07/24/2020 DAB Transcript

2 Chronicles 11:1-13:22, Romans 8:26-39, Psalms 18:37-50, Proverbs 19:27-29

Today is the 24th day of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian and it is an honor to be here with you today as we just come…come in and find a place around the Global Campfire and just…ahh…exhale. I mean, some of the stuff I’m still thinking about from yesterday from the book of Romans. It was such an exhilarating view of who we are. And, so, I’m looking forward to getting there. But before we can get there, we have a little territory to cover in the book of second Chronicles and we’ll read second Chronicles chapters 11, 12, and 13 today. And just by way of reminder, we’re kinda covering this territory again where King Solomon, we…we went through his reign and he has passed away and his son Rehoboam has become king, but he has promised to be more difficult and put much more labor on the…much more of a burden on the people in his kingdom. And, so, ten of the tribes are in the process of rebelling and they are turning to a man named Jeroboam. So, Rehoboam and Jeroboam sound very similar so it’s easy to get them confused, but this is the point at which there is a divide in ancient Israel and their splitting into two separate kingdoms with two separate kings. So, we pick up that story in second Chronicles chapter 11.


Okay. So as we’re continuing to work our way through Romans, like in yesterday’s reading we read some of the implications of what Paul’s been laying out and that is, “the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, this is the Spirit of the of the most-high God, the same Spirit dwells in us, that we have been…we have been made God’s children, that we are joint heirs with Jesus to the kingdom of God.” So, Paul’s kind of continuing forward today explaining to us that, “Jesus was the firstborn among many to follow into this new thing God is doing upon the earth and this new divine family of the children of God, joint heirs with Jesus to the kingdom of God upon this earth.” And you could step back and go, “okay. Where…like how…like, how does this work? Where is…where is this coming from?” For Paul this comes because Jesus was dead and was resurrected, right? He had a rebirth from the dead back into life. So, for Paul, he’s recognizing, “okay, nobody just raises themselves from the dead. God raised Jesus from the dead as the firstborn into this new family where the law and sin and death have no claim.” And Paul…in some of Paul’s other writings he’ll call Jesus “the second Adam, the last Adam”, right? So, there’s Adam, like the first person who did fall into sin and therefore every one of his offspring after him was…was in the same condition. Jesus on the other hand knew no sin, died, and came back to life reborn and those who believe, those who are in Christ then receive this Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. Like, then we also follow after the same footsteps of Jesus and die to who we were and are reborn into this new divine family upon the earth. We’re not separated from God by sin or any other claim to us. Now we call God papa, abba, daddy, father, or as my kids call me, “padre”, this term of endearment that’s like a loving parent and child relationship, this bond that never ends. That is so…that is the good news. That’s why this is good news. And it’s so huge. It’s like…how do you describe this? Even Paul…Paul says, “what then shall we say about these things? If God is for us who can be against us? Indeed, He who did not spare His own son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him freely give us all things? Who will bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is the one who will condemn? Christ as the one who died. And more than that he was raised who is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will trouble or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?” In all these things we have complete victory through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor heavenly rulers, nor things that are present, nor things that are in the future, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” That is the best news ever! We are being invited forward, my brothers and sisters. We are not invited to just be on the spin cycle for the rest of this year and come in to next year so exhausted from all of the things that are going on in the world that we don't…don’t even know what to believe anymore or which way is up or down. Nothing can separate us from the love of God except us. We have to believe this, and then we have to live from this place. According to Paul, we have been reborn into the family of God, joint heirs with Jesus, who is the first born of this family, a new Adam as it were. So, on some level…like I’m asking you, but I’m asking myself, what are we waiting on? Like what are we waiting for? What has to happen before we actually embrace the good news and live from that place which changes the way we look at everything and everyone? Because we realize everybody’s invited. All are welcome and we are the light of the world according to Jesus, that will show the way. So, I don’t know. Something to think about today.


Holy Spirit, as…as we did yesterday, as we do most every day, we ask You to come and lead us into all truth. Make us aware. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear what is really going on here and how big of a role You have invited us to have. The invitation is unbelievable. This is the gift. It’s free. We don't…we can’t…we couldn’t earn this and yet You have bestowed upon us and it’s such good news it’s unspeakable. And, so, we are thankful for the unspeakable gift of the good news. And we ask that Your Holy Spirit would give us eyes to see and wake us up to the reality. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, it’s how you get connected, it’s how you find out what’s going on around here. So, check it out. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can check out all these different things by pushing the little Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner and…and that’ll kinda get you engaged as well. But check it out.

Check out he resources in the Shop. Check out the Community section and get connected.

Reminding you of the Heart resource – Heart, a contemplative journey. That is available on iTunes and Google Play. And we’ve been talking about that for a little bit, but that resource has definitely taken on a life of its own. And, so, yeah if you haven’t had a chance to participate and just to kind of open your heart up and invite God into the things that you’ve been feeling over these months and maybe years and maybe decades, just to open up and invite God into those places is remarkable. And I can say that from experience, but that’s what I’m hearing. So, if you haven’t had a chance to check that out, it’s in the iTunes Store, not Apple music, but in the iTunes store or the Google Play store. You can get it from there.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage and I humbly thank you for your partnership as we move through the summertime. Thank you so much for your partnership. So, there’s a…there’s a link on the homepage. If using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement there’s the Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top. You can press that no matter where you are, or you can dial 877-942- 4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

07/23/2020 DAB Transcript

2 Chronicles 8:11-10:19, Romans 8:9-25, Psalms 18:16-36, Proverbs 19:26

Today is the 23rd day of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it is wonderful, it’s a joy and an honor to be here with you today as we dive in and take our next step forward on the journey that carries us from the first page of the Bible to the last page of the Bible in a year. And this is the 205th day of that journey. So, we are well on our way but there is so much yet out in front of us before we conclude our journey at the end of this year. So, let’s take that next step. We’re reading from the New English Translation this week. Second Chronicles chapter 8 verse 11 through 10 verse 19 today.


Okay. So, in the book of Romans, the letter to the Romans, we’ve been kinda working day by day through the things that Paul is saying as he lays out his…his argument or his persuasion, his interpretation of the Hebrew believers, but I mean…but today it’s like buckle your seatbelt because what he’s saying here, this changes everything. Like, if what Paul is saying is true, and as believers in Jesus, we believe this is true, then it’s so much of a game changer that that’s not even the right way…like there’s no proper way to describe the implications. So, let’s just listen…let’s just listen to what Paul says. “If the Spirit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, the one who raised Christ from the dead will also make your mortal bodies alive through His Spirit, who lives in you.” Right? So, Paul’s saying, “you died to who you were and everything that had claim to that person is dead. And when your dead there’s nothing that has claim to you anymore. So, you will become free but dead. But not left dead because the same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead is raising you up as well into this whole new spiritual family that God is raising up on the earth of which Jesus is the firstborn.” O my gosh! Like…this…if we just stop there. That’s like crazy. What would it change if we like acknowledged and lived from that place? Like, how could we be abandoned by God if He is within us animating our very life like we’re not even alive without His Spirit present? How could He abandon us? And that’s just the beginning. If you just sit and think about what that would change…like what that would change if we understood it, and what it does change because it’s the truth, it’s phenomenal! Paul goes on to describe the implications. “We are under obligation not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God, like…like the children of God, like members of God’s divine family.” So, Paul’s saying, “the spirit of God is within us. This is how we live. And because we become aware that this is what’s going on and how we live, we become aware that we are a part of God’s family - sons and daughters of the most-high God.” And that’s not something we sing in a worship song, that’s who we are. And Paul says, “you did not receive the spirit of slavery leading again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry Abba Father.” Like Abba, this is Aramaic, it’s like papa or daddy. “The Spirit”, Paul says, “the Spirit Himself bears witness to our Spirit that we are God’s children. And if children, then heirs, namely, heirs of God and also fellow heirs with Christ if indeed we suffer with Him so we may also be glorified with Him.” So, we’re effectively saying, “life…life has challenges. This is a broken place. We are here. Even Jesus, God in the flesh, faced considerable challenges. This is a challenging refining place. So, this is part of it. But when we become aware that God is within us, reclaiming this broken place through us then we realize we are collaborating, that we are in lockstep with our papa and we can run to our Father at any moment constantly. He is within us, inviting us to participate in the redemption of this broken place.” I think…I don’t I know what…I mean…we need to meditate on this. Like we need to think about what that looks like for us, what this means for us, what it means to live into that fully. But I think that one thing that we could come out of this today understanding at the depths of our being is that God is here, he is present, we’re gonna make it, we’re gonna be okay. And when get this big picture view that Paul is giving us, we realize there’s way more going on than just us. Like we live self-absorbed so much of the time. It’s all about what’s happening to us. But when we get this view that we are joint heirs with Jesus to the kingdom of God…well…man that changes perspective in a hurry. And we realize the Spirit of God is within us and within all of our brothers and sisters around the world and this makes up the body of Christ and the work of Christ continues in this world through us because of us because we’re here, we then begin to realize we are participating in holding this whole thing together. We are here to reclaim and restore. It’s a way bigger picture and a way bigger story than…than the story of the world that continues to try to be divisive in our lives, dividing us. So, let’s give that some thought today as we move in and through this day.


Holy Spirit, as we so often do, we open ourselves to become aware of Your presence that is already here, already within us. Well up within us. Come, reveal the way forward. Let these truths sink in and sink into the depths of our soul so that we can’t look at anything the same anymore. Come into this we ask in Your mighty name we pray. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, and that’s where you find out what’s going on around here. So, check it out.

