And we can probably even remember back when we were reading through the book of Acts, this is, this is the defense Paul used when he was hauled before the Sanhedrin and it caused conflict among the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees started like, basically defending Paul. Jesus resurrection. That was the game changer for Paul, because that proved for Paul that resurrection is true. Jesus resurrection was the centerpiece for all hope, and it was the proof that God was doing something new in the world. And so, everything for Paul hinges on the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and the resurrection to come. Paul’s so passionate about it, let me just quote from Paul. “If I preached that Christ has been raised from the dead. How is it that some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead. If there is no resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is pointless and your faith is pointless too. Then we are even guilty of giving false testimony about God, because we testified about God that he raised Christ. Who He did not raise if it were true that the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile, you are still in your sins. Then it also follows that those who fall asleep in Christ, perished. If our hope in Christ, applies only to this life, we are the most pitiful people of all. Right, so Paul clearly hopes in resurrection and for Paul, Jesus resurrection signified not only the continuation of…of the Hebrew story, but the human story. Through Jesus, God was inaugurating like a new kind of species, a new kind of human, one that was reunited with God in spirit. And Paul tells us that Jesus was the first or the first one, and we are following him into this new life. So, let’s think about that today, the implications of the resurrection. I mean, that’s our hope as Christians. And as Paul said, if this is not true then…then we’re going in the wrong direction. Thankfully we believe Jesus indeed rose from the dead, and that shows us what is to come, and that gives us a hope that is certain forever.
And so, Holy Spirit, come into that, plant that deep within us that there is a hope, no matter what is happening in this life that there is a hope that can never go away. Plant this deep within our soul that we might live from this place. We ask in Jesus name, amen.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hello DAB family, this is Mary, calling in from the teeny, tiny state of Connecticut. This is my first year listening to the Daily Audio Bible. I actually started late last year, listening to Jill and China. And that was lovely. And I thought, for this full year, I’d like to try listening to Brian. My life is super, super busy. And I thought, this could be a good tool with helping keep up my walk with the Lord. And it really has been. I can listen to the Bible when I’m driving, when I’m walking my dog. Those are two things that I do quite a bit. And you know, initially when I started listening, I though, I would just listen to the scripture readings and to Brian’s commentary and prayer. But I’m like, yeah, I don’t really need to take the time to listen to the people calling in and praying because I don’t even know these people. And it’s not a big deal. But I wanna say, I was wrong. I was definitely wrong. Listening to the callers at the end of the podcast has been absolutely amazing to me. It shows me, I just see this display, this display of believers following God’s most important instructions to us. And that is just to love God above all else and to love our neighbors as ourselves. So, I wanna thank you Brian, all the DAB family and just let you know that I am very, very honored to be part of this group. God bless all of you.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family, this is Agent of Grace from Kentucky. I know it’s been a while since I’ve called in. I am not doing well right now. Very hurt, just feel very broken right now. I just, I’m trying to love my husband through all the issues he’s having alcoholism, so destructive to marriages and families, and it’s hurting me, it’s hurting my children. But I just feel so unloved right now. I feel very alone. And I know I’m not alone, I know the Lord is with me. But it’s really hard when you feel like the person that was supposed to love you the most and that you’re the closest to and that you’ve built that union with, it’s just unkind to you and makes you feel small all the time. And I just, I’m just, feel like I’m damaged goods right now. Just trying to move forward and know what to do and seeking God and asking for His wisdom. Basically, just deciding if the best thing to do is to separate. Which I don’t believe in divorce so it wouldn’t be that type of separation but even that he’s been ugly about. So, there just doesn’t seem to be a good choice. Anyway, I could use prayer. Love you.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family. My name is Hannah and I’m calling from the gulf coast of Australia. I have got a message for Angie, from North Devan. She called in on the 16th of August and I just wanted to say that my heart really goes out for you. What you’re going through is so tough. I don’t know what your experience is like, I haven’t lived it. I only know my own. And it really is that it’s just so tough. And I know what it’s like to feel like you have no answers. And to just be questioning so many things and just to feel so heartbroken and like, you’re alone and that nobody understands. And as I said, I don’t know, like I can’t understand your experience but just know that my heart goes out to you. And I know that somehow God’s plan will be revealed to you. And I pray that, that will be revealed to you very soon. So, I’m sending you lots and lots of love. And a great big hug and just know that I’ll be praying for you.
Hello everyone, this is Cece from North Carolina. I’m calling in today to give some encouragement to whoever needs to hear this. Looking at the events going on around the world is really disheartening and puts a real damper on the spirit. And the following week I have been overcome with a lot of emotion. And the Holy Spirit has implored on my heart that I need to get back into my Bible and start reading His word more in my own time. And I say that because you need to build up your relationship with the Lord so you can discern things that are not meant for you and things that are meant for you. I implore you everyday to start your day with a prayer, put on the full armor of God and walk your day with your head held high and know that you are a child of God. And the enemy is only lurking around to make you feel like you are nothing, you are worthless and that nothing you can do can change anything. But just know that you can be a light in someone’s life who might need it and any given time. And what better way to prepare for that, than to read His word and be filled with the Holy Spirit every day. I love you guys. And I hope ya’ll all have a great day.