2 Samuel 14:1-15:22, John 18:1-24, Psalm 119:97-112, Proverbs 16:8-9
Today is the 29th day of May, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian, it’s great to be here with you today as we throw open the threshold and walk into this brand-new week together and now, we are walking into a new week and before this week is out, we’ll be walking into a new month. So that’s exciting but we are here now taking the next step forward together and that leads us back into the family drama of King David in the book of second Samuel. Today, chapter 14 verse 1 through 15 verse 22.
Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for this brand-new week that we are walking into, a week that will lead us into a brand-new month. And so, we recognize the passing of time once again, that gives us the opportunity to reflect back and to dream forward and to be in this very moment with You and every moment that will ever come again with You and Your presence, as you lead, guide and direct us forever and ever. And so, we rest in that, we thank You for that promise and that hope, and we ask Holy Spirit that You would come seal what we’ve read this week in our hearts and lead us forward in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hey DAB family, it’s Dr. John from Jordan, New York. I’m asking us to gather around someone I’m gonna call New to This because I enjoy dad jokes. She introduced herself as I’m New to This, but she has suffered two miscarriages and that is devastating. And so, I’m going to tell you, New to This, that you grieve and that’s part of the process is that yes, you lost a baby and all that hope that you had with that positive pregnancy test, all the dreams that you had already made until you started bleeding and it sucks and I’m sorry for you. But there is hope and the story I’m gonna to tell you is about a patient of mine who had two miscarriages for her first two pregnancies and subsequently delivered two babies, a boy and a girl, both beautiful. And so, we will have that hope for you. So, DAB family, please join together with me as we pray for her. Heavenly Father, I ask You to open up her womb. I ask You to bless her with children and to provide many arrows in the quiver of her husband. Father, please comfort her and her husband through this time of grief and be there with them. And I pray this in Jesus’ holy, mighty and victorious name. Amen. Thank you DAB, Dr. John signing off.
Hi, this is Victorious Soldier just calling to pray for some of the DABers. I wanted to pray for Ethen, he was having some problems with his car. And I just wanted to say, depending on how new your car is Ethen, it’s probably still under warranty. So, I pray that it is and that God will open doors in every aspect of your life, even in what you seek. I want to pray for Samone, I want to tell her thank you for how wonderful her testimony of what she’s been through and how God is able to heal and deliver and God is able to do anything. I remember the time that God had brought me to the place where I have and like Joseph say, he brought you there to save lives and also to have life. I thank God for Lisa the Encourager, want to continue to encourage you. So good to hear your voice, Lisa. I want to also pray for David, from Alaska and he was talking about his eyes and how he’s still able to see. I just wanna pray that God continue to bless him to see and even to see better. Gracious Father, we just lift You up, we praise You, we magnify You Lord. We just thank You because You’re still the same God yesterday, today and tomorrow. You’re still healing, You’re still delivering, You’re still working miracles, Father. In the name of Jesus. Lord, we just ask You to touch our people today who are going through, even going through depression, even those who have been through what my precious sister Samone in Texas, has been through. Lord, we just ask You to continue to bless her, continue to bless her family, Lord. In the name of Jesus. And Lord, we give You the praise and the glory and the honor. We ask You to continue to bless Brian and tell him thank you for the podcast. Have a great day my dear DABers. Love you all. Bye Bye.
Good evening family, it’s Soaring on Eagles Wings from Canada. Abba Father, I bow my head in your presence as my heart is over burdened with grief for a town in Texas where lives have been lost and it doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. We ask why, how did this happen? You knew that this time would come Lord. We didn’t. Moms and dads are crying for their babies and two teachers’ families. And the shooter also has a family that’s crying as well. And I ask You God, Abba Father, that You would pour Your Holy Spirit out on this whole town. And instead of division because of anger or whatever, it would reunite people and that the enemy would see that he is defeated. The name of Jesus brings peace and harmony and comfort. Comfort the mourning, wrap Your arms round about them, Lord. Be very real to them, and weed through this horrible situation, many come to know you as Savior Lord. Oh, my heart aches for those parents. God!
Hey, DAB family, this is Dani from Southern Oregon. Hey, I wanted to share some news with you today. I am down in Southern California visiting my 89 and 91-year-old parents and my mom has been a closet smoker forever. And today, she started an accidental fire and it was a big fire and it was in the garage. And I was on my way to the shower, which is attached to the garage and I noticed smoke and I opened the door and sure enough the whole recycle can was fully engulfed and right next to it, is course all of the Costco toilet paper, paper towels, all her cleaning products and all these flammables and I’m like oh no. And so, I go to grab the fire extinguisher and it’s old and it’s empty and so I run and I get a robe on. I run outside and unhooked the hose from the whatever, anyway, and I squirt the hose on it and I put the fire out and thank God I was there at the right time, at the right place. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Because if I wasn’t there, my parents didn’t have a clue, my mom was actually watching me from the kitchen window and she told me later, I was wondering what you are doing outside watering the lawn in you robe. I was gonna tell you, you know they might do that in the country but we don’t do that kind of thing. She had no clue what was going on. So, thank You Jesus. Thank You for sparing my parents home, thank You for sparing their lives and thank You for using me to help keep them safe. I just wanted to share that with my family.
Hi DABers, this is Micah in Aw, in Kansas City, Missouri area. I wanted to ask for your prayers for energy for me and I don’t know, will and strength. I got COVID last year in August and it just really jacked me up. I feel like I’m a different person now, like, I don’t have the energy that I used to have, I don’t have the ability I used to have, doing like, like just small things gets me out of breath. It’s really weird, like, just doing dishes can wear me out, it’s crazy. So, I just really obviously want to be restored back to some kind of semblance of the man I used to be and have the ability I used to have and the drive and the want to get out and walk and start, start building my endurance again. And spiritual as well, like, I don’t know what has been going on but I cannot walk up early, I wake up just, like, like with just enough time to make my espresso and go, go to my office and start work. I’m like, I turn on Daily Audio Bible but I rarely make it to the end. I’m not hearing the prayer requests as much as I should or want to. And I just, like, today, I woke up at 430 for some reason and haven’t been able to get back to sleep and it’s been nice just sitting here looking out my back window and having my espresso and actually having time to go through the, todays reading and listen to the prayers. I want that again. Like, I have sleep apnea and my sleep apnea machine is messed up, they had a national recall and I haven’t, I haven’t been having that so I’m thinking that probably has a lot to do with it as well. But anyway, if you would just pray for me, that God would restore me to some semblance of good health and give me good will. Thank you.