Numbers 26:52-28:15, Luke 3:1-22, Psalms 61:1-8, Proverbs 11:16-17
Today is the 18th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it is wonderful to be here with you today around the Global Campfire as we bring week to its closing and take the next step forward together. And that next step is going to lead us back to what…where we left off, which at this point happens to be the book of Numbers and today we will read Numbers chapter 26 verse 52 through 28 verse 15.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us through another week together now here in the center of the third month of the year. So, day by day step-by-step this is how it’s done and day by day step-by-step Your Holy Spirit comes, and we are being transformed as the Scriptures challenge our lives, our thoughts, our intentions, our motivations. And we are grateful for all of the change that is happening within us, and we open ourselves to You declaring as we have all through the wilderness journey of the children of Israel, we are utterly dependent upon You. There is no other source of life. There is no other place to place our hope. There is nothing else. You are what we seek and Your will and our lives, and Your direction, that we might collaborate, that we might be able to be involved in Your story of redemption in this world. And may it begin in our own hearts in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.
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And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning DAB family this is Jen from Maryland calling in about a prayer request from He Who Knows My Name. I love that…that moniker by the way. You were calling in about your anger and your daughter not having a close relationship with her biological father, him being in and out of her life. I just want to say to you that it’s OK to be angry, but the Bible says be angry and don’t sin…don’t sin. If you feel need you need counselling, and your husband won’t go with you go get the counselling on your own. I encourage you to get biblical counseling if you can, maybe from your church because you are identifying a problem. And pray on it and pray for a counselor that can understand your situation. Don’t just blame it on hormones. Hormones just show what’s already there. And just remember anger is…is a sign of fear. So, something is troubling you underneath the surface. But I wanted to speak to you…your daughter’s situation. She’s 11 years old you said. I was that 11-year-old girl with my father not being around when he did decide to pop into my life it wasn’t the best interaction. And, so, I’m one of eight children from my father. Last year we just buried my brother, one of my youngest brothers that grew up with my father. And even my father would say that the children that grew up around him are worse than the children that did not. Everybody that didn’t grow around him got their life together and is moving on and the two that grew up around him struggle with their life the whole time. So, don’t force the situation that’s not meant to be. Just let her…teach her to lean on God her heavenly Father and…and let her be OK with him not be being around. It’s not compulsory…it’s a compulsory to have healthy positive role male models but not necessarily your bio dad. Anyway, I’m out of time. love you all have a…
Hi family this is Shelly in central California where it’s really rainy today. I heard the March 11 encouragement to Sparky to ring out our needs for the family to pray and it got to me because I got a lot I’m carrying right now. I often feel like there’s so many big needs out there bigger than mine, but just to try to power through or walking through Jesus with them is…it isn’t something to do on my own. So, thanks for that word and for that nudge. As Brian says we don’t have to carry everything by ourselves. So, here’s some things I’d love for you to pray with me over. Healing for my oldest daughter who’s had a wide range of physical and mental health issues. Right now, she’s been dealing with dizziness and nausea for two weeks. For our family dynamics and my marriage. There are a lot of emotional barriers that have been put up and each day we try to take down a few bricks, but we need to be building healthy boundaries but seem to be building the other kind. For wisdom in managing our resources. We have been blessed…were in need of a larger family vehicle and God blessed us with a really awesome one. And He reminded me that the gifts He gives are good gifts __. For guidance in following through on many good opportunities God is brought by way. I feel so beyond my capacity. So, I’m asking Him each day how to climb this mountain as I often do by climbing a hill of sand. So, prayer for that would be awesome especially with this spring break missions trip coming up and so many details to work out. It’s so vulnerable to speak these things out but __. And there’s so much on my heart too like a coworker who was recently diagnosed with cancer for a second time and the next season in my church and for things with a DAB family like Work in Progress and your daughter and God’s Tree and your broken heart and so many others. But there’s good things too I know. Thank you, Brian, and each of you…
Good morning it’s March 15th and I just listened to the prayer request of the woman who is pregnant and struggling with anger. I feel so compelled to pray for you. So, I hope you’re listening. Lord I’m so thankful that You know this woman and I’m just reminded of Hagar from the Old Testament. She was cast out from her home, and she went into the desert and You saw her. You made such an effort to let her know that You saw her Lord and I just feel that over this precious woman. You see her. You see what is causing the anger and You have so much compassion. Lord, I pray that You would help this woman to open up to You, to speak with You about what’s going on in her heart. I pray that You would reassure her. You know if this is the result of the changes that are happening in her body because of this pregnancy. God, I pray that You would give her grace. I pray that You will give her compassion for herself and that You would be her great comforter. I also ask for her daughter who has the estranged relationship with her father O Lord I pray that You would just come around this little girl and let her know that You are her Father and that You love her. I pray that You would strengthen her identity in You. I pray that she would come to know You. I just pray for Your hand over this family Lord in Your name Jesus. Amen.
Hey DAB family this is your sister Ashley from California and I’m just calling in because I’m really struggling today. And I know that it’s OK to not be OK. It's…it’s better to talk about it than to just let it sit and fester inside. And, so, right now I’m not OK. I am struggling with exhaustion. And I know that struggling is OK because struggling means you’re successfully not giving up, but this has just been such a hard season and I just wanted to come on here and ask you guys for prayer. Please my…the…my work might…we might be going on strike soon and that is concerning because I already have to take some time off but…so I’m concerned about that. I need rest. I need time to just recharge my batteries and I just feel so burned out. So, if you guys could please pray for me I would greatly appreciate it. And also, I just need you guys to…I need to ask for prayer for from you guys for my uncle Lucas. He’s been in the hospital since Saturday night, Saturday the 11th and he…and he has congestive heart failure, and he has had pneumonia but he is being treated for the pneumonia and they just have to figure out a plan. So, please pray for him and my aunt Becky and their kids. They have five kids under 15. So, thank you DAB family. I love you. Bye.