09/06/2022 DAB Transcript

Song of Solomon 1:1-4:16, 2 Corinthians 8:16-24, Psalm 50:1-23, Proverbs 22:22-23

Today is the 6th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, as we gather around the Global Campfire and move forward together.

Introduction to the Book of Song of Solomon:

In the Old Testament, we have spent some time in the book of Job, and then in the book of Ecclesiastes. So, wisdom literature but very, very particular, dealing with some of the more darker, difficult topics that we face as human beings. But this leads us to some brand-new territory, unlike any other territory that we’ve been in the Bible, so far. And this territory is known as the Song of Songs or the Song of Solomon. And it’s pretty short, we will read it over the course of the next couple of days, but it is poetry and it’s potent poetry, beautiful poetry, that…that on the face of it, deals with human sexuality. And it’s a poem and so it’s poetry and so poetry is full of metaphor and allegory. And so, this book, the Song of Solomon, has been looked at a number of ways, which is totally fine, it’s poetry, we look through a certain lens when we understand what the genre is, what we’re reading. But we also need to take it at face value and understand that human sexuality and the joy of covenantal, marital relationship is important, important enough that we find it here in the middle of the Bible, that is literally what we will read in the poem: passionate, consummation of love between a man and a woman, who are lovesick and cannot get enough of each other. And it stands on its own for that sake. Ancient Jewish tradition, as well as Christian tradition has allegorical views of this poetry. So, like, from ancient Jewish perspective, it…it’s the story of God revealing how passionate He is and how passionately He loves His children, who are the Hebrew people. And that is totally supportable in the Scriptures. In the Christian tradition, it’s like an allegorical look at Christ’s, Jesus passionate love for His church, His bride, and foreshadowing of His desire for her. And we’re in one of the situations where we’re dealing with poetry. And so, it can speak to us in any of these ways. We can look at it through any of these lenses and all of these interpretations can be true. And so, as we read through this, just invite the Holy Spirit to allow you to see what you need to see and consider what you need to consider and hear what you need to hear. I love it when we get to this point in the year because it’s an opportunity for me to invite my wife Jill, to join us here, because Song of Solomon is largely poetry between a man and woman, her friends and his friends, sort of a male and female voice in the poetry. And so, we will read through this together. And so, let’s dive in together and enjoy the Song of Songs, today chapters 1 through 4.


Father, thank You, thank You for the Scriptures. Thank You for bringing us through the territory that we’ve come through, the wisdom literature in Job and Ecclesiastes and thank You for bringing us into the Song of Songs. And may we drink deeply from it, both in what it is saying literally and also in considering how passionate You are toward Your children. But even as we view that and see once again, an example of how deeply You love us, may we reflect upon whether or not, we feel the same way, we act the same way. If we are contemplating that You are lovesick over Your children, that You are deeply invested and committed, then we need to consider whether our hearts are aimed in the same direction. Or if often times we are users, not deeply lovesick with the one that we love but infatuated with what we might get. Reveal our hearts to us Lord, that we might change. We pray this in the precious and mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. It’s home of the Global Campfire, so check it out. The Daily Audio Bible app is also available and does all the website does and you can download that from your app store, whichever app store is connected to your device, so check that out. Check out the different sections, like the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a plethora of resources, in different categories in the Shop, for the journey that we are on, through the Bible in a year. And so definitely check that out, check out the different sections and just explore a little bit.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. First of all, thank you, humbly, humbly, thank you, we wouldn’t be here and we…we, there would be no Global Campfire if we weren’t in this together and so thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I am Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey guys, this is Bridget from New York City. I want to pray for Natalie from North Carolina. I just listened to everyone else’s prayer request, and I just felt led to pray for you, for your marriage, for your community. You know, being a mom and a wife and feeling alone, while you’re really truly not is one of the hardest things to really experience. I remember that. So, I just want to lift you up. And Lord, I just ask You, Father God, first and foremost, to speak to Natalie’s husbands’ heart, Lord God. That, Father, though he may work and have to travel, Father, I pray that You would continuously put his wife, in his heart, Lord. That he would call her, that he would text her, that he would send sweet nothings to her, Father God. I pray, Lord, that You would give her community, Father God. That You would surround her Father, introduce her to women that are in similar situations, women that can pray alongside her, women that can encourage her, women that can be a friend to her, Father God. And that Lord, she we would just remember, Lord, that Your word says that You never leave us, nor forsake us. And though she may feel alone, Father God, or feel discouraged Father God, that she would take time as Mary did and sit at Your feet and know that as she sits and as she waits and as she listens, God, that You are ever present with her Lord. That she may sense Your Spirit, just encouraging her. In Jesus name I pray for you my sister, have a good….

Good morning, Daily Audio Bible brothers and sisters. This is Sylvia from South Texas. I’m calling in to request prayers for all the people that live with alcoholics. I know what a hard life that is. I pray that everyone that is suffering this, will go to God and ask the Lord to touch the alcoholics hearts. And that they realize how much hurt and pain they’re bringing their families. I am one of those people that sit in silence, watching my husband go down with his choice of drinking, instead of being with the family. Just pray for everyone …

Hey DAB this is Nate in Washington. I’m requesting some prayer from the community today mostly for my wife. I am a recovering sex addict. And by God’s grace my wife is still with me. We’ve been together for about 10 years now and the majority of that time I have really just been lost in my addiction. More recently, I’ve really stepped into the battle of trying to recover from this and stop my unhealthy habits and it’s…it’s just been such a struggle. And I just really need to, I need God’s help to understand my wife’s pain; pain of the betrayal that I’ve done. I really need to, I just, I need, I pray for God to reveal himself to me. I know He’s the only way that I’m going to be free of this. And I, He has, it’s just when I talk to my wife, there’s still that betrayal, there’s no trust, which is understandable. But I, I’m just really, I know that prayers, God can do anything. So, I thought I would reach out and see if I could get more people involved in talking to God and see if I can really gain some real ground on this, by God’s grace and with his power.

Hey DAB family, this is Beloved in Texas, Sparky’s wife. I’ve kind of been MIA for a while. I’ve been listening, trying to catch up. I just wanted to come on and ask you all for prayer. I love my new job, but it does come with a lot of responsibilities. We’ve also had some financial setbacks that have been causing me some stress. And I just, I have been managing my anxiety and my bi-polar disorder, pretty well. Until recently and now it’s kind of like, the cork popped off the bottle and I’m spewing emotions everywhere. And I don’t, none of my regular coping mechanisms are working and I really don’t know how to handle this. And I don’t want to be this person whose either awake and agitated and angry or volatile and asleep all the time because I don’t know how else to shut my brain off. I just kind of feel like I’ve, I’ve hit a point where I’ve just crashed. And physically, er, earthly I know that’s inevitable when you have bipolar disorder. And it’s not that I don’t have faith that God can get me through this or that He could heal me. It’s just I don’t know how to get through this. I don’t know how to not be so tired of trying so hard to be okay. So, if you could pray for my family, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Kathryn calling from Maryland. I just want to call and thank you, Hands to Heaven for your beautiful prayer for the truckers. All those who serve us, bring things to us that we need. I hope that every, every traveler and trucker like that and is able to go to the transcript section, print it out and read that every day when you’re on the road. And I join you in lifting you up and praying for your safety, for your faith to deepen in those moments alone and for the opportunity for you to share that faith with others. I also want to lift up LOV and Kingdom Seeker Daniel; it was nice to hear your testimony. And you know, God can turn things for good that we initially don’t see. And that sounds like that what’s happened with you. So, pray for your marriage, pray for your love for each other, which has always been very inspiring. Joyful spirits. And wish that you can stay, stay together, stay in love, stay with the three chords, the two of you and God. Lifting up all those with long COVID and those caring for them and surrounding them as well.

09/06/2022 DAB Transcript

Song of Solomon 1:1-4:16, 2 Corinthians 8:16-24, Psalm 50:1-23, Proverbs 22:22-23

Today is the 6th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, as we gather around the Global Campfire and move forward together.

Introduction to the Book of Song of Solomon:

In the Old Testament, we have spent some time in the book of Job, and then in the book of Ecclesiastes. So, wisdom literature but very, very particular, dealing with some of the more darker, difficult topics that we face as human beings. But this leads us to some brand-new territory, unlike any other territory that we’ve been in the Bible, so far. And this territory is known as the Song of Songs or the Song of Solomon. And it’s pretty short, we will read it over the course of the next couple of days, but it is poetry and it’s potent poetry, beautiful poetry, that…that on the face of it, deals with human sexuality. And it’s a poem and so it’s poetry and so poetry is full of metaphor and allegory. And so, this book, the Song of Solomon, has been looked at a number of ways, which is totally fine, it’s poetry, we look through a certain lens when we understand what the genre is, what we’re reading. But we also need to take it at face value and understand that human sexuality and the joy of covenantal, marital relationship is important, important enough that we find it here in the middle of the Bible, that is literally what we will read in the poem: passionate, consummation of love between a man and a woman, who are lovesick and cannot get enough of each other. And it stands on its own for that sake. Ancient Jewish tradition, as well as Christian tradition has allegorical views of this poetry. So, like, from ancient Jewish perspective, it…it’s the story of God revealing how passionate He is and how passionately He loves His children, who are the Hebrew people. And that is totally supportable in the Scriptures. In the Christian tradition, it’s like an allegorical look at Christ’s, Jesus passionate love for His church, His bride, and foreshadowing of His desire for her. And we’re in one of the situations where we’re dealing with poetry. And so, it can speak to us in any of these ways. We can look at it through any of these lenses and all of these interpretations can be true. And so, as we read through this, just invite the Holy Spirit to allow you to see what you need to see and consider what you need to consider and hear what you need to hear. I love it when we get to this point in the year because it’s an opportunity for me to invite my wife Jill, to join us here, because Song of Solomon is largely poetry between a man and woman, her friends and his friends, sort of a male and female voice in the poetry. And so, we will read through this together. And so, let’s dive in together and enjoy the Song of Songs, today chapters 1 through 4.


