03/07/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 8:1-9:23, Mark 13:14-37, Psalms 50:1-23, Proverbs 10:29-30

Today is the 7th day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we continue our journey, the journey that we’re on, the one that leads us through the Bible in a year and also leads us through a year of life together in community around the Global Campfire. So, welcome. Let’s dive in. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. And we’re working our way through the book of Numbers. Today chapters 8 and 9.


Okay. So, a few things for us to pay attention to from what we’ve read today. One from the book of numbers is basically just the marking of time. We were told that the children of Israel had reached their one-year anniversary from leaving slavery in Egypt. So, pretty much since we left Egypt with Moses it’s been a year that we’ve been traveling with the children of Israel, and at Mount Sinai and giving of the law and the setting up of the tabernacle how the camps would be established. All the stuff that we’ve been going through, that’s taken a year.

And then once we moved into the gospel of Mark, we encountered some territory that we have encountered before but it’s important for us to remember it because this is Jesus discussing the end of things and what that will look like, when it will happen, and how to approach it, which is definitely a popular topic of discussion among people of faith and has been for centuries and centuries. And there’s nothing really inherently wrong with that. There is a posture that Jesus gives and that is the posture of being alert and prepared. I just think it’s important for us to know that alert and prepared does not equal…like alert plus prepared does not equal speculation or conjecture, which is so often where the train kinda skips the track and move into mythology or really, really interesting ideas and stories and then eventually to dates. He’s coming on “this date” or we are in “these times”. We can certainly wonder about those things, and we certainly do wonder about those things but we must know, at least according to the Bible, we cannot reach a definitive conclusion. Jesus talks about how terrible certain time periods will be. He talks about how people will label other people Messiah. “There he is” or “he’s over here”, but that should be ignored, that should not be believe. There will be false messiahs, there will be false prophets, even those who can perform signs and wonders. And I’m quoting here, “so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones.” So, these signs and wonders from false people give us an indication that this was going to happen, but they…they do not date anything they do not give us the clue about the specific time. As for the specific time, I quote Jesus. “No one knows the day or hour when these things will happen. Not even the angels in heaven, or the Son Himself. Only the Father knows. And since you don’t know when that time will come be on guard. Stay alert.” And that is pretty much the posture of our Savior on the future times of the end. Be alert, be on guard, right? Be prepared, be ready, be awake, be paying attention, which will invariably shape our lives id we’re living vigilantly and prepared like it can be today, I’m ready. It can be a year from now, I’ll be ready…like this is my life is to continually be awake and alert about what’s going on. That would be the proper posture. But trying to decide it’s going to be next week, we don’t know that. In the gospel Jesus says she doesn’t know that either. If that is true, then we should relax, which doesn’t mean we all of a sudden aren’t vigilant anymore or awake or aware, that means the anxiety that can be produced in trying to analyze things that Jesus is saying He doesn’t even know is probably not going to be fruitful. Is the Father going to tell you something He’s not gonna tell Jesus? Not likely. So, let’s at least have that. Remember that when we’re being bombarded by the news or any other source for information that is continually, continually trying to whip us into some sort of anxious fit about something.

And then lastly, let’s look at Proverbs. “The way of the Lord.” “The way the Lord.” Isn’t that what we are all seeking? Like, isn’t that what this entire faith journey is aimed toward? “The way of the Lord is a stronghold to those with integrity, but it destroys the wicked.” So, the way of the Lord is a stronghold to those with integrity, but the way of the Lord destroys the wicked.” So, the way of the Lord is not something to be trifled with. It is a very powerful thing, and integrity is important. And I suppose we all know that. Do we live in though or are we situational about our integrity? And can we so easily step over into wickedness. Well, the way of the Lord is unchanged we choose which side of the way of the Lord were going to walk and wisdom simply tells us where the roads go. Where do we want to end up, destroyed or protected by a stronghold? That decision is made by our integrity.


Father, we love You, we worship You, we adore You, we are grateful, we thank You. There are no words to describe You. There’s nothing that we could say in any of the languages that we know that would be adequate worship for You, and yet we give what we have, which is ourselves and our hearts and then You say that’s good. And, so, we worship You and love You and adore You. But this must be more than our words. We must walk the way of the Lord. So, come Holy Spirit and show us the ways that we are not walking with integrity. We must walk in a different direction, which is fundamentally what repentance is. And, so, we repent of those gray areas that we can find ourselves in, areas that would not have integrity and ask Your Holy Spirit to lead us on the narrow path that leads to life. We ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


