06/12/2021 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 9:1-10:29, Acts 8:14-40, Psalm 130:1-8, Proverbs 17:2-3

Today is the 12th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian, it is awesome to be here with you today as we, man we’re approaching the middle of another month, we’re not there, no, I know, we got a few days. I just notice that when we get into that week and I start looking at the calendar and I’m like wow, this is, this is how it goes. We’re only a couple weeks away from the middle of the year already. And I for myself couldn’t be happier to be on any journey with anybody than this one with you. Ånd so, let’s take that next step forward. We’re reading from the Common English Bible this week. 1 Kings chapters 9 and 10. And just by way of reminder we are, we are reading the life of King Solomon. And we have reached this place where this is ancient Israel’s finest hour, at least as told in the scriptures. And so, let’s enjoy the peace and prosperity that’s happening here, it took centuries to reach this point and it just last’s so briefly. So, 1 Kings chapters 9 and 10.


Thank You Father for Your word. All that we are learning in Kings Solomon’s reign and observing in ancient Israel and all that we are learning and observing about the early birth of the church after Your ascension we thank You for these things from 1 Kings and Acts. We thank You for what’s spoken of in the Proverbs today, that You are the tester of the heart. You test the heart in the same way a crucible is a tester for silver and a furnace is for gold. And so, purify us God. Make our hearts true before You that we might have eyes to see and ears to hear and that we can completely participate in what You are doing in this world. We can assume our place in Your story. Come Holy Spirit we pray. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website. It is where you find out what’s going on around here so be sure to stay tuned and stay connected. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can access all of these things as well. So, like for example in the Community section on the web or in the app gives you access to the different links on social media where you can connect and where we are. The Prayer Wall is also there and that is always on, always available, you can always ask for prayer there, you can always offer prayer there, it’s always available no matter what time of day or night it might be and no matter what you might be or might not be going through. It is always there and so, check that out and participate. That’s one of the beautiful, distinctive things about this community is that we love each other very well through prayer, very well. We shoulder so many of each other’s burdens over the years and we’ve seen God do some beautiful things. Because God does beautiful things in and among us when we make ourselves available. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. If this mission to be a Global Campfire, an oasis in all of it, in the chaos, in the swirl of all of it, a place a safe place, a very safe place for us to exhale and to reorient ourselves and realign ourselves to the priorities of our lives as we follow God. If that makes a difference then thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com, if you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. Or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.  

Prayers and Encouragement:

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Samuel. I’m calling from Nigeria and this is for Brian who is missing his mother on June 8th ___. Thank God for her life and thank God for you that you’re able to carry on the good work of the Daily Audio Bible family even after she has passed on. And many of us know what it means to have lost a loved one so I pray that God’s strength be with you, God’s grace would be upon you, He would continue to strengthen you and your entire family and He would give you grace even when you continue with the good works that she started and do more. In Jesus name. Amen. And I would also like to pray for the caller who called in for a nephew who had a neuro-blastoma in the cerebellum. I know that region and God’s hands is really with you. And it really pains me so much that that young boy has to go through with all that but we pray in the name of Jesus that come June 16th he would be found cancer free in the name of Jesus. God would strengthen him, God would strengthen his mother and his family. The good work that the Lord has started in him God would complete it in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus God would strengthen you too give the boy grace and he would become a testimony of God’s healing power and for his future in the name of Jesus I pray for every other Daily Audio Bible family member that God would be with you that are listening to that are not listening that God would be with them. God would carry your body, God would lift all of us, God would bless us. Thank you, Daily Audio Bible family, I’m glad to be a part of this family and this family is a blessing to me. God bless every one of you. Keep loving Jesus, keep walking in His ways and it will always come through for you. Amen.

Hey DABers it’s…calling in today to pray for so many of you. I listen almost every day and pray for so many of you, I’m on the east coast, my name is Charlie and I love this ministry, this podcast and all of you. I want to pray for Andrew who is a young man in college who realizes that he wants to follow God and commit his life to God and I just pray for Andrew that he will find a Christian group on campus, there’s so many where he can build new relationships and he can start studying the word of God and creating a community because the enemy loves to keep us in isolation. So Andrew, right now, in the name of Jesus I pray that He will bring you into a community of believers on campus, you and your girlfriend, so that you both can begin to build a foundation of faith and of studying the word of God and getting it on the inside of you so that you would become strong and realize that you are a child of the most high God and that you have the power and the authority to grow in faith and in love for the Lord God and for yourself and for other believers. I want to pray for Desperately Running to Jesus who is mourning the loss of her family members, so many people are mourning the loss of their children who’ve committed suicide, son’s who’ve died by motorcycle accidents and it’s…and family who’ve passed. Lord God, death is a natural part of life that’s so hard for us to accept sometimes. So, right now in the name of Jesus I pray for the healing balm of Gilead to flow out on every single person who is listening to this podcast and…and mourning the loss of a loved one. And God, I just pray that You would remind us that we are yoked to You and Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light. I thank You that You are all mighty God and I commit our way to You and our path to You in Jesus name. Amen.

This is a message for Angie who called on the 9th of June. Talking about how you’ve got someone whose 28 and has found a new mum. And you’ve been an addict since he was 18 and you’ve been very close but he’s found this mother and she’s a Christian and you’re pleased about it but you’re clearly really upset understandably. I don’t know the ins-and-outs of the situation but you’ve must of called around about the day that we were listening to …Brian talked about Solomon asking for wisdom and then afterwards the two women come to him with their child both arguing that it’s their child and in the end the real mother is identified by the fact that she wants the best for the child and I just wanted to make sure that you realize that that’s you. Because you…you’ve accepted that he’s found this other woman even though it’s upsetting to you and in the end that’s how that woman got her child back by wanting the best for her son. So, I just wanted to make sure that you realized that that was you and that you’re doing the right thing by caring about your son more than yourself and to have faith because that’s how that woman got her son back. Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you knew that. God Bless.

