02/24/2019 DAB Transcript

Leviticus 15:1-16:28, Mark 7:1-23, Psalms 40:11-17, Proverbs 10:13-14

Today is the 24th day of February. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is great to be here with you once again from the Sea of Galilee and we are wandering around this region immersing ourselves in the region and chasing the story of Jesus and it is profound to say the least. And we’ll talk about that a little bit more at the end. Thank you for your continued prayers as we continue this pilgrimage and journey through the land of the Bible. We had a great time last night, which would have been yesterday for most people, broadcasting live from the Sea of Galilee, and just kind of sharing some of our stories and interacting a little bit. That’s always, always, always a good time. If you weren’t able to be there virtually, if you weren’t able to watch you can go back to the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page and see it and see it for yourself. Okay. So, we’ve got a brand-new, shiny, sparkly week out in front of us and we’re walking through that threshold and into this new week together and it’s all new again and we’ll live into this week and invite the Holy Spirit to guide our steps. This week we’ll read from the new International version and we’ll pick up where we left off yesterday. Leviticus chapter 15 verse 1 through 16 verse 28 today.


We thank You Father for another day in Your word and we thank You for this threshold that we cross every seven days into a new week because it reminds us that Your mercies are new every morning and that this week we haven’t done anything yet, we haven’t messed anything up, we haven’t made any missteps. All is out before us and we choose in advance to humble ourselves under Your mighty hand and submit ourselves to the leadership of Your Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit, lead us into all truth, lead us on the narrow path that leads to life. We ask this expectantly in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.


Okay. So, here in Israel yesterday we got up and our first stop was about an hour drive from the Sea of Galilee to a little place known as Cana. And Cana is, you know, famous because this is the place where Jesus performed His first miracle at a wedding. And, so, it’s a church and there’s not a whole lot to see there and it’s kind of built up and, you know, there’s a lot going on and it’s really crowded usually and that was the case, but we do go there and appreciate the fact that the first miracle was at a wedding and 29 of the couples on this trip renewed their vows of marriage, recommitting themselves to one another are reaffirming their commitment to one another there at Cana and that’s always a fun thing to watch, a fun thing to be involved in, another holy moment. It struck me last year and I think it will always be this way from now on, with that many couples you’re looking at centuries of wisdom in marriage, you know, like every hard thing that a couple could go through is probably represented in the group and it’s like, this can happen if we’re in this with God and we are for each other. And, so, just reminding myself and we’re reminding the couples that this is a miracle, it’s a miracle to have this many years of marriage represented and it’s miracle just to stay in the fight and to stay in the love commitment, the covenant of marriage. So, we did that and then we left and we had, I guess, about an hour drive over to Beit She’an, which is an epic location, really representing maybe pre-Canaanite but Canaanites forward. It’s just a large, sprawling Decapolis city, one of the cities of the Decapolis referred to in the New Testament and it’s just huge. I mean, even this space of time that we have to explore kind of the central area that takes some time, the place is just massive. It could literally take from sunup to sundown just to explore there, but we definitely got the highlights and an understanding and a rootedness in what’s going on and its position in in biblical history. So, we spent time there and had some lunch there. We had some…like a picnic brought in so that we could just sit outside and eat and it was beautiful day and then we moved back North toward the Sea of Galilee on the eastern side to a place called Persee. This is the site where Jesus cast the demons into the swine. And every time we pass the story in the Gospels and, you know, every time I’m here, I’ve even written about this in the past, this particular place. It’s because the man, the man possessed with a demon, he’s running naked down the shore asking Jesus why He’s interfering with him. And then after he’s set free the people are asking Jesus to leave because they’re freaked out and I just…I find myself in that story in so many situations. We can invite God fully to have access to every part of our lives and ask Him to pull us forward and ask for a deepening intimacy and then when He does begin to answer that prayer and that prayer is invariably going to be answered with some sort of disruption because we’re asking for a closeness that maybe we don’t sense and that means whatever else is taking up that space has probably got to be moved around or to be gone. So, we find ourselves saying, “why are you interfering with me?” But it’s like Jesus is saying, “this is what you asked for, this is…this is the path to freedom.” And I also find myself with the people asking Jesus to leave. You know, when God is moving in a way that’s like not clear or uncertain or disruptive or that somehow its just different than what I was expecting I find myself doing the same thing. We probably all do. So, we took some time and what a lovely perfect day. Like it just…beautiful climate, temperatures, lushness, the flowers are blooming from the springtime. It’s just beautiful. So, a place to have, finally, some serene moments to ourselves to just contemplate. And then our final stop of the day up on the Golan Heights to overlook the sea of Galilee and another of the Decapolis cities known as Hippos Sussita and that ended our day back down the mountain and back to where we’re staying for some dinner and then for some time together. It’s like really we’ve only been on our journey for several days but in many ways it feels like several weeks. You know, we’re covering so much ground and drinking in so much so quickly and so just kind of get together and debrief and just talk about it a little bit. Its fun. And to be able to share that with the community is also fun. So, we did that Facebook live last night and had a blast and you can go back and watch that if you haven’t had a chance at Facebook.com/dailyaudiobible.