Check out the Initiatives section where things that are going on. Check out the resources that are in the Shop. Check out the community section and get connected.

Also reminding you of…of this new resource. It’s not in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. You’ve gotta get it either at the iTunes store the Google Play store, but it’s this resource called Hearts, which is a contemplative kind of guided prayer and musical journey. Takes…takes about an hour to go through the whole thing, but you kinda come out of that our feeling like you were able to empty some things out, like to just really invite God into the things that we’ve been feeling over the course of these last months and maybe even years. And it’s just a healing time. So…so, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. And I thank you. I thank you that that we’re in this together and that we remain in this together and that the mission that we share as a Global Campfire community to bring God’s spoken word every day to anyone who will listen to it, because I believe if we hear the words of God then we’re hearing…we’re hearing…we have this opportunity to hear from God. And it’s striking how much we need it on a daily basis. And, so, to bring it to whoever will listen to it. And because it’s a rhythm because it’s daily. We build community around this. And if that has been a life-giving source for you then thank you for being life-giving. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

07/22/20 DAB Transcript

2 Chronicles 6:12-8:10, Romans 7:14-8:8, Psalms 18:1-15, Proverbs 19:24-25

Today is the 22nd day of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is a joy and an honor to be here with you around the roaring Global Campfire that is our community and what a joy that we have each other to take this journey with, deeper and deeper and deeper into God’s Word as we sail deeper and deeper across the vastness of a year together. And what a change it makes just have this little oasis in the thick of it all, this one place of serenity that we can for sure go and know we’re not alone and know that the reason we’re all here is Scriptures, the Scriptures being spoken into our lives and speaking into our souls. And, so, let’s take that next step forward. We’re reading from the NET Bible, the New English Translation this week. Today, second Chronicles chapter 6 verse 12 through 8 verse 10.


Okay. So, in the book of Romans today Paul’s being quite confessional about his own personal experience as a human being. And this is a person who was vigorously, assiduously studying and attempting to live into and obey the Mosaic law. And, so, he’s come to this conclusion, “the things that I don’t want to do are the things that I do. And the things that I actually want to do deep inside me, those are the things that I can’t seem to do and it’s a wretched experience because I’m…basically because I’m conflicted all the time.” And, I mean if we could show…do a show of hands around the world who has ever or who pretty much lives feeling that way we’d have a lot of hands in the air and I’d have both mine in the air. So, as dense as the material is that we’ve been going through, as thick it is with all kinds of very long sentences and a lot of things to think about theologically, Paul’s got our attention right now because he’s describing the way we feel too. And what he’s trying to reveal here is that the battle between light and dark, between good and evil, between right and wrong, this is a battle that is waged within us, within each person. And the law is a spiritual thing and a good thing because it reveals this awareness, this fact that the battle is within us and that it accomplishes what it’s supposed to do, to make us aware that in our own strength like it’s a losing battle, like we cannot get there on their own…on our own, but there’s still hope, because Jesus changed the…the…the plight of humanity. The story changed through Jesus. And according to Paul, “for those in Christ there is no condemnation for us who belong to Jesus. His Spirit frees us from the power of sin and death. The claim that sin and death add to us, something the law couldn’t do. The law could expose and make us aware of these facts but couldn’t free us from it. Jesus came to free us from it.” So, Paul tells us, “those who live according to the flesh have their outlook shaped by the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the spirit have their outlook shaped by the things of the Spirit.” So, we did an exercise, you know, just trying to live into what it would be like if sin weren’t category. Like just to try it for a day, what would that freedom be like? According to Paul, at a fundamental level, “it would be like living in the spirit and not living in the flesh.” So, let’s live into that today. Like, let’s put that into practice today. When the things that we don’t want to do but we’re going to do anyway arise and there is that moment of decision, that is the moment to call upon the Holy Spirit, right? So, when the rage arises or the envy becomes overwhelming or lust shows itself, there's…like there’s only one place to go that leads to life. We can certainly follow the flesh and it will lead us into the things that we don’t want to do and will lead us on a path that ultimately ends in death and destruction or we can throw up our hands and say, “I am unable, I surrender, I am unable. Holy Spirit come into this moment that I might see and live by the Spirit in this moment.” What kind of change might that make to the day? What kind of change might make to our lives if it became like our default position?


Father, we confess that the words of Paul about doing things we don’t want to do and the things we do want to do, not being able to do those things and feeling wretched about it, this is…this consumes way, way more of our lives that we’re even aware of. We live in this condemnation in some way all of the time. And we’re being told that that’s purpose of the law, is to expose these things so that we might deal with these things so that we might come to the end of ourselves in trying to achieve righteousness on our own that we are ever going to defeat these things. But we have been given Your Holy Spirit and we have been and continue to be transformed into new creatures. And one of the basic ways we can act on this, like make it actionable is to do just what we were talking about, that when we catch ourselves, like when we catch ourselves moving in that direction where we are about to choose what we do not want to do, we can cry out to You in that moment for rescue. And, so, that is what we’re going to put into practice today. Come Holy Spirit and show us how to live by the Spirit and to worship You in Spirit and in truth. And we pray this in Your mighty name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, which is home base for us, a virtual community, Global Campfire. This is…this is home base. So, this is where you find out what’s going on around here. It’s a way to get connected.

Be sure to check out the Community section. That’s where the Prayer Wall is. That’s where different links to our social media channels are. So…so, stay connected. That’s a place to get connected.

Check put the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there for the journey that we are on and they’re…they are there for encouragement and edification and building up and just moving us day by day step-by-step together through God’s word in community like…like we do every day. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There’s a link that lives on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, little red button at the top or there are several numbers that you can call depending on where you are in the world. In the Americas 877-942-4253. In the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 or in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to call.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

07/21/2020 DAB Transcript

2 Chronicles 4:1-6:11, Romans 7:1-13, Psalms 17:1-15, Proverbs 19:22-23

Today is the 21st day of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian. Like every day, I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you today…well…and every day as we do what we do. We gather together and we call this the Global Campfire and we just kinda visualize and come in out of the cold, out of the dark, and just rest and let God’s word do what God’s word is so good at doing, touching us where we need to be touched, whether that’s comfortable or uncomfortable it’s what we need and it moves us forward. And, so, let’s take that next step forward. We’re reading from the New English Translation this week, the NET Bible, and we’re in the book of second Chronicles. Today we’ll read chapters 4, verse 1 through 6, verse 11.


Okay. So, as we continue our journey through the book or letter to the Romans we should be getting glimpses of why Paul was and is a controversial figure, because the way that he’s explaining things maybe 2000 years in the future to Gentile years, you know, this makes sense to us, but man for the people that were hearing what Paul was saying, on the one hand it was so good. Like, the news was so good and hopeful, but on the other hand, it is really, really hard to like reverse course from what you’ve been told to believe all along and embrace a new interpretation. And that is absolutely…like that is still in the world and we still wrestle with that today. But Paul is continuing as a Pharisee to unpack the law and its purpose and Abraham’s faith that preceded the law. And in today’s reading his argument is, “a person whose dead isn’t bound by a law anymore, any law.” And then he uses marriage. And like Paul’s analogy holds absolutely as true now as it did then. So, if a husband and wife are married - and in Paul’s example it’s the woman - like if she’s joined to another man…so like if she has an affair, she commits adultery then she has broken that covenant of marriage and so she’s an adulterous. But if she’s faithful to her husband and her husband dies, then the bond, the covenant, the law of their marriage, like she’s not bound to that anymore. He is no longer alive. So, we could, and they could shake their heads affirmatively, “yes, I understand. And yes, that is true.” But what his point is is that when you accept Christ, who you were without Christ dies and is no longer bound to the law. You are raised up a new creation in Christ who has fulfilled it all.” So, if you are a Hebrew listener to Paul, this is hopeful news because the weight of the law was a crushing thing. Like trying…like it was a societal thing and it was a cultural thing and it still is, but like truly trying to…by the law…by obedience, like radical obedience to the law, trying to make an attempt to be righteous before God, you could only come up short. You’re gonna mess up at some point. So, to be told that this resurrected Jesus Christ is the antidote to that, is the answer to that. Like baptism, like you go into the water and you die, and you are resurrected anew, and you come up clean and a new creation. And that that law has no claim to you anymore. Like that is really hopeful good news, but it’s also like right at the bedrock of their understanding of God and their covenantal relationship with God. And this is why Paul is arguing for Abraham, “like, look at our founder. Look at the first person in the story. Abraham didn’t have a law and yet he was righteous before God because he believed, because he put his trust completely in God and obeyed God.” So, Paul’s trying to say, “like, you don’t have to…you don’t have to rewire everything. This isn’t something new. This is something old. The faith of Abraham is the thing that ignited all of this not the law.” So, understanding how controversial this is gonna be taken as, he’s like, “so am I telling you that the…the…the law of God is a sinful thing? Absolutely not!” And Paul goes on to say that, “the law is the thing that exposed my sin. It is the thing that made me aware of…of my inability to be righteous.” And he uses covetousness as an example. Like, “if there…if there was no law to tell me that wanting what somebody else has is wrong, I wouldn’t have known that. But the law told me that. And, so, I know that. And, so, when I do that I do it in sin because I know better.” Right? So, for Paul, the law then exposes sin, and sin leads to destruction. Sin leads to death. However, because of this Jesus, who God raised from the dead, who fulfilled the law, then our faith as with Abraham, our faith in God through Jesus then obliterates the sin issue. It's…it’s not supposed to be the thing that we focus on anymore. And the thing is, like this…this idea, like what Paul said, this is not a radical idea…it was a radical idea. But for us, this is like basic Christianity. And yet, don’t we live most of our lives under some sort of cloud of accusation and condemnation. Like don’t we know our failures every single day and walk around dragging them like chains around our ankles and some kind of weight upon our shoulders and some kind of cloud just hovering above us? We like know our failures and focus upon them, and then…and then focus on everybody else’s cloud of condemnation too and we just add to the noise. And, so, we just all live in this sin mess that is, according to Paul, not really there. Like…like it’s not there. That's…only God can judge us at that level, and He doesn’t. It’s not there. It’s been removed as far as the east is from the west. So, what would it be like to just try an experiment and live into that today? Like, what is there to lose? We can go back to condemnation tomorrow if it was better for us. Like, we can go back to the chains and the weights and the cloud at any point, like, if that’s how we want to live. But what if what Paul is saying is the truth and this really isn’t the way God is looking at us? What if we try to live into that today? Because that would actually be embracing the good news of the gospel. That’s the good story we’re trying to tell. And that’s the way we’re supposed to be living as light in the darkness revealing to the rest of the world that there is a better way to be here than how we are being here. There is a way that pulls us forward as new creatures, as new creations upon this earth and we’re supposed to be showing that way because that way is good news for all of humanity. We don’t have to walk around weighted down and judging one another and judging ourselves. Christ carried it all so that we might live free.


