Job 34:1-36:33 , 2 Corinthians 4:1-12 , Psalms 43:1-5 , Proverbs 22:8-9
Today is the 30th day of August. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is great to be here with you today. Man…30th day of August, that…that means tomorrow is the last day of this month. How about that? Well, let’s make the most of what we have left of the month of August for God’s glory and let’s take the next step forward together as we move to the Scriptures. We’ve been reading from the God’s word Translation this week. And now we’ll go back to Job, pick up where we left off yesterday. Job 34 verse 1 through 36:33.
Okay. So, in second Corinthians today we kind of pass through a fairly famous piece, portion of Scripture. Paul says, in every way we’re troubled but we aren’t crushed by our troubles. We’re frustrated but we don’t give up. We’re persecuted but we’re not abandoned. We’re captured but we’re not killed. We’re always carrying around the death of Jesus in our bodies so that the life of Jesus is also shown in our bodies. The reason that this is fairly popular Scripture is that it’s a message of endurance. The message of endurance is something that we’re going to begin seeing over and over and over and over, like an escalating theme through the rest of the New Testament. This passage from Paul today encourages us not to give up. That’s what’s made it popular. Here’s the interesting thing. Here’s a little twist. Paul’s not talking about us in that Scripture, not that we can’t apply it to ourselves or the idea of enduring until the end. But he’s not talking about his readers. He’s talking about what it is like for he and his ministry team to do what they’re doing. So, whoever it is in your life that you consider a spiritual leader, whoever it is that is your pastor or priest or presbyter, whoever it is that are deacons, whoever it is that is serving the body wherever you are, they are going through these things for themselves but also on your behalf. So, like a double dose of burden. So, let’s go back through that passage again with our spiritual leaders in mind. In every way we are troubled but we aren’t crushed by our troubles. We’re frustrated but we don’t give up. We’re persecuted but we’re not abandoned. We’re captured but we’re not killed. We always carry around the death of Jesus in our bodies so that the life of Jesus is also shown in our bodies. While we are alive we are constantly handed over to death for Jesus sake so that the life of Jesus is also shown in our mortal nature. Death is at work in us but life is at work in you. We can find this passage encouraging because it helps us individually to have a message of endurance, but every time we hear this verse we should also understand its context and begin to intercede and pray for those who we consider spiritual leaders in our lives. They’re carrying a heavy burden on our behalf. That is what the calling requires.
Father we take this opportunity here in the waning days of this eighth month of the year to thank you for those that you have sent into our lives to mentor and encourage us, for those that you’ve given to pastor and shepherd us, for those that you have given to serve your body, which includes us, we thank you for them. And we acknowledge that it’s a very difficult job to care for sheep who…who go astray. And we acknowledge that you have empowered and called and gifted certain people to carry this burden. And, so, we ask God that you fill anew with your Holy Spirit, restore them, rejuvenate them, fill them with light and life and hope. Fill them with strength and endurance. Put the wind at their back and give them rest. We thank you God for sending people that have loved us, whether we loved them back or not, that have cared about what happens to us whether we’ve cared or not. We thank You for those who have stepped into the role of being your hands and feet and caring for the community of faith. Come Holy Spirit, fill them with your power we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Announcements: is the website, its home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here.