Father, thank You, thank You for the Scriptures. Thank You for bringing us through the territory that we’ve come through, the wisdom literature in Job and Ecclesiastes and thank You for bringing us into the Song of Songs. And may we drink deeply from it, both in what it is saying literally and also in considering how passionate You are toward Your children. But even as we view that and see once again, an example of how deeply You love us, may we reflect upon whether or not, we feel the same way, we act the same way. If we are contemplating that You are lovesick over Your children, that You are deeply invested and committed, then we need to consider whether our hearts are aimed in the same direction. Or if often times we are users, not deeply lovesick with the one that we love but infatuated with what we might get. Reveal our hearts to us Lord, that we might change. We pray this in the precious and mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. It’s home of the Global Campfire, so check it out. The Daily Audio Bible app is also available and does all the website does and you can download that from your app store, whichever app store is connected to your device, so check that out. Check out the different sections, like the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a plethora of resources, in different categories in the Shop, for the journey that we are on, through the Bible in a year. And so definitely check that out, check out the different sections and just explore a little bit.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. First of all, thank you, humbly, humbly, thank you, we wouldn’t be here and we…we, there would be no Global Campfire if we weren’t in this together and so thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I am Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey guys, this is Bridget from New York City. I want to pray for Natalie from North Carolina. I just listened to everyone else’s prayer request, and I just felt led to pray for you, for your marriage, for your community. You know, being a mom and a wife and feeling alone, while you’re really truly not is one of the hardest things to really experience. I remember that. So, I just want to lift you up. And Lord, I just ask You, Father God, first and foremost, to speak to Natalie’s husbands’ heart, Lord God. That, Father, though he may work and have to travel, Father, I pray that You would continuously put his wife, in his heart, Lord. That he would call her, that he would text her, that he would send sweet nothings to her, Father God. I pray, Lord, that You would give her community, Father God. That You would surround her Father, introduce her to women that are in similar situations, women that can pray alongside her, women that can encourage her, women that can be a friend to her, Father God. And that Lord, she we would just remember, Lord, that Your word says that You never leave us, nor forsake us. And though she may feel alone, Father God, or feel discouraged Father God, that she would take time as Mary did and sit at Your feet and know that as she sits and as she waits and as she listens, God, that You are ever present with her Lord. That she may sense Your Spirit, just encouraging her. In Jesus name I pray for you my sister, have a good….

Good morning, Daily Audio Bible brothers and sisters. This is Sylvia from South Texas. I’m calling in to request prayers for all the people that live with alcoholics. I know what a hard life that is. I pray that everyone that is suffering this, will go to God and ask the Lord to touch the alcoholics hearts. And that they realize how much hurt and pain they’re bringing their families. I am one of those people that sit in silence, watching my husband go down with his choice of drinking, instead of being with the family. Just pray for everyone …

Hey DAB this is Nate in Washington. I’m requesting some prayer from the community today mostly for my wife. I am a recovering sex addict. And by God’s grace my wife is still with me. We’ve been together for about 10 years now and the majority of that time I have really just been lost in my addiction. More recently, I’ve really stepped into the battle of trying to recover from this and stop my unhealthy habits and it’s…it’s just been such a struggle. And I just really need to, I need God’s help to understand my wife’s pain; pain of the betrayal that I’ve done. I really need to, I just, I need, I pray for God to reveal himself to me. I know He’s the only way that I’m going to be free of this. And I, He has, it’s just when I talk to my wife, there’s still that betrayal, there’s no trust, which is understandable. But I, I’m just really, I know that prayers, God can do anything. So, I thought I would reach out and see if I could get more people involved in talking to God and see if I can really gain some real ground on this, by God’s grace and with his power.

Hey DAB family, this is Beloved in Texas, Sparky’s wife. I’ve kind of been MIA for a while. I’ve been listening, trying to catch up. I just wanted to come on and ask you all for prayer. I love my new job, but it does come with a lot of responsibilities. We’ve also had some financial setbacks that have been causing me some stress. And I just, I have been managing my anxiety and my bi-polar disorder, pretty well. Until recently and now it’s kind of like, the cork popped off the bottle and I’m spewing emotions everywhere. And I don’t, none of my regular coping mechanisms are working and I really don’t know how to handle this. And I don’t want to be this person whose either awake and agitated and angry or volatile and asleep all the time because I don’t know how else to shut my brain off. I just kind of feel like I’ve, I’ve hit a point where I’ve just crashed. And physically, er, earthly I know that’s inevitable when you have bipolar disorder. And it’s not that I don’t have faith that God can get me through this or that He could heal me. It’s just I don’t know how to get through this. I don’t know how to not be so tired of trying so hard to be okay. So, if you could pray for my family, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Kathryn calling from Maryland. I just want to call and thank you, Hands to Heaven for your beautiful prayer for the truckers. All those who serve us, bring things to us that we need. I hope that every, every traveler and trucker like that and is able to go to the transcript section, print it out and read that every day when you’re on the road. And I join you in lifting you up and praying for your safety, for your faith to deepen in those moments alone and for the opportunity for you to share that faith with others. I also want to lift up LOV and Kingdom Seeker Daniel; it was nice to hear your testimony. And you know, God can turn things for good that we initially don’t see. And that sounds like that what’s happened with you. So, pray for your marriage, pray for your love for each other, which has always been very inspiring. Joyful spirits. And wish that you can stay, stay together, stay in love, stay with the three chords, the two of you and God. Lifting up all those with long COVID and those caring for them and surrounding them as well.

The Daily Audio Bible Reading for Wednesday September 7, 2022 (NIV)

Song of Solomon 5-8


My bride, my sister, I will come to my garden.
I will gather my myrrh with my spice.
I will eat my honeycomb with my honey.
I will drink my wine with my milk.
Eat, my friends!
Drink and become intoxicated with expressions of love!

The Young Woman Dreams of Marriage with Her Husband


I sleep, but my mind is awake.
Listen! My beloved is knocking.


Open to me, my true love, my sister,
my dove, my perfect one.
My head is wet with dew,
my hair with the dewdrops of night.


I have taken off my clothes! Why should I put them on ⌞again⌟?
I have washed my feet! Why should I get them dirty ⌞again⌟?
My beloved put his hand through the keyhole.
My heart throbbed for him.
I got up to open for my beloved.
My hands dripped with myrrh,
and my fingers were drenched with liquid myrrh,
on the handles of the lock.
I opened for my beloved,
but my beloved had turned away. He was gone!
I almost died when he left.
I looked for him, but I did not find him.
I called for him, but he did not answer me.
The watchmen making their rounds in the city found me.
They struck me!
They wounded me!
Those watchmen on the walls took my robe from me!

Young women of Jerusalem, swear to me
that if you find my beloved
you will tell him I am hopelessly lovesick.


Most beautiful of women,
what makes your beloved better than any other beloved?
What makes your beloved better than any other beloved
that you make us swear this way?


10 My beloved is dazzling yet ruddy.
He stands out among 10,000 men.
11 His head is the finest gold.
His hair is wavy, black as a raven.
12 His eyes are set like doves bathing in milk.
13 His cheeks are like a garden of spices,
a garden that produces scented herbs.
His lips are lilies that drip with myrrh.
14 His hands are disks of gold set with emerald.
His chest is a block of ivory covered with sapphires.
15 His legs are columns of marble set on bases of pure gold.
His form is like Lebanon, choice as the cedars.
16 His mouth is sweet in every way.
Everything about him is desirable!
This is my beloved, and this is my friend, young women of Jerusalem.


Where did your beloved go, most beautiful of women?
Where did your beloved turn?
We will look for him with you.


My beloved went to his garden,
to the beds of spices,
to graze his flock in the gardens and gather lilies.
I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.
He is the one who grazes his flock among the lilies.

Solomon Desires the Young Woman More Than the Rest of His Wives


You are beautiful, my true love, like Tirzah,
lovely like Jerusalem,
awe-inspiring like those great cities.[a]
Turn your eyes away from me. They enchant me!

Your hair is like a flock of goats moving down from Gilead.
Your teeth are like a flock of sheep,
sheep that come up from the washing.
All of them bear twins, and not one has lost its young.
Your temples behind your veil are like slices of pomegranate.

There are 60 queens, 80 concubines,[b] and countless virgins,
but she is unique, my dove, my perfect one.
Her mother thinks she is unique.
She is pure to the one who gave birth to her.
Her sisters saw her and blessed her.
Queens and concubines saw her and praised her.

The Young Woman’s Home in Shulam


10 Who is this young woman?
She looks like the dawn.
She is beautiful like the moon,
pure like the sun,
awe-inspiring like those heavenly bodies.


11 I went to the walnut grove
to look at the blossoms in the valley,
to see if the grapevine had budded
and if the pomegranates were in bloom.
12 I did not know that I had become
like the chariots of my noble people.[c]


13 Come back! Come back, young woman from Shulam!
Come back! Come back so that we may look at you!


Why do you look at me, the young woman from Shulam,
as you look at the dance of Mahanaim?


[d]How beautiful are your feet in their sandals, noble daughter!
The curves of your thighs are like ornaments,
like the work of an artist’s hands.
Your navel is a round bowl.
May it always be filled with spiced wine.
Your waist is a bundle of wheat enclosed in lilies.
Your breasts are like two fawns,
twins of a gazelle.
Your neck is like an ivory tower.
Your eyes are like pools in Heshbon, pools by the gate of Bath Rabbim.
Your nose is like a Lebanese tower facing Damascus.
You hold your head as high as Mount Carmel.
Your dangling curls are royal beauty.
Your flowing locks could hold a king captive.

Solomon Longs for the Young Woman’s Affection


How beautiful and charming you are, my love, with your elegance.
Young woman,
your figure is like a palm tree,
and your breasts are like its clusters.
I thought, “I will climb the palm tree
and take hold of its fruit.”
May your breasts be like clusters on the vine.
May the fragrance of your breath be like apples.
May your mouth taste like the best wine …


… that goes down smoothly to my beloved
and glides over the lips of those about to sleep.[e]
10 I am my beloved’s, and he longs for me.
11 Come, my beloved.
Let’s go into the field.
Let’s spend the night among the henna flowers.[f]
12 Let’s go to the vineyards early.
Let’s see if the vines have budded,
if the grape blossoms have opened,
if the pomegranates are in bloom.
There I will give you my love.
13 The mandrakes [g] give off a fragrance,
and at our door are all kinds of precious fruits.
I have saved new and old things
for you alone, my beloved.
If only you were my brother,
one who nursed at my mother’s breasts.
If I saw you on the street,
I would kiss you, and no one would look down on me.
I would lead you.
I would bring you into my mother’s house.
(She is the one who was my teacher.)
I would give you some spiced wine to drink,
some juice squeezed from my pomegranates.
His left hand is under my head.
His right hand caresses me.

