Job 31:1-33:33 , 2 Corinthians 3:1-18 , Psalms 43:1-5 , Proverbs 22:8-9
Today is the 29th day of August. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you as we move through hump day, the center of the week. And, of course, no matter what day, month, or year that it is we’re gonna follow tradition and pick up where we left off yesterday, which will take us back out into the book of Job. And we’re reading from the God’s word translation this week. Job 31:1 through 33 verse 33 today.
Alright. So, in our reading from second Corinthians today, Paul discussed veils as a way of contrasting the old covenant law that originated with Moses and the new covenant revealed through Jesus, but we wonder…we might wonder what that has to do with veils. And we just have to remember the story. God was coming down on Mount Sinai. We’ll remember this back from the beginning of the year. And there was fire and smoke and the people were afraid and they backed off and asked Moses to go and be their representative before God. So he did. And when he came back down off the mountain his face shone with God’s glory, right? And, so, this caused the people to be even more afraid. And, so, Moses put a veil over his face. So, for Paul, looking through a veil represented the way people had viewed the law ever since. So, for Paul, the law continued to point out all the ways that people were failing while Jesus ministry and his redemptive work revealed the way in which we can be free from the failings and become righteous before God. And what makes this so compelling is the way that Paul began to paint a picture of what life might look like if we weren’t looking through a veil anymore. And, so, he says, whenever someone turns the Lord, the veil is taken away for the Lord is the Spirit. Wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, right? So, that’s famous passage of Scripture, but the implications of what we’re talking about here…sometimes we just move through this and we don’t slow down to go, wait….what…what are you saying? So if we won’t to get to the implications we just need a couple verses from Psalms, Psalm 139, where can I go for your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to heaven You’re there. If I go down to the grave You’re there. So, if freedom exists wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, and according to the Scriptures we cannot find ourselves away from God’s Spirit, then that means freedom is always available. This is what having the veil removed lets us see and lets us experience. And this becomes really helpful because any time that we’re not experiencing this freedom, we now can understand that we’re choosing to look through a veil. And, so, Paul contextualizes what this freedom can be and what our lives are supposed to look like. He said, all of us who have had the veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord who is the Spirit makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into his glorious image. I mean that one verse is the context for our lives. And once we see clearly what God has done, once the veil is removed, we can see freely and reflect the glory of the Lord upon the earth. That’s good news, but that’s what were supposed to be doing. That’s how it was always supposed to be. And when we live in that kind of freedom and reflect God’s glory, we’re being made Godlike, Christlike. We’re being made more and more like him, that’s Paul’s words, as we are changed into His glorious image. I mean, think about that. I mean, we might think about it go…I don’t know man…I’ve never really…I don’t know how…I don’t how to get to that. I don’t even know how to put that in my mind, that I’m being transformed into the image of my Creator, that this is what Christlike means as opposed to a set of rules and ethics that I try to obey that I can’t obey so I can never live up to them. That’s looking through veil according to Paul. That’s just the Christian way of looking at the law that the Jews were looking at in Paul’s time. Paul’s saying its way, way, way, way, way bigger than that. And, so, we can start thinking this through, and go that's…I mean…it’s just…just disruptive. I don’t know how to get my mind around that. Paul’s describing a humanity that is restored to what it was always supposed to be from the beginning. And we don’t need a law anymore, according to Paul, to point out our sin and failure because those things aren’t a part of our story anymore through Christ. The only time they’re a part of our story is when we make them a part of our story and put the veil back over our eyes and can’t see clearly anymore who we really are. Who we really are are beings created in the image of God who are being made whole and can reflect the glory of the Lord upon the earth, according to the apostle Paul. I mean, if would take a few more minutes to think about this, how could that effect today? How could that affect the rest of our lives if we lived into this reality that Paul is describing?
Father, we thank you for your word and we thank you for the challenge of it because it continually invites us to consider the ways in which we live living less then you’ve created us to be in settling for far less then you are offering, which means that the impact of our lives is less than it could be on this earth. And you have created us to be restored so that we can be whole, so that we can reflect your glory upon the earth. Come Holy Spirit. Show us how to live into that, not in the future some time but today. How do we start to live into that today? The first way we start is to become aware. And the apostle Paul has made us aware. So, we’re asking you to plant these words in our lives, bringing out the fruit of the Spirit in us that we might reflect your glory today. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.