Hi there Daily Audio Bible, my name is Shinu, I’m from South Africa. I’m calling in this morning because I need some prayer. I’ve been struggling a lot recently. We’ve moved recently me and my family to a new place and because of this pandemic and because of things that have happened in the last year I’m feeling quite stuck. And there’s a lot of things that I’ve been dealing with that I’ve been trying to deal with on my own and with God. There’s a lot of healing that needs to happen and I just don’t think my parents quite understand or care for that matter. And it’s been really hard because they have all these expectations of me and I try so hard to meet those expectations but I’m struggling with anxiety and depression. Not the clinical depression but the depression of the body and the mind. And I feel like there’s so much healing that I need to do and they…they can’t see it or they don’t care or whatever but it’s really hard and difficult trying to feel like I’m not a burden. Trying to feel like I’m not useless. Trying to feel like I’m just this ghost, roaming around my house. I feel so estranged from the people that I love and I really need prayer. Thank you.

Hello Daily Audio Bible this is God’s Tree for I have many branches and I’m trying hard to be rooted in the word of God. I called a few weeks back about my son going through a difficult time trying to find a job and trying to get a reliable car and everything. Well, me and my husband decided to pray over him this weekend and cover him cause he’s a good kid just has bad luck. And, this morning I just got a call from him, he’s driving his father’s truck trying to go for…to take a test for a job and lost control of the truck and crashed it and it caught on fire and total loss of the truck. And even though his father was not angry he was glad that he’s safe in my heart I’m afraid that my husband is gonna hate my son cause he keeps taking us a through monetarily. And I’m just asking that you would pray for my family and my relationship with my son and my husband. He’s a step-son to my husband but he…that’s the only daddy he knows. But it’s starting to cost us a lot of money to get him straight even though he’s a good kid. So, I ask that you just pray for him, his name is Tyke and that God would turn around his situation and that the enemy would stop attacking him and his luck would improve and his life would be better. He’s 30 years old and he wants to be stable and have a good life and I know that there are other people who have worse things going on in their lives but I just need prayer for my situation. I thank you all. God Bless you.

06/11/2021 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 8:1-66, Acts 7:51-8:13, Psalms 129:1-8, Proverbs 17:1

Today is the 11th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we press forward in our week toward the end of another one of our weeks together. I’m so grateful that we can share time. I’m so grateful that we’re…none of us are in this alone. And what a journey it is to travel through the Bible together. And, so, let’s dive in. We’re reading from the book of first Kings in our Old Testament reading. We’re reading from the Common English Bible this week. First Kings chapter 8.


Okay. So, it’s kind of a pivotal day here in Old and New Testaments. Important events that sort of shift and change things have occurred. So, in the book of first Kings it’s the temple. The temple is completed and dedicated and Solomon’s before his people and dedicating the temple and standing humbly before the Lord. And this is the pinnacle, and we don’t really get to stay at this pinnacle for very long before we start going down the other side of this story. And, so, this is a bit of an important day because, odd as it sounds, we’ve been working toward this day since we started the beginning of this year. And as I’ve mentioned before, especially since we met Abram who became Abraham. We’ve been following the story of that family and we will continue to follow the story of that family throughout the rest of the Bible because they become the children of Israel. And, so, now there is a temple in Jerusalem. There is a king of Israel. His name is Solomon and he is bringing them to their finest hour. And, so it’s like, let’s enjoy this moment because we’ll continue this story, it’s like we’ll continue the story of ancient Israel, certainly but we’ve been working like so long toward this promised land and toward the establishment of this people and this is where we are now. They are in for firm control of the promised land. The have a wise king who is standing before God in humility. His reputation for wisdom is known the world over. Peace is upon them, all around them on all sides. Prosperity is everywhere. People are sort of like living the dream at this point. But it just doesn’t last that long. So, let’s enjoy it.

When we turn into the book of Acts, we have reached the conclusion of Stevens testimony, which went on for a couple of days now where he recounted the story that we read from the beginning of the year. He was doing it at his own trial where he was accused. Basically, he needed to haul out his Hebrew credentials. And that’s what his testimony was, telling the story of his people of which he was one of them. But when he got to the last little bit of that story and connected Jesus to that story and then, you know, kind of indicted the religious leaders themselves in that story, like reverse accusation. They’re accusing him of one thing and then he’s kind of accusing back how that story came to its conclusion and they’re just livid right, grinding their teeth at him, rushing at him, dragging him out of the city. And we see the first person after Jesus’ death, the first person recorded in the Scriptures that died for their faith in Jesus Christ. This is the first person killed for their faith in Jesus. And I guess it’s fair to point out since it’s pointed out explicitly in the Scriptures that it's…it’s the religious leaders. It’s the religion, it’s the people who are over the people spiritually that have hauled Stephen and made these accusations and then condemned him and shrieked at him and drug him out of the city and a mob forms and then they stoned Stephen to death. It’s sort of the same story, same opposition that came against Jesus. It’s so ironic that it’s the religious leaders that are so against this move of God that simply can’t in any way fathom God doing a new thing that in any way He will replace any old thing in any possible scenario. And, so, they’re…they’re…they’re stoning Stephen and they’re very angry and they’re doing it in their rage, but they think they’re defending God. Like, it’s not like they just got murderous all of the sudden. It’s very possible that they got envious, but Stephen, he wasn’t that big of a deal. Like, there’s wasn’t a whole lot to envy there. There was definitely envy over Jesus. It’s…it’s…that’s explicit in the Scriptures too but in this scenario, they just want this to stop, and they want this news of a Messiah that suffered and has risen from the dead. They want this to go away. And the…the book of Acts goes into detail about Saul, Saul standing there holding the robe…the cloaks of those killing Stephen, approving of it, and then how he unleashed an assault on the church and was dragging people into prison and questioning them. And just his mission, he believed was on behalf and for God defending the name of God and His righteousness and His law. So, he begins to persecute the church. And that’s what we see happen after Stephen’s death. We’re just barely scratching the surface here in the book of Acts, but we see that when that happens, once Stephen was killed that caused people to…to break apart and to flee, to move into other regions, to move around, which only served to escalate the good news spread all around the region. So, Stephen dies and as a result the…the thing that they were trying to stamp out only moves more aggressively forward and more quickly. And this is how the church, and the church era is born - early believers under duress being pressured and marginalized by their fellow Hebrew people. Like, we don’t have a whole lot of news about Gentile…like we haven’t reached that part. We’re at the very beginning and this is a Hebrew centric thing, the faith in Jesus. It’s a Hebrew centric thing is it as it gets going. It becomes a Gentile centric thing over time once the Jews condemn following the Nazarene as a heresy, distancing themselves from…well…what becomes known as Christianity. And, so, that’s what we’re watching develop.


