11/13/2021 DAB Chronological Transcription

Luke 23 and John 18-19

Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I’m Jill. It’s the 13th day of November and it’s so great to be here with you as we have turned the page together, the story of our own lives and we have turned the page together in the Word of God as we are walking through it every single day on this journey of daily Audio Bible Chronological. Listen, I want you to stick around, make sure that you are here next week. I’m going to be announcing a brand new thing for chronological that has never been done before and it requires you. So I need you to be here and to listen and to participate. And that will start the day after tomorrow on the 15th. Right now we are here to read the Bible. So we’re beginning today in the book of Luke in the 23rd chapter, and then we’ll jump over to John and read chapters 18 and 19. And today is the last day in the Evangelical Heritage version, Luke chapter 23.


So we have now finished the four Gospels narrative of death of Jesus. And I tell you what, I wish we could all just be in a big living room with candles lit and some soft music in the background, just like here, just in the presence of friends and just hear. Just hear what? What did you hear? What stands out to you? What surprises you? What do you notice this time that you’ve never noticed before? What do you hear in the words of Jesus? What do you feel in the emotions of Jesus? What comes up inside of you? What bubbles up to the top?
What’s at the surface right now? What are you feeling? We would just talk. We would just remember. And we would just sit calmly, silently in contemplation and gratitude in Holy somber. And I would probably challenge us to lean into the ache right now, lean into the pain, hear the words of Jesus dying on a cross, yet caring for his mother in his absence, see his humanity, see his humility in being asked questions that could possibly change the fate of what was about to happen. And he chose silence. Jesus chose silence in a world where it’s become so noisy, so oversaturated with noise and people being so loud and demanding that we declare our Christianity and to literally, I see and hear people say, make some noise. I have read on four accounts now where Jesus, who had a right to speak up, to defend himself, to speak the truth, declare the truth of what was being asked of him and chose silence. I believe there is a time to speak out on the goodness of God. And I believe there is a time where we sit silently and we let our lives be a living example of the love, the unconditional love, the sacrificial love, the unfathomable love of Jesus Christ.


Father, we have heard the accounts of the death of Jesus now here. We have sat and listened. We have intentionally paused and remembered. We have been intentional with our feelings and what has come up to the surface as we have listened to the account of the death of an innocent man, Jesus. It seems difficult to say thank you, knowing that he was so brutally beat that he was unrecognizable. But what we see, what we hear, what we know, is that Jesus willingly went to the cross and died a brutal, unnecessary death. An innocent man so that we could all come into belief in Him could be free. And there are no words. There are no adequate words to say thank you. There are no adequate words to describe how much we feel. We don’t deserve such an act of love. But Jesus said otherwise. So, Father, may our lives be a representation of the love, the sacrificial love that you have shown to us so that all would come to the table and come to the knowledge that you are the way, the truth and the life.And we thank you that we enter in. May we come boldly, freely, without hesitation, the invitation of such love. We love you in return. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. 


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Community Prayer Line: 

Good morning, my dear family. It’s Susan from Canada. God’s Yellow Flower calling in. Beth from Atlanta. I want to pray for your friend whose family is being struck with Huntington’s Korea. I know it’s a very devastating disease, but in our family we have a genetic form of buying this. And when I found out I had it, I prayed against my children having it and God has been faithful. So I’m going to pray that your friend- it will stop right where it is and of course, healing for your friend. So, Lord God, I just lift up this Beth’s friend to you with Huntington’s, Korea, I ask for a healing touch upon his body, for strength and wisdom and courage to face what he needs to face in the future. And I ask dear God that this genetic predisposition will just stop right where it is, that it will not be passed from children to children to children, that it will be arrested and disappear from the genetic line in Jesus precious and Holy name, I pray. Amen.

Good morning, DABC family. This is Sonia in Austin, Texas, just doing an update. The young child that was in my room that had been moved out is being moved back into my room come tomorrow because someone from downtown said he legally can’t be in another room with just one other student until he is identified. He is in line to get tested, but that it could take six months and they wanted to know why the principal moved him. And the reason is because so many children are getting hurt. It’s not because nobody’s getting an education. That’s not the reason. The reason is because so many other children are getting hurt. When he gets mad, he kicks and he punches anyone who is near him and he deliberately will pick things up and throw them towards people. I’ve had to go to the minor emergency for him taking my finger and bending it all the way back and have been hit in private areas and punched in my glasses and hair pulled. So he is coming back on Monday. I’m just asking for prayer for our classroom and for him to get the testing that he needs and the help that he needs as soon as possible. I also have two other students waiting in line to be tested. One young boy doesn’t speak and is in a pull up and still is in line waiting to be tested. And it’s been two months now and they are way behind. So please, I need help. I need help for these students. They need to get the services that they should be getting by law. But of course, the system takes a long time, but we know God can move the system. Thank you.

It’s November 9. And Jill, thank you so much for your word, pointing out the words of the Last Supper where Jesus said that you’re all invited to partake and that all includes even those who still planning to be sinful and deceitful. Crooked. I just thank you so much for that. And I just want to pray for those loved ones. There’s family members that hurt us. There’s people in our lives, whether we know them well, they’re the closest people to us or whether they’re strangers that have caused hurt and trauma. I lift them up to you, Lord, and I just thank you that even if they are still continuing on their path of wrongdoing harm, deceitfulness that you….invited them to partake.