11/22/2022 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 44:1-45:12, 1 Peter 1:1-12, Psalms 119:17-32, Proverbs 28:8-10

Today is the 22nd day of November welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you all cozy around the Global Campfire as we move forward together like every day the next step forward. That step forward will lead us back into the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament, and then we get to the New Testament we have some brand-new territory to move into, the letters of Peter. And, of course, we’ll begin with first Peter, and we’ll talk about that when we get there. But first, we’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. And today Ezekiel chapter 44 verse 1 through 45 verse 12.

Introduction to First Peter:

Okay. So, this brings us to our New Testament reading for today and it’s new territory that we are moving into, first Peter. And, so, like Peter is not somebody we don’t know. In fact, Peter’ somebody that we kind of met at the very beginning of the year and he was one of the disciples of Jesus. And, so, we followed along with Jesus and Peter was there many many times and many many famous stories include Peter in the Gospels. And then we get to the book of Acts, and we learned more about Peter’s transformation and how it was that he kind of move from a fisherman into a very very powerful speaker and ambassador for the kingdom and church leader. And, so, we know who Peter is and we know some of his comings and goings but this is going to be the first time that we can hear his passion in a written form, And if we’re still kind of getting over James, which we just went through. And James, kinda comes out of nowhere and smacks us upside the head and says basically you can’t read a script. If you’ve been given a Christian script and you’re reading the lines but you’re just acting, like you’re an actor carrying out the script, that’s nothing. Your changed life tells the truth about who you are, not so much what you say. Anybody can say anything, among other things that James had to tell us. So, if we’re still kinda moving past that going, wow, that was a spanking, we remember getting to know Peter a bit in the Gospels. We know that he can be feisty. So, it’s like we’re ready to dish out a second helping of what James was teaching, and we will have some more direct, forthright, look us in the face, look us right in the eyes and tell us the truth coming out of first Peter. And, so, we just need to be ready and embrace that, Now, Peter…Peter’s name is given name was Simon maybe Simeon, Simon Peter, right? But by the time Peter was a part of the inner circle of Jesus disciples Jesus was calling him Cephas. And Cephas in the Aramaic language means rock. And, so, when Aramaic is then translated into the more common Greek of the New Testament the word is Petros. Petros in Greek means rock. And this is how we get to the sort of modern day name Peter. It’s a translation out of the Greek. But having the in the advantage of knowing Peter’s story from the Gospels we know that Peter reached a very very very low moment, denying three times that he knew Jesus, that he even knew Jesus. This is taking place in the courtyard of the high priest as Jesus is being tried, and then subsequently crucified. And, so, we watched this happen to Peter. We watched Peter realize what he was doing and what he had done. We watched him weep in repentance. We watched Jesus by the shores of the Sea of Galilee restore Peter. And we have followed Peter all the way from there to the upper room in Jerusalem where the Holy Spirit came with what appeared to be tongues of fire, the coming of the Holy Spirit. And in the book of Acts we saw that pretty quickly after that. Because people were hearing people in this upper room speak in languages that they understood but not languages that they should be able to speak., And, so they’re saying these guys are just drunk. And it’s Peter that steps forward and says they’re not drunk, it’s 9 o'clock in the morning. And then he proceeds to share the gospel in a very very powerful way. Now, or later in the development of the church, Peter is a church leader. I mean there so many other things we can talk about Peter. Like we’re just skimming the surface of what we know from the New Testament. But this is who Peter is and by the time that he is writing now the church has developed a little bit. And Peter writes this letter and identifies the location as Babylon. Most scholars find that to be synonymous with Rome. And Peter addresses the letter to the chosen people of God who are foreigners living in the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia. And these were provinces of the Roman empire all now located within modern day Turkey. And Peter’s using this term God’s chosen people who are living as foreigners, that’s something that everybody, every Jewish person would’ve understand, understood. Those who had been cast away, moved away, on the way in many exiles in fleeing from persecution looking for safety and peace. Basically, the foreigners in the diaspora, those who had been dispersed all over the world. Peter is forthright, he is direct, he is not afraid to say what he needs to say, but he’s not trying to be mean or condemning. He is trying to be encouraging and lift up those who are suffering because of their faith in Jesus and to encourage them that there is hope. And it’s a glorious hope, but endurance is necessary. Endurance is necessary becomes such an important early church theme that permeates the New Testament, something that so often we think were absolved from. We don’t have to struggle. We have a mighty God. But our brothers and sisters who were founding this movement, they had to endure and endurance is part of the story. And, so, just understanding that it’s a part of the story should reframe the categories in our minds because we think that all hard things are bad things when actually sometimes there just endurance, they’re just things we have to move through. There are lessons there for us to learn. And this is certainly true of the lessons that Peter has for us to learn. And, so, with that we begin. First Peter chapter 1 verses 1 through 12.