Young women of Jerusalem, swear to me
that you will not awaken love
or arouse love before its proper time!

The Young Woman’s Love for Her Beloved


Who is this young woman coming from the wilderness
with her arm around her beloved?


Under the apple tree I woke you up.
There your mother went into labor with you.
There she went into labor
and gave birth to you!
Wear me as a signet ring on your heart,
as a ring on your hand.
Love is as overpowering as death.
Devotion is as unyielding as the grave.
Love’s flames are flames of fire,
flames that come from the Lord.
Raging water cannot extinguish love,
and rivers will never wash it away.
If a man exchanged all his family’s wealth for love,
people would utterly despise him.

The Young Woman with Her Family and Her Beloved


We have a little sister, and she has no breasts.
What will we do for our sister on the day she becomes engaged?
If she is a wall, we will build a silver barrier around her.
If she is a door, we will barricade her with cedar boards.


10 I am a wall, and my breasts are like towers.
So he considers me to be one who has found peace.[h]
11 Solomon had a vineyard at Baal Hamon.
He entrusted that vineyard to caretakers.
Each one was to bring 25 pounds of silver
in exchange for its fruit.
12 My own vineyard is in front of me.
That 25 pounds is yours, Solomon,
and 5 pounds go to those who take care of its fruit.


13 Young woman living in the gardens,
while your friends are listening to your voice,
let me hear….


14 Come away quickly, my beloved.
Run like a gazelle or a young stag
on the mountains of spices.


  1. 6:4 Or “awe-inspiring as an army with flags.”
  2. 6:8 A concubine is considered a wife except she has fewer rights under the law.
  3. 6:12 Song of Songs 6:13 in English Bibles is Song of Songs 7:1 in the Hebrew Bible.
  4. 7:1 Song of Songs 7:1–13 in English Bibles is Song of Songs 7:2–14 in the Hebrew Bible.
  5. 7:9 Or “flowing gently over lips and teeth.”
  6. 7:11 Or “in the villages.”
  7. 7:13 Mandrakes   were thought to stimulate sexual desire.
  8. 8:10 In Hebrew there is a play on the words “peace   ” (shalom), “Solomon” (Shlomo), and “the young woman from Shulam” (Shulamith).
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

2 Corinthians 9

The Reason to Give to the Christians in Jerusalem

I don’t need to write anything further to you about helping the Christians ⌞in Jerusalem⌟. I know how willing you are to help, and I brag about you to the believers in the province of Macedonia. I tell them, “The people of Greece have been ready ⌞to send their collection⌟ since last year,” and your enthusiasm has moved most of them ⌞to act⌟. I’ve sent my coworkers so that when we brag that you’re ready, we can back it up. Otherwise, if any Macedonians come with me, they might find out that you’re not ready after all. This would embarrass us for feeling so confident as much as it would embarrass you. So I thought that I should encourage our coworkers to visit you before I do and make arrangements for this gift that you had already promised to give. Then it will be the blessing it was intended to be, and it won’t be something you’re forced to do.

Remember this: The farmer who plants a few seeds will have a very small harvest. But the farmer who plants because he has received God’s blessings will receive a harvest of God’s blessings in return. Each of you should give whatever you have decided. You shouldn’t be sorry that you gave or feel forced to give, since God loves a cheerful giver. Besides, God will give you his constantly overflowing kindness.[a] Then, when you always have everything you need, you can do more and more good things. Scripture says,

“The person with God’s approval gives freely to the poor.
The things he does with God’s approval continue forever.”

10 God gives seed to the farmer and food to those who need to eat. God will also give you seed and multiply it. In your lives he will increase the things you do that have his approval. 11 God will make you rich enough so that you can always be generous. Your generosity will produce thanksgiving to God because of us. 12 What you do to serve others not only provides for the needs of God’s people, but also produces more and more prayers of thanksgiving to God. 13 You will honor God through this genuine act of service because of your commitment to spread the Good News of Christ and because of your generosity in sharing with them and everyone else. 14 With deep affection they will pray for you because of the extreme kindness that God has shown you. 15 I thank God for his gift that words cannot describe.


  1. 9:8 Or “grace.”
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

Psalm 51

For the choir director; a psalm by David when the prophet Nathan came to him after David’s adultery with Bathsheba.

51 Have pity on me, O God, in keeping with your mercy.
In keeping with your unlimited compassion, wipe out my rebellious acts.
Wash me thoroughly from my guilt,
and cleanse me from my sin.
I admit that I am rebellious.
My sin is always in front of me.
I have sinned against you, especially you.
I have done what you consider evil.
So you hand down justice when you speak,
and you are blameless when you judge.

Indeed, I was born guilty.
I was a sinner when my mother conceived me.
Yet, you desire truth and sincerity.
Deep down inside me you teach me wisdom.
Purify me from sin with hyssop,[a] and I will be clean.[b]
Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Let me hear ⌞sounds of⌟ joy and gladness.
Let the bones that you have broken dance.
Hide your face from my sins,
and wipe out all that I have done wrong.

10 Create a clean heart in me, O God,
and renew a faithful spirit within me.
11 Do not force me away from your presence,
and do not take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore the joy of your salvation to me,
and provide me with a spirit of willing obedience.

13 ⌞Then⌟ I will teach your ways to those who are rebellious,
and sinners will return to you.
14 Rescue me from the guilt of murder,
O God, my savior.
Let my tongue sing joyfully about your righteousness!
15 O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth will tell about your praise.
16 You are not happy with any sacrifice.
Otherwise, I would offer one ⌞to you⌟.
You are not pleased with burnt offerings.
17 The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit.
O God, you do not despise a broken and sorrowful heart.
18 Favor Zion with your goodness.
Rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
19 Then you will be pleased with sacrifices offered in the right spirit—
with burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings.
Young bulls will be offered on your altar.


  1. 51:7 Branches from the hyssop   plant were used in purification rites.
  2. 51:7 Clean   ” refers to anything that Moses’ Teachings say is presentable to God.
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 22:24-25

24 Do not be a friend of one who has a bad temper,
and never keep company with a hothead,
25 or you will learn his ways
and set a trap for yourself.

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

The Daily Audio Bible Reading for Tuesday September 6, 2022 (NIV)

Song of Solomon 1-4

The most beautiful song of Solomon.

The Young Woman Arrives in Solomon’s Palace


Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth.
Your expressions of love are better than wine,
better than the fragrance of cologne.
(Cologne should be named after you.)
No wonder the young women love you!
Take me with you. Let’s run away.
The king has brought me into his private rooms.


We will celebrate and rejoice with you.
We will praise your expressions of love more than wine.
How right it is that the young women love you!


Young women of Jerusalem, I am dark and lovely
like Kedar’s tents,
like Solomon’s curtains.
Stop staring at me because I am so dark.
The sun has tanned me.
My brothers were angry with me.
They made me the caretaker of the vineyards.
I have not even taken care of my own vineyard.
Please tell me, you whom I love, where do you graze your flock?
Where does your flock lie down at noon?
⌞Tell me,⌟ or I will be considered a prostitute
⌞wandering⌟ among the flocks of your companions.


If you do not know, most beautiful of women,
follow the tracks of the flocks,
and graze your young goats near the shepherds’ tents.

Solomon Searches for the Young Woman’s Love


My true love, I compare you to a mare among Pharaoh’s stallions.
10 Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments,
your neck with strings of pearls.


11 We will make gold ornaments with silver beads for you.


12 While the king is at his table,
my perfume fills the air with its fragrance.
13 My beloved is a pouch of myrrh [a]
that lies at night between my breasts.
14 My beloved is a bouquet of henna flowers
in the vineyards of En Gedi.


15 Look at you! You are beautiful, my true love!
Look at you! You are so beautiful!
Your eyes are like doves!


16 Look at you! You are handsome, my beloved, so pleasing to me!
The leaf-scattered ground will be our couch.
17 The cedars will be the walls of our house.
The cypress trees will be our rafters.
I am a rose of Sharon,
a lily ⌞growing⌟ in the valleys.


Like a lily among thorns,
so is my true love among the young women.


Like an apple tree among the trees in the forest,
so is my beloved among the young men.
I want to sit in his shadow.
His fruit tastes sweet to me.
He leads me into a banquet room
and looks at me with love.
Strengthen me with raisins
and refresh me with apples
because I am weak from love.
His left hand is under my head.
His right hand caresses me.

Young women of Jerusalem, swear to me
by the gazelles
or by the does in the field
that you will not awaken love
or arouse love before its proper time.

The Young Woman Remembers One Spring Day with Her Beloved


I hear my beloved’s voice.
Look! Here he comes,
sprinting over the mountains,
racing over the hills.
My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag.
Look! There he stands behind our wall,
peeking through the window,
looking through the lattice.
10 My beloved said to me,
“Get up, my true love, my beautiful one, and come with me.
11 Look! The winter is past.
The rain is over and gone.
12 Blossoms appear in the land.
The time of the songbird has arrived.
The cooing of the mourning dove is heard in our land.
13 The green figs ripen.
The grapevines bloom and give off a fragrance.
Get up, my true love, my beautiful one, and come with me.
14 My dove, in the hiding places of the rocky crevices,
in the secret places of the cliffs,
let me see your figure and hear your voice.
Your voice is sweet, and your figure is lovely.”

15 Catch the foxes for us,
the little foxes that ruin vineyards.
Our vineyards are blooming.

16 My beloved is mine, and I am his.
He is the one who grazes his flock among the lilies.
17 When the day brings a cooling breeze and the shadows flee,
turn around, my beloved.
Run like a gazelle or a young stag
on the mountains that separate us!

