8/27/2023 DAB Transcript

Job 23:1-27:23, 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11, Psalm 41:1-13, Proverbs 22:5-6

Today is the 27th day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is wonderful, wonderful to be here with you today, as we greet a brand-new week. Right out there, we’re stepping into it. It’s fresh. It hasn’t happened yet. Let’s do all that we can to make it awesome, as we reveal the love of God in this world through our lives. And one of the things that informs with that even looks like, is our…our daily time together here as a community around the Global Campfire together, allowing the Scriptures to speak into our lives and allowing the Holy Spirit to move in and out among our community in each of our stories, revealing our next steps. And so, welcome to a brand-new week. We will obviously pick up where we left off and that has us heading back into the book of Job. This week we’ll read from the God’s Word Translation, and today, Job chapters 23 through 27.


Father, thank You once again, as we thank You every day as we should, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for letting us be in the world at this time where there are technologies that are available that knit us together all over the world, and that we can move through Your word together. We thank You for that. And as we enter this brand-new week and prepare to close down another month and move forward, we definitely mark the time. We thank You for the reset of another week. A big inhale and exhale as we start again. We thank You for Your faithfulness, Your patience, Your kindness for all of the things that we do not deserve, nor could we ever. You have come to rescue us, because You love us, and we love You. And we ask You to lead us in this week, lead us forward, lead us deeper into Jesus. We pray, in His name. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey, DAB family, it’s James in LA. Possibly soon to be again, James the Teacher. I’ve been on a journey for nearly six months with work and insecurity in it and not having it. And I’ve been interviewing and applying for lots of jobs. And I just got a call back today for a teaching position. And it sounds really positive. I still have to do a sample lesson, if they’re still interested in me in a couple days. So, please pray that I am able to organize my thoughts, because I know that I’m a good teacher. Not to be high on myself, but I know that I’m good at it and I know that I know my stuff, I know my science. I’m, there’s not a lot of me around. But it’s easy to get shaken. Separate issue, can you all pray for my mother? She has yet to put her trust in Jesus. But she has said that I’m the only real Christian she’s ever met. Which I take as a huge compliment. You guys, you probably know what I mean when you hear that from an unbeliever. I know that the Lord has stepped in and saved her, her life, her health on too many occasions to count. She turned 80 this year and right now she has an infection in her lungs, her bronchi of an aspergillus fungus. Basically, a fungal infection in her lungs. And it’s got to get better. It’s got to get better. So, please fam. I love you guys. Thank you. Bye.

Hey, DAB family, this is Janet. I’m just calling in. Today, I think, is the 23rd of August. It’s very late in the evening. Like after one in the morning, actually. I’m calling because I was walking by my _, I think he needs to be covered under the blood. I’m also calling because I haven’t heard from Jamie. And Jamie, nobody calls in with his prayers. Also, I haven’t heard from Blind Tony in a while either. So, I’m just calling to pray. Father, in the name of Jesus. I ask that you cover Canterbury from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet. I know the Lord help him to not to forget his God. And that he will not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of his mind. I pray Jesus that You would protect him as he makes major decisions. Whatever be will be. Father, wherever Jamie is, and Blind Tony is right now, God, I ask that You will cover them under the blood, I pray that You will wrap them in Your loving arms and protect them, dear Lord Jesus. We love them, Lord. I will pray Jesus that You would just continue to be with them. Father, I pray for my other DAB family who are going through just any situation right now. I pray Jesus that they would remember that You’re always there, You’ve never left us, nor forsake us. That You’re always there for us. Thank you, guys. God Bless you all. In Jesus name. Amen.

Yeah, this is Trey from Rocko, Tennessee. This goes out to the lady from Kentucky that called in this morning, about her husband battling alcoholism. I, I don’t know what you’re going through. I know I put my wife through it but 20, I think it was about 22 or 23 years ago. I was consumed by it. And I acted very, very ugly and I never laid a hand on her, but I did talk to her very bad. And I feel terrible about it. I was kicked out for two weeks. The night that they kicked me out, I quit drinking. I didn’t have anything since. We ended up getting back together. We went to a Christian marriage counselor to work things out. And we’ve been together ever since. I mean it’s, sometimes it takes rock bottom before you can come back up. I don’t know if that, you know, I’m not saying that would work for you or that’s the path you need to take. I’m just telling you, you know that’s, that’s what happened with us. And I had no desire to drink anymore. I just know that I can’t, cause I can’t drink one, cause if I drink one it leads to 10 or 12. So, I just don’t even do it at all anymore. I don’t know if that will help or not. But just maybe it would help knowing somebody else is gone through it. And I love ya’ll.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is Arie from South Africa. I thought I should give you guys an update. I think a couple months back I asked for prayer with regards to my work situation with finding new job. And I also asked for some prayers with regards to my family. Because we were going through a tough time. My parents divorcing and it was, yeah, it was turmoil. I just wanted to give an update. Praise report. For all those who prayed with regards to me and my workplace and finding a new workplace. So, praise report, yesterday, I had my hallelujah moment. I got an offer at a workplace that I’ve been told is very, very healthy, very, very progressive, let’s say. And I’m so excited. I’m so, so excited. The offer wasn’t exactly what I wanted moneywise. But for me, it was never about the money, it was more about moving to something that can make me feel excited to go to work. To feel content when I’m at work. To feel, to have my mind at peace. I want to thank everyone who prayed for that. And with regards to my family, things are settling down. Sadly, my parents did go ahead with the divorce and everything’s final. But things, like I said, settling down. I feel like people are slowly starting to heal. So, I thank everyone who prayed for us. It meant a lot. You brought me to tears and I just want to thank this family. Cause each day, just listening to all the voices, just encouragement and so much love. So, so much love. Thank you to everyone.