Exodus 2:11-3:22, Matthew 17:10-27, Psalm 22:1-18, Proverbs 5:7-14
Today is the 26th day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is great to be here with you today, as we gather around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward together. And we’ve taken all of these steps that have led us to this point, which yesterday allowed us to conclude our first book on the journey, that was the book of Genesis. And we began the book of Exodus yesterday, talked about that a little bit and even in our first reading in the book of Exodus, we met this baby boy, his name is Moses. He is an important person in the Biblical narrative. And so, he’s just a baby boy and he’s being raised up in Pharaoh’s daughter’s home. She’s adopted him and we sort of see this dynamic as he’s a child. We’re gonna pick up the story from there. Getting to know Moses, getting to know his life. We’ll be journeying with Moses for quite some time. And so, let’s dive in, Exodus chapter 2 verse 11 through 3 verse 22 today.
Okay so, as we get ourselves immersed into the book of Exodus, we are obviously getting to know a main character, that is in, in the Bible, his name is Moses, and we’ve seen what was going on. The children of Israel were being enslaved in Egypt and marginalized and treated very cruelly. And some really awful commands were sent down by Pharaoh, about how to control the expansion of the Israelites. And it was like if a baby boy is born, throw him into the Nile River. The king had also commended the midwives to kill the baby boys, which they didn’t do. And so, Moses ended up in the Nile River, he’s a baby boy, he ended up in the Nile River, he was just in a basket, Pharaoh’s daughter found him, had mercy upon him. He was able to be raised by his own mother. And she was able to be paid to take care of her son, and so God’s providence is there. And then she, then he grows up, Moses, grows up in the home of Pharaoh’s daughter and so, he is educated like royalty. He is treated well, but he does know who he is. He does know his origin and he goes out among his people to see what they’re like and he kills an Egyptian who was mistreating a Hebrew. And the next day he goes out to…to be among his fellow Hebrews and he finds two Hebrew men fighting each other and kind of asking them like why, would like, your part of the same family, like why would you guys be fighting each other. And there’s even if we just like focused in on that and looked out among our brothers and sisters today, same question could be asked. But in this case, they turn on…on, Moses, and are like you gonna kill, you gonna kill me too, like you killed the Egyptian yesterday. And that’s when Moses knew like there’s a target on hom now, once the King finds out what has happened, he’s probably gonna be killed and so he flees. And so, we see his story of how he kind of grew up and he flees Egypt and he’s a Shepherd in the desert, this is where he meets his wife Zipporah and he is shepherding as the story concludes today, with Moses seeing a bush that is on fire but is not being consumed. And this is where Moses meets God, and God and Moses are going to have a very famous relationship, a very famous friendship. This is where Moses encounters God for the first time and God is telling Moses of his calling, that I am going to send you back to Egypt, to deliver your people, the Hebrew people, out of slavery. I am sending you back to Pharaoh to speak to Pharaoh. So, in effect, God is telling Moses, I am sending you back to the place that you feared the most, the place that you ran away from. I’m sending you back there. I am not sending you back there alone, I will go with you, which is beautiful. Moses though has some reservations, some considerable reservations at this point. And we will kind of pick that up tomorrow, but at this point, Moses is like if I go back to there and I tell them God has sent me to you. There gonna ask me what’s His name. Like they’re gonna have all kinds of questions about this, what am I supposed to say to them. That’s where God famously says I am, who I am and I used to be like, I don’t like that so much. But it’s like how does the most high God describe who He is in human terms, in his fullness, other than to say I am who I am. And so, this is how Moses meets God and that is going to completely change who Moses is. But Moses has some wrestling with himself to do and will continue this story as we move forward tomorrow.
And, Father, we thank You that we have this story and that as it unfolds before us over time, that we find ourselves in these stories, we find our postures of heart, we locate our own fears, we locate our own reservations, we locate our own self-preservation techniques, we…we see ourselves as we see the people in the Bible, and the way that they conducted their lives and where the paths lead, based on the choices that they made. And so, Holy Spirit, come and show us the path we are walking and where that is leading, and use the Scriptures in our lives each and every day to give us direction and clarity. We pray, in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that is the website, that is where you can find out what is going on around here. There is something going on around here right now that I mentioned yesterday and will mention again today. And that is that registration for our pilgrimage to the land of the Bible for the year 2024 is now open and available. We will be going to the land of the Bible here in about a week and ½ in 2023, for our 2023 pilgrimage. Very much looking forward to that and all of those of you who are coming along. Can’t wait to see you, can’t wait to meet you. Can’t wait for all of us to be together, can’t wait for all of us to have this experience together, but not talking about this year, talking about next year. We’re gonna go back in February next year. Between the 12th and 25th of February 2024, and registration for that pilgrimage is open for now, while there are seats available. So, just go to dailyaudiobible.com or open up the Daily Audio Bible app. In the app, push the drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner, on the web, just look for the Initiatives Section. If you’re using the app and opened the drawer look for Initiatives, there and in the Initiatives Section you will find Israel 2024 and going in there will give you all of the details that you would want to know. And so, check that out and hope to see you in the Promised Land, in the land of the Bible in 2024.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if what we’re doing here around the Global Campfire every day is life-giving to you, then thank you for your partnership, we wouldn’t be here around the Global Campfire, there wouldn’t be anything like that if we hadn’t been in this together all these years and so thank you, humbly. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hi DAB family, I am new to listening to the Bible through this app. I am loving every minute of it and growing so much in the Lord. I am asking for prayer for a new job. There were some things going on at my current job which have really, have hurt me and so, I’ve resigned. And I’m just praying that God would open up the right job in educational leadership for me. This is Sheila, please pray for me to find a new job. Thank you.