The Young Woman Dreams about Searching for Her Beloved


Night after night on my bed
I looked for the one I love.
I looked for him but did not find him.
I will get up now and roam around the city,
in the streets, and in the squares.
I will look for the one I love.
I looked for him but did not find him.
The watchmen making their rounds in the city found me.
⌞I asked,⌟ “Have you seen the one I love?”
I had just left them when I found the one I love.
I held on to him and would not let him go
until I had brought him into my mother’s house,
into the bedroom of the one who conceived me.

Young women of Jerusalem, swear to me
by the gazelles
or by the does in the field,
that you will not awaken love
or arouse love before its proper time.

A Description of the Royal Procession


Who is this young woman coming up from the wilderness
like clouds of smoke?
She is perfumed with myrrh and incense
made from the merchants’ scented powders.
Look! Solomon’s sedan chair! [b]
Sixty soldiers from the army of Israel surround it.
All of them are skilled in using swords,
experienced in combat.
Each one has his sword at his side
and guards against the terrors of the night.
King Solomon had a carriage made for himself
from the wood of Lebanon.
10 He had its posts made out of silver,
its top out of gold,
its seat out of purple fabric.
Its inside—with inlaid scenes of love—
was made by the young women of Jerusalem.
11 Young women of Zion, come out and look at King Solomon!
Look at his crown,
the crown his mother placed on him on his wedding day,
his day of joyful delight.

Solomon Is Charmed by the Young Woman


Look at you! You are beautiful, my true love.
Look at you! You are so beautiful.
Your eyes behind your veil are like doves.
Your hair is like a flock of goats moving down Mount Gilead.
Your teeth are like a flock of sheep about to be sheared,
sheep that come up from the washing.
All of them bear twins, and not one has lost its young.
Your lips are like scarlet thread.
Your mouth is lovely.
Your temples behind your veil are like slices of pomegranate.
Your neck is like David’s beautifully-designed tower.
A thousand round shields belonging to soldiers
are hung on it.
Your breasts are like two fawns,
like twin gazelles grazing among the lilies.
When the day brings a cool breeze and the shadows flee,
I will go to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of incense.
You are beautiful in every way, my true love.
There is no blemish on you.
You will come with me from Lebanon,
from Lebanon as my bride.
You will travel with me
from the peak of Mount Amana,
from the mountain peaks in Senir and Hermon,
from the lairs of lions,
from the mountains of leopards.
My bride, my sister, you have charmed me.[c]
You have charmed me
with a single glance from your eyes,
with a single strand of your necklace.
10 How beautiful are your expressions of love, my bride, my sister!
How much better are your expressions of love than wine
and the fragrance of your perfume than any spice.
11 Your lips drip honey, my bride.
Honey and milk are under your tongue.
The fragrance of your clothing is like the fragrance of Lebanon.
12 My bride, my sister is a garden that is locked,
a garden that is locked,
a spring that is sealed.
13 You are paradise that produces
pomegranates and the best fruits,
henna flowers and nard,
14 nard and saffron,
calamus,[d] cinnamon, and all kinds of incense,[e]
myrrh, aloes, and all the best spices.
15 ⌞You are⌟ a spring for gardens,
a well of living water flowing from Lebanon.


16 Awake, north wind!
Come, south wind!
Blow on my garden!
Let its spices flow from it.
Let my beloved come to his garden,
and let him eat his own precious fruit.


  1. 1:13 Myrrh   is a fragrant resin used for perfumes, embalming, and deodorizers.
  2. 3:7 A sedan chair is a portable chair for carrying a person of high position.
  3. 4:9 “Brother” and “sister   ” are terms of endearment between lovers in ancient Near Eastern literature.
  4. 4:14 Calamus   is a sweet-smelling spice.
  5. 4:14 Or “incense-producing trees.”
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

2 Corinthians 8:16-24

16 I thank God for making Titus as dedicated to you as I am. 17 He accepted my request and eagerly went to visit you by his own free will.

18 With him we have sent our Christian brother whom all the churches praise for the way he tells the Good News. 19 More than that, the churches elected him to travel with us and bring this gift of God’s kindness. We are administering it in a way that brings glory to the Lord and shows that we are doing it willingly. 20 We don’t want anyone to find fault with the way we are administering this generous gift. 21 We intend to do what is right, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of people.

22 We have also sent with them our Christian brother whom we have often tested in many ways and found to be a dedicated worker. We find that he is much more dedicated now than ever because he has so much confidence in you.

23 If any questions are raised, remember that Titus is my partner and coworker to help you. The other men are representatives of the churches and bring glory to Christ. 24 So give these men a demonstration of your love. Show their congregations that we were right to be proud of you.

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

Psalm 50

A psalm by Asaph.

50 The Lord, the only true God, has spoken.
He has summoned the earth
from where the sun rises to where it sets.
God shines from Zion,
the perfection of beauty.
Our God will come and will not remain silent.
A devouring fire is in front of him
and a raging storm around him.
He summons heaven and earth to judge his people:
“Gather around me, my godly people
who have made a pledge to me through sacrifices.”

The heavens announce his righteousness
because God is the judge. Selah

“Listen, my people, and I will speak.
Listen, Israel, and I will testify against you:
I am God, your God!
I am not criticizing you for your sacrifices or burnt offerings,
which are always in front of me.
⌞But⌟ I will not accept ⌞another⌟ young bull from your household
or a single male goat from your pens.
10 Every creature in the forest,
⌞even⌟ the cattle on a thousand hills, is mine.
11 I know every bird in the mountains.
Everything that moves in the fields is mine.
12 If I were hungry, I would not tell you,
because the world and all that it contains are mine.
13 Do I eat the meat of bulls or drink the blood of goats?
14 Bring ⌞your⌟ thanks to God as a sacrifice,
and keep your vows to the Most High.
15 Call on me in times of trouble.
I will rescue you, and you will honor me.”

16 But God says to wicked people,
“How dare you quote my decrees
and mouth my promises! [a]
17 You hate discipline.
You toss my words behind you.
18 When you see a thief, you want to make friends with him.
You keep company with people who commit adultery.
19 You let your mouth say anything evil.
Your tongue plans deceit.
20 You sit and talk against your own brother.
You slander your own mother’s son.
21 When you did these things, I remained silent.
⌞That⌟ made you think I was like you.
I will argue my point with you
and lay it all out for you to see.
22 Consider this, you people who forget God.
Otherwise, I will tear you to pieces,
and there will be no one left to rescue you.
23 Whoever offers thanks as a sacrifice honors me.
I will let everyone who continues in my way
see the salvation that comes from God.”


  1. 50:16 Or “covenant.”
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 22:22-23

Living with Your Neighbor

22 Do not rob the poor because they are poor
or trample on the rights of an oppressed person at the city gate,
23 because the Lord will plead their case
and will take the lives of those who rob them.

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

09/05/2022 DAB Transcript

Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, Psalms 49:1-20, Proverbs 22:20-21

Today is the 5th day of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today just like it is every day as we gather together and move forward together through the Scriptures and through this year. And we have been working our way through the book of Ecclesiastes. And we have reached the point at which we will conclude the book of Ecclesiastes today and move forward tomorrow into some completely different territory known as the song of songs or the song of Solomon. But that’s tomorrow and we’re here. And, so, let’s finish well the book of Ecclesiastes. Today chapters 10, 11, and 12.


Okay. So, we finished the book of Ecclesiastes today and we can see how easy it would be to read the book as cynical or we could understand this is a really unique perspective. So, let’s say you go through your life accumulating what you accumulate - wealth, our stuff. And let’s say you gather it all together and you’re looking it over, you are reaching the end of your life and all of your stuff represents what you spent your life on. And you have to wonder, was it a good value? So, the writer of Ecclesiastes looks back over his life, all of the challenge and hardship that has been faced all the things that have had to have been endured, all of the pleasure, all of the stuff, all of the power, but also all of the witnessing of injustice and then looking at all that realizing that most of it was chasing the wind, right? So, a lot of energy was put into beauty and wisdom. A lot of energy was put into development and construction. Wisdom had been searched out throughout the known world, and the unanswerable questions were pursued but still he couldn’t find what he was looking for. And, so, in a sort of subtractive way, looking at all that have been accumulated and pulling away all of the things that probably didn’t matter brought a sobering view and a hopeful view. And, so, all that we’ve discussed as we’ve moved through the book of Ecclesiastes gets summed up in the final sentences of the book. “After having heard it all, this is the conclusion. Fear God and keep his commands because this applies to everyone. God will certainly judge everything that is done. This includes every secret thing, whether it is good or bad.” So, that conclusion isn’t really different than what the Bible concludes, that it is God who is our source, that we must offer ourselves and surrender to God, to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Certainly, to love our neighbors as ourselves, but to honor God in all that we do, this is what everyone is supposed to do. This is the way to find meaning, not in the accumulation of things. And this is such a unique perspective because this is coming from a person who had no limits and was able to do whatever they wanted. And even then, with all of that arriving at these conclusions is so helpful in perspective and so helpful in allowing us to realize we are spending our lives. Are we spending our lives on things that matter? Because Ecclesiastes is concluding that fearing God, walking intimately with God, honoring and reverencing God, obeying God, this is what matters. So, how can we know? Like how can we know if we’re walking this out anywhere close to the right way? We have to ask ourselves, can I honor and reverence and obey God in whatever it is that I’m trying to accomplish or do? Can I worship God in this? Can I find God in this? If I subtract away everything else is God still in the center of whatever I’m doing? And it’s so helpful this territory in the Scriptures that we’ve just navigated. Job and Ecclesiastes really force us into some questions that don’t have answers and that we wrestle with, and we always look for something with a bow on top. But grappling with these things is part of…part of it. It’s part of life. The Bible leads us into wrestling with these things because everybody needs to take the time to wrestle through these things. And we begin to realize that our reverence for God is actually what dictates how we do what we do. And our lack of reverence for God also dictates how and why we do what we do. And beginning to observe ourselves and understand why we do what we do reveals our hearts. And a lot of what we do is to create some sort of structure that gives us meaning. Now we’re finding our reverence and awe and wonder and relationship with God is the source of meaning. It is through that lens that we are to live our lives.