Holy Spirit come into this, this reality. Come into the deepest places of our soul of our lives of our identities of our consciousness of all that we think and see and do. Come, permeate the atmosphere with this new reality that we are enveloped in love and we don’t have to live the way we’ve been living. That’s why it’s good news. We can repent, we can change our minds about ourselves. We can change our minds about everyone that we’re judging. We can die to ourselves and see this world through Your eyes. Come Jesus, awaken us. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear we pray in Your victorious name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website and that is home, that is home base, that’s where you find out what’s going on around here. Of course, if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can find out what’s going on around here as well. But this is home base for…for who we are around the Global Campfire as we take this journey together through the Scriptures. So, check that out.

Check the Community section. That’s the different places to get connected on social media. The Prayer Wall is there.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there. Also, the newest resource is called Heart, a contemplative journey. This is a…kind of a guided prayer and musical journey through the emotions of our heart, just the things that we been dealing with. And you can find that at the iTunes store or at the Google Play store and download this resource, Heart, from there. Just look for Heart, a contemplative journey or you can search for my name and find it there. So, check that out. I have been somewhat overwhelmed…somewhat overwhelmed by the response to that project. It seems that it has struck a nerve and I’m glad because it has certainly calmed my nerves down on many, many, many dozens of occasions and…and just led me deeper myself. So, thrilled…thrilled to see God working through it all over the world. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. I thank you. Thank you for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or you can hit the Hotline button, which is the little red button up at the top inside the app and share right from there, no matter where you are in the world.

And that is…that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello, Bob from Arizona listening to the 12 July podcast and heard Nelly’s cry for prayer. Poor Nelly was just distraught. She wanted to be used so badly by the Lord that she didn’t know what to do, didn’t know how to do it, didn’t have the words for it and discouraged. And her plea for help was…certainly justified that we don’t have a fear for speaking of the Lord and letting Him know…letting others know what He’s done for us but it’s so…my…my encouragement is that we can make it simple. The Lord never made it hard for us to do this. He just wants everyone to know and including you Nelly that He wants people to know how much He loves them. I would certainly first start off with your own testimony, how much He…He loved you and has cared for you and to not be timid in that, but as Paul says it’s __ we don’t have a spirit of timidity we are…we are strong in the Lord, we are given the Holy Spirit. So in that, I just ask you Nelly to rely on your own faith and your own testimony which is very known to you and that ended with how much God really does love you and how He’s shown how much He loves you and how much He wants to show His love to all who come to know Him. I pray for Nelly. We’ll be praying for you as others in this ministry. Thank you, Brian and the Hardin family. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord we worship You is the creator of heaven and earth. All things were made by You and everything You created is good. We praise You for all Your beautiful creation. You place the earth on its foundation so that it can never be moved. Your right hand stretched out the heavens. Thank You that You have blessed us with light and dark and sun and rain and food and water and land and sea and trees and flowers and days and seasons. The heavens are Yours. The earth also is Yours. The world in all its fullness, You have founded them and how many are Your works O Lord? In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your creatures. Be exalted O God above the heavens. Let Your glory be over all the earth. Lord I just pray You will touch all the unbelievers today. I pray that they would look up to the sky and see Your beauty and that You would take away the…the…the blinders that are in front of them God, that they would know the amazing love of Jesus. Lord I pray for my brother, my brother-in-law and all unbelievers that are part of this international prayer chain, that our families, our families and friends and neighbors, Lord help them to know the truth, help them to be set free. They are desperately needing You, especially lift up to You the two people that…that this…this Young girl that lost her Father on July 1st. Help her with Your studies God. And help her to have such peace. And Lord I pray for the granddad who lost his daughter and the child survived. Help him God. Give them peace. Only You can help these people. In Jesus’ name. Alta Lee Maxwell.

Lord Jesus Father Son and Holy Spirit we bring to You our precious, precious sister Gigi from Gainesville Florida or Gainesville and…I think it’s Florida…and we just surround her Lord and ask Your love to surround her at this time with her dad having passed into…into eternity with You Lord on July 1st. Lord we pray that You will be with GG and all of her siblings and her mother that each of them will be able to support one another and that Your Holy Spirit will surround and protect them and enfold them into a deep fellowship with You Lord. Help them with all the details that have to be addressed. And for Gigi Lord, I pray she will be able to communicate with all of her professors and get her classwork done, not perfectly but adequately and that…that she’ll get some assistance on that and that she will succeed and continue to move forward. Bless her Lord and thank You so much. We thank You with her for her dad’s time now in eternity with You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Candace from Oregon.

Good morning my name is David Benedick I want to say good morning to the DAB family. I send my love and prayers to you all. I’m calling for specific prayer from you all for my family, my in-laws because we lost my…my wife’s father this morning about 1:30. He passed away. And I just thank God for him getting to know me before he passed. He knew me…of me but he didn’t know me. But God gave us the opportunity to bring us together as a family whereas he got to know me and that I will take care of his daughter as I promised him I would. For my in-laws, I love you guys very much and I thank God for allowing you all to get to know me and I will take care your sisters. I will go to my grave to make sure that she’s happy. I love you Loree, I love my family, my in-laws. Thank you very much. You all have a blessed and safe day.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family this Alfia calling from not anymore from Delaware but from California, Central Valley California. Today I just want to call to say thank you so much for being such a faithful family for always uplifting one another and loving one another and just carrying on the commandment of God about loving your neighbor. We love one another brothers and sisters and this is such a wonderful platform. Today in a special way I am calling to say thank you to Wide Eyed with Wonder. I love your beautiful mane. Thank you so much for praying for me and I just want to say your prayer was amazing and thank you just for taking the time to pray for me. God has placed me in a new position. I had to move from the East Coast to the West Coast and it’s a little bit of an adjustment, but I pray for God’s will to be done in my life as He uses me as His vessel. So, once again Daily Audio Bible family this is Alfia calling from Central Valley California. Make it a great day. Love you guys. Bye-bye.

My name is Alviano of Chicago and I just wanted to lift up all the educators and administrators that are trying to figure out how the next school year is to look and it is to function for all of the parents who are trying to decide whether or not they are going to follow suit and for all of the children who are in the middle of all of this.

07/20/2020 DAB Transcript

2 Chronicles 1:1-3:17, Romans 6:1-23, Psalms 16:1-11, Proverbs 19:20-21

Today is the 20th day of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it is an honor and a joy to be here with you today as we settle into this brand-new week that we’ve got before us. And in the Scriptures yesterday we concluded the book of first Chronicles. So, that obviously means we’ll be beginning the book of second Chronicles today.

Introduction to the book of Second Chronicles:

And as we’ve already talked about at length as we were going through Samuel and Kings and first Chronicles, this delineation, like there’s nothing to really describe here as far as like this is the brand-new totally different context for where were going. It’s the same thing. We just basically turned the page. These delineations between first and second Chronicles were for ease of reference. But second Chronicles does begin in the same way that second Kings does. We finished the reign of King David yesterday. And, so, David died at a ripe old age as we concluded first Chronicles. And, so, now as we begin second Chronicles we’re moving into the reign of Solomon and all that comes next. And I guess I could also say what…what…what I’ve said all along as we’ve come through this territory, first and second Kings, first and second Chronicles, they both kind of cover the same stories in the same time period with the same Kings and the same situations and they sound very, very familiar because they are very familiar bur they’re just coming from a little bit of a different perspective whereas first and second Kings is kind of coming from the royal perspective versus second Chronicles is coming from the priestly perspective on the same material, the same stories. And, so let’s dive into another book. We’ll read second Chronicles chapters 1, 2 and 3 today and we’re reading from the New English Translation this week.


