he doesn’t know anything about this vow. So, he eats some honey and it’s full of carbohydrates and he’s like re-energized, he’s got some energy back, but in the end, you know, everybody’s kind of assembling back together, people are going crazy and just eating whatever they can find and they’re butchering animals and just eating the animals. Saul wants to keep going and he calls for the Ark of the covenant and the priest is like, “we should probably ask God about this.” And God has nothing to say. And, so, Saul is determined like, “something’s wrong here.” And we do the lots and it turns out, Jonathan’s the one. And, so, Saul has already said like, “even if it’s my own son Jonathan he will die.” A rash thing to say. And Jonathan is basically like, “I didn’t know about this.” And, you know, like “God has been working through the battling against our enemies and I have to die?”  And the King, King Saul is like basically, “you do have to die right here right now.” So, it’s the soldiers like who step forward and are like, “not at all can we kill Jonathan. The whole victory today was instigated by Jonathan. Can we not see that God was working in this? Like, we’re not killing Jonathan today.” And, so, Jonathan is saved but we’re gonna see there is a kind of tenuous relationship between the two of them, son and father as we go forward, as you could imagine. So, Saul is trying to be the part to look like this strong, dynamic, commanding, instantaneous, smart, wise leader, but his fatal flaw is that he cares more about what people think about him than anything. And in today’s reading we see that he’s boxed himself in where his own son is going to die. And it’s the people that Saul wants to look strong in front of that step forward and are like, “we’re not doing this. It would be wrong to execute him.” So, the thing that Saul’s trying to preserve and to portray isn’t working. By the time we get done with today’s reading, Saul doesn’t look like this masterful king. He looks weak. His own army, his own military leaders had to step forward and say, “this would be wrong.” So, once again we get a reminder of where the fear of man and paying attention to what everybody else might think or say as a way of gauging our lives, how that leads us into kind of a false identity. Now Saul has to appear to be kingly and this is in his head. He’s got to live up to something that he thinks he’s got to live up to when he doesn’t and this leads him into these kinds of situations and we like watch it day after day and we’re not done because Saul is gonna continue to walk this path are and we’re going to continue to watch where it goes.


Father, once again, we invite You into this because it really does boil down to a sense of identity. It boils down to who it is we’re trying to please and how much we’re willing to change who we really are in order to do that. And the truth is, we can’t really change ourselves. We can pretend. We can pretend but only You are capable of changing us from within. And, so, it is our identity in You that we must care about. All of the other things are by far distant secondary things. You give us identity and the identity that You have given us is…is that of a child, that we are Your children. May we walk in quiet confidence of that fact today we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, and that’s where you find out what’s on around…going on here. You ever get your mind like going too fast and then your mouth can’t keep up? I do that often enough and I’ve learned to just slow down and say your words. Anyway, the website’s where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to stay connected.

You can do that on the web, or you can do that through the Daily Audio Bible app by pressing the little drawer icon that’s in the upper left-hand corner.

Check out the resources that are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. They are designed and created and crafted for the journey that where on, taking…taking steps every day through the Bible in a year. There are written resources, there are books that have been written around this rhythm and around just deeper examination of what it’s like to be in a relationship with God. Who is this God we’re in a relationship with? So, check those out in the shop as well.

I remind you the book, The God of Your Story, which is…which is our latest, is a 365-day journey through the entire Bible like we take here every year only in written form, which brings out completely different kinds of nuances. And is a fantastic…well it…it is a fantastic companion for this journey because that’s exactly what it was created to be. And, so, I pray everyone…everyone in this community has that…has a hard copy as that’s available no matter what the Internet’s doing, no matter what the world is doing, like a hard copy for the journey through the Scriptures is that resource, The God of Your Story. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. Thank you profoundly and humbly for your partnership we wouldn’t be here, we literally wouldn’t be here if we were not in this together. And, so, I’m glad that we are. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi Daily Audio Bible friends and family this is Hannah in Illinois and I just wanted to pray for a young lady who…whose message played at the end of May 7th. And I just want to also encourage you. So, you…you sound how I sounded a few days ago actually when…we’re…we’re struggling to have a child and when I found out again that we were not having a child this time around it felt like I was dying. And I want to share that it…it wasn’t…it wasn’t…it’s not because it’s a bad desire to want a child or to want to be with someone who you love but when we raise it higher than…than our Christ it…it tears us apart. And, so, whoever you put in the place of God, that that person cannot handle the weight of that or the responsibility of that. And, so, I’m praying for both you and I right now. Dear heavenly Father, thank You for my sister and I just pray that You heal her heart God and that You strip away anything that raises itself above You God in her mind, in her heart, in her life and in mine as well God. Help us to focus on You and receive Your love in Jesus name. Amen.

