6/12/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription

1st Kings 7 ; 2nd Chronicles 4

Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I’m China.  Today is the 12th day of June welcome? So glad to be here with you today. So glad that you are here. And we get to read the word of the Lord together.Today we continue the story with First Kings Seven and Second Chronicles 4, continuing on with the Christian Standard Bible for this week.


So today is a reading of the completion of, let’s see the completion, of bronze works, the completion of gold furnishings and um, really just the final touches this like the modern day?Like walk through like is anything else need done. And OK, we can go ahead and start putting furniture in here and we can start making this official like here, here are your keys. Although this is not the way that this is going down. That’s like my modernized version of what it would look like today, I think. 


But, Lord, I thank you so much for your word. God, I just thank you for your people’s dedication long ago. Who is so desired the things of you, desired to treat you with, with holiness and reverence in awe, and had that holy fear of who you were and who you are. And God, I just thank you again for your word that we get to read these things, and it makes things in our hearts and our heads start turning and we, things start clicking. We understand things in a new way, or maybe like the first time, or this thought pattern connects with this thought pattern and I just thank you that we find you and all of it. I thank you that you are not stagnant, boring God, but you are constantly revealing more and more of who you are each and every single day. And I thank you that we get to have that, and it’s in your name we pray, Amen.


Dailyaudiobible.com is our home base. It’s our website to see what’s happening here in the community.If you have prayer requests and things that we as a community can encourage you in. You can call in through the prayer request line or if you listen through the app. There’s also a way for you to call in and and to leave your prayer request through there. But regardless of how you do it, it’s sent in here and played at the end of every day’s podcast.That is all for today. I’m China. I love you, and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Line

Oh my siblings, God bless you.I love you all. My heart goes out to all these mothers that have called in asking for prayer for their their sons and daughters.Um, and some daughters asking prayer for their fathers, their parents, God.Oh Lord God, you are God of restoration. Your Lord, I come before you presenting the father the 83, I believe, that’s having surgery tomorrow, June 6th, that you guide the the surgeons. of the true divine handy guide their hands, Father God every step. Everyone that’s gonna be with him. Your father let us hear. Good report. Lord God. I pray for Caleb and Jacob. Father, I pray God, for all these These are the children you got all my siblings, dear Father. And that you’ll wrap your arms around them, dear father, to give the peace that you have given us by grace, dear father. My heart goes out to all these parents, your father, sons and daughters of God, the daughter who who’s going through a difficult time with.There are a few daughters with their moms, your father, who are not a good example for them dear father. You are God of Restoration. We believe and we trust in you, Father God. I thank you, Father God, for inclining your ears. Your Lord, upon our our.Our prayers. God, our prayers are forever in your presence. Please God, be with them. We love them. In Jesus name, Amen.

 Hey everyone, this is Jess, from Kansas. First time caller, but I have an urgent prayer request. For my husband and I on behalf of our friend and neighbor over the past five years.This past weekend, the friend’s alcohol dependence.Became a very obvious safety issue for her kids. We found out that she’s been driving drunk with them in the car. On occasion and driving drunk by herself almost every night. We knew that she’d been drinking, but not to this extent. She’s also apparently battling depression and has expressed feelings of thinking she’s better off deceased. Her friend’s mom has realized this. And that there’s issues with alcoholism running in the family, so arrange day talk and intervention with her on Sunday.This friend is now angry and humiliated about her own actions, but blames us, my husband and I, and is trying to cut things off. Even has returned to the house key she’s had for for the past four years. However, on good news, her children, her three kids have started going to church with us back in March, and since Easter all three of them has have accepted Christ. I think we’re still allowed to take them to church but have no other contact. We just need help and prayers. I appreciate your time. Thank you. 

Good morning. This message is for Lady of Victory. This is Cynthia from upstate New York. Thank you so very much for acknowledging and for praying for my family that that has meant the world and really touched me. And I I thank you so much for that. And yes, because God did not access out, I will refer to the young lady as former and and I’ll leave it at that. But I did also want to pray for anyone listening today or whenever they hear this message. You are not alone. Whether you are talking to God about your circumstances or you are asking anyone from the DABC family to pray for you, you are not alone.Please know that I just asked for prayer for anyone who is in need of it and this world is in need of prayer and we are in. We are travelers through this world so we are also in need of prayer. So please just pray for each other as you pray for your own needs.Let’s just pray for each other and whatever it is they need. Pray that God will lead them to the help that’s needed. God will meet. Lead them to the resources that they may need to help them to live and have a better life. Certainly with God involved, because it’s no life without him. Truly. So I just say thank you to this group. You you folks are absolutely amazing. Thank you to Jill. Thank you to China. I just found this group back in February and it has been it’s been life saving for me. So I appreciate it. Thank you guys Have a wonderful day and that the 

Daily Audio Bible Prayer warriors this is Elizabeth from Delaware calling in and I just have to thank all of you who have been praying for my husband. And ask you to continue to do that. And I wanted to reach out to Pam from New Jersey, who thoughtfully and kindly ask for my forgiveness. And I just want to let you know, Pam, that I have no hard feelings at all. I just love listening you to your words of wisdom as you call in and in fact.It says in Proverbs 31:26. This is what I think about you, Pam, and how you help us here in DAB. She opens her mouth and skillful and godly wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue, giving counsel and instruction. And Pam, That’s why I think about you. I did not recognize your voice, but I have always been blessed by your comments here on the daily Audio Bible and the Bible and Chronological which I’ve now made my bread every morning, but thank you. I appreciate all your your prayers for all of you and Pam. I just if you’d like to contact me, my e-mail is bethobrien31@gmail.com But I love you Pam. I have no hard feelings and I appreciate your thoughtfulness of reaching out to me. And Daily Bible I just I love all of you who are praying in and giving us joy and teaching us and helping us to lift you up before the Lord. So I asked the Lord to bless all of us. I want to thank Jill for her message today on wisdom and praying for those who’ve never heard God’s voice of wisdom to speak to their hearts.And Lord, I just second that, Lord, that you would touch our children and help them to hear you. Help them that call out to you for your wisdom in Jesus precious and powerful name. I pray God bless you all. Send my love. Bye bye.