Okay. So, we are, you know, moving into the thick of Romans, not that Romans doesn’t kind of start out in the thick because it does, but we’ve been kind of moving through the different arguments or persuasions Paul is laying out in order to reveal the truth that he’s trying to communicate. And, so, a number of really important things have happened. Paul has not redefined the Mosaic law, but put it in a different perspective by saying, “things were happening on this earth before the law was given and those things were happening among our people, like our patriarchs, like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name became Israel of which we are the children. There was no Mosaic law. Moses was not going to be born for a long time.” And, so, Paul goes back to Abraham, the start of it all, the beginning person for the Hebrew people and said, “he didn’t obey a law. He was circumcised, but not before he was declared righteous before God because he believed and followed God and trusted God. Like, his circumcision was a sign of the covenant.” So, Paul in part is trying to refrain the Mosaic law and saying, “like this isn’t the end all be all. This is the pathway to righteousness, but nobody can do it. Nobody’s gonna earn their way into righteousness before God and stand before God righteous and there’s nothing God can say about it because they just have achieved perfection. And all of a sudden they are almost divine in the presence of God made righteous before Him on their own.” Ans, so then Paul argues, “the law is what revealed our transgressions. Like it was the line in the sand, this measuring rod that revealed how sinful we are, how rebellious we are toward God because we can’t achieve it and it exposes that fact. But even while we were estranged, even while we were enemies of God falling deeper and deeper into the fact that we cannot possibly achieve a righteous life before God fully and perfected on our own, even in our inability, even while we were estranged from Him, he wouldn’t let us go. He came for us to rescue us.” And, so, as we move into today’s reading then Paul is discussing sin, this essence of rebellion basically, this interruption of the shalom that God offers and desires for the people of the earth. I mean, these obvious questions arise then, “okay. So, I don’t have to…I don’t have to try to become righteous by obeying these rules. These rules are good and ethical and upright and they provide a context for my life but they aren't…like I’m not gonna achieve perfection before God and I can’t, but God is going to make me righteous by His grace. So, sin doesn’t have a place in my story anymore. So, then I guess I can sin and do whatever I want because it’s not my own attempt at righteousness that’s going to do anything. It’s God’s grace that’s gonna do everything.” And, so, Paul’s kind of addressing this, “then should we keep sinning so that God can show more and more grace?” Of course, Paul’s like, “absolute not!” He says that a couple of times in our reading today, “absolutely not, because that sinful nature, that sinful self the separates us from God estranges us from God, that person was crucified with Christ so that sin loses its power. We’re not slaves to it anymore”, which actually kind of confronts us with the…with the fact that we must consider our reality then because we’re kind of kind of in the same boat knowing when we have willingly done what we know is wrong and interrupted relationship through sin. And, so, like we’re constantly aware of our shortcomings. But what Paul’s trying to reveal here is that sin really isn’t supposed to be category in our lives anymore because we have been resurrected with Christ and have been made a new creation. This is where things start getting mind boggling. We are not who we were before Christ in any way according the apostle Paul. Like the transformation at the spiritual level, at the essence of our identity, we have been made new, a new creation. Interrupting the shalom that God offers us, right, interrupting the relationship that God offers to us isn’t just a foregone conclusion. For Paul, he’s like, “this all boils down to who you’re going to obey. You’re going to be a slave or a servant of whatever you obey. So, you have the choice, the volition to be a slave to sin, but how many more times do you need to be told where that road goes. It leads to death and destruction. But you now have a choice as a child of God choose to serve God which leads to righteousness and eternal life.” And the point is that we don’t have…like we live our lives, certainly feeling regret and guilt for the transgressions of our lives. We understand that we are forgiven. We embrace that forgiveness and step into a relationship with God but then we fall down and then we get up and we fall down and we get up and over time can accumulate until we have so much condemnation upon ourselves that we can’t even find the sky anymore. And then we feel the crush of God’s mercy when we don’t deserve it and we realize how much He loves us and then we are restored only to maybe repeat the same pattern over and over and over, like we have one foot in one world and one foot in another world. And what Paul’s saying like, “you don’t have to do that. Like, it doesn’t have to be that way. There is a story and it’s called good news and it’s called the gospel. You are a new creature. You aren’t enslaved to the darkness in any way. It’s not mandatory that you’re going to just fall down and have to get up again, you’ve been lifted up as a new creation made righteous before God. There’s nothing you can ever do to earn this and when you choose to enslave yourself to the darkness it’s almost like you’re trying to go back and live within a corpse that is already dead and gone. It’s almost like you are trying to be a zombie in the darkness. When you do that you are a new creature.” The picture more fleshed out of what this actually…like the repercussions of this or the implications of this are fleshed out a lot in the letter to the Ephesians, which we will get to. And it’s so good. It’s like too good to be true. The good news is way better news than we may think or have thought. But even when we kind of see the vista and it comes crashing in and we see it for a second, it still does become, “how do I practically live this in my everyday life because I sin every day and it’s not on accident. I do things I know I shouldn’t do. I say things I know I shouldn’t say. And the Scriptures bear the truth that when I do…like when I say something I shouldn’t have said to my spouse or to my child or to my coworker or whoever, I see that that brings darkness that leads to death and destruction in some way. How do I escape this pattern?” We escape this pattern like we escape every other pattern, we stop doing the pattern. Like we…I have been married a long time and I have still found myself unsuccessful on many, many occasions where I find coming out of my mouth things I should not be saying and they are not fully things that I mean and they are in the heat of the moment and I regret them. What do we do with that or any other kind of transgression? What we do? And we can say, “well I asked God to forgive me. He forgives me and I move on.” But over time, like these things accumulate and you just start feeling like you’re a failure in every sort of way. So, what is…what is the antidote? It’s understanding that God is a God of radical reconciliation. When we trespass against our brother or sister, we seek reconciliation and forgiveness. When we have sinned against our neighbor, we restore it, we seek it out. God, while we were still sinners, while we were the enemies of God, desired reconciliation and provided it. We’re supposed to do the same thing every time. And over time, these things accumulate until we are living in the light with nothing between us or anyone else. We are living in the truth. We aren’t trying to be right. We aren’t trying to even demand our rights. We are trying to be the light of the world. It’s a bigger story that we have been swept into. And may we begin to see that. And may we begin to allow the Holy Spirit to flesh out, in a very literal way, flesh out within our own flesh what that’s gonna look like according to our own individual stories and relationships and locations.


Holy Spirit we invite You. Come Holy Spirit and help us understand that our failures are not the end of the story. We are moving toward the light. We are leaving into the fact that we have been created anew at the most deep level, at the spiritual level. We are new creations. And our mission is to infect this world with the knowledge of the good news, that we can all be new creations. There is a totally different way of being upon the earth, one that is reconciled and made righteous before You our Creator allowing us to become aware that we are Your children and all of the polarization of the world that tries to deceive and crush us can’t change the reality that we have been made new. And we don’t have to live as servants to anyone but You. Come Holy Spirit. Lead us into all truth we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base. It's…it’s the website of course, but it is home base for a virtual community like ours wrapped all over the world in every time zone and on every continent. And, so, that’s where you find what’s going on around here. So, check it out.

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Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there that are for the journey that we are on, specifically for the journey that we are on. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. Thank you profoundly. Thank you with all humility for your partnership. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together. I say that often. It has never not been the absolute truth. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together. And, so, thank you, thank you that we are. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address if that is your preference is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today on Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi DAB family this is Joe from Pennsylvania. Just calling in to encourage the brothers and sisters that have been struggling with not feeling worthy. I’ve heard a lot of prayer requests come in about that and we just speak to that in Jesus’ name. And I just want to encourage everybody that…that I struggled with this for a long time. None of us are worthy on our own but through the power and the blood of Jesus we all become worthy. And that took me a long time to…to realize and to understand but there’s so many promises in the word of God. If we are…if we confess our sin, He’s faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us or from all unrighteousness. And just…I just want to encourage everyone that’s struggling with that just to think about the faithfulness of God. God is not a man that He can lie. And the Bible says to come boldly to the throne of grace. And we don’t do that on our own. We come boldly through His son who gave His life for us. So, I just want to encourage everybody to stand…that’s struggling with that to stand in humility and to resist the devil when he tells you that you’re not worthy because you are worthy through the blood of Jesus. And Father I just pray that you would lift up those thoughts in the minds of people that are struggling in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hello, my DAB family this is Mark Street from Sydney Australia. Today is Thursday, the 16th of July and I am calling in for some prayer and to touch base as well but like everybody I suppose I haven’t been in a great mental state. This year has been a challenging year. I’ve lost 20% my wage but that’s not really what I’m calling in for. I’ve decided I want to start a business and I want to resign 15th of August. Now, I have run a business in the past. I know what the trouble of running a business __. I know what I’m up against, but I do want this to be kinda like God’s…what God wants for me. So, could you please pray? Before I put my resignation in, if God does not want me to do this that He makes it very clear to me before I put my resignation in. I also don’t want to be scared of man because I feel a little bit like the scouts of Moses that’s going out scanning the promised land and seeing the big Giants and I’m feeling fearful but I don’t want that to overrule my decision as well. I’ve done all the work but please pray for me and I’m listening every day. Thanks family. Love you. Bye.

Hi this is Steve from Arizona I just want to call in with prayers for John from the Sudan about the loss of his brother and also about the gentleman from Kenya whose brother’s daughter was kidnapped. I’m glad they found her alive, but my prayers go out to all the people in Nigeria and Kenya who are being persecuted because of their faith. God bless you all. Bye-bye.

Hello DAB family this is Veronica. This is my second time I’m calling, and I want…first wanted to say thank you to everybody for this community. I wanted to say a special thanks to Victoria Soldier. I heard your prayer calling me by name and that really blessed my heart and I thank you for that and everybody that’s prayed for me. I really wanted to call because I…the thing that I should have been asking for prayer is I’m in an unequally yoked marriage. I’ve been praying for salvation from the husband for over 10 years. I also, due to infertility and the depression that comes with that, I have been on antidepressants and sleeping pills and I have a shopping addiction that I really want to be delivered from. And I just want peace. I don’t want to depend on something to wake me up in the morning and something to help me go back to sleep and to please pray for my marriage. And my husband and I to just accept God’s will for our lives and our marriage. Thank you DAB family. God bless all of you. Bye-bye.

