05/19/2020 DAB Transcript

1 Samuel 24:1-25:44, John 10:22-42, Psalms 116:1-19, Proverbs 15:20-21

Today is the 19th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we move forward. It’s the only way we move, forward each and every day as we take the journey of a lifetime through the Scriptures. So, first Samuel is where we’ve been kind of campin’ out here for the last week getting to know Saul, getting to know David, getting to know all the circumstances that swirled around the establishment of the kingdom of Kings in Israel. And, so, we’ve reached a point where Saul is certainly paranoid about David. David keeps increasing. Saul keeps kind of fading. And Saul wants David dead. And, so here’s where we pick up the story. First Samuel chapters 24 and 25 today.


Okay. So, in the book of first Samuel we see David increasing, right, in momentum and Saul just kind of decreasing. He’s the king, he’s got a lot of power, this is gonna take some time, but we can see him kind of diminishing. He is trying to find David. He wants to kill David. Like this is his obsession at this point. He wants to get rid David before David can get rid of him and his household obliterating the memory of his name. Like, you know, we hear this kind of stuff talked about as Kings destroy other kings and kingdoms. So, he wants to get rid of David because he can sort of see what’s gonna happen, he can see where this is headed. This isn’t just to protect the kingdom. Like, this super personal. He has been trying, one way or another, to get David killed for a long time and David has just had to kind of learn as he goes. He’s had to learn how to be cunning and swift. I mean, he was a shepherd and then he killed the giant, Goliath. Now he wasn’t incapable, obviously. He had killed a lion and a bear as a shepherd. Like, he was capable but this…like…it was never on his radar that someday he would be on the run from the king of Israel because the king of Israel was so paranoid about him. So, David’s had to grow pretty fast. So, Saul, the king of Israel’s, out looking for David with 3000 troops to find and surround and engulf and overwhelm and destroy David’s camp if they can get to them. And Saul has to use the bathroom. This is kind of a funny story because, you know, he's…he’s out with the soldiers so, yeah, if you were like watering the flowers or whatever, probably no big deal, but if you need some privacy, probably something a little more than that. And David’s hiding in the cave and just the whole thing of it. Saul using the bathroom while David’s cutting off the edge of his robe. It’s like a pretty dramatic, pretty gross, pretty…pretty…pretty uncomfortable situation. And then the king gets back out of the cave and that’s when David reveals himself and is like, “I wouldn't…I could have killed you. Like, I could have done to you what you are trying to do to me. Right now, you could be dead. I could have killed you. So, I’m trying to show you that I don't…I’m not trying to do anything against anybody.” And Saul is humiliated and humbled in the moment for sure. He does, you know, like his eyes are opened for a minute…like he can see, “yeah, David could have…I could be dead. David could’ve killed me. So, he must not want to kill me because he had to me.” So, this buys a little time with David and Saul. Meanwhile, David’s been, you know, kind of out in the fields. They’ve had to stay the run, but we encountered this guy named Nabel, and David has protected his shepherds and they just need a little supplies at harvest time, and they are kind of expecting that since they protect…protected the shepherds and the flocks that they would receive some gratitude. Nabel doesn’t give gratitude, but Nabel’s wife, Abigail certainly does and you can tell in the conversation that they have, that David is…is impressed with Abigail, is taken with her shrewdness and wisdom and insight in being proactive. So, once whole incident is over and Nabel finds out what Abigail has done he…I mean he dies 10 days later. And, so, Abigail becomes the wife of David, along with Ahinoam and a sort of kingly dynasty is in the making.


Father, we thank You for Your word. And like Saul we have to confess that we can allow things to begin building up inside of us. We can start telling ourselves a story about somebody else. We can start filling in all of the blanks with assumptions. We can pave over those assumptions with additional fabrications so that we are believing something completely false about someone else, even to the point that we want to harm them or we want something bad to happen to them and then for a moment the lights go on and we can see things clearly. We can see how much we’ve made up and how much gossip we’ve listened to and how much it took to make up this story only to see that it’s not true, that isn’t the other person’s heart toward us at all. We’re seeing this on a grand scale in the story between Saul and David, but on smaller scales we play this story out all of the time. And, so, may we receive the humble posture that King Saul had to take on today once he realized that David really indeed could have done away with him once and for all. Help us Holy Spirit to remain humble toward one another, not making up things about each other, not just assuming things, but actually entering into the intimacy of a relationship so that we know things. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus. We ask. Amen.


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And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

This is for the dad who called in on the 15th of May for his son named Joshua. You’d lost your other son in September the year before. My name is God’s Life Speaker. Lord we just left this family up to You. We just ask a hedge of protection from their mind their hearts their bodies Lord Jesus. We just declare life in this family in Your name. We speak it over them and we speak it over Joshua, that he would use his brothers story to tell Your story Lord, that somewhere inside Joshua he would know he is more useful here serving Christ for others to see, and to just bring to life his brother through his brothers story. Lord, somehow help the dad and mom to communicate that, that he could be used mightily by God, by You Lord, that You would just use Joshua and that he, through his sadness in his heart, his broken spirit would come to You Lord, that he would just decide knowing who You are, and for others to know who You are is more important Lord, that he would just bring his brother back to life in a story that leads countless, countless to Your son. And we just ask this, we ask just wisdom for the dad just energy and just start speaking what is not into being, just start believing what You don’t see and start speaking it over Joshua, that he is a life speaker, that his life in Your son who is passed has just gone on and on and on because Joshua decided this day, this day that he would serve the Lord and that he would…

Hello my name is Ruth I’m calling because I’ve been a member…I’ve been listening to the DAB family for about four years now and this is my very first time calling in. And I’m calling in, I live in New York, and I’m calling in because I need prayer for my business. I’m losing…I…I don’t know what I’m gonna do because of this corona. Business has been closed and I’m just asking God direction to lead me and direct me where to go from here. Thank God for Brian and this…this forum that we can come in. I’ve listened to many prayers and listened to many requests and I’m just am asking for prayer for me that God will help my business or guide me and show me where I should go from here. I pray that all is well with everyone and that this too shall pass. Thank you for your prayers. God bless.

This is Danny. My mom who’s battling cancer went to pick up some fried chicken the other day and there was quite a few people in there so she sat down waiting her turn and by the time her turn was up she was so weak she couldn’t get up out of her chair. So, she asked the man next to her to help her and he walked away from her. And everybody saw it and she asked if anybody could help her out to the counter and nobody came forward. Finally, the employee behind the counter came over and he helped her up and she looked at the crowd and she said, “I don’t have the virus I have cancer and you can’t catch that from me.” And he took her to the counter, and he took her order and then he walked her to the car and he said, “I’ll bring your order out you”, which he did. And my mother was so grateful. The next day she brought him a card with some money in it and she learned that his name was Abraham, which she immediately had a bond with him because she’s Jewish. And, so, I just would like you all to just join me in prayer to just pour out blessings on this young man named Abraham. Heavenly Father, thank You so much for this Young man, that he stood up and he did the right thing like a good Samaritan. I pray Lord that You would just heap blessings upon him and I just pray that You would just…just know in his heart that he did the right thing. He didn’t care about being fired by violating the social distancing rules, he just did the right thing for my mother. So, thank You for that Lord and I pray that You would give all of the people present another opportunity Lord to do the right thing and they would remember how they failed and they would do the right thing going forward Lord. Thank You, Jesus. In Your heavenly name I pray. Amen.

Hi everyone, DAB family __ I am calling for your prayers please. We all know what we’re dealing with right now, but this is the first time it’s really hitting me. One of my absolute best friends, my sister Lila just tells me that she’s tested positive, she’s a nurse, she’s a __ nurse at one of our COVID designated hospitals and it’s like she just…oh my goodness. And I just had my first COVID patient today and I’m about to go to open an all new…an all new COVID unit on Monday. So, please just keep us in your prayers. Please pray for healing powers over Lila’s body and protection over mine as we go into this situation. People are dying every day. She just buried her cousin two days ago and it’s just crazy. So, please everyone, please be safe, please do everything in your power to…to boost your immune system and keep contact down. Even though I know some states are opening back up and people have to go to work, but just please reduce your contact with the world and just keep yourself and your family physically safe and spiritually prayed up. Thank you DAB family.

Good morning DAB this is Ken calling from California and I’d like to ask for prayer for my 15-year-old son, Reed, who’s going through a difficult season in life. He’s very withdrawn right now. In fact, in February he refused to…to go to school. He spends virtually all day in his room with his lights off, refuses to associate with others and basically pushes everyone…pushed everyone out of his life. He doesn’t talk or want to receive encouragement or help of any kind from us as parents, his friends or receive professional help. He’s angry. He is very harsh towards others, scowls a lot, seems bitter, but doesn’t…doesn’t want to talk about. He appears very confused and no doubt he’s under attack by the enemy and he seems to have given up on his relationship with God. Reed really needs a breakthrough now. So, thank you DAB family for lifting him up…lifting Reed up in prayer.

Hi this is Jeanette from Denmark I have a word of encouragement for the grandmother who has just gotten custody of a 13-year-old grandson. When I heard your story, I was so grateful. I also had a grandmother who mothered from me for several years when I was a teenager and during those years there was a lot of material that I had to get off my heart and mind from the things I’d experienced before. It took time to establish a trust relationship with her, but it was the most blessed thing that happened. Suddenly, I was in a stable home and I really appreciate, right now, all of the things that she provided for me - food, clothing, a place to sleep, help with my homework, and yeah, a healthy example of what it can be to to get to know people. Thank you so much for the work that you’ve started. And also, Father thank You for covering my older sister in You with the grace to carry out the task that she has agreed to do. And Father I ask that You comfort her with Your Holy Spirit day and night, that Your words in her heart would become instruction and a path of her, that You would help her minute by minute and day by day.