And speaking of being here, we are already committing ourselves to coming back next year at this time and registration for the that event next year is open now and ironically is filling up, faster than any other one so far. So, you can check that out at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. You’ll see Israel 2020 or just look at the Initiatives button on the navigation bar at the top, Israel 2020. You’ll get all of the details, all your questions answered. If coming here is something that you feel compelled to do, that you want to take a pilgrimage to this land of the Bible and watch the Bible begin to come alive before your eyes then just certainly check it out. We’d love to love to spend this time with you. It's…well…it’s a pilgrimage and a pilgrimage is a long and difficult journey to somewhere holy. And I think that's…I think that’s what we’re feeling, that’s what we’re doing. And, so, you are you are welcome to join us. Check it out at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section, Israel 2020.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link that makes its home on the homepage and I thank you, thank you profoundly for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi beautiful family this is pastor Gene from Bradenton Florida. I love You guys very much. __ Father, we love You so much. You are so good, so faithful, so deserving of our trust. You have never failed us and You are not about to start failing us now. __, You have brought us to this place to come to the land that You’ve given us, and we have to __ and we have to fight but the land is ours. You have given it to us because we are only __ because we are only __ in You God. Father we lift up Jared’s mom. She is in a lot of anguish trying to figure out what to do with Jared __ in her to lift him up. Father __. Father __ to make the right call. Father, in the name of Jesus help her Father. Help her. I know it’s hard. I’m a mom of a boy too and You are just so precious to us God. So, I understand my sister’s anguish and I pray that You will just calm her heart and give her the reassurance of what she is doing one way or the other. Give her peace __ Father and love Jared __.  Your word says that no __ at the moment but that eventually it __ the righteousness. So, I’m praying for a full transformation in Jared’s life. And Father we welcome our sister Allison that is being brought to the community by our other dear sister Allison from Oklahoma City and we welcome her, and we bless her in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family, this is Terry the trucker. I haven’t called in in a while, but I wanted to call in and give an update for those of you that don’t follow Facebook, I kinda got wrapped up on it and givin’ updates on it and kinda neglecting my callin’ but I’ve been waiting…March 8th I have an appointment in Dallas. I have to travel about three hours to Dallas and I have to see an independent doctor to try and __ a knee injury and a back injury from Houston __. Everything else is…it’s a slowing healing and getting’ better, comin’ along. Still can’t walk very far. I can walk. That’s a blessing. __. Amen. __ and I do appreciate all the prayers __ and encouragement, phone calls and prayers and it’s truly a blessing. And you’re all in my prayers daily. Have a blessed day. Thank you.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family. This call is a surprise and I just feel like to me I was listening to my radio on my headset and all the sudden there’s Brian’s voice saying thank you for calling and went, oh my goodness what just happened? Now, I was avoiding calling. The Lord had been telling me to call. I was avoiding it. So, please don’t avoid that because He will call for you. So, I guess I’m calling today to…just a shout out to Melissa. I listened to your call actually three times over the weekend and since the weekend and my heart broke for you but all I could hear you saying was I’m trying, I’m struggling, I’m fighting, I’m doing everything I can do, but Melissa the Lord has never told us to do any of that. The Lord keeps telling us to rest, to trust, to be still. So, sister, be still, sit, stop struggling, and just listen to God, breathe, know he’s got you and understand that as long as you’re fighting and doing it your way He can’t intervene because He’s a gentleman, Ge won’t fight against you. So, sit still and know that He is your strong tower, He is your defense, He is your fortress, He is your mighty rock, He is everything you need. In this moment, God is t. So, take a deep breath, know that everybody listening to the Daily Audio Bible is lifting to up in prayer and you just need to rest and be still. So, I guess that was the word that the Lord wanted me to say because He’s been putting it in my mind all week and I’ve been avoiding it. So, don’t avoid those promptings. Real quick shot out, Anita Allison, I don’t know, you and I must have been separated at birth. Every time you call in my heart just jumps. You’re not only a sister in faith but I believe you’re a __ sister too. So, looking forward to bike season startin’ and…

Hello DAB family, this is Sharon in Southern California. I’m calling again with an update. My daughter and I are still not speaking. I found out that she is trying to move out of state and to take the kids with her, which of course is very hurtful. Also, my husband is unhappy with his job, so he’s looking for another job. He’s willing to work for no pay. So, that would mean that a loss of income. So, please pray for that situation, that the Lord will provide. And also, I have good news. I got promoted after 12 years. So, I’m really excited about that. So, I know that the Lord is still working in my life and still working things out because my daughter is in counseling. So, that’s one of the things I was praying for. So, I’m grateful for that. So, thanks. Still continue to pray for me as I continue pray for all of you. I love you so much and I thank you and I thank God for this community and for your prayers. And please continue to watch out for one another in love.