Hello, my beautiful DAB family. This is your sister Ashley from California. And I just wanted to call in, today is January 22nd, 2023. And I wanted to give you an update. So, gang, Jackson was released on Friday the 20th, one day short of being in the hospital for a month. And God gave me a word while we were in there to give to Jackson, that he is set-apart. That God has done, has a plan for Jackson and that He is up to something. I can’t tell you, guys, how many, how many mighty works that I see God doing right now, in my family and in the lives of the people that I know. So, I can’t even, I can’t even tell you, guys, it’s amazing. I, it’s hard to see it though, sometimes, when you’re walking through the trenches and it’s literally just a day at a time. Sometimes it’s an hour at a time, and sometimes it’s a breath at a time. But God is so good, and He sustained us, and I can’t thank you all enough for your prayers. You guys blow me away. Thank you so much for blessing us and blessing my sweet son who is just [sigh] he’s…he’s making, we’re…we’re taking it a moment at a time. But I also wanted to respond to, there was somebody on the community prayer request that asked to contact me, so my email is A as in Ashley, E and in Edward, A as in Ashley, 921@gmail.com. Okay, DAB family, I love you and I will be letting you know what is going on soon. Bye.
Good morning, DAB family this is Saved By Grace from California. I’d like to lift up my sister who’s requesting prayer for her, as her husband, she just found out something about her husband and her marriage of 29 years. Father, in the name of Jesus, I just lift up my sister to You, I plead the blood of Jesus over her, and I pray for Your love, Your comfort would just immerse her body, Father God. Encamp Your guardian angels round about her, Father. And shower Your love around her God. Let her know that she is not alone in this, Father God, and that You got her. And I pray, Lord, that You would just bring spirit filled people around her to minister to her and to encourage her, Father God. That Your will, will be done and help her to know, Lord, that it doesn’t matter what it feels like, what it looks like, we know Father, that You are still on the throne and that You still are in control. And that anything that is removed from Your children, Father, You got something better. And I thank You for my sister, Lord, and her…her courage to…to always lean on You, Father God, to trust You. Just harden that trust, Father God. Bless you, my sister. I will continue to pray for you. In the name of Jesus, I pray.
Good morning, this is Doctor __ from Washington, DC area. I am calling in to pray for that young lady who asked us to pray for the husband who broke her heart. My sister, I know what it is to have a broken heart. My heart also was broken by my husband and that’s what brought me here to the United States. And God brought me here and blessed me so amazingly. But I’m not saying that God is in every situation where people have broken hearts. But he can use your brokenness and turn it into power. In the meantime, let me pray for you. Know that we love you and that we’ve got you and most importantly God got you. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for my dear sister this morning. You hear her heart, how broken it is. Father, I pray that You would hold her heart in Your hand and let it break into a million pieces but Lord God, strengthen and encourage her. In the midst of this pain, turn that pain into blessing. Lord, let her find a way that she has never found before. Father, You’re so amazing. Let her experience how amazing You are, in the midst of pain. Father God, for all the women out there that are in the same situation that she’s in, we come together to pray for them. That You also will mend broken hearts. And that You would cause that they would know that there is nothing that You cannot do. Oh, amazing Father, Oh, wonderful Father, strengthen her and all the women out there. In the mighty name of Jesus and may you get the glory. In Jesus name …
Hello Daily Audio Bible, this is Paul from Houston. Long time have been a DABer since 2017 so, it’s been going on almost 6 years now. Anyways, I’m calling for prayer. I’ve been separated for six years and just access to kids. I’ve had visitation with kids but, I have three, but they’re not wanting to come over now, for some reason. And I’m having to go through mediation or go to court by the end of February. So, just please pray for me and my family. Just trying to make peace with…with my wife and with my kids. Just trying to, trying to just trying to take it a day at a time. That’s how I can put it because it’s a little difficult at the moment. So, I appreciate your prayers so, thank you so much. I love this program, it’s been an incredible, just an incredible feeling around the campfire, hearing everyone and being able to pray for everyone. Thank you again, it’s Paul from Houston. Love you all, bye.
Hello DAB family, Pastor Steve from Southwest Ohio. Just calling to say I praise the Lord for all of you. I thank you all for your prayers, for your needs and for your concerns. And I pray Father, today, in Jesus name, that You would be, through the power of Your Holy Spirit, touch each and every prayer request, each and every need answered as only You can, and You will receive the glory. I really am so thankful for this family and this ministry. For Brian and his family for everyone who helps him put this together. I pray and trust you will continue to remember me and my family in your prayers and thoughts, just know that He is worthy to be praised and greatly to be praised constantly, as is our prayer without ceasing. Just know that you’re greatly loved and prayed for with and the Lord willing, will talk again. Until then have a blessed and joyous day in Jesus.