Hi, everyone it’s Karen in St. Louis. Hey, I’m going to ask you all please pray for my former pastor’s wife and his family. He was found dead with a self-inflicted gunshot wound the day before yesterday and they have been through so much in the last five years. God has used this man to impact thousands and thousands of people throughout the world and he wasn’t perfect. There’s no one perfect on this side of heaven, only Jesus. But he was a good man, he was a genuine guy and I want to tell you he preached grace and truth. And, so, I’m asking for prayers for his family, for the extended church family. I also want to pray to the comments that were on his Facebook page were…there were so many that were just appalling, satanic comments. And I fear and as I’m seeing I’m seeing darkness continue to rise up that we would be strong in the Lord, that we would pray for these people, that the God who rules and reigns over everything would apprehend their hearts. And I’m praying for protection for those who are trying to speak to them in love. And it’s vicious, it’s horrible. Thank you everyone. God bless you all. Bye-bye.

Hey, I’m wondering if…if you wouldn’t mind praying for me. I’m super struggling at the moment and have been going through a pretty hard time for about 13 months. One of the things I’m really struggling with is self-hatred and I don’t know why. And I’m also struggling with shame. I know that my sins have been forgiven so I don’t quite know what the shame is all about. And yeah, really feeling physical and lots of emotional pain and…and fatigue and grief and just don’t quite know how to move forward and manage. Anyway, I…thank for your prayers. Five.

Hello, you lovely people from the DAB this is Allison and I bring you greetings from England. I thought today I better call in with a really big praise report but this one goes back a very long way. Some of you, not many, but some will remember that over nine years ago, almost 10 in fact, my son was in a very serious accident and had a very serious brain injury. And they thought he wasn’t going to live. Oh, I’m Allison and he’s Christopher. The people from this community prayed for him and he has steadily made progress. It was quite rapid to begin with but then after a while it settled down and we weren’t sure if he was going to make more progress. And then he went into lockdown in his care home and I was really scared. But this seems to have been the making of him and Christopher who can walk a little bit with the frame decided to do a sponsored walk for charity to support where he lives and other homes like it. And he’s raised over 2000 pounds but much more than that, it’s brought meaning and hope into his life. So, for all of you who have ever prayed for Chris or if you’ve prayed for others like him with brain injuries, I offer my deep heartfelt thanks and I thank you all for sustaining me to the last 10 years. May you all be blessed and may you know God’s love working abundantly through you and in you. Amen.

Hi this is Ellie from California I’ve been a listener now since the beginning of this year, full time listener, and I just want to reach out with some prayer requests. I’ve been in the hospital for a week now and I went in for some pretty routine stuff and I had a lot of complications and I’ve had several procedures since coming in here and one procedure they made a couple mistakes and they’re doing their best to rectify them but I feel really, really scared and rotten and just kind of in need of…of global prayer. So, if anybody can please pray for me. I can’t get any food or water down. I’m so weakened to that. Thank you very much for listening and God bless all of you.

He was a hero overseas but a terrorist at home
a real pillar of the community but he also liked to roam
he has a license to have a gun but he molested his own son
he fought for all life but he abuses his own wife
how many are there like him
it’s not important that we know
but the problem is symptomatic and it continues to grow
he’s got God on the outside but he’s got demons within
so how can you separate the man from the sin
it is only through Christ the only true vine
that a man can be delivered from the torments of his mind
because it starts in the heart that’s what the demons control
and only God’s Holy Spirit can release that man’s soul
for its trapped in a torment that permits him no peace
and its only through Jesus that he can find a release
and the blood that Jesus shed gives him the right
to be ruler of all life because he truly is the light
darkness must flee when we invite him to come in
but he will not impose because he’s the consummate friend
men must be told and shown by our works
that peace and great joy are just part of the perks
a hero in war should be a hero at home
who’ll speak of God’s goodness wherever he’ll roam
and all that he knows to his offspring he shows
with respect for all life especially his wife
a brand-new creation coming out of every nation
the numbers might be few but God is making men new

blindtony1016@gmail.com. Like to give a shout out to Sherlock Washington and Kim, know your loved very much and prayed for every day and once again Brian and Hardin family thank you for this podcast for God’s holy spirit to flow, keep it flowin’ y’all. All right. Bye-bye.

Hello Daily Audio Bible this is Duane from Wisconsin all praise and glory to our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today is Mother’s Day so happy Mother’s Day to all those mothers around the world. I’m calling in for Cindy the flute player. She called in and told us she has lost her job and she is struggling to find employment. Unemployment hasn’t been there and now she has to move out of her home. Cindy, The Daily Audio Bible is praying for you. We pray the Lord will give you direction, that He will provide for you spiritually, financially, and physically. We want to lift you up in this time. We want you to know the Lord is walking with you and we as DABbers are also walking with you. We are here to encourage you and to let you know we are praying for you. We will continue to lift you up until you are able to find the financial resources you need and we ask that you lean the Lord, pray and in fasting you’re doing many good things. And in this time the Daily Audio Bible DABbers would like to lift you up. God bless you Cindy.