3/12/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 16:41-18:32, Mark 16:1-20, Psalm 55:1-23, Proverbs 11:7

Today is the 12th day of the month of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is awesome to be here with you today as we gather around the Global Campfire bring another of our weeks to a close. It’s a joy to…to be sitting here with you as we take another step forward in our journey, on our journey that takes us through the Bible this year. We have been working our way through the Book of Numbers and we’re going to continue to do that, obviously till we reach the last sentence but we haven’t reached that point yet. We’re reading from the New Living translation this week, Numbers chapter 16 verse 41 through 18 verse 32.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for bringing us successfully to the end of another week, but also to the end of another book, as we complete the gospel of Mark today. And so, as we prepare our hearts moving forward into a new week, we move into new territory and so, we ask Holy Spirit, that You plant what we’ve read and what we reflect upon, that You nurture it and that we collaborate with You in that, so that we are being transformed from within, that the fruit of the spirit is growing within us and there will be a harvest. Come Holy Spirit, into all of this we pray, in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey DAB, it’s Refined by the Fire in Ohio. I just love how the Spirit works. And I was listening to Brian’s teaching today about the women who was anointing Jesus with oil and they like turned on her about what a waste that was, what was she doing and how inappropriate it was and all these things and it just struck me that out of decades of hearing this story how for the first time I caught and was drawn to the fact that Simon the host of the party, so to speak, it says was the former leper. So, leprosy is not something that was curable so, I guess we can conclude Jesus probably had healed him. I don’t know, I know that’s a stretch. This text doesn’t say that as but then to turn around as a leper, just to be alienated from society, people avoiding him, what he would have experienced from that. And obviously coming out of COVID we can kind of relate right like, gearing up to avoid people and not knowing what they have and let alone leprosy and it just struck me how he turned around then and was just picking on this woman for pouring out her love on Christ and anointing Him. And, gosh, I do that, I forget where I came from, I forget what God’s done for me and it’s so easy to be critical of those who are showing God’s love in a way that might be different than me. And I don’t know, it was just convicting and a little surprising. Always refreshing and I love the Spirit for that. So, just thought I’d share. Love all you guys. I will talk to you soon.

Father God, in the name of Jesus. We lift up Josey, a 19-year-old girl who is involved in drugs with her boyfriend. And her Aunty Tammy from the Adirondacks called in March 8th. And Father God, we come to You with thanksgiving in our hearts. We thank You Father God that You hear our prayers, You honor our prayers and You answer our prayers. And Father God, we just lift up Josey to You in the name of Jesus. We know where she’s at, she’s suffering from a drug addiction in a hard way, along with her boyfriend. She is not herself, Lord God. She’s being afflicted by the enemy. The powers and principalities and the rulers of the air Lord God, You know who they are, the evil ones Lord, she’s under attack. And we ask You Father God to spare her life. Father God, we ask that You send messengers, Your soldiers. Father God, send Godly people to assist her and minister to her and Father God, we pray You bring her out of this situation right now, in the name of Jesus. We plead the blood of Jesus over her and her boyfriend and over Tammy Lord God, the entire family. We pray Father God, for Your protection and that You would bring healing over her entire body and fill up the voids that she is lacking Lord God. We come against everything that sets itself against You Lord, in Jesus’ name. We pray for peace, Lord God, and Lord God, just bring her to herself Lord God. Fill her with Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name we pray, we thank You Jesus, we glorify You.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family, this is Renzo in Florida. And I just want to pray Tammy from the Adirondacks who called in, I want to pray for her situation. Father God, I just pray in the name of Jesus, Lord God, that these chains of addiction be completely broken from her niece Josey Lord God. I just pray the addictions of drugs can be completely gone out of her system Lord God. In the name of Jesus, Lord God. I just pray for her boyfriend too that is struggling with it too. Lord God, I just pray that the addiction to drugs would be completely gone Lord God. We know that You can do the impossible Lord God. It’s only through You that You can do all things Lord God. And we ask and pray Lord God, the saints, we ask in prayer that of this healing of her niece Lord God, from the drug addiction Lord God. I just pray in your precious name we pray. Amen. So, God bless you guys. Thank you, thank you Brian, thank you Hardin Family for everything. Thank you for the Daily Audio Bible community. I really appreciate everything. Just a perfect place to just get closer to God and just get deep into the scripture and just be consistent. But thank you guys, God Bless you. Jesus loves you.

Hi DAB family, I just wanted to call in a prayer for the lady who was aired on March 7th, I think. About having a daughter adopted and going through some impulse control and then the husband being angry. Lord God, I just, I pray for this little girl. I ask for Your Holy Spirit to comfort her and show her who she is and build her up according to what You say about her. And I pray that her mom would come close to her and listen and support her through this time. Ask her to talk about her feelings and not judge her. And I pray that her dad would be able to work through his feelings as well, Lord God, and not express them in anger which may destroy their family and their daughter. And I just, I pray that You would bring him into Your fold and show him how to care for her in a way that would be supportive God. And give him a vent for those feelings, a way to express them in a way that doesn’t harm. But God we know that this family loves You and wants Your best for this little girl, their daughter. And I pray that you would just help her, I know, I want to pray that You put her out of all this troubles Lord but I know that You use those in our lives. So, into Your hands we commit this family. In Jesus name.