Hey DAB family I’m just calling to say that I’m so thankful for you all. I listen every day and I look forward to hearing your voices especially during such an alone…a lonely time with the pandemic. In general, I just…I’m calling to bring awareness and ask for prayers for Armenia. Armenia, if you don’t know, is a very small beautiful Christian country in Western Asia. It is noticed Cilicia in the Bible and there’s said to be descendants of Noah, specifically Japheth’s grandson named Hike. But why I’m calling is because Armenia has been through a lot. They’ve been through genocide where 1.5 million Armenians were killed for being Christian and to this day is being denied. And right now, they are being attacked by a neighboring country and the people of that country are asking to caution on the side of the Armenians again. I ask that you keep Armenia in your prayers, that the war will stop. Armenians want this war to stop. We just want peace. Please keep Armenia in your prayers. Thank you.

Good afternoon DAB family this is Lady of victory it is Thursday, July 16th and I am calling in for Casey Short or is it Stacy Short, 13-year-old who says she listens with her family every evening at 8 o’clock. Such a precious young lady. She said in today’s society we can be easily influenced. And, so, she wanted to be prayed over. God what a precious, precious daughter that at 13 years old she recognizes that she could be influenced God by social media, by her surroundings, by her friends, by what she sees with her eyes God but she is recognizing Father that that stuff that she’s with her eyes is temporal but it’s only what is in the Spirit that is everlasting. And, so, I lift Your baby girl up to You or Your Young lady up to You God asking that You would just show Yourself mighty and strong in her life. She desires Lord God to be the Young lady that You have called for her to be, not to conform to what society wants her to be or thinks she should be. And, so God I lift up Your daughter up to You, Casey, I believe she said Casey Short. God I am lifting her up to You. You know her intricately God. You know her because You made her fearfully and wonderfully. And, so, I lift her up to You asking God that she will dare to stand out God, that she will dare to not fit in, that she would dare to even be ostracized God by standing up for what is right and not for what is popular. So, I ask Father that You will strengthen her, that You will give her all that she needs, surround her with friends that are going to encourage her in the Lord and not influence her with society. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Hi there this is Marie from Alberta Canada. And Marta I just heard your call and I will be praying for you. Marta from Alberta Canada, you said that your sons had just been diagnosed with autism and I have a son too and he was diagnosed a long time ago. He’s ten now, almost eleven and it’s been a long road. Lots of lifestyle changes but one of the things that has helped so much with his depression and depressive thoughts is listening to the Daily Audio Bible. He listens every morning and has been doing it for more than a year now and just memorizing the Scripture and listening to the Daily Audio Bible every morning and the word is just getting in him and at least those depressive thoughts about himself have almost disappeared. So, praise the Lord I will be praying for you because I know what you’re going through. Thank you.

07/19/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Chronicles 28:1-29:30, Romans 5:6-21, Psalms 15:1-5, Proverbs 19:18-19

Today is the 19th day of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you as we…we reach out our hand and twist the knob and throw open the gates and walk into a brand-new week that’s just been waiting for us to get here. And our choices will write the story of the week. This is the last full week of the 7th month of the year. Next week…we have most of the week in this month and we’ll end next week by switching over into a new month. But no matter what week or day it is it is a joy to come around this campfire together to enjoy knowing that we are not in this alone and to let God’s word speak into our lives. So, this week we’ll read from the New English Translation, the NET Bible and continue our journey through first Chronicles as well as Paul’s letter to the Romans. But first, first Chronicles 28 and 29 today.


Father, we thank You for bringing us into this brand-new week and we’re just looking at the last week of another month, the last full week of another month. And when we look at these days and times and where we are in the year it certainly locates us in the year and where we are but it’s also this kind of constant reminder because we have this constant in our lives every day, every week, every month we have spent together in Your Word allowing it to speak into our days and weeks and months and it transforms us, it renews our minds, it challenges us, it rebukes us, it comforts us, it lifts us up, it tears down the things that need to come down and we’re grateful. And some of the things that we’ve gone through, yeah, they’ve been hard things, but You have been faithful to us. You are committed to our full and total restoration. And, so, we worship You today, we thank You for the gift of community, and the gift of the Scriptures and we invite Your Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth as we follow into this new week. And we pray these things in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, it is, yeah, it’s where the Global Campfire is. And, so, that’s where you get connected.

And the Prayer Wall is there.

The Shop is there. Resources are available to take this journey deeper and just resources for…for the journey itself. So, check that out at the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

If your partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage and thank you, thank you profoundly for your partnership. So, besides the link on the homepage, if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello, I’m calling for GG from Gainesville. Sweetheart, God knows the pain you’re going through right now, but yes, your daddy is with Him. But know that your heavenly Father loves you so much and He’ll be there for you sweetheart. He is a heavenly father who cares, and the word says that he is the Father of the fatherless. So, know you can turn to him for all your needs, your comfort, your comfort for your family, for your sister and your brother. O, you did just touch my heart to hear your pain. I know what it is to lose…to lose someone. I didn’t have a daddy, but I see that daddies mean so much to people, but I never knew my daddy. But sweetheart we do have a heavenly Father who loves us, and I pray that you turn to him for comfort and God bless you all. Bless the entire family and may God just take you through this and comfort you. God bless. Love you…love you DAB family. You’re just such a precious part of my life. This is Betty from upper New York State. God bless everyone. A man.

Hi this is Bighearted Ben, and this is Radiant Rachel from Pennsylvania…from Pennsylvania. We wanted to say that we love our new nicknames, thank you His Little Cherry. Thank you, Little Cherry. And we loved the song that you sang. We have a prayer for tonight. Okay go ahead. Dear God, thank you for this day. Thank you for all of the good things that you’ve given us. Thank you for our friends. Thank you for our family. Thank you for everyone in the whole wide world. Amen. Please help us all to continue to get good night’s sleep. Everyone in the whole world even the people that are being born and the people aren’t born, even the little itty-bitty babies, yeah, that still aren’t alive, and the ones that were just born, and the ones that are just kids, and the ones that the teenagers, yeah, and the ones that are grown-ups, yeah, and the ones that are elderly, yeah, and the one and grandpas and grandmas and great grandmas and great grandpa’s and we thank you and we praise you for answering our prayer for sleep before and we thank you that we got to hear everybody that called in and love the prayers. Amen. Amen.

This is Dave the encourager from Southern California. I just got or I just heard the second or third call in from John in South Sudan. We all heard it…it was just incredible. This man obviously lost his brother to some terrible violence. Seven men broke in and killed his brother over the fact that he was simply a Christian. And now they found the men and they are looking to arrest them. They found out that they were paid to kill this man for 12 American dollars which all meant nothing. But John had called in to pray for these men to save their soul and this is why we want of Jesus Christ. Is it not? This is the reason we love God the Father, because we have human beings here that are praying for the most wicked human beings that they would be saved because they would know the joy that we already know. So, no matter what troubles that we face in life I’m so grateful to hear the stories like John from South Sudan and how he’s gone through tremendous suffering yet he focuses his efforts on the Father God, Jesus Christ whose come to save us all. So, let us all pray together as the DAB family team and pray for this man as praying for all the wicked men that took this guy’s brothers life and all the people in our lives. Let’s pray for our enemies and let’s love one another. Thank you so much for calling in and telling us your story John.

Good morning everyone this is Alecia and I’m calling from the beautiful island of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines. This is my first-time calling in. I have been listening to Daily Audio Bible for the past 2…3 years if I’m correct and I must say Brian you have been an inspiration for me. I love you too. And Jill, everyone, thank you for your work. It has always been an encouragement and even as I sit here there are many times when the Holy Spirit has prompted me to call in and I keep thinking, “O, my problems is not there problems.” But today…I mean this week I am going through a prayer and fast because I know that in order to accomplish things sometimes we have to go in prayer and fasting and this week I am because I believe that my God is the God of possibilities and that nothing is impossible for him. So, even as I sit here, I am going to share with you DABbers that you will join me in prayer for my marriage and my husband. We have been trying for the past four years to have children and things are not looking good. The doctor’s results were not the best. And even though my husband is broken by this result I choose to believe that nothing is impossible, and that God can turn it around. He rules the dead, He causes the blind to see. So, He can move this infertility and I can declare, and I decree it in the name of Jesus. So, even as I sit here, even as I commit this week into God’s hands, I declare that by the ending of this fast which ends on the 19th that the impossible would be made possible in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hello, DABbers it’s your girl Val in Vegas it’s the 15th just calling to check in. Things are going well. I just have to realize it takes time for your body to fully heal after, you know, the double pneumonia that I had. So, still not 100% but feeling good. Just a reminder that we have to just continue to focus on the Lord even in the midst of all the chaos and crazy. God loves us, He’s got our back and He is in full control everyone. I just love you guys so much and appreciate all the prayers and thoughts. I pray for you guys constantly. You are my favorite people. I love you DABbers let’s keep rolling.

Hey GG from Gainesville. O honey, my heart goes out to you on the recent loss of your daddy. I’m so sorry. But I hear in your voice that you’re relying on the Lord to carry you through this difficult time. Know, please know that I am praying for you and your family. You are such a beautiful child. I’m sending you a virtual hug right now. Just grandpa Bob from Michigan loves you and will be praying for you. God bless.