Father we thank You. As always, we thank You for these…these stories and these people that we get to know and how it all begins to fit together to tell a larger story. We are very, very grateful. And, so, even as we watch ancient Israel reach the mountaintop experience that they been working toward for so long, we thank You for that story. And we will continue to watch the story all the way through and find so many of the nuances of our own lives in it. We also thank You for the story that reveals the birth of the church and how our earliest brothers and sisters faced questions that were before them and the pressures and persecutions that were thrust upon them. Holy Spirit come. Help us to learn lessons that we need to know. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base.

Of course, if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app your holding home base in your hand there. So, all of these things can be accessed from either the web or the app, like the Community section where the Prayer Wall is, like the Daily Audio Bible Shop where there are resources for the journey, the journey through the Bible in a year in community. In fact, in the Daily Audio Bible Shop is an entire Global Campfire section of the Shop with all kinds of things just to accompany the journey to be there along the way to remind us that we’re doing this together, we’re doing this together in community. And, so, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Heavenly Father Lord I just want to lift up that the lady who just came on on the 6th of June in regards to her son passing Lord. Father God I just pray that You would just continue to be her in her family’s strength. I pray Lord God that You watch over her heart Lord. Father God tend to her heart and to the whole family’s heart Lord. Father God, I also thank You that they were allowed, and You gave them the opportunity to spend the time they spent with their son and his heart wanting to go back to church and wanted to get close to You. So, Lord I just pray God Father that You would just lift them up, be with them, strengthen them. Help them oh God in this season of their grief. Oh God Father minister to their hearts God and know that their son have connected with You and now is with You. So Father God I just lift up her and her family. I lift up every day from…from henceforth that You would just continue to be with them. Show them that You love them. Give them what they need oh God. I lift him up in the mighty name of Jesus. Have Your way. Give them peace of God. Comfort them when they need Your comfort oh God Lord. And Father God, I pray You will send people around them who will also encourage them, lift them, Lord God, for a __, for a word, for song. Lord God I just pray oh God that their hope will continue to rest in You as they go through their daily days and their daily weeks. Father God in the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Hi DAB family this is Ashley from California and I just wanted to reach out and encourage those out there who are still experiencing the COVID pandemic and just still wrestling with the season of a lack of joy and feeling like that. I wanted to share with you Psalm 27 verses 13 and 14. And it says, “yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” And everybody, I have had…I’ve had…I’ve had a rollercoaster over a year, and I can’t imagine what other circumstances are going on in your life, but I just want to encourage you from what it says in the scripture. It says when things look topsy turvy and is hard to keep leaning into God to keep our eyes on Him and to pray and lean in and He will offer that peace that surpasses understanding. So, I just want to encourage you. Just keep waiting, just keep praying, just keep going to God and he will help, and it will get better. Take care everybody. This is Ashley from California. I love you all. I’m praying for you all and have a blessed day. Bye.

Hi, DABbers, this is Kira from Denver. I just wanted to lift up Carmen from Canada. And…ahhh…Father God I come to You in prayer to Your throne of grace to find mercy and grace to help in time of need. Please strengthen Carmen and her family as they grieve the loss of her son. Help them to be comforted and know that You are God. And we don’t understand why these things happen in the way that they do but show her Your face God. Let Your love shine upon Carmen. Amen.

Good evening DABbers this is Running Desperately to Jesus also known as Staying Desperately connected to Jesus. I’m coming…coming to you very humble thanking you all for your prayers for standing in the gap for me. I heard every prayer that was sent straight up to God. So, I know He heard them. I thank you for your words of encouragement and for your asking God to give me joy in the month of June. My joy comes from hearing my brothers and sisters that I can go to whenever I need to have someone pray me through and that’s exactly what you did and that’s exactly what you’re doing is praying me through. I thank you again from the bottom my heart. I love you all. I wish I could see you personally, but your voice right now is sufficient because it’s a voice from God and I thank you. I thank him for this season, this season of putting you in my life. This season has been going on now for three years and I look forward to the season continuing on. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you and I love every one of you. Thank you. Running Desperately to Jesus also Staying Desperately connected to Jesus.