Father, we thank You. Thank You for these last days moving through this territory. We thank You for all that it has brought up in us - some disruption, some comfort, always pulling us forward always leading us to grow - and we are deeply grateful for Your kindness and Your compassion and Your patience with us as we do that. As You Father us we grow up. And in these last days we have learned that we can spend our lives chasing the wind or we can actually build meaning walking with You. Come Holy Spirit into that. Reveal to us the pathways of our lives and how we might stop wasting our lives on things that don’t matter. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, first of all, humbly thank you. We honestly wouldn’t be here if we were not in this together and we’ve been in this together for a good many years now. And, so, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Egbert by the way of California here in the country of Belize city. I greet you in the precious name of our Lord savior Jesus Christ. I want to thank the Hardin family for the work that they have been doing throughout the years. I pray God’s covering over their lives continually. Biola I’ve thought about you. I’ve been praying for you and your son keeping you guys covered. Tony. The many others too numerous to mention. I covet your prayers. I ask that you pray for me. We continue our sojourning here on this earth knowing that there’s going to be valleys and hills and the experience that we continue to have we know that Jesus is walking right beside us. You know, wherever these little pitfalls and these situations occur we know that He’s there and we know that we have each other to call in, you know, and to just let the community know if they are able to pray on the behalf of others as well as for us ourselves firstly. We’re not immune to the wilds of the devil our enemy. So, continue to lift each other up and edify each other. And God bless everyone. And there’s too many to mention but know that you are prayed for and cared for in the name of Jesus. I thank you and have a blessed weekend. Today is Friday the 2nd. God bless everyone. Thank you.

Hi DAB family this is Tosha in Virginia, and this is my second time calling but I just was basically brought to tears with the lady from North Carolina with the kids and the husband that’s traveling. I just want you to know you’re in my prayers. I’ve been through that with being lonely and I just pray God would fill you with hope and with peace and just that even…even just a random neighbor or someone would just bring just some uplifting peace to you uplifting…and that you would just be filled and truly feel God in a very tangible way that He is with you. And yeah, just…just know that I’m praying with you. In Jesus’ name.

Hello everyone, this is Nadine from Dubai. I’ve called in a couple of times and asked for prayed for my brother and myself and my family. It’s in a stage now where it’s month to month to month, where it’s just been going on for the last five months. My brother’s issue is not being resolved. My mother and I are fighting. My brother…it’s just…it’s just been really tough. Yesterday I listened to Job…Job…how would you say it in English? And it was amazing what Brian said on the 1st of September that, you know, we’re not alone, you know, it's…we should just believe in God, and everything is not gonna go sunshine and roses because, you know, we’re believers. And, so, just please pray for my mom, my brother, and I. You know it’s just very tough. Not gonna cry now. But anyway, it’s been a tough five months for everything. Just keep asking your prayers. Thank you. Have a great day.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family it’s Sheena from Saskatchewan and it’s been a while since I’ve called in and I…we’re still dealing with some of our legal stuff and it’s not looking good. The man that God put in my life will likely be spending some time in jail, in prison and I’m trying to help him. I’m trying to support him while he walks through this. And honestly this…this situation has brought us both back to God and I’m just trying to do what’s right and it’s just hard. So, listening to those people pray for those individuals in prison, I just…those prayers have been resonating with me over the last year and a half. So yeah, if you can pray for us for peace while we walk through this, we would really appreciate it. Thanks guys. Love you. Bye.

Hi this is Victoria Soldier just calling in to pray for some of the DABbers. First I just have to…I have to rejoice. I’ve been dancing ever since Kingdom Seeker called and said his precious wife came home. Gracious God our God is wonderful. And I also, I want to pray for those who are sick. And God gave me a word. He said healing is the children’s prayer. Gracious Father everyone who’s going through sickness, everyone who’s having challenges, going through operations, some has called about operations, some has called about sickness in their body, their mothers being sick. The Bible said God told me to tell you that healing is the children’s prayer. We thank You Lord for being so wonderful. We praise You we magnify You for who You are. I just praise God and thank Him for what He’s done and thank you Brian for bringing your heart out and doing what you do for us. I love you. Love you and China and Jill, lady Jill and even my sweetie Ezekiel. I just pray you all have a wonderful day. Love you all. Bye-bye.

09/05/2022 DAB Transcript

Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, Psalms 49:1-20, Proverbs 22:20-21

Today is the 5th day of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today just like it is every day as we gather together and move forward together through the Scriptures and through this year. And we have been working our way through the book of Ecclesiastes. And we have reached the point at which we will conclude the book of Ecclesiastes today and move forward tomorrow into some completely different territory known as the song of songs or the song of Solomon. But that’s tomorrow and we’re here. And, so, let’s finish well the book of Ecclesiastes. Today chapters 10, 11, and 12.


Okay. So, we finished the book of Ecclesiastes today and we can see how easy it would be to read the book as cynical or we could understand this is a really unique perspective. So, let’s say you go through your life accumulating what you accumulate - wealth, our stuff. And let’s say you gather it all together and you’re looking it over, you are reaching the end of your life and all of your stuff represents what you spent your life on. And you have to wonder, was it a good value? So, the writer of Ecclesiastes looks back over his life, all of the challenge and hardship that has been faced all the things that have had to have been endured, all of the pleasure, all of the stuff, all of the power, but also all of the witnessing of injustice and then looking at all that realizing that most of it was chasing the wind, right? So, a lot of energy was put into beauty and wisdom. A lot of energy was put into development and construction. Wisdom had been searched out throughout the known world, and the unanswerable questions were pursued but still he couldn’t find what he was looking for. And, so, in a sort of subtractive way, looking at all that have been accumulated and pulling away all of the things that probably didn’t matter brought a sobering view and a hopeful view. And, so, all that we’ve discussed as we’ve moved through the book of Ecclesiastes gets summed up in the final sentences of the book. “After having heard it all, this is the conclusion. Fear God and keep his commands because this applies to everyone. God will certainly judge everything that is done. This includes every secret thing, whether it is good or bad.” So, that conclusion isn’t really different than what the Bible concludes, that it is God who is our source, that we must offer ourselves and surrender to God, to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Certainly, to love our neighbors as ourselves, but to honor God in all that we do, this is what everyone is supposed to do. This is the way to find meaning, not in the accumulation of things. And this is such a unique perspective because this is coming from a person who had no limits and was able to do whatever they wanted. And even then, with all of that arriving at these conclusions is so helpful in perspective and so helpful in allowing us to realize we are spending our lives. Are we spending our lives on things that matter? Because Ecclesiastes is concluding that fearing God, walking intimately with God, honoring and reverencing God, obeying God, this is what matters. So, how can we know? Like how can we know if we’re walking this out anywhere close to the right way? We have to ask ourselves, can I honor and reverence and obey God in whatever it is that I’m trying to accomplish or do? Can I worship God in this? Can I find God in this? If I subtract away everything else is God still in the center of whatever I’m doing? And it’s so helpful this territory in the Scriptures that we’ve just navigated. Job and Ecclesiastes really force us into some questions that don’t have answers and that we wrestle with, and we always look for something with a bow on top. But grappling with these things is part of…part of it. It’s part of life. The Bible leads us into wrestling with these things because everybody needs to take the time to wrestle through these things. And we begin to realize that our reverence for God is actually what dictates how we do what we do. And our lack of reverence for God also dictates how and why we do what we do. And beginning to observe ourselves and understand why we do what we do reveals our hearts. And a lot of what we do is to create some sort of structure that gives us meaning. Now we’re finding our reverence and awe and wonder and relationship with God is the source of meaning. It is through that lens that we are to live our lives.


Father, we thank You. Thank You for these last days moving through this territory. We thank You for all that it has brought up in us - some disruption, some comfort, always pulling us forward always leading us to grow - and we are deeply grateful for Your kindness and Your compassion and Your patience with us as we do that. As You Father us we grow up. And in these last days we have learned that we can spend our lives chasing the wind or we can actually build meaning walking with You. Come Holy Spirit into that. Reveal to us the pathways of our lives and how we might stop wasting our lives on things that don’t matter. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Egbert by the way of California here in the country of Belize city. I greet you in the precious name of our Lord savior Jesus Christ. I want to thank the Hardin family for the work that they have been doing throughout the years. I pray God’s covering over their lives continually. Biola I’ve thought about you. I’ve been praying for you and your son keeping you guys covered. Tony. The many others too numerous to mention. I covet your prayers. I ask that you pray for me. We continue our sojourning here on this earth knowing that there’s going to be valleys and hills and the experience that we continue to have we know that Jesus is walking right beside us. You know, wherever these little pitfalls and these situations occur we know that He’s there and we know that we have each other to call in, you know, and to just let the community know if they are able to pray on the behalf of others as well as for us ourselves firstly. We’re not immune to the wilds of the devil our enemy. So, continue to lift each other up and edify each other. And God bless everyone. And there’s too many to mention but know that you are prayed for and cared for in the name of Jesus. I thank you and have a blessed weekend. Today is Friday the 2nd. God bless everyone. Thank you.

Hi DAB family this is Tosha in Virginia, and this is my second time calling but I just was basically brought to tears with the lady from North Carolina with the kids and the husband that’s traveling. I just want you to know you’re in my prayers. I’ve been through that with being lonely and I just pray God would fill you with hope and with peace and just that even…even just a random neighbor or someone would just bring just some uplifting peace to you uplifting…and that you would just be filled and truly feel God in a very tangible way that He is with you. And yeah, just…just know that I’m praying with you. In Jesus’ name.

Hello everyone, this is Nadine from Dubai. I’ve called in a couple of times and asked for prayed for my brother and myself and my family. It’s in a stage now where it’s month to month to month, where it’s just been going on for the last five months. My brother’s issue is not being resolved. My mother and I are fighting. My brother…it’s just…it’s just been really tough. Yesterday I listened to Job…Job…how would you say it in English? And it was amazing what Brian said on the 1st of September that, you know, we’re not alone, you know, it's…we should just believe in God, and everything is not gonna go sunshine and roses because, you know, we’re believers. And, so, just please pray for my mom, my brother, and I. You know it’s just very tough. Not gonna cry now. But anyway, it’s been a tough five months for everything. Just keep asking your prayers. Thank you. Have a great day.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family it’s Sheena from Saskatchewan and it’s been a while since I’ve called in and I…we’re still dealing with some of our legal stuff and it’s not looking good. The man that God put in my life will likely be spending some time in jail, in prison and I’m trying to help him. I’m trying to support him while he walks through this. And honestly this…this situation has brought us both back to God and I’m just trying to do what’s right and it’s just hard. So, listening to those people pray for those individuals in prison, I just…those prayers have been resonating with me over the last year and a half. So yeah, if you can pray for us for peace while we walk through this, we would really appreciate it. Thanks guys. Love you. Bye.

