03/14/2021 DAB Transcript

Numbers 21:1-22:20, Luke 1:26-56, Psalms 57:1-11, Proverbs 11:9-11

Today is the 14th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today. Can you believe it? Like a month ago today was Valentine’s Day. And if I remember right it was on the…at the beginning of a week just like this. And just like that a month goes by and here we are approaching the center of this third month of the year. Yesterday we…we began the gospel of Luke, the third the gospel and we’ll be camped out in this third gospel for the rest of this third month of the year although we will transition in the Old Testament before this month is out. But I digress. That’s just kind of where we are. That’s the lay of the land. Let’s move into the Scriptures. We’ll read from the God’s Word translation this week, picking up where we left off yesterday. In the book of Numbers the children of Israel are…they’re kinda trapped in the desert at this point and they had asked if they could pass through the country, the nation of Edom, but they were refused. Ironically, the nation of Edom, these are brothers, like this family. Jacob, remember his name was changed to Israel. And, so, his children were the children of Israel. And he had a brother named Esau. And there was a bunch conniving going on and they kind of had a falling out even though they reconciled in the end. The Edomites are the descendants of Esau. So, basically Jacobs descendants are asking Esau’s descendants just to be able to pass through and they’re saying “no.” And in yesterday’s reading, we concluded with the Edomites bringing out their army, essentially a show of force at the border to say, “you’re not coming through here.” So, that’s where we pick up the story. Numbers chapter 21 verse 1 through 22 verse 20.


Father we thank You for Your word and for bringing us safely into this…this brand new shiny sparkly week. And we often…we often think of this at the beginning of the week that it’s all out in front of us. We…we haven’t an made any miss steps, we haven’t made any mistakes. It’s out there in the future. It has yet to be revealed. It has yet to be created. We have to live into it. And, so, we are here now with grateful hearts looking forward to the adventure that we get to share together walking with You into this new week. Come Holy Spirit. We pray that You would continue to inform and awaken our hearts by…by the Scriptures, and we thank You for binding us together in community as we take this journey come Holy Spirit we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi everybody my name is Garrett I’m a long-time listener here I’ve called in in the past and I try and pray along with you as much as I can did. I've…I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression for a long time now and today’s been honestly extra bad, and I’d really appreciate some prayers to help give me some strength to, you know, get back on the right path and get that passion that I once had back. And I really appreciate it. I love you all and God bless.

Hello this is Gwen, and I am calling in for my friend Kate. She has something called seizures and I am really sad about it. She was my best friend so please pray for her and that she stays safe especially during covid. And I’m going to ask my sister right now if she wants to say something Do you? She said no. But please pray for her and her parents. And also, this little miracle happened when we were there. We were over at Kate’s house praying and her grandma pulled in and said that she was allowed…her dad was allowed to go in the hospital with her and we just prayed that. And also, that her seizures would stop and it did. All they have to figure out is it for it not to come back. So, please pray for her and her family to do very well. Thank you.

Good morning DABbers this is Nancy from Southern Oregon. I’ve recently retired. So, instead of listening to the Daily Audio Bible on my commute to and from work I’m now listening to it at home on my computer. Well, today’s Friday March 11th they were talking about how the bronze censors were so holy when God made them…the people that gathered and God burned those 250 followers, He commanded __ to gather them up because the censors were holy. And he had them hammered out and repurposed into making sheets to overlay the altar to remind everybody that God is holy and only the people of Aaron should bring censors. So, in my mind I’m thinking this is the first time I recall hearing of repurposing by God or recycling. But then I think about how he recycled us, that we were recycled by God from people whose very best was nothing more than filthy rags and how He chose us, and He called us first. And then we set ourselves in His light and we turned away from the world. We have purpose and we gotta hold up and be empowered into something useful to honor the Lord. And it’s just a reminder to the world that the living God wants us to enter into a relationship with Him. Those were my thoughts for today. Thinking and applying it. And thank you Brian for this program. God bless you all. Thanks. Bye-bye.

Hi everyone, it’s Christy from Kentucky. Oh, I just have such a burden on my heart today and I need to share a couple of things with you that I need prayer for. I haven’t called about this because it’s been very difficult to talk about, but I lost my second Cousin Morgan to a…what they believe is a heroin fentanyl overdose. And it just…I…I can’t even wrap my brain around it because the last time that she and I spoke she seemed to have turned her life around and was telling me about how she’d asked of the Lord to forgive her and I’m so grateful for that message that she sent to me. But I’m kind of kicking myself because I didn’t follow up and that was back in September. And, you know, sometimes we take things for granted thinking things are going OK and then this happens. So, if you would please keep my family in your prayers. Also, my sweet friend Barb in Ohio had had a lung transplant several years ago due to a chronic illness and she had new lungs and she was just doing so well and something with this new medication that they put her on in the fall for her immunity…her…her immune system has…has attacked her lungs and now she’s only at like 41% lung capacity. Please pray for my friend Bard for healig. Alright everyone. I love you guys so much and I lift you up in prayer. I pray each of you are having a most blessed and lovely day today.

Good morning DAB family this is Minnesota Ruka I just wanted to call in because it is the 12th of March and I heard an amazing young daughter speak at the very end wanting to be anonymous. And I heard your story girl and I just wanna let you know that the Lord is so proud of you and he is so beside you right now. We all make mistakes in life. I’d like to say a lot of us at different times struggle with our own flesh who needs to think that we can do things on our own. But I want to let you know that don’t let the guilt or shame hold you back. You are on the right path and the angels are rejoicing that…in this new awareness that you have and that that valley that red sea that you were in where you fell astray, that that sea is being lifted and that the Lord is excited to have you back and is open arms with you right now and is gonna bring you blessings and peace. Keep close to him and know that he loves you and that we love you too dear sister and you are amazing. Have a great one.