Good morning DAB family it’s a beautiful morning in the UAE Abud Abi here I am. I am __ from South Africa Cape Town, a first-time caller but a longtime listener. Well man, thank you Brian for your way of breaking down the word to us and make it easy, make it simple in our busy days that we can just sit on our phones and hear the word of God. Man, I’m so moved by king Solomon’s. I always love reading his books because instead of asking of everything that other kings are searching and searching even today’s life but he asked for wisdom because without wisdom we are nothing in this world. So, Father God, we thank You for this beautiful word. We just want to pray over us Lord we just want to pray that prayer and ask for wisdom Lord, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Father You chose us to be Your sons and daughters. You chose us Lord to show this world Your love, to be an example of who You are. So, we pray for wisdom in the places where You have placed us. We believe Lord, You have placed us for a purpose, and we need Your wisdom every day. We need Your knowledge. We want to know deeper things of the heaven Lord. We don’t want to do things Lord according to our own understanding, but we search for that wisdom Lord Jesus Christ. We thank You for this beautiful family that we can come together Lord and pray and encourage each other and love each other. But we don’t want that to end only hear Lord, on these phones, on these mobile phones that we’re listening, but we want to do that Lord practically outside. We want to show that love to the world. We want to change the world Lord through Your love…

The Daily Audio Bible Reading for Friday June 11, 2021 (NIV)

1 Kings 8

Solomon dedicates the temple

Then Solomon assembled Israel’s elders, all the tribal leaders, and the chiefs of Israel’s clans at Jerusalem to bring up the chest containing the Lord’s covenant from David’s City Zion. Everyone in Israel assembled before King Solomon in the seventh month, the month of Ethanim,[a] during the festival. When all of Israel’s elders had arrived, the priests picked up the chest. They brought the Lord’s chest, the meeting tent, and all the holy equipment that was in the tent. The priests and the Levites brought them up, while King Solomon and the entire Israelite assembly that had joined him before the chest sacrificed countless sheep and oxen. The priests brought the chest containing the Lord’s covenant to its designated spot beneath the wings of the winged creatures in the inner sanctuary of the temple, the most holy place. The winged creatures spread their wings over the place where the chest rested, covering the chest and its carrying poles. The carrying poles were so long that their tips could be seen from the holy place in front of the inner sanctuary, though they weren’t visible from outside. They are still there today. Nothing was in the chest except the two stone tablets Moses had placed there while at Horeb, where the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites after they left Egypt. 10 When the priests left the holy place, the cloud filled the Lord’s temple, 11 and the priests were unable to carry out their duties due to the cloud because the Lord’s glory filled the Lord’s temple.

12 Then Solomon said, “The Lord said that he would live in a dark cloud, 13 but I have indeed built you a lofty temple as a place where you can live forever.” 14 The king turned around, and while the entire assembly of Israel was standing there, he blessed them, 15 saying, “Bless Israel’s God, the Lord, who spoke directly to my father David and now has kept his promise: 16 ‘From the day I brought my people Israel out of Egypt I haven’t selected a city from any Israelite tribe as a site for the building of a temple for my name. But now I have chosen David to be over my people Israel.’ 17 My father David wanted to build a temple for the name of the Lord, Israel’s God.

18 “But the Lord said to my father David, ‘It is very good that you thought to build a temple for my name. 19 Nevertheless, you yourself won’t build that temple. Instead, your very own son will build the temple for my name.’ 20 The Lord has kept his promise—I have succeeded my father David on Israel’s throne just as the Lord said, and I have built the temple for the name of the Lord, Israel’s God. 21 There I’ve placed the chest that contains the covenant that the Lord made with our ancestors when he brought them out of Egypt.”

22 Solomon stood before the Lord’s altar in front of the entire Israelite assembly and, spreading out his hands toward the sky, 23 he said:

Lord God of Israel, there’s no god like you in heaven above or on earth below. You keep the covenant and show loyalty to your servants who walk before you with all their heart. 24 This is the covenant you kept with your servant David, my father, which you promised him. Today, you have fulfilled what you promised. 25 So now, Lord, Israel’s God, keep what you promised my father David, your servant, when you said to him, “You will never fail to have a successor sitting on Israel’s throne as long as your descendants carefully walk before me just as you walked before me.” 26 So now, God of Israel, may your promise to your servant David, my father, come true.

27 But how could God possibly live on earth? If heaven, even the highest heaven, can’t contain you, how can this temple that I’ve built contain you? 28 Lord my God, listen to your servant’s prayer and request, and hear the cry and prayer that your servant prays to you today. 29 Constantly watch over this temple, the place about which you said, “My name will be there,” and listen to the prayer that your servant is praying toward[b] this place. 30 Listen to the request of your servant and your people Israel when they pray toward this place. Listen from your heavenly dwelling place, and when you hear, forgive!

31 If someone wrongs another and must make a solemn pledge asserting innocence before your altar in this temple,[c] 32 then listen from heaven, act, and decide which of your servants is right. Condemn the guilty party, repaying them for their conduct, but justify the innocent person, repaying them for their righteousness.

33 If your people Israel are defeated by an enemy because they have sinned against you, but then they change their hearts and lives, give thanks to your name, and ask for mercy before you at this temple, 34 then listen from heaven and forgive the sin of your people Israel. Return them to the land you gave their ancestors.

35 When the sky holds back its rain because Israel has sinned against you, but they then pray toward this place, give thanks to your name, and turn away from their sin because you have punished them for it,[d] 36 then listen from heaven and forgive the sin of your servants, your people Israel. Teach them the best way for them to follow, and send rain on your land that you gave to your people as an inheritance.

37 Whenever there is a famine or plague in the land; or whenever there is blight, mildew, locust, or grasshopper; or whenever someone’s enemy attacks them in their cities;[e] or any plague or illness comes; 38 whatever prayer or petition is made by any individual or by all of your people Israel—because people will recognize their own pain and spread out their hands toward this temple— 39 then listen from heaven where you live. Forgive, act, and repay each person according to all their conduct, because you know their hearts. You alone know the human heart. 40 Do this so that they may revere you all the days they live on the land that you gave to our ancestors.