Hi this is Victoria Soldier just calling in to pray for some of the DABbers. First I just have to…I have to rejoice. I’ve been dancing ever since Kingdom Seeker called and said his precious wife came home. Gracious God our God is wonderful. And I also, I want to pray for those who are sick. And God gave me a word. He said healing is the children’s prayer. Gracious Father everyone who’s going through sickness, everyone who’s having challenges, going through operations, some has called about operations, some has called about sickness in their body, their mothers being sick. The Bible said God told me to tell you that healing is the children’s prayer. We thank You Lord for being so wonderful. We praise You we magnify You for who You are. I just praise God and thank Him for what He’s done and thank you Brian for bringing your heart out and doing what you do for us. I love you. Love you and China and Jill, lady Jill and even my sweetie Ezekiel. I just pray you all have a wonderful day. Love you all. Bye-bye.

The Daily Audio Bible Reading for Monday September 5, 2022 (NIV)

Ecclesiastes 10-12

10 Dead flies will make a bottle of perfume stink, and then it is spoiled. A little foolishness outweighs wisdom ⌞and⌟ honor.

Proverbs about Life in General

A wise person’s heart leads the right way. The heart of a fool leads the wrong way. Even when a fool goes walking, he has no sense and shows everyone else that he’s a fool.

If a ruler becomes angry with you, don’t resign your position. If you remain calm, you can make up for serious offenses.

There is a tragedy that I’ve seen under the sun, an error often made by rulers. Foolish people are often given high positions, and rich people are left to fill lower positions. I have seen slaves sitting on horses and influential people going on foot like slaves.

Whoever digs a pit may fall into it. Whoever breaks through a stone wall may be bitten by a snake. Whoever works in a stone quarry may get hurt. Whoever splits wood may be injured.

10 If an ax is blunt and the edge isn’t sharpened, then one has to use more strength. But wisdom prepares the way for success. 11 If a snake bites before it has been charmed, then there is no advantage in being a snake charmer.

12 A wise person’s words win favors, but a fool’s lips are self-destructive. 13 A fool starts out by talking foolishness and ends up saying crazy things that are dangerous. 14 He never stops talking. No one knows what the future will bring, or what will happen after ⌞death⌟. Who can say! 15 Fools wear themselves out with hard work, because they don’t even know the way to town.

16 How horrible it will be for any country where the king used to be a servant and where the high officials throw parties in the morning. 17 A country is blessed when the king is from a noble family and when the high officials eat at the right time in order to get strength and not to get drunk.

18 A roof sags because of laziness. A house leaks because of idle hands.

19 A meal is made for laughter, and wine makes life pleasant, but money is the answer for everything.

20 Don’t curse the king even in your thoughts, and don’t curse rich people even in your bedroom. A bird may carry your words, or some winged creature may repeat what you say.

Live Boldly

11 Throw your bread on the surface of the water, because you will find it again after many days.

Divide what you have into seven parts, or even into eight, because you don’t know what disaster may happen on earth.

If the clouds are full of rain, they will let it pour down on the earth. If a tree falls north or south, the tree will remain where it fell.

Whoever watches the wind will never plant. Whoever looks at the clouds will never harvest.

Just as you don’t know how the breath of life enters the limbs of a child within its mother’s womb, you also don’t understand how God, who made everything, works.

Plant your seed in the morning, and don’t let your hands rest until evening. You don’t know whether this field or that field will be profitable or whether both of them will ⌞turn out⌟ equally well.

Light is sweet, and it is good for one’s eyes to see the sun. Even though people may live for many years, they should enjoy every one of them. But they should also remember there will be many dark days. Everything that is coming is pointless.

Remember Your Creator While You’re Young

You young people should enjoy yourselves while you’re young. You should let your hearts make you happy when you’re young. Follow wherever your heart leads you and whatever your eyes see. But realize that God will make you give an account for all these things when he judges everyone. 10 Get rid of what troubles you or wears down your body, because childhood and youth are pointless.

12 Remember your Creator when you are young,

before the days of trouble come
and the years catch up with you.
They will make you say,
“I have found no pleasure in them.”
Remember your Creator before the sun, the light, the moon,
and the stars turn dark, ⌞and⌟ the clouds come back with rain.
Remember your Creator when those who guard the house tremble,
strong men are stooped over,
the women at the mill stop grinding
because there are so few of them,
⌞and⌟ those who look out of the windows
see a dim light.
Remember your Creator when the doors to the street are closed,
the sound of the mill is muffled,
you are startled at the sound of a bird,
⌞and⌟ those who sing songs become quiet.
Remember your Creator when someone is afraid of heights
and of dangers along the road,
the almond tree blossoms,
the grasshopper drags itself along,
⌞and⌟ the caper bush has ⌞no⌟ fruit.
Mortals go to their eternal rest, and mourners go out in the streets.

Remember your Creator before the silver cord is snapped,
the golden bowl is broken,
the pitcher is smashed near the spring,
and the water wheel is broken at the cistern.
Then the dust ⌞of mortals⌟ goes back to the ground as it was before,
and the breath of life goes back to God who gave it.

“Absolutely pointless!” says the spokesman. “Everything is pointless!”

Lifelong Duty—Fear God and Keep His Commands

Besides being wise, the spokesman also taught the people what he knew. He very carefully thought about it, studied it, and arranged it in many proverbs. 10 The spokesman tried to find just the right words. He wrote the words of truth very carefully.

11 Words from wise people are like spurs. Their collected sayings are like nails that have been driven in firmly. They come from one shepherd. 12 Be warned, my children, against anything more than these. People never stop writing books. Too much studying will wear out your body. 13 After having heard it all, this is the conclusion: Fear God, and keep his commands, because this applies to everyone. 14 God will certainly judge everything that is done. This includes every secret thing, whether it is good or bad.

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

2 Corinthians 8:1-15

The Collection for Christians in Jerusalem

Brothers and sisters, we want you to know how God showed his kindness [a] to the churches in the province of Macedonia. While they were being severely tested by suffering, their overflowing joy, along with their extreme poverty, has made them even more generous. I assure you that by their own free will they have given all they could, even more than they could afford. They made an appeal to us, begging us to let them participate in the ministry of God’s kindness to his holy people ⌞in Jerusalem⌟. They did more than we had expected. First, they gave themselves to the Lord and to us, since this was God’s will. This led us to urge Titus to finish his work of God’s kindness among you in the same way as he had already started it.

Indeed, the more your faith, your ability to speak, your knowledge, your dedication, and your love for us increase, the more we want you to participate in this work of God’s kindness.

I’m not commanding you, but I’m testing how genuine your love is by pointing out the dedication of others. You know about the kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was rich, yet for your sake he became poor in order to make you rich through his poverty.

10 I’m giving you my opinion because it will be helpful to you. Last year you were not only willing ⌞to take a collection⌟ but had already started to do it. 11 So finish what you began to do. Then your willingness will be matched by what you accomplish 12 with whatever contributions you have. Since you are willing to do this, ⌞remember⌟ that people are accepted if they give what they are able to give. God doesn’t ask for what they don’t have.

13 I don’t mean that others should have relief while you have hardship. Rather, it’s a matter of striking a balance. 14 At the present time, your surplus fills their need so that their surplus may fill your need. In this way things balance out. 15 This is what Scripture says: “Those who had gathered a lot didn’t have too much, and those who gathered a little didn’t have too little.”


  1. 8:1 Or “grace.”
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

Psalm 49

For the choir director; a psalm by Korah’s descendants.

49 Listen to this, all you people.
Open your ears, all who live in the world—
common people and important ones,
rich people and poor ones.
My mouth will speak wise sayings,
the insights I have carefully considered.
I will turn my attention to a proverb.
I will explain my riddle with the ⌞music of⌟ a lyre.
Why should I be afraid in times of trouble,
when slanderers surround me with evil?
They trust their riches
and brag about their abundant wealth.

No one can ever buy back another person
or pay God a ransom for his life.
The price to be paid for his soul is too costly.
He must always give up
in order to live forever and never see the pit.

10 Indeed, one can see that wise people die,
that foolish and stupid people meet the same end.
They leave their riches to others.
11 Although they named their lands after themselves,
their graves [a] have become their homes for ages to come,
their dwelling places throughout every generation.

12 But mortals will not continue here with what they treasure.
They are like animals that die.

13 This is the final outcome for fools and their followers
who are delighted by what they say: Selah
14 Like sheep, they are driven to hell
with death as their shepherd.
(Decent people will rule them in the morning.)
Their forms will decay in the grave,
far away from their comfortable homes.
15 But God will buy me back from the power of hell
because he will take me. Selah
16 Do not be afraid when someone becomes rich,
when the greatness of his house increases.
17 He will not take anything with him when he dies.
His greatness cannot follow him.
18 Even though he blesses himself while he is alive
(and they praise you when you do well for yourself),
19 he must join the generation of his ancestors,
who will never see light ⌞again⌟.

20 Mortals, with what they treasure, still don’t have understanding.
They are like animals that die.


  1. 49:11 Greek, Syriac, Targum; Masoretic Text “their insides.”
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 22:20-21

20 Didn’t I write to you previously with advice and knowledge
21 in order to teach you the words of truth
so that you can give an accurate report to those who send you?