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And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello, there it’s Sean here from London England UK. I just wanted to call in and pray for the lady who called in regarding someone called Patty who sort of lost the will to do anything and she’s remaining idle and she’s not really doing a lot and her friend was saying that she’s giving up, she’s not doing much. So, I’d just like to pray for Patty and just…just remind her that, Lord if you can remind her, you know, as it says in Isaiah 45:31, they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. Lord, open her eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions. Let her know that life is worth living. Lord, in whatever way you can we ask that you can touch her heart Lord in whatever way that she may feel that, in whatever form it comes to her Lord. Let her be reinvigorated. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Sean from London UK. God…

Hi, David the Blessed child of God and Preston for the Bay Area. I am lifting you up in prayer today and I just wanted to confirm it’s important what you identify yourself as, what you’re naming over yourself. So, don’t be ashamed of, you know, speaking out truth and life and, you know, don’t incorrectly label yourself. You know, you might be feeling one way like I think Preston you mentioned that you feel like a single dad, but you’re not a single dad you’re just going to be at home taking care of things on your own for some time but…but you're…you’re not a single dad. So, you know I…I don’t pray for that over you. I pray for unity in your…in your marriage and in your relationship and that you guys can’t support each other even when you’re not near each other. And, so, Lord I lift up Preston and I lift up David and I just I pray healing over them over their lives over their minds. I pray that she would just come and wash over them and that they would be able to reject the, You know, the fiery darts that are being shot at them and…and at their minds in that they would not accept those into them…into their beings, that they would be able to…to reject them and reflect You and invite You into their relationships with their children and their wives and I lift up all of the husbands out there and the men out there. I just pray blessings over them. I pray blessings over their minds and their thoughts and…and I just I just pray that You would bring them closer to You and their spouse…

This prayer is for brother Lazarus. I just listened to your plea and your prayer request and I’m here to encourage you, my brother. It’s never too late for new beginnings and the Lord sometimes takes us to the point where we become broken so that we can understand and more appreciate His power and His grace. So, this morning I’m going to ask that the Lord touch you Lazarus, touch you my brother, that the Lord lift you up, that the Lord give you grace, that the Lord grant you prosperity. May everything that your hands touch prosper. And don’t give up Lazarus. Depend on the Lord. Trust in Him. The Lord says trust in me in all things and lean not to your own understanding. Because sometimes we think we are finished but until God says it’s over it’s not over. Father God just touch my brother this morning Lord. Lift him up Father God. Encourage Him Lord God. Open his eyes Lord so that he may see the journey You have in front of him Father that you’ve placed him on. Father, God you know his needs, Lord. You know his issues. You know the mistakes he made. But Father God You said your sins I remember no more. So, Lord God I pray for brother Lazarus this morning and ask that You continue to guide him, Lord God, that You continue to place him on that path that You’ve laid out for him because You said Lord all things work out for the good of those who love the Lord and accord His purpose.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible this is Chip the Carpenter from Georgia, and this goes out to Lazarus. Lazarus buddy I've…I’ve heard you so many times on the morning prayer praying for people and I just want you to know you are a mighty man of God. You’re a man of steel when it comes to preaching the word and standing firm on what God has in plan for you. And sounds like you’re praying this morning was me speaking because Lord…Lazarus your 69 and on a new ram, a new day. And I’m 66 and I’m just about at the same place. And I just want you to know that God’s gonna keep you lifted up, He’s gonna keep me lifted up. You said you’ve done a lot of things stupid in your business and I have to say I mimic that too. And I can’t think of anybody I’d rather go through a firefight with than, somebody like you who’s been there and in that. And I just wanna speak blessings on your life. I know gods got you. He’s gonna give you the right direction and feel free to shoot me an email because I would love to talk to you more. You can reach me at chipshelton55@gmail.com. And I pray for so many that I never get on here and actually speak openly in prayers, but I pray every morning for so many on this Daily Audio Bible Global Campfire. Blessings to all of y'all.

Hey Lazarus, I just heard your call and I’m so sorry about your business being gone. I too have lost a couple of businesses to mismanagement and one because I didn’t pay the taxes that I needed to pay on time. My name is Mark by the way, Mark the truck driver and I’m in my late 60s and I’m going to be working for a while. And, so, I can really resonate with your…with your heartfelt request for prayer. So, I just wanna stop for a moment and pray for you. I’m not stopping the truck, but I am going to focus on…on this moment of lifting you up before the Lord. Lord, I bring my friend Lazarus to You as best I can in a moment of prayer. Give him a peace and a wisdom and actually a sense of joy in his circumstances knowing that he was never intended to be perfect and none of us are perfect and we all make mistakes. I pray that You would lift him up in his finances, lift him up in his future endeavors in whatever job he decides he needs to do to pay the bills and give him wisdom and guidance in that. Thank You for holding his hand and holding him up. And we all…we all agree together to lift up our brother and continue to pray for him as the days go by. Thank you, Lord for what you’re gonna do and we thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen.