11/14/2021 DAB Chronological Transcription

Matthew 28 and Mark 16

It’s the 14th day of November. I am Jill and you are listening to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, welcome. So great to have you here as we do journey through the Bible every single day and we do it in chronological order and we’re going to do it so that we can get through the entire Bible in a year. And you do that in community, whether you know it or not, whether you do it and listen individually, you are connected by a far greater community, people listening. And that’s the beauty of it, that we can meet here together at the global campfire. We’re going to center ourselves around the Scripture, settle our minds, settle our hearts and our spirits, quiet our souls and just listen, listen for what God will say and speak and do in us through us and among us. And it’s a great day because it is a brand new week around here, brand new mercy awaiting you. And there’s a brand new translation that we are going to begin and read throughout this week. Together. Today we’re reading the book of Matthew, the chapter is the 28th chapter, and then we’re going to jump over to Mark and read the 16th chapter of Mark. And this week our translation is the Christian Standard Bible. Now listen, we’re gonna jump into reading here, but real quick, brand new thing starting tomorrow on the Daily Audio Bible Chronological DABC. And you wanna be here and you don’t want to miss it, because you’re gonna wanna be a part of it, because I need you to be a part of it, because I want you to be a part of it. So if you have a friend, call them, text them, message them and make sure that they’re listening tomorrow so that we can all get caught up no matter where you’re at, you abandon where you’re at and jump into today so that we can all participate in this exciting, great new thing that’s happening for this week. Okay. Matthew 28 Christian Standard Bible.


I don’t know about you, but does anybody else just love the fact that the person that Jesus first showed himself to after his resurrection was a woman who was formally demon possessed? Does that strike anybody else? Let’s just sit with this fact for a second. If you think that you are too damaged for Jesus to show himself to you, to be used by him for anything productive in this world or for the Kingdom of heaven, can you just remember the fact that Jesus, after his death and his resurrection, showed himself to a woman who was formerly demon-possessed, but he cast those demons out of her, especially in a time period where women did not hold the place that they hold like they do today. We still have issues with women being second rate citizens in some parts of the world, and certain denominations or faith. But let’s just talk about 2000 years ago, like both of my grandmother’s grandmothers, both my mother’s mother and my father’s mother obtained the right to vote in their lifetime, and I never asked them about it. Well, I never met one of them. But my other grandmother, I never thought to ask her. So even in the last 100 or so years of this time period, we have evolved greatly in equality of women. But we’re talking about a period where we would not be able to relate. And this is what makes Jesus so amazing is that Jesus, in all of these stories, relates to the women. He refuses no woman who approaches him. And I love love that we read today that Mary Magdalene is the person that Jesus reveals himself to after his resurrection. Prayer: Father, we thank you that you continually amaze us at every turn on every page in the Bible and every page in the story of our lives. When we look for you, you are there and you continually amaze us. But we must remember to look- to intentionally look and we will find you. We will see you. We will seek you, when we seek you with our whole heart. And Father, that is the desire of my heart to know you with my whole heart, to leave nothing back. Thank you for your intentionality with us, especially us as women. Thank you for this reminder today that we tend to continually discount and diminish our own selves, thinking that there’s nothing here that you could use. You use it all when we allow you to heal us from the inside out, you redeem it, renew it and make us whole and new again. We thank you for it. We love you for it. We praise you for it. We give you all the glory for the work that you have done in our lives. We thank you for that which is still yet to do. We give you glory, honor and praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


Daily Audio Bible, that’s home base. Guys, check it out. Take a look around. If you haven’t download the app, it’s free- if you haven’t. A beautiful new resource this year that just came in, that can be yours. It’s the Promised Land. I was about to say tablecloth book, and I was like, Jill, that is not right. Coffee table book. There we go. Coffee table book. You know what they make great gifts. Pick up a coffee table book, pick up some coffee. Merry Christmas. There you go. I just checked one person off of your list for you. If you would like to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, we thank you so much for your partnership. We could not do this without you. And that is the honest to God’s truth. Honest to God. If you’re giving by mail, it’s DAB PO box 1996, Springhill, Tennessee 37174. Or you can hit the Give icon. It’s up at the top right hand corner of your mobile device. Or look for the Give icon on the website as well. If you would like prayer, if you would like to call in and pray for someone that’s previously called in, you heard their prayer request. Maybe God moved on your heart. Maybe you just want to spend a word of encouragement. Maybe you’ve walked through something so similar. Give us a call. There’s two ways to do so you can hit the red circle button up at the top right hand corner of your mobile device. Make sure you hit submit and turn the little wheel over to chronological and it will get to the right place or call 800-583-2164. That’s going to do it for me today. I’m Jill. Don’t forget to be here tomorrow as we start a very new and exciting thing here at Daily Audio Bible Chronological. Until then, I’m Jill, love one another.

Community Prayer Line: 

Hey guys, this is Refined by the Fire in Ohio, and I’m not sure how I missed November 9. I was all caught up, I thought, but this morning I downloaded it and Jill just slayed my soul. Your reading with the passion and the brokenness that we all carry. And that reminder that Christ absolutely covered everything we have and will ever do. And it never changes how he views us, how he accepts us, how he calls us, how he longs for us, how he pursues us. And just thank you so much again for this journey together. Love you guys- have a great day.

Hello. This is Tilly from Florida. Was just listening on the 9th and I listened to the lady at the very end request about a husband who found out that he’s qualifies for the definition of the narcissist. Your Grace in that situation was beautiful. And yet, however, you’re obviously going to need strength to get through that because that stronghold is not easily broken without complete and 100% forgiveness. So I’m going to pray for you right now. Lord Jesus. I don’t remember the lady’s name at this time, but her story was really striking to me, so I lift her up to you and ask that would give her a good measure of grace to help her get through this situation. But on that strength of character and I do lift up her husband ask that he would be driven to an avenue of full repentance from his behavior, which may require departed forgiveness….that got into his life and even deliverance from that spirit. Thank you for answering this prayer, in Jesus’ name.

Hello, DABC. Family, this is Zina from London. I haven’t called for a while, but I’m here listening and going through the Bible for the first time, enjoying it. And thank you all families for always been there for each other. Thank you for praying for people. I’m praying, although I don’t come on to pray, but I do in my own time. Lift up some people in prayer. Jill today the 8 November, your commentary convicted me so deeply. I’m always making excuses like, oh, I’m just a new convert. I don’t know a lot about the Bible. I don’t feel confident in speaking to people about the gospel, but I know the little that I have. God is asking me to use it, especially with my family coming from a Muslim family. I think I have just what I need this ten months, I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible and DAB as well. I think I’m well, a kid. Family, I just want you to pray for me because I’m going on a vacation December, and I’m meeting up with my family, and I just want to have that courage. I just want to have that bold faith to be able to preach the word of God. All Moses needed was a rod. All he needed was a staff to part the water. All I need I have already. You know? Just pray God ignites the fire in us- all of us to be able to use what we really have. Have a lovely day DABC family. Love you all. Bye.