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

9/4/2022 DAB Transcript

Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18, 2 Corinthians 7:8-16, Psalm 48:1-14, Proverbs 22:17-19

Today is the fourth day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it’s great to be here with you as we greet, open the gate, throw open the threshold, walk into a brand-new week, it’s all shiny and sparkly for us. Our first full week of this brand-new month that we’re moving into. So, we got a brand-new week, we’ll read from the God’s Word Translation this week and will pick up where we left off yesterday. And as we move back into the Old Testament, that leads us back into the book of Ecclesiastes, today chapters 7, 8 and 9.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You that even to us, maybe even especially to us, as the Proverb says you have made wisdom known and so we are grateful for that we needed now, more than ever. And as the days increase, so does our need for wisdom and insight and discernment. We need You to lead and guide us, to lead us on the narrow path that leads to life, to lead us into all truth. And You are, it’s not as if you’re withholding from us. You are bountifully pouring these things out to us. So often we find ourselves unaware because we’re not paying attention. So, Holy Spirit, come, as we move into this first full week of this new month, we ask that You lead and direct us, deeper in intimacy with our Savior Jesus and Lord Jesus, we love You, we adore You, we worship You. And with grateful hearts, we offer ourselves to You, for your service and your glory. We pray this in Your name. The name above all names. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi DAB family, this is a Testimony Covers calling, from UK. I just need some prayers for me and my son. My son is gonna be 4 in October. His name is Oliver. And I need some prayers for myself because I don’t, I don’t know how to be mum. I just feel like I’m failing at this. He seems like so difficult but it kinda not. And just, he doesn’t eat and then he’s like, gets frustrated and then he bites people and then some peoples say he’s having some issues or something but I know he doesn’t, he just can’t always express himself. I don’t know how to parent him. My husband doesn’t know as well and we are just like, at least I feel like I’m a bad parent because I don’t know how to discipline him, how to parent. I just need some prayers please. Thank you.

Hey Sparky, it’s Anette Alison from Oklahoma City. Oh man, your called resonated with me so much. This kind of thing has happened to me over and over and over all my life. And if you see my Facebook on the friends page, you go oh yeah, whatever. You know, you just look like a normal human being. And that’s probably true until you get to know me some. So, I mean, I grew up in motorcycle community. I still belong to motorcycle stuff. I mean, I’m not like in a group or anything. But you know, I build motorcycles, I ride motorcycles, I wear leather, I wear big ol boots on occasion. And I went to a church and man, I was having a great time and everything was good until a beautiful Spring Day and I rode one of my hand-built motorcycles that I had built. And it was like, I dressed in jeans and a nice like button down shirt but I carried my helmet in and it was like, the people that I had been going to church with, they didn’t even sit around me. Like I was in a pew by myself you know, kind of sorta up to the front, nobody sat behind me, nobody sat in front of me. It was like I was a paria. Ok, and I guess I forgot to wear deodorant that day or something, I don’t know. But that’s the way it was and I was like, I was so hurt, I was so hurt, that’s the, that’s the feeling and I sure understand you. But you know what, I also found out, is that, I relate to different kinds of people. Not everybody is meant to do the same job, okay. You are gonna relate to a certain group of people. That’s the way God made you and if people can’t recognize that, I’d say you’re probably in the wrong group. Okay. So, consider that, consider your gift and you are, you are to outreach a certain group of people. Alright, just like Jesus’s cousin was meant to be out there in the wilderness.

Greetings DAB family, this is my first time ever calling. And I am a pastor in southwest Ohio. And I just praised the Lord for this ministry. And for all the prayers being lifted up. And for those that leave their concerns before the Lord, the Bible is clear about how we are to present our requests before the Lord and to share our burdens with one another. So, everyone, let’s please as we probably do every day but not to repeat what’s being said but let’s agree together in Jesus’ name. And it will be accomplished. And I just want to say how much the Lord means to me and how much He has helped me through the years as He continuously does every day. I thank him also for His son Jesus and for the wonderful gift of salvation. And so, Heavenly Father, please be in Jesus’ name, with all these people who call. Every day, to believe in what you can and will and already have done. Continue to pour out Your Spirit upon this nation in every way. And may everyone have a blessed and joyous day. And I look forward to calling again some time. Until then have a blessed and joyous day. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hello my DAB family, this is Jamie in New Jersey Standing on the Word of God. I humbly ask you to please pray with me. Dear Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus, we thank You for Your unfailing love. Thank You that nothing shall separate us from Your love. Thank You for calling us to love You and to love others. We release our hearts and our lives into Your hands today. Shape us, lead us, mold us, guide us and give us strength. You are love. Everyone who lives in love, lives in You. Help us to walk in love today and every day. Thank You that Your love has been put forth into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Help us to practice love today in all we do and all we say, so that others may see You, in us. Fill our hearts with Your love and compassion. Help us to be kind to anyone we meet. We declare that perfect love casts out all fear in our lives. Remind us of the love You have poured out on us so that we could be called Your children. Help us to bring Your love to the world around us, that it may know You and find salvation. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen. Thank you for praying my brothers and sisters. I love you all dearly. And I thank you for praying along with me. Have a good night.

9/4/2022 DAB Transcript

Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18, 2 Corinthians 7:8-16, Psalm 48:1-14, Proverbs 22:17-19

Today is the fourth day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it’s great to be here with you as we greet, open the gate, throw open the threshold, walk into a brand-new week, it’s all shiny and sparkly for us. Our first full week of this brand-new month that we’re moving into. So, we got a brand-new week, we’ll read from the God’s Word Translation this week and will pick up where we left off yesterday. And as we move back into the Old Testament, that leads us back into the book of Ecclesiastes, today chapters 7, 8 and 9.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You that even to us, maybe even especially to us, as the Proverb says you have made wisdom known and so we are grateful for that we needed now, more than ever. And as the days increase, so does our need for wisdom and insight and discernment. We need You to lead and guide us, to lead us on the narrow path that leads to life, to lead us into all truth. And You are, it’s not as if you’re withholding from us. You are bountifully pouring these things out to us. So often we find ourselves unaware because we’re not paying attention. So, Holy Spirit, come, as we move into this first full week of this new month, we ask that You lead and direct us, deeper in intimacy with our Savior Jesus and Lord Jesus, we love You, we adore You, we worship You. And with grateful hearts, we offer ourselves to You, for your service and your glory. We pray this in Your name. The name above all names. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi DAB family, this is a Testimony Covers calling, from UK. I just need some prayers for me and my son. My son is gonna be 4 in October. His name is Oliver. And I need some prayers for myself because I don’t, I don’t know how to be mum. I just feel like I’m failing at this. He seems like so difficult but it kinda not. And just, he doesn’t eat and then he’s like, gets frustrated and then he bites people and then some peoples say he’s having some issues or something but I know he doesn’t, he just can’t always express himself. I don’t know how to parent him. My husband doesn’t know as well and we are just like, at least I feel like I’m a bad parent because I don’t know how to discipline him, how to parent. I just need some prayers please. Thank you.

Hey Sparky, it’s Anette Alison from Oklahoma City. Oh man, your called resonated with me so much. This kind of thing has happened to me over and over and over all my life. And if you see my Facebook on the friends page, you go oh yeah, whatever. You know, you just look like a normal human being. And that’s probably true until you get to know me some. So, I mean, I grew up in motorcycle community. I still belong to motorcycle stuff. I mean, I’m not like in a group or anything. But you know, I build motorcycles, I ride motorcycles, I wear leather, I wear big ol boots on occasion. And I went to a church and man, I was having a great time and everything was good until a beautiful Spring Day and I rode one of my hand-built motorcycles that I had built. And it was like, I dressed in jeans and a nice like button down shirt but I carried my helmet in and it was like, the people that I had been going to church with, they didn’t even sit around me. Like I was in a pew by myself you know, kind of sorta up to the front, nobody sat behind me, nobody sat in front of me. It was like I was a paria. Ok, and I guess I forgot to wear deodorant that day or something, I don’t know. But that’s the way it was and I was like, I was so hurt, I was so hurt, that’s the, that’s the feeling and I sure understand you. But you know what, I also found out, is that, I relate to different kinds of people. Not everybody is meant to do the same job, okay. You are gonna relate to a certain group of people. That’s the way God made you and if people can’t recognize that, I’d say you’re probably in the wrong group. Okay. So, consider that, consider your gift and you are, you are to outreach a certain group of people. Alright, just like Jesus’s cousin was meant to be out there in the wilderness.

Greetings DAB family, this is my first time ever calling. And I am a pastor in southwest Ohio. And I just praised the Lord for this ministry. And for all the prayers being lifted up. And for those that leave their concerns before the Lord, the Bible is clear about how we are to present our requests before the Lord and to share our burdens with one another. So, everyone, let’s please as we probably do every day but not to repeat what’s being said but let’s agree together in Jesus’ name. And it will be accomplished. And I just want to say how much the Lord means to me and how much He has helped me through the years as He continuously does every day. I thank him also for His son Jesus and for the wonderful gift of salvation. And so, Heavenly Father, please be in Jesus’ name, with all these people who call. Every day, to believe in what you can and will and already have done. Continue to pour out Your Spirit upon this nation in every way. And may everyone have a blessed and joyous day. And I look forward to calling again some time. Until then have a blessed and joyous day. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hello my DAB family, this is Jamie in New Jersey Standing on the Word of God. I humbly ask you to please pray with me. Dear Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus, we thank You for Your unfailing love. Thank You that nothing shall separate us from Your love. Thank You for calling us to love You and to love others. We release our hearts and our lives into Your hands today. Shape us, lead us, mold us, guide us and give us strength. You are love. Everyone who lives in love, lives in You. Help us to walk in love today and every day. Thank You that Your love has been put forth into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Help us to practice love today in all we do and all we say, so that others may see You, in us. Fill our hearts with Your love and compassion. Help us to be kind to anyone we meet. We declare that perfect love casts out all fear in our lives. Remind us of the love You have poured out on us so that we could be called Your children. Help us to bring Your love to the world around us, that it may know You and find salvation. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen. Thank you for praying my brothers and sisters. I love you all dearly. And I thank you for praying along with me. Have a good night.

The Daily Audio Bible Reading for Sunday September 4, 2022 (NIV)

Ecclesiastes 7-9

Proverbs about Life

A good name is better than expensive perfume, and the day you die is better than the day you’re born. It is better to go to a funeral than to a banquet because that is where everyone will end up. Everyone who is alive should take this to heart! Sorrow is better than laughter because, in spite of a sad face, the heart can be joyful. The minds of wise people think about funerals, but the minds of fools think about banquets.