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And as I’ve been mentioning the last couple of days, what is immediately on our radar is the Daily Audio Bible Family Reunion that’s gonna take place this weekend here in the rolling hills of Tennessee for the first time ever. So, we are anticipating that, looking forward to it very much, having time with the community. But this event did sell out and sold out pretty quickly. And, so, we’re gonna be broadcasting live this Saturday evening on Facebook, doing a Facebook live for a little while so that anyone who wasn’t able to be here or who’s just very far away just wants to be involved in the community in this event, you can. This Saturday evening 8 PM Central Standard Time is when we’ll broadcast. And, so, hope to see you there. You can figure that out based on the time zone that you’re in. Just find out the difference between Central Time in United States and wherever you are and we’ll look forward to seeing you there. It’s always fun when we do these live events because even if you’re there virtually there’s so many people we get to talk to, get to connect with, people we’ve been praying for, we get to connect with for the first time in real time. And, so, plan for it. The address to navigate toward will be And we’ll see you this Saturday at eight.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that There is a link. It’s on the homepage. I thank you…I thank you beyond words for your partnership and allowing the Daily Audio Bible to continue forward day after day. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning DAB. This is 3G and GR. My first time calling. Love listening to this every day while I’m at work. It keeps me grounded in God’s goodness and He’s proven to me time and time over the last year and a half that He is definitely on my side and working to change me to be a better man. I’m reaching out for prayers for my wife and my marriage. My wife has a rare form of kidney cancer that was discovered. They removed her kidney. Now they found that the cancer has moved into her lymph nodes. We’re awaiting a surgery date to remove the lymph nodes. While dealing with that she let me know that she wasn’t happy…she wasn’t…trying to trust me anymore. She doesn’t…she doesn’t feel like I’ve changed over the last year and a half. She doesn’t see any changes, anything positive and I really believe that Satan has gotten a hold of her heart and just turned it turned it dark towards me. And I’m asking for God’s goodness and all your prayers to change that heart towards me. Let her see the real me. I’m asking also to shield my step daughter’s hearts towards me. They’re really sit tight with their mother and kind of concerned how they’re going to respond to me when I see them again. I thank you for your prayer’s. I look forward to calling back and giving a positive report. Have the best day ever.
Hey everyone it’s Karen in St. Louis. I forgot I…I wanted to call in a prayer for the upcoming family reunion. Father God, Lord Jesus, I just pray that she would go before Brian and Jill and all the folks at Deer Run, that every detail would be just handled by you through them, everything would be orderly for all the people that are getting ready to go. And I pray that you would give travel mercies to everyone that’s going as well. I pray for protection for people that are there having fun. I pray Lord Jesus that we would just really sense the bond of community of being in the body and just not only the body of Daily Audio Bible but just the body of Christ Lord. And I just pray that there would be new relationships that are formed and it’ll be just such a joy to meet people that we’ve not met before. I pray that others can’t make it would be encouraged that they are with us in spirit. And I pray Lord that you would protect Brian and Jill in this ministry Lord. I just pray for their protection Father God as they further the gospel through Your word as they obey and do Your work in the kingdom, to build the kingdom as we all should be as we are growing in the word. I thank you Lord Jesus. I thank you so much. I praise you in Jesus’ name. Amen. Look forward to seeing you all. Bye.
Hi everyone. Tony from Germany. I’m praying first that the Holy Spirit will bless what I have to say. So, I’m calling on the August 26th recording and the people who called in. And Curtis from Calli. Your mention of OCD…what…it reminded me of a particular temptation that I dealt with for many, many years. And I realize that it had to do with feeling that I had no control. And, so, it was…it was an attempt to some way grab control. And, so, I just wanted to put that out to you. And then, of course, the Lord will speak to you about how He is in control. So, yeah, He will lead…the Holy Spirit will come through the rest of the way. And then Dave from South Carolina with your son, I want you to know that my family, we’ve experienced a really big turnaround with a young relative that was involved with drugs. And basically though it started, truly, truly started when my sister…two of my sisters going through the 12 step programs. One had been doing AA for many, many, many years. She’s a counselor. It has blessed her practice significantly with a very wise person blessed through that 12 spent step program. And my other sister went to Al-Anon and the subject person that I’m talking about was a total turnaround to the point where he goes to prisons and he’s part of the AA program. He goes to prisons and speaks. He goes back to the town that used to be dealing in and tries to bring other young people to AA. But it began…
Seeking Your face at the start of
my day
asking for favor as I go on my way
let my lips speak Your praises to all those I meet
safeguard my heart Father and please guide my feet
help me not waiver or be insecure
tell everybody that You are the cure
no matter what ails them or problems that arise
You alone are the answer and that truth universally applies
not only to me but to the whole world too
one-size-fits-all and that’s definitely true
empower me Father so that I can be a blessing
singing Your praises universally confessing
all that You’ve done and all that I anticipate You still will yet to do
just like Jeremiah said every day Your mercies are made new
so I’m asking for favor at the
start of my day
please bless me my Father as I go on my way Like to
give a shout out to Dean Smith and also to Sherlock Wattson. Hope you’re both
still hangin’ in there and once again Brian I’d like to thank you for this
wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit flow. Keep it flown’ y’all. All right.