Thank You, Father, for Your word. Thank You for this new territory that we are in in the letters of Peter. Holy Spirit, come and lead and guide and direct and correct. Move us forward. Let these letters that are straightforward and forthright speak directly the truth into our lives causing us to change, to repent, to move in new directions. We love You and You have no problem guiding us. We have problems following You. This has been the human story. This is the story that we read of through the Bible. We want to go our own way and then we hate when we get there and then we blame You that we got there. May we follow where You are leading so that wherever we go, we are with You and wherever that ends up that is good. Come Holy Spirit, we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobile.com is home base. That is where you find out what is happening around here. That is…well…it’s Thanksgiving week here in the United States and then Friday after Thanksgiving is black Friday and then we are off to the races. And, so, that’s where we are, right out in front of it by mere days. And, so, that’s exciting. And it’s exciting that regardless of what’s going on by day step-by-step we continue our journey through the Scriptures, including this week. And, so, as always, we stay connected and move forward together.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you humbly. Thank you for your partnership. As we begin to turn our way toward home, and the conclusion of another year together thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello from beautiful Cincinnati OH this is Daniel Johnson junior. I am speaking this to you on Thursday November 17th, 2022. Today 31 years ago I was sick and tired of my life. I repented and made Jesus Lord. And I have worked and been working to make Jesus Lord every day, every moment since that time that I first made Jesus Lord and was baptized. I’ve done good day…good days and then I’ve had other days that are not so good. And more than anything it’s just continual repentance and my hope is that by the time I’m done with my journey it will be sad of me that he made Jesus Lord every day. So, I’m excited about that and of course every day in the Daily Audio Bible when we come to this day I’m reminded that we of this and also the favorite scripture that really goes along with a rebirth day is Psalm 16, which we read today. And I don’t know by heart the NIV version which is what we read today but I know the Message version and verse 12 verse through 14. What can I give back to God for all the blessing He’s poured out on me I will lift high the cup of salvation and follow through and follow the promises I have made to Him. So, Amen Lord, make it so. From beautiful Cincinnati OH this is Daniel Johnson junior God bless you and let’s make it a great day.

Hello DAB family it’s Widespread Jesus oh out of Omaha NE. I was calling regarding a couple prayer requests that I have. First is for my niece. She’s 19 years old. She’s living on her own. She’s having roommate issues where her roommate left her so now, she’s in some financial trouble. She’s having a lot of anxiety, having migraines, you know, filled with stress at that age and she’s seeking wisdom and discernment from me as her uncle, and I want to be there for her, but I don’t know exactly what…what to do for her or how to support her. So, I pray for this whole situation. I pray for relief and breakthrough for her and I pray for wisdom and discernment and for me and the whole situation to help her out. And I also have a prayer request for my job situation. It’s been a pretty struggle lately over the past few months and I have an opportunity to make a pivot within the same company which I do love. So, I really do think this is God’s calling for me but I wanna make sure that it is the right…the right move for me for the future. So, if you could look me up in prayer and that I could have clarity and the decision and I just greatly appreciate the prayers for that. And then also an update on our friend Nick who’s battling liver failure. He’s still in the ICU which is unbelievable. I mean it’s been going on five six months. There’s little progress but not major strides. So, I appreciate continued prayers for him. I thank you DAB family. I love you and I just thank you for all…all the prayers and thank you for this community and I lift up Jesus and all praise and glory to Him. Amen.

Hey DAB family, this is Jasmine calling in from New York. I haven’t called since like September of 2021 the beginning of my junior in high school. And I’m just calling in. This is my senior year in high school at the moment and I’ve been going through the same thing since last school year we’re up strong in my faith and my devotions to God during the summer but once school gets here I start to fall back on it and start to procrastinate only…not only with just getting closer with God and meditating on His word day and night but also with school work because I am a determined student and I’ve been just going through procrastination and even anxiety and low self-esteem, like all of it just hitting in all directions. And I just ask for prayer. I ask you guys to pray for me so that I would be able to just keep walking in faith and have the courage to keep moving and the strength and the…the power that the Lord has given me because I really lost the courage that I’ve had. I don’t…I feel like I don’t have anyone like around me to just uplift me and like brothers and sisters in Christ who just influence me to do what I should be doing. So, I just pray and I thank you guys for…well…I…yeah…I thank you guys for just praying for me and I’ve been praying in the background as well. Like Val in Vegas, you make us…you make me smile every single day and Blind Tony as well. So, I thank you as well. And yeah. Bye

Hi everyone, it’s David from California. I just wanted to say hello to all the DABbers out there. I haven’t called in a while but for some reason it’s been on my mind, and I just have not been able to get it out of my mind. And also, my heart, I think. So, I just want to pray. There's…there’s four people that stand out to me that I just want to pray for two of those. One of those gentlemen and the other one was a woman who one of them said that you wanted to be wiped away from existence and the other woman said she’d wanted to not wake up ever again and the gentleman had said that he’s given, and he’s talked to churches and then he said that he’s doing something wrong and everything else like that. And I just gotta say brother, you know, for…for anybody to say that you’re doing something wrong, even if it’s somebody that’s a pastor or anything like that, yes, we hold them up to a higher standard but they’re still human and they’re still not God and only God can be the one to tell you that. So, I pray for you and the woman who wanted to not ever wake up again, sister I just I pray that God is able to touch you. And then there’s the woman who I’m sorry I’m not remembering your name whose husband passed away at 1:00 o'clock in the morning after a marriage of 41 years who still called in for someone else. Man…I…it just it floors me that that you…you had the heart to call even though your husband had just passed away…

Good evening Daily Audio Bible this is Chris Ann and some of you may have heard my prayers asking for prayers in the past several years and I’m really needing them again. So, on Friday I will be going to court with my husband for our divorce that I’ve been praying for nine years that wouldn’t happen. The Lord stopped it several years ago and nothing happened until he recently and my husband filed papers again. Because everyone may know that he had an affair and left, and I have been faithful and praying and believing and trusting that we can reconcile and come back together. He has been in my life for almost 38 years, and I am absolutely just heartbroken. And as it’s getting closer it’s getting harder and I’m just asking for your prayers that I could get through this and that the Lord would hear my prayers in all of this. And even now still praying for reconciliation but I need prayers to be able to get through this. Thank you and God bless.