And I’ve been mentioning what’s going on around here most of this week. The Daily Audio Bible family reunion, a first of its kind ever, will be taking place here in the rolling hills of Tennessee this Saturday and Sunday. So, we’re looking forward to that a lot. We announced it back in the springtime and the capacity that we had, it sold out pretty quickly, very quickly, faster than we thought. But we are looking forward to all of those of you who were able to register and will be here. And it’ll be a blast. And we pray God’s mercy and traveling mercies as you come to the rolling hills of Tennessee over the next couple of days. This Saturday, which is September 1 we’ll be doing a Facebook Live from the events. This will take place at 8 PM September 1st, Saturday, Central Standard Time. So, obviously, if you are in the Eastern time one, then that’s 9 PM. If you are on the Pacific coast of the United States that’s 6 PM and you can figure that out from there wherever it is you are in the world. And we’ll look forward to seeing you. Come join in fellowship with one another even virtually and be able to talk to each other in real time as this is going on. We’ll look forward to a wonderful time September 1st, 8 PM. this will be a Facebook Live. So, the address you need to navigate toward is And we’ll look forward to seeing you there.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, as we navigate our way through another summer, thank you for your…for your partnership. Thank you. There is a link on the homepage of If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi family. It’s Shannon from Texas. I need you guys to pray about something for me. It’s hard for me to talk about because I consider this very personal but it’s gotten to a point where I really need some…some help. I have been seeing someone for a while…about six months…but I have definitely held him at bay. My favorite thing to do is say no because I am waiting on an answer from the Lord about whether he’s the one for me or not. And most of the time I feel like he’s not. But I have seen him grow tremendously in the Lord and the weird thing about me is that…sometimes I think I’m just crazy because of what I’ve been through in a relationship, just an abusive narcissist relationship and then I left that man so many times and went back I think it’s just distorted my view of what is right and what is supposed to be healthy and normal. But I have spent four years single and preparing myself and I feel like I am ready now to go forward. And I just need prayers to know. He’s such a good man and he loves me so much and he has been so patient with me. And to be honest, a lot of the reason I feel like I don’t want him is for financial reasons. And I know that that’s not right because he has told me things like that he will work his fingers to the bone from and it just breaks my heart because I think what man says that? And I just need some prayer because I want to either end or go forward. No more waiting around. So, please pray for me. Pray for him. I love you guys. Thank you so much. I’m praying for all of you.
Hi. It’s Robert Clark, Learning to Serve. I’ve been wanting to talk about my testimony I guess. It’s really important, I think it might help some of us, or all of us, or someone maybe. But I came to the Daily Audio Bible 12 years ago or 11 and I got to the 12th year and listened to it and I love this. I just love this so much. I’ve been able to, in that amount of time, 11 years, go about 40 times. And I’ve listened to everybody’s prayer requests and I just think it’s just the most amazing thing that we have that, with the word and with a guy like Brian and his family to be able to…to guide us. My testimony is like, I guess, Jesus came to me one night when I was in real deep distress and He brought me to a shalom that was beyond any understanding I understood. And at that point, which was 13 years ago, sent me on a quest to understand the word and understand what God and Jesus were doing more. And I always had trouble reading it myself and I am just learning and growing with you all. And I’m just, really am learning to communicate now so much more as the time goes by. I just love prayer and to see it happen and to listen and to learn. I know I have two minutes. I love you all. And I thank God for you all. And in Jesus name I pray with you all. And Amen, yes, and thank you with all my love. God bless us all.
Hello everybody. Hey it’s Annette Allison from Oklahoma City. Hey, Terry the Truck Driver, my brother, God bless you, God bless you. I am so thankful that you are okay and that He put his hand down there to protect you. I don’t know what that bridge looked like but I know usually on the other side of bridge is a pretty big fall and I’m…I’m just glad you are okay. I am so, so sorry about your puppy dog and I know you had…I think you had just lost one recently on top of that. Man I’m thinking oh man. I gave my dogs and express just because for you brother. And I hope that everything is going well with your…your truck and your insurance and all that kind of thing and your wife. God bless her. I could not even imagine…imagine the anxiety that she must’ve been going through but I’m sure that she’s thankful that you’re alright. And I know we are all thankful that you’re alright. And, so, in the Spirit I like to pray with everybody going on the family retreat this weekend, woot woot. We are going to have a really good time. And dear Lord, please put Your hand on everyone. Keep their vehicles of travel, their methods of travel safe and secure. All of those of you on an airplane I hope that you find great opportunities to speak to anyone around who will listen about what you are doing and where you’re going and why you’re going there. Because I know that we all have great stories to tell. And it can provide hope for many people. And may we grow our family as we come together. And I hope that the Lord will lay His hand on that place that were going to and keep us all safe and keep everybody who wants to go to the city safe. And may our weather be nice. I know that whatever the Lord has in store with us is for a reason…
Hi. This is Melody from Canada and I am calling to respond to Curtis from Callie. I heard your prayer on August 26th. You’re struggling with OCD and brother I can relate to you. I also struggle with OCD and __ and it’s exhausting and distressing and it’s so easy to feel like a terrible person. You hear like __ in my head and it…yeah…it’s really hard. And I just want to encourage you to be kind to yourself and know that God is with you even if your brain may be screaming otherwise. And hold onto Him and don’t let the thoughts of power because they don’t have power they only have as much power as you give them. And I pray for you for a clear mind and for hope to worship __ out of trouble and that you’re able to rest in Christ as He lives throughout your soul. I’m praying for you as I have if you could pray for me. Thanks. Love you all. Bye.