07/18/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Chronicles 26:12-27:34, Romans 4:13-5:5, Psalms 14:1-7, Proverbs 19:17

Today is the 18th day of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it is an honor and a joy to just kind of walk and sit down around this Global Campfire and open up the Scriptures and just relax, exhale…ahh…and enjoy the word of God being spoken today. And, so, let’s get to that. We are continuing our journey through the book of first Chronicles as well as our journey through Paul’s letter to the Romans. And we’ve been reading from the Lexham English Bible this week, which is what we’ll do today since it’s the last day of the week. So, let’s dive in. First Chronicles chapter 26 verse 12 through 27 verse 34 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another day. We thank You for another week. We thank You for Your faithfulness. We thank You that You are ever present if we are even remotely aware. You are with us and we are still here walking forward, and You are still willing to guide and direct our steps as we surrender ourselves in faith and believe and receive the gift. So, come Holy Spirit. This is such a relief, and yet…and yet we so rarely partake. To consider that it is already done, that we aren’t earning anything, that You love us period and that You are leading us as a Father would into the truth so that we might…so that we might shine the light into this world and so that we might live as we were created to live. This isn’t fencing us in this is setting us free. And, so as we release this week and it becomes a part of history, we look forward to living into this in the days ahead. Come lead us Holy Spirit. Show us what this looks like for us. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what is up around here. So, be sure to stay tuned and stay connected.

Check out the Community section of the website. That’s where you find the different links to connect on social media, that’s where with a Prayer Wall lives and there’s prayer happening on a continual basis there so be aware of it. Check it out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, thank you, first of all, thank you humbly. We wouldn't…we wouldn’t be…we wouldn’t be taking this journey if we weren’t in it together. And, so, thank you for your partnership in the summertime here. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or you can just hit the Hotline button, the little red button at the top in the app and share from there.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey DAB family this is the other Melanie from Georgia. I’m calling today because I saw on Facebook last night, Harold that you posted about the fact that the Chicago Marathon that you’ve been training for all these many months has officially been canceled. And it just reminded me of that first day that I heard you call in, just a guy from St. Louis who was not a believer but was listening to the podcast and really feeling encouragement. And just this journey that you’ve been on and all of us have been with you is just interesting to me that ultimately it turned out that that did not get to happen. But what a greater thing God is doing in your life and has done and will do just by your faithfulness and I just wanted to call in today and just rejoice with you that you are here and you’re a part of this community. And now you may not be running in the Chicago Marathon and you may not ever run in a marathon but you are running the race that’s really and truly important and you’ve been such an inspiration and I just wanted to call in and just recognize that and thank you for what you’ve meant to this community. And I just wanted to also just quickly pray this prayer from the book of common prayer. Oh, Holy Spirit beloved of my soul, I adore You. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me. Tell me what I should do, give me Your orders. I promise to submit myself to all that You desire of me and to accept all that You permit that happen to me. Let me only know Your will. Amen. I pray that for all of us.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family it’s been so long since I’ve left anything on this prayer line. I think the last time I popped in was for the Christmas last year. So much has changed in my life and it’s hard to find the time dedicate to the prayers of all my brothers and sisters. So, I have decided to make sure that I listen to this month and not worry about the months that have gone on before and make sure that I’m current with July and then as the Lord helps me find the time I will go back to previous ones. But on July 6th Trusting Father confessed to the sin of arrogance and that prayer pierced my heart because I too have been thinking I have been better than someone else and I have shown it in my speech and it’s just gotten nasty. And, so I confess that I have been arrogant. And I want to be humble because O Lord I am a daughter of yours and there’s nothing in me, no wisdom, no skill, no anything that does not come from You. And, so, God I just want to shine Your light in the world and not worry whether I’m in shadow or not. Thank You, God. Amen.

Good morning this is Fenney from London I’m calling in response to GG from Gainesville message. My heart is so heavy for you. I am so connected to your spirit. I know that you are going through a lot now with the loss of your father. Wow. It’s only God Almighty that can strengthen you and I pray that the Spirit of the Lord will comfort you, the Spirit of comfort will overwhelm you and the rest of your family, that the strength…God’s strength will be made perfect in this time of your need, of your weakness. I pray that you will feel the embrace of the Lord God Almighty. Be assured that He never leaves you nor forsake you. The Lord is always with you and He’ll always be with you. Stay strong in the Lord and He will help you through this difficult period. Rest assured upon Him He never fails. It doesn’t matter what the situation might be, it doesn’t matter what we are going through, God is always there. You just need to continue to call upon Him …

Hey, my sweet DAB fam this is Kingdom Seeker Daniel from Chicago I apologize for calling again. Today is the 14th and I just heard GG from Gainesville’s call. My dear, I am so sorry, so sorry for your loss. I am praying for you and my wife and I will be standing in the gap for you. You sound like such an incredible young lady that God’s hand is on mightily and I want to pray for you, and we will continue to pray for you. As you said, your DAB family will be praying for you. Father, I ask You to please wrap GG, her four siblings, sisters and brother and mom in Your arm. Will You strengthen them and give them the ability to move forward? Help GG in her physics and her chemistry and prokaryotic diversity classes. Give her the strength to finish strong. I ask Father that Your grace will see her through this and the family as a whole. And I pray for Your peace to completely surround them and help them to take one step at a time. Let them know that You are a very present help in their very difficult time right now. Thank You for this precious Young lady GG and her family in Jesus’ name. Love you sis.

Hello DAB family this is Emily in Seattle I wanted to pray for everyone today who is affected by the COVID-19 virus, if you’ve been unemployed or if you came down with a virus or if you know of someone who has I want to pray for you. Dear heavenly Father, I lift up everyone affected by the COVID-19 virus right now and I pray Lord that You will show Yourself strong on their behalf and that You will help them in every way possible and I pray Lord that You will bring health to their body and prosperity to their life and that You will comfort them and be near to them. And also, that You will always be their comforter and their deliverer. I pray Lord You will deliver them and honor them in every way possible in Jesus’ name. Amen. God bless you guys. Hang in there. We love you. Bye-bye.

Hello, my beloved DAB family I can’t let the sun go down on this day July 13th 2020 without acknowledging that today is my 10th DAB birthday thanks to my beautiful daughter leading be here with my life was broken. Because of her love and Brian’s obedience my life will never be the same. Through nearly a year of unemployment followed by the best job ever, a trail of broken relationships, and a remarriage to an amazing man of God, praying my children through very difficult times and seeing them absolutely flourish today, moving to my moms hometown and feeling her presence all around me despite her passing in 1983, one family gathering, three trips to Israel, one more gathering, finding the most amazing church, many new friends and so many more countless blessings all while Brian washed the living breathing word of God over my life every morning without fail. As sure as the sun rises, the word is there, feeding, guiding, correcting, directing. Brian, you and your family’s obedience have saved my life and the lives of thousands. I humbly thank you and ask God in Jesus’ name by the power of the Holy Spirit to continue to bless you, your family, and your anointed work. This is Cathleen from the beautiful rolling hills of Taska Minnesota.

07/17/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Chronicles 24:1-26:11, Romans 4:1-12, Psalms 13:1-6, Proverbs 19:15-16

Today is the 17th day of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is an honor and a joy as it is every day to just come around this Global Campfire together and allow the word of God, the Scriptures to be spoken into our lives and lead us further and deeper into the story of the Bible as we take this journey together. So, today we’ll be going back into the story of King David as we continue our journey through first Chronicles before getting back into Paul’s letter to the Romans. We’re reading from the Lexham English Bible this week. First Chronicles 24 verse 1 through 26:11.