41 Listen also to the immigrant who isn’t from your people Israel but who comes from a distant country because of your reputation— 42 because they will hear of your great reputation, your great power, and your outstretched arm. When the immigrant comes and prays toward this temple, 43 then listen from heaven, where you live, and do everything the immigrant asks. Do this so that all the people of the earth may know your reputation and revere you, as your people Israel do, and recognize that this temple I have built bears your name.

44 When your people go to war against their enemies, wherever you may send them, and they pray to the Lord toward the city you have chosen and toward this temple that I have built for your name, 45 then listen from heaven to their prayer and request and do what is right for them.

46 When they sin against you (for there is no one who doesn’t sin) and you become angry with them and hand them over to an enemy who takes them away as prisoners to enemy territory, whether distant or nearby, 47 if they change their heart in whatever land they are held captive, changing their lives and begging for your mercy,[f] saying, “We have sinned, we have done wrong, we have acted wickedly!” 48 and if they return to you with all their heart and all their being in the enemy territory where they’ve been taken captive, and pray to you, toward their land, which you gave their ancestors, toward the city you have chosen, and toward the temple I have built for your name, 49 then listen to their prayer and request from your heavenly dwelling place. Do what is right for them, 50 and forgive your people who have sinned against you. Forgive all their wrong that they have done against you. See to it that those who captured them show them mercy. 51 These are your people and your inheritance. You brought them out of Egypt, from the iron furnace.

52 Open your eyes to your servant’s request and to the request of your people Israel. Hear them whenever they cry out to you. 53 You set them apart from all the earth’s peoples as your own inheritance, Lord, just as you promised through your servant Moses when you brought our ancestors out of Egypt.

54 As soon as Solomon finished praying and making these requests to the Lord, he got up from before the Lord’s altar, where he had been kneeling with his hands spread out to heaven. 55 He stood up and blessed the whole Israelite assembly in a loud voice: 56 “May the Lord be blessed! He has given rest to his people Israel just as he promised. He hasn’t neglected any part of the good promise he made through his servant Moses. 57 May the Lord our God be with us, just as he was with our ancestors. May he never leave us or abandon us. 58 May he draw our hearts to him to walk in all his ways and observe his commands, his laws, and his judgments that he gave our ancestors. 59 And may these words of mine that I have cried out before the Lord remain near to the Lord our God day and night so that he may do right by his servant and his people Israel for each day’s need, 60 and so that all the earth’s peoples may know that the Lord is God. There is no other God! 61 Now may you be committed to the Lord our God with all your heart by following his laws and observing his commands, just as you are doing right now.”

62 Then the king and all Israel with him sacrificed to the Lord. 63 Solomon offered well-being sacrifices to the Lord: twenty-two thousand oxen and one hundred twenty thousand sheep when the king and all Israel dedicated the Lord’s temple. 64 On that day the king made holy the middle of the courtyard in front of the Lord’s temple. He had to offer the entirely burned offerings, grain offerings, and the fat of well-being sacrifices there, because the bronze altar that was in the Lord’s presence was too small to contain the entirely burned offerings, the grain offerings, and the fat of the well-being sacrifices. 65 At that time Solomon, together with all Israel, held a celebration. It was a large assembly from Lebo-hamath to the border of Egypt. They celebrated for seven days and then for another seven days in the presence of the Lord our God: fourteen days in all. 66 On the eighth day,[g] Solomon dismissed the people. They blessed the king and went back to their tents happy and pleased about all the good that the Lord had done for his servant David and for his people Israel.


  1. 1 Kings 8:2 September–October, Tishrei; Ethanim is a month from a Canaanite calendar.
  2. 1 Kings 8:29 Or for, regarding; also used in several verses that follow
  3. 1 Kings 8:31 Heb uncertain
  4. 1 Kings 8:35 Or answered them
  5. 1 Kings 8:37 LXX one of; MT in the land of their gates
  6. 1 Kings 8:47 Heb adds in the land they are held captive.
  7. 1 Kings 8:66 The second seven-day celebration (see 2 Chron 7:8-9); but contrast LXX.
Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

Acts 7:51-8:13

51 “You stubborn people! In your thoughts and hearing, you are like those who have had no part in God’s covenant! You continuously set yourself against the Holy Spirit, just like your ancestors did. 52 Was there a single prophet your ancestors didn’t harass? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the righteous one, and you’ve betrayed and murdered him! 53 You received the Law given by angels, but you haven’t kept it.”

54 Once the council members heard these words, they were enraged and began to grind their teeth at Stephen. 55 But Stephen, enabled by the Holy Spirit, stared into heaven and saw God’s majesty and Jesus standing at God’s right side. 56 He exclaimed, “Look! I can see heaven on display and the Human One[a] standing at God’s right side!” 57 At this, they shrieked and covered their ears. Together, they charged at him, 58 threw him out of the city, and began to stone him. The witnesses placed their coats in the care of a young man named Saul. 59 As they battered him with stones, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, accept my life!” 60 Falling to his knees, he shouted, “Lord, don’t hold this sin against them!” Then he died. Saul was in full agreement with Stephen’s murder.

The church scatters

At that time, the church in Jerusalem began to be subjected to vicious harassment. Everyone except the apostles was scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria. Some pious men buried Stephen and deeply grieved over him. Saul began to wreak havoc against the church. Entering one house after another, he would drag off both men and women and throw them into prison.

Philip in Samaria

Those who had been scattered moved on, preaching the good news along the way. Philip went down to a city in Samaria[b] and began to preach Christ to them. The crowds were united by what they heard Philip say and the signs they saw him perform, and they gave him their undivided attention. With loud shrieks, unclean spirits came out of many people, and many who were paralyzed or crippled were healed. There was great rejoicing in that city.

