9/11/2023 DAB Transcript

Isaiah 8:1-9:21, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Psalm 55:1-23, Proverbs 23:4-5

Today is the 11th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is wonderful to be here today with you as we gather again, another day, another step forward. Another opportunity for God to speak to us through His word, another opportunity for us to listen. So, let’s dive in. We have been getting ourselves moved into the book of Isaiah, and I guess we’re moved and we’re about little over 10% through the book it’s a longer book. So, let’s move forward into Isaiah for today, and Isaiah for today will be chapters 8 and 9.


Oh man, this Psalm today, wow. Okay, so, we have some important things to look at. I’m gonna read a verse from our reading from the Psalms today, and I know that as I read this, thousands and thousands of people will immediately go, that is how I feel right now. And so, let me read this, “fear and trembling overwhelm me, and I can’t stop shaking. Oh, that I had wings like a dove, then I would fly away and rest. I would fly far away to the quiet of the wilderness, how quickly I would escape, far from this wild storm.” Have you ever felt like that? Like I know what that feels like, those moments or situations in life that kind of accumulate and then they come on so suddenly and are so overwhelming that it is our desire to fly away, like that’s the only thing we want to do is fly away to a place of peace and rest. And it’s interesting because just a few lines later in this poem, we encounter one of the most famous passages of Scripture. Cast your cares on the Lord, give your burdens to the Lord. He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. So, here’s the thing. There’s this confessional outpouring of being overwhelmed and wanting to fly away, that we can probably all identify with and that many of us are walking through like at this very moment. And then this passage of comfort that comes just a few lines later, maybe where we go to, or maybe what we’re told, cast your cares on the Lord, He will take care of you, He will not let you fall or slip. That’s a famous passage that we go to, but there are interesting things about famous passages, because they’re not like, it’s not a magic spell. You saying that verse doesn’t do it. Us listening to and obeying the instructions contained within the verse, do it. We may be overwhelmed and turning to a Scripture for comfort. But this Scripture tells us what to do when we’re overwhelmed. Cast, give, give over, release your burden, your care to the Lord. Just saying the verse, give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall, won’t do it. Give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. This is a collaboration. We are invited, as we always are with God into the dance of relationship. We can say this verse, all day long, but if we’re not willing to let go of the burden and cast it on the Lord then, then it’s not gonna work. If we want to get to this part where we won’t slip and fall and that God will be taking care of us, then we will have to give our burdens to the Lord and trust Him. Not for an hour to catch our breath, fully trust God, release our expectations, invite Him to show us the next step, allowing Him to take care of us. So, the verse at the beginning of the Psalms today talks about being overwhelmed and wanting to fly away to a place of rest. And then this verse tells us maybe how to access that place of rest without having to sprout wings. There’s another poem in the Psalms that talks about the Lord sheltering us under his wings. Maybe we don’t need wings to fly away and flee, maybe we need shelter under the wings of the one that will take our burdens and show us what to do.


And so, Father, this is like an everyday thing. Anxiety is blanketing humanity right now. We are all feeling the disarray, the unsettledness, that underneath it all, something’s not right. And we know this is true and You have shown us that there is a different way to be a human being. We can collaborate in life with You as we were intended, and that there are a place for all of these human emotions that we feel because of the things that we encounter. There’s a place for this anxiety that lives as a ball in our gut. There’s a place for this pain-and-suffering and emotion that lives in our heart. You are that place and we can run to that place and cast, let go of, release these things to You, so that we are no longer carrying the burden alone. Come, Holy Spirit, show us how to do this, how to rest in it, how to live in it, how to accept it as a reality, how to allow You to lead us on the pathways of peace. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Good morning, Daily Audio Bible family. This is Summer the Songbird in Nebraska. Today is Thursday, September 7th. And Brian, today you said, God will redeem anything that He touches. Let’s not keep things off limits from His touch. Oh, mercy, is that a good word. So, Lord, I come before You and alongside my DAB family and lift up prayer requests big and small. Liza on the East Coast, oh Lord. We ask for a miracle. We ask for miraculous healing. We ask for freedom from this pain and this cancer, comfort from You where her family is not providing it. Work a miracle in her life. Be glorified through Liza’s full recovery and long healthy life. In Jesus name. Also, I want to lift up His Green Thumb in Nebraska. And ask for an update on your job situation. Shout out to Biola in Maryland and God’s Smile who always make my heart leap when I hear your voice. The light in me, the spirit in me just leaps when, when you call in. And we love You Lord. We love this family, we love this community, be glorified through it. In Jesus name.

Greetings to you my DAB family. This is Walking in the Light in Tennessee. This is a post that I, I don’t know, just came out of nowhere, but I felt like I needed to share it. And I wanted to offer a word for today, whoever you are, wherever you hear this, your word for today is to soar, S-O-A-R, soar. And I think I thought about it, or God dropped it into my spirit because so many of us are chained to our circumstances, our family issues, our problems, the things that keep us bond, if you will. And chained to, I don’t want to say the bottom, but certainly not soaring. And so, it’s a word for me too because I love the idea of looking up, being up, lifting up, holding up. All of those things are up. And so, we really want to live a life that is lifted up. And so, your word is soar. So, how will you soar. I don’t know. Maybe, some new colors, some new friends, maybe try a different dish, maybe you know, open a book or a different book. Just do something different, something that keeps you from being chained to the same ol, same ol. Give God a chance to move in your life and give the Holy Spirit a chance to interject something new. So, soar today. Soar, that’s your word. This is Walking in the Light in Tennessee. I love you guys. Wish I could just lift each one of us up. But I know that we have our challenges, but we shall do our best to soar. Walking in the Light in Tennessee, Still Walking in the Light. Have a great day and God bless you all.

This is Willow from Indiana. Oh Liza, I heard your call. Please remember that our enemy will use anything he can to torment us, and this includes friends, words from a friend. Be on your guard, put on your armor. I know you have the shield of faith, use it to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy. Dear sister, Father, I pray protection around my dear sister. I pray that You would answer her prayer for more time to finish what she has planned. And I pray for her pain to die down and her sleep to be sweet. And I definitely pray discernment for her doctors so they can get her the medicine that she needs. And I pray this protection around you. I love you sister. In the name of Jesus I pray.

Good morning DAB family. This is Paula calling from Albuquerque. I just finished listening to today’s podcast, September 8th and I think the sister that called, I recognize your voice but don’t ask me your name. At the end, you were calling to encourage the mom of the 18-year-old who had said he’s now atheist. I know that I am not the only one that is walking in those shoes. But I want to thank you for your testimony. It just gave me such encouragement this morning, as I know it did others. My daughter, as I’ve called in before, my daughter is in a same-sex relationship now. Says she doesn’t believe everything in the Bible, but she knows she’s a child of God. Well, that still gives me hope. And I do believe that God will bring her back. My son too, he may not be in that same sin, but he too is redeemed. They both received Christ as young people. Your son, the mom of the 18-year-old, he will come back. He has to sow his wild oats and do his things, be a prodigal if you will, just like we did. And we all are back, and we all love the Lord. To those that are listening that don’t know Him personally yet, this is your opportunity because today is the day of salvation. Thank you, I love you all. And I continue to pray as I listen.