6/11/2023 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 8:1-66, Acts 7:51-8:13, Psalm 129:1-8, Proverbs 17:1

Today is the 11th day of June, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you today, as we do what we do, gather around the Global Campfire and move forward together. And so, here we are friends. Another brand-new shiny, sparkly week, another reset, another chance to regroup and retell the story of God’s goodness in our lives. And the chance to keep moving forward together, and we do that every day, we take another step forward together. This week we will read from the Christian Standard Bible, as we take our steps. And our next step leads us back into the life and times and reign of King Solomon, King David’s son. And we pick-up the story with First Kings chapter 8.


Father, we thank You for Your word and this brand-new, shiny week that we get to step into, and we have stepped into together. And we ask that the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to You, our rock, our Redeemer. May we represent You well, may we collaborate with You well, may we walk with You well, may we walk through this week in deep friendship and intimacy, knowing where You are leading and going there with confidence. Come, Holy Spirit, into all of this we ask, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, Liza, I heard your voice on June 7th, and you just made my day. I want you to know that we are praying every single day for your healing. My son, who is 25-years now, had cancer three times, almost 15 years ago. The doctor told us that he was living his last days, many times, that happened. I just wanted to remind you that the Lord is holding you in the palm of His hands. None of us know when is our time to departure from this world and be in the presence of our Lord. I want you to live fully, making plans for your future, be joyful, the joy that comes from the presence of our Lord Jesus. I want you to know that you are loved and that you are prayed for. I love you, Liza. Many blessings.

Good morning, my name is Carolena. I’m calling into pray, particularly over Kaz. I heard her prayer request a few days ago. And my husband was the one who alerted me to it, since he most often listens to the prayers. I’m also a psychiatry resident and I understand, I’m going through my second year right now. And I do understand the, sometimes the inequalities of these programs and the point of views. And often time, residents aren’t necessarily heard, it’s spoken that we’re heard but in action, we’re not necessarily given that opportunity. So, I pray, Lord, that You continue to show Kaz Your comfort, Your steadiness, how You will come through for her. How this is not going in vain, how You will use this, how You are speaking, not only to her but to everybody around her that is watching. That has ears to hear and eyes to see. Father, we pray that You strengthen her. We pray that she has faith like she’s never had before. And we pray, Lord, that she continues to gird up encouraged that You know that Your word never comes back void, love never fails, and You are the King above all kings, Lord. And in Isaiah somewhere You have said if we cannot stand strong, then You cannot show us what You have in store for us. So, I pray that You gird her up, her legs like iron, her heart like steal, Lord. And that she would put on her armor, every single day. And that she would wait to see what the Lord has in store for her. Because it is sweet. Ephesians 2:10 says that we all have our unique works, let her rejoice in this one, that is …

This message is for Philippians 4:6, Liza. Liza, I want to say, I was so, so, so excited when I heard your voice, when you called and gave us an update. I’m always waiting, anxiously. Although, your verse is to be anxious for nothing. But I think this was a good anxious. As I waited, I was hoping that you would post or call in and I was so happy, like many other DABers, I’m sure, to hear your voice and get an update. I’m happy and grateful that you’re able to be a bit more mobile. And I just pray and ask God, that He would completely heal you, that you would be able to run and not even walk. That you’re able to complete this trip, that you said that’s planned, in the name of Jesus. I just lift you up to Him. And I just pray the grace of God to touch you, that your body, oh God, will be a testimony to the kingdom, the love, the miracle working power of the Lord. I thank you, for calling in. And I ask you to please keep us updated. So many of us are praying for you and believing God, that He can do the impossible. Thank you for your faithfulness, thank you for your courage, thank you for keeping faithful to Jesus, no matter what. That He will hold your hand. He said He would never leave us, nor forsake us. So, just hold onto that truth. All of us have to hold onto that same truth. We are all either coming out of a challenge, in a challenge or going into one. This is the life that we live, but we are more than conquerors through Christ who strengthens us. Thank you, Liza, for calling. We love you and we look forward to hearing the good news of all the things that God is doing in your life.

Hello, everyone. This is Jay from Tennessee. It’s been a while. I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible for boy, a very long time now. Probably almost ten years or more. I used to call in quite frequently, but I haven’t. But I have been listening to all of you and all the wonderful things that you’ve been saying about me and praying about me over the years. Anyway, I’m calling for Kristina from Oregon. She’s struggling with alcoholism, and I want you to know that that is something that I struggled with for a very long time. But by the grace of God, prayer, I have been sober for almost two years now. So, I want to pray for you because I know that that this is something that God can do for you. It sounds like you’re ready and you want it. So, I pray that you’ll find yourself a support system. I’m not sure if you’re aware of the rooms of AA but they’re very, very helpful for some people. Anyway, let’s take it to the Lord. Heavenly Father, in the precious, Holy and Mighty name of Jesus Christ. God, we bring before You, Kristina from Oregon, this morning. And we think about the many miracles, the many blessings, the many prayers that You have answered, through this wonderful forum, through this amazing campfire. Father, we ask that Your Holy Spirit will come down and ignite a fire with inside this woman of God. That will aid her, that will provide her with the discipline and the fortitude necessary to endure this next stage of her life. Pointing her heart towards You. And we pray all these things, in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you sister. And I pray that you are sober and free, in Jesus name. Amen.