Before Philip’s arrival, a certain man named Simon had practiced sorcery in that city and baffled the people of Samaria. He claimed to be a great person. 10 Everyone, from the least to the greatest, gave him their undivided attention and referred to him as “the power of God called Great.” 11 He had their attention because he had baffled them with sorcery for a long time. 12 After they came to believe Philip, who preached the good news about God’s kingdom and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized. 13 Even Simon himself came to believe and was baptized. Afterward, he became one of Philip’s supporters. As he saw firsthand the signs and great miracles that were happening, he was astonished.


  1. Acts 7:56 Or Son of Man
  2. Acts 8:5 Or the city of Samaria
Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

Psalm 129

Psalm 129

A pilgrimage song.

129 From youth, people have constantly attacked me—
let Israel now repeat!—
from youth people have constantly attacked me—
but they haven’t beaten me!
They plowed my back like farmers;
they made their furrows deep.
But the Lord is righteous—
God cut me free from the ropes of the wicked!

Let everyone who hates Zion be ashamed, thoroughly frustrated.
Let them be like grass on a roof
that dies before it can be pulled up,
which won’t fill the reaper’s hand
or fill the harvester’s arms.
Let no one who passes by say to them:
“May the Lord’s blessing be on you!
We bless you in the Lord’s name!”

Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

Proverbs 17:1

17 Better a dry crust with quiet
than a house full of feasting with quarrels.

Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

The Daily Audio Bible Reading for Thursday June 10, 2021 (NIV)

1 Kings 7

Solomon builds palaces

Now as for Solomon’s palace, it took thirteen years for him to complete its construction. He built the Forest of Lebanon Palace one hundred fifty feet in length, seventy-five feet in width, and forty-five feet in height. It had four rows of cedar columns with cedar engravings above the columns. The palace’s cedar roof stood above forty-five beams resting on the columns, fifteen beams to each row. Three sets of window frames faced each other. All the doorframes were rectangular, facing each other in three sets. He made a porch with columns that was seventy-five feet long and forty-five feet wide. Another porch was in front of these with roofed columns in front of them.[a] He made the throne room the Hall of Justice, where he would judge. It was covered with cedar from the lower to the upper levels. The royal residence where Solomon lived was behind this hall. It had a similar design. Solomon also made a similar palace for his wife, Pharaoh’s daughter. He built all these with the best stones cut to size, sawed with saws, back and front, from the foundation to the highest points and from the outer boundary to the great courtyard. 10 The foundation was laid with large stones of high quality, some of fifteen feet and some of twelve feet. 11 Above them were high-quality stones cut to measure, as well as cedar. 12 The surrounding great courtyard had three rows of cut stones and a row of trimmed cedar just like the inner courtyard of the Lord’s temple and its porch.

Solomon’s temple equipment

13 Then King Solomon sent a message and brought Hiram from Tyre. 14 Hiram’s mother was a widow from the tribe of Naphtali. His father was a Tyrian skilled in bronze work. He was amazingly skillful in the techniques and knowledge for doing all kinds of work in bronze. He came to King Solomon and did all his work.

15 He[b] cast two bronze pillars. Each one was twenty-seven feet high and required a cord of eighteen feet to reach around it.[c] 16 He made two capitals of cast bronze for the tops of the columns. They were each seven and a half feet high. 17 He made an intricate network of chains for the capitals on top of the columns, seven for each capital. 18 He made the pillars and two rows of pomegranates for each network to adorn each of the capitals. 19 The capitals on top of the columns in the porch were made like lilies, each six feet high. 20 Above the round-shaped part and next to the network were two hundred pomegranates. These were placed in rows around both of the capitals on top of the columns. 21 He set up the columns at the temple’s porch. He named the south column Jachin. The north column he named Boaz. 22 After putting the lily shapes on top of the columns, he was finished with the columns.

23 He also made a tank of cast metal called the Sea. It was circular in shape, fifteen feet from rim to rim, seven and a half feet high, forty-five feet in circumference. 24 Under the rim were two rows of gourds completely encircling it, ten every eighteen inches, each cast in its mold. 25 The Sea rested on twelve oxen with their backs toward the center, three facing north, three facing west, three facing south, and three facing east. 26 The Sea was as thick as the width of a hand. Its rim was shaped like a cup or an open lily blossom. It could hold two thousand baths.[d]

27 He also made ten bronze stands. Each was six feet long, six feet wide, and four and a half feet high. 28 This is how each stand was made: There were panels connected between the legs. 29 Lions, bulls, and winged otherworldly creatures appeared on the panels between the legs. On the legs above and below the lions and bulls were wreaths on panels hanging off the stands. 30 There were four bronze wheels with bronze axles for each stand. There were four feet and supports cast for each basin with wreaths on their sides.[e] 31 Inside the bowl was an opening eighteen inches deep. The opening was round, measuring twenty-seven inches, with engravings. The panels of the stands were square rather than round. 32 There were four wheels beneath the panels. The axles of the wheels were attached to the stand. Each wheel was twenty-seven inches in height. 33 The construction of the wheels resembled chariot wheels. The axles, rims, spokes, and hubs were all made of cast metal. 34 There was a handle on each of the four corners of every stand, projecting from the side of the stand. 35 The top of the stand had a band running around the perimeter that was nine inches deep. The stand had its own supports and panels. 36 On the surfaces of the supports and panels he carved winged otherworldly creatures, lions, and palm trees with wreaths everywhere.[f] 37 In this manner he made ten stands, each one cast in a single mold of the same size and shape.

38 He made ten bronze washbasins, each able to hold forty baths.[g] Every washbasin was six feet across, and there was one for each of the ten stands. 39 He placed five stands on the south of the temple and five on the north of the temple. He placed the Sea at the southeast corner of the temple.