It is better to listen to wise people who reprimand you than to fools who sing your praises. The laughter of a fool is like the crackling of thorns burning under a pot. Even this is pointless.

Oppression can turn a wise person into a fool, and a bribe can corrupt the mind.

The end of something is better than its beginning. It is better to be patient than arrogant.

Don’t be quick to get angry, because anger is typical of fools. 10 Don’t ask, “Why were things better in the old days than they are now?” It isn’t wisdom that leads you to ask this!

Wisdom Gives Life

11 Wisdom is as good as an inheritance. It is an advantage to everyone who sees the sun. 12 Wisdom protects us just as money protects us, but the advantage of wisdom is that it gives life to those who have it.

13 Consider what God has done! Who can straighten what God has bent?

A Truth for Every Situation

14 When times are good, be happy. But when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one time as well as the other so that mortals cannot predict their future.

Mortals Don’t Get What They Deserve

15 I have seen it all in my pointless life:

Righteous people die in spite of being righteous.
Wicked people go on living in spite of being wicked.

16 Don’t be too virtuous, and don’t be too wise. Why make yourself miserable? 17 Don’t be too wicked, and don’t be a fool. Why should you die before your time is up? 18 It’s good to hold on to the one and not let go of the other, because the one who fears God will be able to avoid both extremes.

The Advantages of Wisdom

19 Wisdom will help a wise person more than ten rulers can help a city. 20 Certainly, there is no one so righteous on earth that he always does what is good and never sins.

21 Don’t take everything that people say to heart, or you may hear your own servant cursing you. 22 Your conscience knows that you have cursed others many times.

23 I used wisdom to test all of this. I said, “I want to be wise, but it is out of my reach.” 24 Whatever wisdom may be, it is out of reach. It is deep, very deep. Who can find out what it is? 25 I turned my attention to study, to explore, and to seek out wisdom and the reason for things. I learned that wickedness is stupid and foolishness is madness.

26 I find that a woman whose thoughts are ⌞like⌟ traps and snares is more bitter than death itself. Even her hands are ⌞like⌟ chains. Whoever pleases God will escape her, but she will catch whoever continues to sin.

27 The spokesman said, “This is what I’ve found: I added one thing to another in order to find a reason for things. 28 I am still seeking a reason for things, but have not found any. I found one man out of a thousand who had it, but out of all these I didn’t find one woman. 29 I have found only this: God made people decent, but they looked for many ways ⌞to avoid being decent⌟.”

Who is really wise? Who knows how to explain things? Wisdom makes one’s face shine, and it changes one’s grim look.

The Power of Kings Versus the Power of Death

I ⌞advise⌟ you to obey the king’s commands because of the oath you took in God’s presence. Don’t be in a hurry to leave the king’s service. Don’t take part in something evil, because he can do whatever he pleases. Since a king’s word has such power, no one can ask him what he is doing. Whoever obeys his commands will avoid trouble. The mind of a wise person will know the right time and the right way ⌞to act⌟. There is a right time and a right way ⌞to act⌟ in every situation. Yet, a terrible human tragedy hangs over people.

They don’t know what the future will bring. So who can tell them how things will turn out? No one has the power to prevent the spirit [a] of life from leaving. No one has control over the day of his own death. There is no way to avoid the war ⌞against death⌟. Wickedness will not save wicked people ⌞from dying⌟.

Life Is Unfair

I have seen all of this, and I have carefully considered all that is done under the sun whenever one person has authority to hurt others. 10 Then I saw wicked people given an ⌞honorable⌟ burial. They used to go in and out of the holy place. They were praised in the city for doing such things. Even this is pointless.

The Need for Swift Justice

11 When a sentence against a crime isn’t carried out quickly, people are encouraged to commit crimes. 12 A sinner may commit a hundred crimes and yet live a long life. Still, I know with certainty that it will go well for those who fear God, because they fear him. 13 But it will not go well for the wicked. They will not live any longer. Their lives are like shadows, because they don’t fear God.

Enjoy Life

14 There is something being done on earth that is pointless. Righteous people suffer for what the wicked do, and wicked people get what the righteous deserve. I say that even this is pointless.

15 So I recommend the enjoyment ⌞of life⌟. People have nothing better to do under the sun than to eat, drink, and enjoy themselves. This joy will stay with them while they work hard during their brief lives which God has given them under the sun.

16 When I carefully considered how to study wisdom and how to look at the work that is done on earth (even going without sleep day and night), 17 then I saw everything that God has done. No one is able to grasp the work that is done under the sun. However hard a person may search for it, he will not find ⌞its meaning⌟. Even though a wise person claims to know, he is not able to grasp it.

Everything Is in the Hands of God

Now, I have carefully thought about all this, and I explain it in this way: Righteous people and wise people, along with their accomplishments, are in God’s hands. No one knows whether there will be love or hatred. Everything turns out the same way for everyone. All people will share the same destiny, whether they are righteous, wicked, or good, clean or unclean,[b] whether they offer sacrifices or don’t offer sacrifices. Good people are treated like sinners. People who take oaths are treated like those who are afraid to take oaths.

Where There’s Life, There’s Hope

This is the tragedy of everything that happens under the sun: Everyone shares the same destiny. Moreover, the hearts of mortals are full of evil. Madness is in their hearts while they are still alive. After that, they join the dead. But all who are among the living have hope, because a living dog is better than a dead lion. The living know that they will die, but the dead don’t know anything. There is no more reward for the dead when the memory of them has faded. Their love, their hate, and their passions have already vanished. They will never again take part in anything that happens under the sun.

Enjoy Life with Your Wife

Go, enjoy eating your food, and drink your wine cheerfully, because God has already accepted what you’ve done. Always wear clean clothes, and never go without lotion on your head. Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, during all your brief, pointless life. God has given you your pointless life under the sun. This is your lot ⌞in life⌟ and what you get for the hard work that you do under the sun.

Work with All Your Might

10 Whatever presents itself for you to do, do it with ⌞all⌟ your might, because there is no work, planning, knowledge, or skill in the grave where you’re going.

Time and Unpredictable Events

11 I saw something else under the sun. The race isn’t ⌞won⌟ by fast runners, or the battle by heroes. Wise people don’t necessarily have food. Intelligent people don’t necessarily have riches, and skilled people don’t necessarily receive special treatment. But time and unpredictable events overtake all of them. 12 No one knows when his time will come. Like fish that are caught in a cruel net or birds caught in a snare, humans are trapped by a disaster when it suddenly strikes them.

Wisdom Is Despised

13 I also have seen this example of wisdom under the sun, and it made a deep impression on me. 14 There was a small town with a few soldiers in it, and a powerful king came to attack it. He surrounded it and blockaded it. 15 A poor, wise person was found in that town. He saved the town using his wisdom. But no one remembered that poor person. 16 So I said, “Wisdom is better than strength,” even though that poor person’s wisdom was despised, and no one listened to what he said.

17 One should pay more attention to calm words from wise people than shouting from a ruler of fools. 18 Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner can destroy much that is good.


  1. 8:8 Or “breath.”
  2. 9:2 Clean   ” refers to anything that Moses’ Teachings say is presentable to God. “Unclean   ” refers to anything that Moses’ Teachings say is not presentable to God.
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

2 Corinthians 7:8-16

If my letter made you uncomfortable, I’m not sorry. But since my letter did make you uncomfortable for a while, I was sorry. But I’m happy now, not because I made you uncomfortable, but because the distress I caused you has led you to change the way you think and act. You were distressed in a godly way, so we haven’t done you any harm. 10 In fact, to be distressed in a godly way causes people to change the way they think and act and leads them to be saved. No one can regret that. But the distress that the world causes brings only death.

11 When you became distressed in a godly way, look at how much devotion it caused you to have. You were ready to clear yourselves of the charges against you. You were disgusted with the wrong that had been done. You were afraid. You wanted to see us. You wanted to show your concern for us. You were ready to punish the wrong that had been done. In every way you have demonstrated that you are people who are innocent in this matter. 12 So, when I wrote to you, I didn’t write because of the man who did the wrong or the man who was hurt by it. Rather, I wrote because I wanted you to show your devotion to us in God’s sight. 13 This is what has comforted us.

In addition to being comforted, we were especially pleased to see how happy Titus was. All of you had put his mind at ease. 14 I didn’t have to be ashamed of anything I had said to him when I bragged about you. Since everything we told you was true, our bragging to Titus has also proved to be true. 15 His deepest feelings go out to you even more as he remembers how obedient all of you were, and how you welcomed him with fear and trembling. 16 I’m pleased that I can be confident about you in every way.

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

Psalm 48

A song; a psalm by Korah’s descendants.

48 The Lord is great.
He should be highly praised.
His holy mountain is in the city of our God.
Its beautiful peak is the joy of the whole earth.
Mount Zion is on the northern ridge.
It is the city of the great king.
God is in its palaces.
He has proved that he is a stronghold.

The kings have gathered.
They marched together.
⌞When⌟ they saw ⌞Mount Zion⌟,
they were astonished.
They were terrified and ran away in fear.
Trembling seized them
like the trembling that a woman experiences during labor.
With the east wind you smash the ships of Tarshish.

The things we had only heard about, we have now seen
in the city of the Lord of Armies,
in the city of our God.
God makes Zion stand firm forever. Selah
Inside your temple we carefully reflect on your mercy, O God.
10 Like your name, O God,
your praise ⌞reaches⌟ to the ends of the earth.
Your right hand is filled with righteousness.
11 Let Mount Zion be glad
and the cities of Judah rejoice
because of your judgments.

12 Walk around Zion.
Go around it.
Count its towers.
13 Examine its embankments.
Walk through its palaces.
Then you can tell the next generation,
14 “This God is our God forever and ever.
He will lead us beyond death.”

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 22:17-19

Listen to My Advice

17 Open your ears, and hear the words of wise people,
and set your mind on the knowledge I give you.
18 It is pleasant if you keep them in mind
⌞so that⌟ they will be on the tip of your tongue,
19 so that your trust may be in the Lord.
Today I have made them known to you, especially to you.

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved.