Zechariah 10:1-11:17, Revelation 18:1-24, Psalms 146:1-10, Proverbs 30:33
Today is the 27th day of December. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is a pleasure, it is a joy, and an honor to be here with you now, two day’s removed dry from Christmas, right? And we’re marching towards the end of this year and the beginning of the new year as fast as we possibly can and as slow as we possibly can because we have no control over it. It’s coming towards us but we do have control over how we finish this year and we have had a rhythm all year long, of allowing the Scriptures to speak into our lives in community among friends knowing that we’re not on this journey alone, not in the Scriptures, and not in life. And, so, that’s what we will continue to do, and we will finish this year strong. And, so, the next step forward leads us back into the book of Zechariah and today we will read chapters 10 and 11 of the book of Zechariah before moving back into the book of Revelation in the New Testament. And we’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. Zechariah 10:1 through 11:17.
Okay, so, how, fast Christmas comes and goes, right? A couple days removed and it’s like, you know, maybe you leave your Christmas lights up all the way through the new year, maybe you leave them up all the way through January, I don’t know, but a lot of us are thinking, “I just want to get thus stuff down, I want to get myself prepared, I want to get everything clean, you know, I want to go to the new yeur right.” And, so, how quickly it comes and goes, but just like we mentioned yesterday, there’s one thing that’s unique during the weeks between Christmas and New Year’s. It’s that our hearts naturally sense that a new beginning is coming. And that’s partly brought about because of the Advent season, because of the waiting and the longing for Christmas to arrive and for joy to be felt and for goodwill toward men to be felt all around the world as we rejoice together. And then we naturally sense that something new is coming. And, so, we start to consider the trajectory of our lives more than any other time of the year and that’s partly because our pace is disrupted. And, so, you know, this is the time we renew the gym memberships, this is the time we start to contemplate spirituality, this is the time we start thinking the deeper things, like, you know, we need to work harder at our marriage it. It's…that…we start thinking about what we’re gonna do next year and what we’re gonna become and achieve, what we’re gonna withdraw from. And one thing that we really should have noticed all year long, but one thing that we can deeply notice right now is that the book of Proverbs can be invaluable as a resource in figuring that out, in figuring out where we’re gonna go and what we’re gonna do, like what comes next with this next season that is upon us is going to look like, because Proverbs leads us deeper. Like, it leads us down toward the essence and the source of our desire for change. Because a lot of times, you know, like our New Year’s resolutions are balanced into our exterior lives. We want to lose some weight because we want to look better, right? And it’s less about, we want to lose weight because we want our organs to function more properly so that we can live longer. So, it’s like this balance where things are skewed to the exterior. We want a promotion at work or want to de-clutter our houses. But, Proverbs…Proverbs speaks to the deeper matters of the soul and it’s like the age worn wisdom of all time. And, so, it helps us to expose the motives of for why it is we want to make some sort of change, why we want to do something to improve ourselves. And the fact is that the wisdom of Proverbs has stood the test of time through lots and lots and lots of New Year’s days, way more New Year’s days then we get to experience upon this earth. And it stood the test of time. So, like, for example, what we read in Proverbs today is, you know, is short and compact but it’s direct and full of truth in the way that it tells us what’s obvious, but we usually ignore it. So, we were told the beating of cream will yield butter and striking the nose is gonna can cause bleeding, and so stirring up anger will cause quarrels. So, yeah, it’s like dah, if we churn cream butter will happen it. It’s true. Like, I can remember doing that as a kid once. And, yeah, you stir it and you stir it and you stir it and you stir it and it starts to get thicker and thicker and thicker and pretty soon you have butter. And, so, yeah, and also if you get punched in the nose you’re probably gonna get a bloody nose and it’s not gonna be a good scene. So, we would agree, like, yeah, that what happens. But we usually aren’t considering that the proverb has attached something else that is supposed to be obvious, like just as obvious as if you churn cream it will make butter or, if you punch someone in the nose it’s gonna bleed. Stirring up anger causes quarrels. So, let’s think about it. What do we want in the new year, more conflict or less conflict? Because Proverbs is telling us how to achieve either one of those goals. So, like, if we just thrive on turmoil and chaos well then, we should stir up more anger because that will get us where we want to go. But if we’d like to kind of reduce the chaos and the quarreling and the strife and the tension that just lingers like a cloud in tumultuous relational times, then we need to stir up less anger, right? Proverbs is just telling us what is obvious and true without any prejudice or any nuance, just the truth. We usually hear the stark truth and will start formulating why it has to be the way that it has to be. Proverbs just like cuts through the crap and says, this is your choice, right? So, you want more conflict and strife, then stir up more anger and you will get it. But if you’re trying to reduce those things in your life, those stresses, and actually find something more harmonious then you gotta stir up less anger. And, so, to be clear, like, there are times we have to step into critical situations that may be confrontational, right? So, like, eliminating all anger isn’t gonna eliminate all conflict, but Proverbs is talking about our intentionality. So, like, churning cream is an intentional act and the outcome is butter. A punch in the nose is an intentional act. And deliberately stirring up anger by provoking somebody, whether your spouse or your child or your coworker or the by the person that might cut in front of you at the 75% off sale today, right? That’s an intentional thing and it’s nothing more than picking a fight. And if we’re gonna instigate a quarrel then, I mean, then we’re gonna get a quarrel. But we’re gonna get…we’re gonna get what we want. So, if we’ll incorporate this wisdom into our lives, this can become a rescue from so much unnecessary conflict as we move into the new year. And so, if we would achieve this, then we’re gonna have a lot more peace in our lives in the coming year, right? There’s gonna be a lot more harmony and continuity in our relationships, which is gonna allow us to pursue more meaningful and fruitful goals, which means that our New Year’s resolutions can be bigger than what….like…we can raise the bar…we can look higher…we can go farther. So, let’s remember, let’s remember Proverbs as a guide toward the changes that we want to shift into in the new year.
So, Holy Spirit, we invite You into that. What’s next Lord? What You seem to be speaking through Your word is that…that’s it’s deeper…it’s deeper than just what we can rearrange. Like, we can rearrange the furniture in our lives, but that’s all we’ve done is just move things around to make them look different when You are inviting us to do the deep work of the soul that will fundamentally shift us because we are then collaborating and cooperating with the work of sanctification. We are being transformed into Your likeness, we’re becoming Christlike, we’re becoming like You. And, so, when we do this work inside all these other things, this furniture moving around in our lives becomes unnecessary or we’re just moving things around naturally to accommodate a bigger life. So, come Holy Spirit as we contemplate what comes next, we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.
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And I have something to tell you that’s going on around here. And I did really good. Like, I didn’t cry during any readings or anything today. And I didn't…like…I kept the main thing the main thing, which is the Bible, but I am giddy to tell you this…and I would’ve told you yesterday, but everybody that needed to be told hadn’t been told and I’m not driving this ship, but now I’m told that I can tell. So, in a very, very well executed plan our daughter China’s boyfriend Ben, yeah, the boy did everything right and he completely kept his girlfriend off from…and she can figure out just about anything. It’s like really, really hard to surprise me and it’s really, really hard to surprise my daughter, but he did. And, so, on the evening of Christmas after everything was over and everyone was gone a little story was told in our living room and it ended up with…it ended up with Ben on his knees asking for China’s hand and her acceptance of his proposal. And, so we announce the engagement of our daughter China who has been a voice around here for the last decade, reading Daily Audio Bible kids and Daily Audio Bible teens and now Daily Audio Bible Chronological. And, so, new seasons are upon us and we couldn't…we couldn’t be more happy. She’s found her match and he’s found his match. And we think they’re a good match. And you can be a good match if you’re willing to put the work in and they seem to be willing to do that. you So, Jill and I are, of course, you know, bringing up all the memories of her entire life that we can think of that…I mean…I don’t know…we look at a flower outside and it’s a memory of China, we look up at the sky and it’s a memory of China, we look at our car and it’s a memory of China or we look at the pavement and its memory of China or the sidewalk or…because everything right now is just reminding us…all those memories are flooding. Like, wow, how did it happen that this girl grew? She was…she was just little…how did this happen? Which is kind of how it works. Here we are at the end of the year. How did this happen? It seems we just started this journey and we’re like, right at the end of this journey as we’re going through the Bible. It just happens. And it happens pretty quick if you’re not paying attention. And, so, here we are, but we are very, very excited and truly overjoyed for what the future will bring. And, yeah, we always wondered, you know, what kind of man will capture this woman’s heart. And she found, you know, she’s been wise. She’s been a wise young lady her whole life and she’s done well. And we’re very, very excited about this coming year and what it holds and all that is out in front of us. So, together we [clapping]. I should get like some sort of…some sound effect. Hold on. [applause sound effect]. It’s always nice to…I should have let that play for a while. It’s always nice to share good news and we’ve shared all the news. You know, our families been in this Daily Audio Bible and committed to it for…well…we’re in the 14th year. And it’s been a seven day a week thing. And, so, that has profound effects over time. When you’re doing something every single day it becomes part of the rhythm of life. And, so, we’ve shared hard news among this community and difficulties along the way, but it’s always a joy to share welcome news, happy news and this is truly happy news. So, we congratulate China and Ben on their engagement. And, so, what do you say after that other than to say, you know, I love you and thank you…and thank you for sharing in this joyful moment with us as a part of this community as we move into the final days of this year.
