08/28/2023 DAB Transcript

Job 28:1-30:31, 2 Corinthians 2:12-17, Psalms 42:1-11, Proverbs 22:7

Today is the 28th day of August welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today. We stepped into a brand-new week yesterday and so here we go. We gotta live it now. And what a gift…what a gift that we can. And one of the ways that we find out how to do that is to come around the Global Campfire every day and orient ourselves to God through the Scriptures. And, so, we’re in the right place and we’re here at the right time. And, so, let’s do the right thing and take the next step forward. Our next step leads us back to the territory that we’ve been moving through, which is the book of Job. And we will arrive at the conclusion of Job not too many days hence but we’re not there yet. Job and his friends are duking it out about Job’s innocence. And we pick up the story today with Job, chapter 28, 29 and 30.


Okay. So, if I walk into my house and my wife is making dinner, and I don’t know she’s making dinner and I walk into the house I am greeted by the scent of dinner that is being made and that immediately evokes in the whatever it smells like and whatever she makes is delicious. It makes me think about the food that she’s preparing and then that’s attached to so many other meals throughout all of my life. Or I…I have a have an essential oil diffuser here in the studio. I get my coffee to my left and my essential oil diffuser to my right. And on many days I’ll pour water into that, drop some essential oils into that and flip it on and then I'll…I’ll forget about and just kinda get moving into the day, interacting. And at some point I will have…I will have left the room and have returned and will be greeted by this pleasing calming aroma, even to the point that I’ve looked for biblical aromas for my diffuser. I’ve even looked like, how…we should…someday we should figure this out. We should bring this into…into the community. I digress. I leave the room. I come back into the room. I encounter the aroma and the atmosphere is changed in some kind of subtle way. And this isn’t like hocus-pocus or anything like, there’s science behind all of this. Like we know that a certain scent at a certain time can take us right back to a certain moment as if like we’re right back there. So, if it's…you know…walking to a house and there’s cookies baking and that reminds you of grandma and you’re back there and you’re four again…aroma can change the atmosphere. And before you start thinking about…wow…thanks for that life hack. Thanks for the…thanks for the tip. What had that got to do with the Bible? It just so happens that that’s exactly what Paul’s talking about today from the Bible. And, so, I quote the apostle Paul. “I thank God always leads us in victory because of Christ. Wherever we go God uses us to make clear what it means to know Christ. It’s like a fragrance that fills the air. To God, we are the aroma of Christ among those who are saved and among those who are dying. To some people we are a deadly fragrance while to others we are a life giving fragrance.” Have you ever thought about your life in those terms before, that you are giving off a fragrance, an aroma whereever you go and people are picking up on it as we interact with each other in the same ways that you pick up on things as you interact with people? I mean, think about it for a second. If they could have a smell, an aroma. What would your words smell like? What atmosphere altering fragrance do your actions give off? Every week we step into a new week and we call it shiny and sparkly and we say it’s a reset and we can step into it and we get to live this right. And this is what we’re talking about. Do our thoughts, do our words, do our deeds emit the aroma of Jesus? Do we bring us subtle shift in the atmosphere because the presence of Christ is with us and in us or do we get out of bed and basically spray on the repellent to keep everybody away? Let’s give it some thought today. Let’s watch ourselves today. Let’s think in these terms today as an exercise as a practice. Everything I do, everything that I say is creating the atmosphere that I live in. Do I bring the aroma of Christ? Does the atmosphere get altered because of Jesus or is this just another day to go out and to hate humanity and try to survive? You know maybe that smile that you give to that stranger is a kiss from Jesus because they haven’t had a good word spoken to them and week. We never know. But what we are picking up from the apostle Paul is our lives smell like something. Maybe they should smell like shalom. Maybe they should smell like heaven. Let’s give it some thought today.


Holy Spirit, we invite You into that. This exercise allows us to look at our lives framed in a different way which can bring all kinds of insight. And, so, Holy Spirit come and bring insight into our lives. What aroma are we putting into the world? Is it the aroma of Chris? May it be so we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Coming soon…