Okay. So, as we continue deeper and deeper into Paul’s letter to the Romans we’re seeing him kind of systematically begin to lay the groundwork for all of his argument, which is essentially his way of kind of dismantling, for the sake of a better word, kind of deconstructing all the pieces of his training as a Pharisee and all his understanding and adherence to the Mosaic law, not so that it can be disassembled and thrown in the dumpster, but rather to lay down the component parts and go, “what do we have here? How does this all line up? Has this all lined up correctly? Have we missed something?” Because for Paul, as a Pharisee and for the Hebrew people, adherence, so open obedience to the law was paramount, like the essential component, the way toward salvation, as it were. And in…in their worldview and in their understanding, Moses is the great prophet God used to bring them out of Egypt and to establish their identity as a people. It was through Moses leadership that this law came to be. And, so, their reverence for him is obvious and is important. And I mean, we read the story of Moses and…and we traveled through all things together as we moved through the Bible this year so we can see why he’s that important of a figure. And Paul’s not trying to diminish Moses. It’s just that Paul had adhered to the law as best as he possibly could and so had the millions and millions of people who went before him and everyone…like it was this common understanding that you’re supposed to obey the law, but it’s also this common understanding that it’s not possible, that nobody had been able to do it until Jesus, but we’ll get to that in the course of time. Nobody had been able to do it, and everybody understood that. And, so, where does that leave you? It leaves you on a treadmill that you can never get off, right?  It leads you chasing something you can never achieve. And, so, at a foundational level after Paul had this encounter with Christ, questions like, “is this really what’s going on…like…is this really how it works, that we will always try but never ever actually achieve, is that how the whole thing is set up? Is that what God wants, to be available if you could get yourself perfect enough?” So, what Paul did, whether this was a revelation from Jesus or something that he really thought about during the time where he was…where after he met Christ, he was very discombobulated and had to figure out what had happened? Whatever he did, whenever he did it, he started back at the beginning, the beginning of the Hebrew story. The first person that originates the story was a man named Abram. And again, we followed his whole story as we went through the Bible and God changed his name to Abraham and told him he would be the father of many nations. Well, Abraham…like this ethnicity called Hebrew is the offspring of Abraham, but was Abraham a Hebrew? This hasn’t even been a term coined yet. And did Abraham obey the law? He didn’t because it didn’t exist yet. And was Abraham made righteous before God because he got circumcised as a sign of the covenant with God? No. According to Paul, quoting the Hebrew Scriptures, “if Abraham was justified by works, then he has something to boast about, but not before God. What does the Scripture say? And Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him for righteousness.” So, the argument is pretty technical, pretty thick with long run-on type sentences for sure. But the argument is, “God was doing things before the Mosaic law, and before Moses. It didn’t all start there. Moses was a continuation of a story as, for them, as we all know from our own Scriptures. Abraham didn’t do anything, didn’t obey any law to become righteous before God. What he did do was believe God, put his faith in God and follow this God to a land he didn’t know and believed in his old age, that a child of promise would be born. And this would be the first child of this new thing, this new kingdom of priests that would introduce the world to the one Creator, Father God. So, even though we can read this now, look at his argument, go back to the Hebrew Scriptures, the Old Testament, read and see that, “yeah that’s what it says”, and see that the theological understanding that’s being argued here has merit. This is a big shift for Paul’s hearers. It is complicated and could have incredible implications for their understanding of…of the culture that had been being built for all the centuries. It was polarizing, it was divisive, not on purpose…not for the sake of just stirring up trouble, but it caused people to reconsider. And some, most for that matter, couldn’t get on board and branded Paul a heretic because it was breaking down some very, very serious things in their culture, like exclusivity. What Paul is saying is that Abraham believed before there were any Jewish people and that’s what made him righteous, not following any law. The law was there to lead people and everything that they did to remind them who God is and who their allegiance is to. But it wasn’t the thing that was going to save them. It was their faith. That’s what happened with Abraham, which opens up a can of worms because then anybody who believes…anybody who believes can be made righteous. And, so, here we…we see a battle that has been going on and continues until this day, “who gets to be in?” Paul says it like this, “is this a blessing for those who are circumcised, or also for those who are uncircumcised?” Of course, we understand that male circumcision was a sign of the covenant, something that happened at eight days old for male children, a symbol and a sign that would follow them their entire lives in their most intimate moments that they are in covenant with God and that they are this specific, set apart, exclusive people. So, Paul’s like, “is the blessing for those who are circumcised, or also for those who are uncircumcised? For we say”, and he’s quoting the Scriptures again, “faith was credited to Abraham for righteousness. How was it credited then, while he was circumcised or while he was uncircumcised?” And then he tells them, “certainly not while he was circumcised. He was made righteous before God while he was uncircumcised, and circumcision came after as a seal of a covenant. His faith, his belief in God and what God told him even before the rituals were invented is what worked. And, so, Paul’s essentially trying to say, “it’s got to still be that way. Everyone who believes, everyone who puts their faith in God who calls upon His name can enter in.” So, we’re like mostly Gentiles in this community, the Christian faith is mostly a Gentile religion at this point. And, so, we can read this stuff and just go, “okay…well…there's…there’s the theology of my faith. This is why it works and it’s in the Bible. And, so, that’s that.” And we don’t understand how unsettling the message of Paul was to his fellow Hebrew people. We do understand that there was a lot of antagonism toward him and assassination plots toward him and imprisonment and all of that. We understand that the mob would form everywhere he went practically, but we don’t always understand like, “why? What’s the big deal? He’s just saying really nice good things that…that God the Father of all welcomes you, you can come to him. You can be welcomed.” Like, we don’t see the problem with the message. This is kind of the deal though. Paul is going back beyond Moses and trying to tell the story from the beginning and it really, really messes with rituals and traditions that have been embedded for centuries inviting the people forward, like inviting and pulling them forward into freedom but they can’t get their minds around it, and it feels like heresy. And, so, they brand him a heretic and do everything that they can to take him out. So, what do we do with that? Well, number one we rejoice. We rejoice that, by faith we can be made righteous before God and invited into an intimate friendship with the most-high God, like a being we can’t even possibly comprehend with our minds alone. That’s what the good news is. But then we also have to examine our lives. Like are we just living in the good news by faith or do we have our own version  of the rules that we’re like really trying to manage and manage everyone around us? And do we brand people and go after people who don’t see it the same way that we do? Or are we confident in our own faith and our eyes are focused on our own life knowing that the Holy Spirit, knowing that the most-high God is all powerful? And as much as we think we might be defending Him. He is all powerful. He is most high. He is that He is, and He will do what he chooses. Like, we do this because we’re scared to get it wrong and we do this because we need to be right. But according to Paul, the way you get it right is that you believe.


Father we believe and…and help our unbelief. And help us God to not lose the plot of this story because we’re watching people over generations, over millennia in the Scriptures lose the plot of the story. And we confess, we lose it all the time, big and small, lose it all the time. What we have to do is rest in the fact that there’s nothing we can do but put our faith in You, and that’s what is required. And that in turn transforms us from within and our actions and convictions follow suit because of the transformation that You are doing within us. All we have to do is believe. All we have to do is stay open. But we close ourselves down all the time. Come Holy Spirit, we open ourselves to You, trusting that You will lead us into all truth, and that all we have to do is believe that You have rescued us and remain in fellowship with You. Jesus, make this real for us. Click it into place. Let it not be a theological formula. Transform it into our reality. There is so much freedom there. We don’t have to figure it out for everybody anymore. We don’t manage anything anymore. It’s all a gift and we are lucky to be here. We carry this in our hearts today. How fortunate we are that You would even know who we are, much less adopt us into Your family as Your children. May we live like that today. Come Holy Spirit we ask. In the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is…it’s the website, its where you find out what’s going on around here at any point.

What’s going on around here at the Community section is where the Prayer Wall lives and that is always happening. There’s always prayer going on. There’s always prayer needed. And, so, that is a fantastic resource for that, You can find the different links to the different social media channels that we’re on and stay connected that way. So, check that out.

Check out the resources that are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

You can also check out the newest resource, which is called Heart, a contemplative journey. And that’s a guided prayer and…and musical journey that just kind of takes us into the emotions of our heart. And that’s our latest resource and that is available on iTunes in the iTunes store or in the Google play store. So, you can download it there.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link and it lives on the homepage. And deepest, deepest gratitude for those who have clicked that link. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can just hit that Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top. I love that thing. I love that thing. I love it that we have a hot line, that no matter where we are in world, like we’re connected in some sort of way, like it’s always available and I love that. So…so you can hit the Hotline button in the app, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

07/16/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Chronicles 22:1-23:32, Romans 3:9-31, Psalms 12:1-8, Proverbs 19:13-14

Today is the 16th day of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is a joy and honor to be here with you today once again, around the Global Campfire. No matter what time of day or night it is, no matter where we are there is this place and we can come here whenever we want and know that we’re not alone and have God’s word available to us just to speak into our lives. And what a remarkable gift that is. And, so, let’s partake of this gift by taking the next step forward in our week and month and year. This will lead us back into book at first Chronicles for the Old Testament portion of today. We’ll read first Chronicles chapters 22 and 23 and we’re still moving through the life and reign of David and we’re reading from the Lexham English Bible this week.


Alright. So in the third chapter of Romans, which is where we spent our time in the New Testament today Paul is…like…I mean what we’re….what he peeled away today is the essence or the foundation of faith in Jesus and why it works. And we have remember, Paul’s speaking to Hebrew people but we also have to remember that like, nothing that Paul’s gonna say…none of its gonna make any sense like completely divorced from the Hebrew context. Jesus was in a Hebrew context. Paul was a Hebrew Pharisee. Like, the lens that we’re looking through, even though Gentiles never really lived under that, there’s no way to fully grasp what Paul’s saying devoid of any kind of Hebrew context. It sounds like gobbledygook. It sounds like nonsense, which is something that Paul will say in one of his letters later. But the problem is that for the Hebrew people this is also sounding kind of like nonsense, kind of like they’re supposed to reject…like Paul’s trying to say the story is moving forward. We are being swept forward into the story. For them though, on so many levels it’s like, “no. You are asking us to be in a different story and to be in a different story is to reject all that we have ever known at all that God has done to make us a chosen people.” And, so we see in today’s portion of the letter is kind of a distillation like…like it comes down to one thing – nobody, Jew or Gentile, nobody is perfect. Nobody. And even if God gave us a pathway to perfection through the Mosaic law nobody can do it. Nobody is perfect. Nobody on their own is going to be able to perfectly obey the law and find themselves in the presence of Yahweh, of God, demanding fellowship because of their own righteousness. So, on one level Paul’s trying to say that this is the equalizer. Jew or Gentile, no matter mineral you are nobody is perfect. Nobody is a righteous. And we all believe that if we want fellowship with God, that is…that requires righteousness. So, we have a path but that nobody can follow. And, so, fellowship with God is unattainable, Jew or Gentile. So, what…what are we to do then? Like, how is it that we are then going to achieve the unachievable? How is it that we’re gonna reach for God and pursue it our whole lives and fall short in the end? How do we actually find ourselves in right standing before God so that we might have a covenantal relationship with Him? Paul says, “apart from the law the righteousness of God has been revealed being testified about by the law and the prophets. That is the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. For there is no distinction for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.” This is the bedrock. This is the foundation. This is…I mean Paul has a number of arguments that we are going to enter into in all of his different writings for all kinds of different purposes, but in terms of salvation and in terms of relationship with God, Paul is saying, “you can’t achieve the unachievable. It’s not possible. But God can achieve whatever God wants to achieve. And what He wants to achieve is to make you righteous before Him and welcome you as His son or daughter into intimate fellowship together and all you have to do is believe that He wants you, believe that He sent His son to rescue you.” I mean…fund…fundamentally, Paul’s speaking to people who are like devoted to studying Torah, to studying the Bible, to find out what to do so that they can try to do those things so that they can get God to act on the behalf. And in so many ways he’s saying, “you can study that until you’re blue in the face. You can memorize it. If…if you’re not gonna live it it’s not gonna matter and no matter what you do, no matter how well you understand this, you cannot achieve it by yourself on your own in your own strength. Like, you can build all the theological formulas that you want. Just building the formula building the box, that doesn’t do it. You have to believe through faith that it’s already done.” Ahhh…and that…that’s beautiful, that’s the good news…good news and it is so good that I almost want to sit down and ponder it for a minute and come back. But we know…we…we know this, and yet we’re still so often trying to do the same thing, trying to study to find the formula, to jump through the hoops correctly and pull the levers in sequence to get things to happen that are already done. And, so, live less than we are our whole lives when the whole world needs us to be a kingdom of priests, right? To shine the light into the world, not by what we claim, not by what we say, not by our theology, by the way we live, that we are the light in the darkness. And, so, when people are in the dark, they’re looking for the light. But we’re still kind of so busy trying to get the formula right that we never really shine. But fear not, Paul has much more to say. And before we get through the letters of Paul, the things that he is going to say about who we are, are mind bending. Absolutely blow your mind stuff is in front of us in these next months. But right here right now as we expose the bedrock upon which Paul will build, we understand that no matter how hard we try we’re going to fail. We cannot be perfect. And that’s bad news for perfectionists out there until you realize that you already have been made perfect before God through faith in Jesus.