If you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Love never fails. Father, thank You for Your mercy this day. Father, thank You for our sister in Christ, Janelle, a warrior of God, a blessing to her family, the loved ones You gifted her with. We are all a witnesses to Your glory as she demonstrates the power of the living word of God in her life and this prayer wall. Father, I stand ready with them, fully armored, learning, listening, loving, growing together, connected in the body forever, here, right now, today, this day You have made in love. Indeed Father, love is the greatest of all, Your love, breathing the breath of life in her for all those You bring into her path today, truly a light, bright and clear in awe of You, Your power, the fear of God. Father, You are pure love that is more that we can think or imagine good, yet we are given each moment we choose to receive, a growing understanding. Each moment we seek You finding You the love that You’ve made in us in Your image from the beginning. Love is who we are, seeking You, finding You as You said in Your word, finding light everlasting You gave us through Your son, Your only child, Your love to believe, to become whose we are, children of the most high God, royalty of the King of Kings, whose blood covers us, whose DNA is inside us, and the Holy Spirit given to us the moment we choose to believe the living word. Father, thank You for Your love that cannot fail. Father You said You will not will not will not fail us three times most high God, three times. In the name of the Father the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hi Daily Audio Bible this is Eben in Tallahassee. I’m calling for the first time today. I’ve been listening all year and I’m in the October month right now but it’s December and I’ve been listening because I’m trying to become a minister and part of my process includes taking exams and one of them is what is in the Bible. And, so, I found you and I discovered a brand-new universe of connected Christians. And, so, I’m so thankful for all of you and for your prayers and for the Scripture and for the daily activity. And I just wanted to share that with you today. I’m on my way to a meeting that is part of my process and takes me to a next level to become a candidate and that from the is a game changer. And following this, I take the Bible content exam. So, I have you guys in my mind and in my heart and my soul as I take a step forward and I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for being there and thank you for listening to me and to each other and for having an open heart to God. Blessings to all of you. Amen.
This is Bobby It Is Well. I’m calling actually for confession. I know that the Lord…if I want to work on a weakness…I need to confess it, and this is one of the best places I know to do that. My confession is of fear of what others think of me. I know that this is a fear that we all struggle with. What do I say to people? How do I look? Do I look okay? Do they like me? And this is a weakness because I need to trust in God because it doesn’t matter. I need to trust in God that He is the only one who can help me. So, dear heavenly father, please help me as I repent of this sin of fear, a fear that led Peter into trouble into denying Christ three times, a fear that led Saul into no longer being your anointed. Dear heavenly father, help me let go of this fear, that you are the one who needs to know what I am doing and how I am. And if I am pleasing you than I am pleasing anyone else. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Hi, my name is Angelique and I am from the Pacific Northwest, Washington state and I am calling in regard to a prayer request I heard from Sharon from Southern California over a week ago or so. I have been praying for you, Sharon, and I just wanted to share that my mom, who’s now with Jesus, she passed away a year ago, she suffered from manic-depression. And, so I am familiar with the highs and lows and the pain that’s caused from that chemical in balance. But I’m just praying for you that her meanness will be turned to kindness, and anger will be turned to love, and her heart for you so that you’ll be able to see your grandkids again. I’ll also be praying for your relationship with her to be whole and healed, restored. That happened for me with my mom. And the last 14, 15 years of her life she didn’t want to hurt me anymore. She __ and she told me she was going to take her medicine consistently, which she did. And she was open to…just my comments when I noticed her behavior…her personality was changing she would go get checked out at the doctor and get her medicine adjusted. And, so, I’m hopeful and I saw God do amazing things in her life, actually all throughout her life. Her life is a testimony to God and I am so grateful that God gave me…
Hey, this is PG from NC, I’m calling, literally, I had to pull over the car and stop. I just heard Brian share the word of the year being “Maintain.” And I think it’s easy to think, maintain, that’s kind of a bland kind of blah kind of word, but when you said it Brian, I mean I literally had to stop the podcast of listening to the Christmas party because it exploded in me. And I’m not one who get alliteration. Like I don’t hear…I don’t think that way. And, so, I just want to really quickly tell you what I really believe I heard the Lord say. If we we’ll maintain our path He will our place. If we will maintain our pace He’ll maintain our priorities. It we’ll maintain our perspective He’ll maintain our purpose. If we’ll maintain our purity He’ll maintain our progress. And if we’ll maintain our prayer He’ll maintain our power. I don’t know about you but I’m really excited about 2019.