Father, Holy Spirit fall upon us with this awareness of what we’ve always known, but make it real to us, give us eyes to see this and ears to hear this because it’s not just about our personal redemption. It is about the rescue of the world. So, come…come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its…its home, its where you find out what’s going on around here. And, so, yeah, like I say every day, stay tuned, stay connected in any way that you can.

Check out the Community section. Get connected.

Check out the resources in the Daily Audio Bible Shop for the journey. And also, on iTunes and Google play you can get the Heart…Heart resource…resource…it is a heart resource. It’s called Heart, a contemplative journey and it’s a guided prayer and musical journey that leads us into the depths of the emotions that we probably been all feeling this year. Their common and they just kind of come out of my…my own life and talked about that a bit as we were moving into the long walk but it…it’s a…it’s an ongoing thing and it’s an ongoing resource that I’m using  even though I know it well and it is a helpful re-centering. It’s crazy how much we forget. And it’s so good to be reminded and remember, and re-center, and reorient ourselves to God, which is…which is the beauty of the rhythm of life that we have here around the Global Campfire that every day, every day we come back and we are reminded, and reoriented again through God’s word. And, so, Heart is just prayers, prayers calling out to God and then giving some space to just feel, feel what we’re feeling, acknowledge it, invite God into it. So, check that out. You can get it at the iTunes store or at the Google Play store. And it’s available now

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage, and I thank you humbly, deeply for your partnership as we move through the summertime. Appreciate…appreciate your partnership so much. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

07/13/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Chronicles 15:1-16:36, Romans 1:18-32, Psalms 10:1-15, Proverbs 19:6-7

Today is the 13th day of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we dive in…dive into a new work week and swim our way through together. And if that’s the metaphor we’re gonna use then I’m glad I’m not swimming alone. I’m glad we’re in this together. So, this week we’re reading from the Lexham English Bible and continuing our journey through the book of first Chronicles and continuing our journey through the life of David. So, today first Chronicles chapters…chapter 15 verse 1 through 16 verse 36.


Okay. So, we’re just getting started in the book of Romans, which also means we’re just getting started in Paul’s letters. And, so, like we’r righgt at the very beginning and we gotta kinda get his tone and get where he’s coming from. And this letter of Romans is brilliant. Like, this is the basis for so much of the theological understandings that we have as Christians. And it’s…it’s dense. Like, it’s very packed. And, so, lot of words and a lot of long sentences. So, what…what are we saying today or what was Paul saying in the portion of the letter that we read today? Well, so, we got started yesterday and…and Paul was like right out of the gate making one point really clear, that God is willing to make us right or righteous in His sight. He’s willing to do that, but the…the way that this can be accomplished is completely through faith. I guess we could just stop there and talk for a few days or weeks or months or years because we’re essentially being told that once we believe we have to live into this through faith. Like when will we ever actually feel like we are righteous before God because of our actions, not because of Jesus work? Like, when will we ever feel like we have a right to be in God’s presence because we are that good? We, on our own, are holy and we have become exalted to the point that we can be in God’s presence and He doesn’t have to like…He doesn’t have to make us righteous, we simply are on our own, like when will that ever happen? Never…never…but we are that holy and we are that righteous to be so bold as to enter the presence of the most-high God through faith. This is so central to Paul. We kinda need to understand where he’s coming from here as we enter into what he’s writing. And, so, that’s what he’s saying, and he begins to flash that out today by simply saying, “there’s no excuse. It’s not God’s fault for our confusion. It’s not God’s fault that we’re not aware of His presence. It’s not God’s fault that we can’t find where He is. Just look around you.” And he tells us, “God gave us reason, volition, essentially gave us the ability to make choices and that those choices have been allowed to matter, but we took those choices and essentially traded the truth for a lie. And, so we began to worship all kinds of things and get into all kinds of trouble and move into all kinds of directions that humans being…human beings were not intended to be involved in, including in…including giving our hearts in worship to that which is false, which is idolatry.” And, so, you stir all of that up together for a couple centuries or a couple millennia and you find like confusion is a rampant. Nobody knows anything anymore, which according to Paul just leads to unrighteousness, fundamentally. Unrighteousness, wickedness, greediness, malice, envy, murder, strife, deceit, malevolence, gossip, slander, hatred of God, insolence, arrogance, and on and on. And we probably could rightly say, “yeah, that’s kind of the world I think I might be living in too. Like that’s kinda what I see when I look around. There’s a lot of this.” So, we, on the one hand, we can go “well, nothing’s changed in the last couple of thousand years” or we can understand like this is our deep struggle. Paul’s saying God has always been here. He’s been calling out in every way imaginable, and we’ve been ignoring that and making choices without Him individually and collectively as the human race. And, so, here we are, and it’s a bit bleak. And, so, he's…he’s laying out all out not to say, “the world has gone mad and everything is upside down and we need to hunker down and hide out.” Like, he’s not saying that. He’s laying this all out to bring us to what we will experience in the coming days and that is this; it doesn’t have be this way. We’re choosing for it to be this way. If we could understand that we have been made righteous before God. If we could accept that reality about ourselves through faith the things that we are struggling for, the people that we are struggling against, it loses its potency. We’re no longer struggling to eke out some sort of identity that can make us right in our own eyes. Rather, we come to the end of ourselves understanding that the choices that we’ve made have individually and collectively gotten us here. Somethings got to change. And for Paul it’s that if we could open our eyes and see through faith what is really going on it would fundamentally and radically transform us from within, which would then compel us to change the way that we live and have our being in this world, which would effectively change things all around us. And if you get that going, you get that momentum going then…well then, we’re working towards, “on earth as it is in heaven.” And, so, we have a lot of ground to cover in the days ahead in the book of Romans and…and…and on through the letters of Paul. But this is where we are now. Paul is laying out the fact that things are pretty messed up, have been pretty messed up but they don’t have to stay that way.


Father, we invite you into that. We welcome you into that. We open our hearts. We want it. We’re exhausted. Come Holy Spirit, bring us to the end of ourselves as painful as that might be, that we might see through the eyes of faith what is really going on here and is really possible. Come Jesus we pray. In your mighty name, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is…it’s the website but its home base for…for the Global Campfire community that we are, and it’s where you we find what’s going on around here. So, stay tuned and stay connected.

I…I started mentioning Heart, a contemplative journey, a project that released back on the day of the long walk. And it…it…it’s available now and if you haven’t had a chance to get that is…it is a true journey of the heart. It is a true journey into the emotions that we feel…that we’ve been feeling throughout all the craziness going on, just kind of guides us. It’s something that has formed over a lot of time, actually over several years for me. And the prayers are prayers that just kind of…they came from my own heart. They were the prayers I was praying about the things I was feeling and just realizing I’m not alone. I can’t be alone. This is…this is what we feel. And to try to give language to help us enter into those places instead of just kind of stamping them down and compartmentalizing them and hiding them. Instead, to embrace what we’re actually feeling and welcome Jesus into those places. And, so, that is available. It was a shock. It was a shock to watch that album debut number one. I was not thinking that but now that we’re almost a couple weeks from there I see the feedback I’m getting that it has struck a nerve. It is something that was needed for…for a time like this. And, so…so, yeah, that is available. You can get it from the iTunes store or the Google Play store. If you’re looking for it like on Apple music, like it’s not stream…you can’t stream it, you have to purchase the album. There’s a reason because there’s 20 tracks in 10 of them are prayers, and there’s no way to exclude, like there’s no way to exclude them. And that would mean that disembodied prayers that are completely out of context altogether…just completely out of context of the…of the of the whole process that…that Heart is could…it’s just weird. And, so, if you go you have to go the iTunes store to get it as many, many, many, many, many, many of you found out over the last few weeks. But it is available and it’s not just for the long walk, although it’s such a beautiful, beautiful thing for the long walk. It is for the long walk of life, and something that I go back into even though I…I…I’ve heard it a lot. It takes me into a place that…I don’t know…it centers me. It reminds me that, although I can get tossed around on my emotions, like we all can, there’s an anchor. And we can continue to be tossed around if we don’t hang on to the anchor. And…and it…it’s just so helpful to be reminded and to have the words. And, so, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. Thank you, humbly, deeply. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together and that has always been the story and that is a fact. So, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can in the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.