40 Hiram made the basins, shovels, and bowls.

And so Hiram finished his work on the Lord’s temple for King Solomon:

41 two columns;

two circular capitals on top of the columns;

two networks, adorning the two circular capitals on top of the columns;

42 four hundred pomegranates for the two networks, with two rows of pomegranates for each network that adorned the two circular capitals on top of the columns;

43 ten stands with ten basins on them;

44 one Sea;

twelve oxen beneath the Sea;

45 and the pots, shovels, and bowls.

All the equipment that Hiram made for King Solomon for the Lord’s temple was made from polished bronze. 46 The king cast it in clay molds in the Jordan Valley between Succoth and Zarethan. 47 Due to the very large number of objects, Solomon didn’t even try to weigh the bronze.

48 Solomon also made all the equipment for the Lord’s temple: the gold altar; the gold table for the bread of the presence; 49 the lampstands of pure gold, five on the right and five on the left in front of the inner sanctuary; the flowers, the lamps, and the tongs of gold; 50 the cups, wick trimmers, bowls, ladles, and censers of pure gold; and the gold sockets for the doors to the most holy place and for the doors to the main hall. 51 When all King Solomon’s work on the Lord’s temple was finished, he brought the silver, gold, and all the objects his father David had dedicated and put them in the treasuries of the Lord’s temple.


  1. 1 Kings 7:6 Heb uncertain
  2. 1 Kings 7:15 Either Solomon or Hiram; this ambiguity continues in the following verses, but cf 1 Kgs 7:1, 8, 13; 1 Kgs 7:40.
  3. 1 Kings 7:15 Or the second; cf Jer 52:21
  4. 1 Kings 7:26 One bath is approximately twenty quarts or five gallons.
  5. 1 Kings 7:30 Heb uncertain
  6. 1 Kings 7:36 Heb uncertain
  7. 1 Kings 7:38 One bath is approximately twenty quarts or five gallons.
Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

Acts 7:30-50

30 “Forty years later, an angel appeared to Moses in the flame of a burning bush in the wilderness near Mount Sinai. 31 Enthralled by the sight, Moses approached to get a closer look and he heard the Lord’s voice: 32 I am the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.[a] Trembling with fear, Moses didn’t dare to investigate any further. 33 The Lord continued, ‘Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy ground. 34 I have clearly seen the oppression my people have experienced in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning. I have come down to rescue them. Come! I am sending you to Egypt.’[b]

35 “This is the same Moses whom they rejected when they asked, ‘Who appointed you as our leader and judge?’ This is the Moses whom God sent as leader and deliverer. God did this with the help of the angel who appeared before him in the bush. 36 This man led them out after he performed wonders and signs in Egypt at the Red Sea and for forty years in the wilderness. 37 This is the Moses who told the Israelites, ‘God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your own people.[c] 38 This is the one who was in the assembly in the wilderness with our ancestors and with the angel who spoke to him on Mount Sinai. He is the one who received life-giving words to give to us. 39 He’s also the one whom our ancestors refused to obey. Instead, they pushed him aside and, in their thoughts and desires, returned to Egypt. 40 They told Aaron, ‘Make us gods that will lead us. As for this Moses who led us out of Egypt, we don’t know what’s happened to him![d] 41 That’s when they made an idol in the shape of a calf, offered a sacrifice to it, and began to celebrate what they had made with their own hands. 42 So God turned away from them and handed them over to worship the stars in the sky, just as it is written in the scroll of the Prophets:

Did you bring sacrifices and offerings to me
for forty years in the wilderness, house of Israel?
43 No! Instead, you took the tent of Moloch with you,
and the star of your god Rephan,
the images that you made in order to worship them.
Therefore, I will send you far away, farther than Babylon.[e]

44 “The tent of testimony was with our ancestors in the wilderness. Moses built it just as he had been instructed by the one who spoke to him and according to the pattern he had seen. 45 In time, when they had received the tent, our ancestors carried it with them when, under Joshua’s leadership, they took possession of the land from the nations whom God expelled. This tent remained in the land until the time of David. 46 God approved of David, who asked that he might provide a dwelling place for the God of Jacob.[f] 47 But it was Solomon who actually built a house for God. 48 However, the Most High doesn’t live in houses built by human hands. As the prophet says,

49 Heaven is my throne,
and the earth is my footstool.
‘What kind of house will you build for me,’ says the Lord,
‘or where is my resting place?
50 Didn’t I make all these things with my own hand?’[g]


  1. Acts 7:32 Exod 3:6
  2. Acts 7:34 Exod 3:5, 7
  3. Acts 7:37 Deut 18:15
  4. Acts 7:40 Exod 32:1
  5. Acts 7:43 Amos 5:25-27
  6. Acts 7:46 Critical editions of the Gk New Testament read house of Jacob.
  7. Acts 7:50 Isa 66:1-2
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Psalm 128

Psalm 128

A pilgrimage song.

128 Everyone who honors the Lord,
who walks in God’s ways, is truly happy!

You will definitely enjoy what you’ve worked hard for—
you’ll be happy; and things will go well for you.
In your house, your wife will be like a vine full of fruit.
All around your table, your children will be like olive trees, freshly planted.
That’s how it goes for anyone who honors the Lord:
they will be blessed!

May the Lord bless you from Zion.
May you experience Jerusalem’s goodness your whole life long.
And may you see your grandchildren.

Peace be on Israel!

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Proverbs 16:31-33

31 Gray hair is a crown of glory;
it is found on the path of righteousness.
32 Better to be patient than a warrior,
and better to have self-control than to capture a city.
33 The dice are cast into the lap;
all decisions are from the Lord.

Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible


1 Kings 7:1-51, Acts 7:30-50, Psalm 128:1-6, Proverbs 16:31-33

Today is the 10th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian. It’s great to be here with you today as we continue our journey through this week, through this month, through this year through the bible and I’m excited for the fact that we are here and we can take the next step forward together as so let’s do that. We’re reading in the Old Testament from the Book of 1 Kings. We are reading about King Solomon at the moment and the building of the temple of God. And really all the development that King Solomon did during his reign. So today 1 Kings chapter 7.


Father we thank You for Your word and we thank You for all of the different facets and nuances of thousands of years that are laid before us in the lifetimes of those that have gone before us that we get to know and we get to look at and we get to observe. We get to see their choices and motivations of their hearts and where those paths lead. And so, even as we continue in the Book of Acts this review that is coming by way of testimony from Stephen, one of the early followers in Jerusalem, one of the early leaders, one of the 7 first deacons in the scriptures. As he’s been arrested and has been interrogated and is being accused he’s telling the story of his own Hebrew heritage. And as he does that we get a review of the territory that we’ve encountered. And so, as we read the testimony of Stephen help us to recall and remember things that you have planted in us along the way this year. And then even as we move toward the conclusion of Stephen’s testimony and prepare to meet Saul and somebody that we’re gonna get to know pretty well. We open our spirits, we open our hearts to your leadership God. To everything that you have to say, through everything that we’re reading now and then everything that…all the letters that we’ll read from this Pharisee Saul who will become Paul. We open our hearts to what You will teach us. Come Holy Spirit and lead us into all truth we pray. In the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home, home base. Home of the Global Campfire and home for all that we do around here and so, stay tuned and stay connected to that. Check out the resources in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. And also check out the Community section that is where the Prayer Wall lives, that’s where it is and exists and is always available for yeah, to go and request, ask for prayer. Ride it out or maybe go and offer prayer and offer words of encouragement to those in need. So that can be found in the Community section either on the web, the website or using the app by pressing the little drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner. That will get you to the Community section and that will get you to the prayer wall so be aware of that.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission that we share to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and offered freely to whoever will listen to it anywhere on this planet any time of day or night and to build community around the rhythm, of being here around the Global Campfire every day. If that is meaningful, then I thank you humbly for your partnership. So, there’s a link on the homepage if you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. Or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.  

Prayers and Encouragement:

Hello Daily Audio Bible family my name is Deja from North Carolina. I am a new member I was introduced to the Daily Audio Bible by a gentleman at work. I’m just asking for prayer and clarity and truth. I just found out at the age of 40 that my father is possibly not my father. I am currently waiting on DNA results from ancestry DNA and to be honest it’s a bit nerve racking. It’s just been a lot unfolding. I know that we’re in a season of uncovering so, everything that’s been done in the dark is coming to the light. So, anything that we have done and covered up it’s the time for revealing. And unfortunately, a lot in the last 3-4 months has been revealed about life, my life, my family life, my siblings. We’re really, really going thru so, just pray for us. I thank you all so very much. I love this community, listening to the prayers and the responses and Brian with the word, I mean, it’s amazing. It’s been life changing and it keeps me humble and stable through this situation. So, thank you so much in advance for your prayers. And just waiting and ya’ll please trust and agree with me that everything is gonna be okay. No matter what the results say. Thank you. Love you all.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible this is Steve from Albertville, Alabama. I ask that you lift up my cousins Brian and Donna. Donna has found out that she has a very aggressive terminal cancer and she has a goal. Her short-term goal and long-term goal is that she’s able to stay alive long enough to see her first grandchild which is 6 weeks from now. Just join me in prayer and lift up Donna as she goes through cemo and that she can complete her goal. She’s a Christian, she’s a believer, her husband is as well. And so, again I just ask that you join me in prayer and lift Donna and Brian up through these hard times. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

A good day to everybody. My name is, my moniker here is Blessed Amongst Women. Today is Sunday the 6th of June of 2021. I just finished listening to the message played yesterday the 5th of June. The message from a young man called Andrew a 21-year-old. Andrew I have to admit your message brought a rather wry smile to my face cause there’s nothing as humble as to listening to a young man or rather a younger person come to his God to lay himself bare and to admit to God that he cannot have his own free will. But I do quote, let it be known to you Andrew that please do not for one-minute think that you’re not alone. The struggle is eternal, the struggle has been from time in the ___ and it is universal. After all it is with the same caldron with the same humility that the Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 7:15: For that which I do I allow not, for what I would do that do I not but that what I hate to do, that I do. And then in 19 it goes on to say: For the good which I would I do not but to the evil which I would not, that I do. The point being, you are not alone Andrew. And my prayer for you is that you will always know to come before your God. Because it is better for us to be chastened by God…for it is better for us to repent than the be chastened by God. And I pray that in your walk with Him that He would never leave or forsake you.

Hello DAB community my name is Tiara and I’m from Houston, Texas and this is my first time, officially, calling. I’ve participated in the Community wall, and Prayer wall, but never done this before. So, I’ve felt inclined to do so because I’ve been a little weary, I’ve been kind of letting my negative thoughts and emotions kind of cripple me and it’s hard for me to put them into words, what I’m feeling and going through. And I don’t have friends and family who love ___ but sometimes I just get tired of burdening them with my emotions and so I just feel kind of alone and I know I’m not. So, I just know that I’m not the only one that’s feeling like this or ya know, I don’t know. I’m just asking for prayer in that aspect and if anyone else is going through this please know you’re not alone and we’re in this together, God willing. Thank you for listening and I pray you have a rest…a blessed Sunday evening.

Hello, this is Aaron from Vegas. It’s been a while since I reached out and touched everyone. It’s my tenth-year anniversary listening to the DAB and it’s been a blessing to my life. I want you guys to keep me in your thoughts and prayers; I’ve battled some legal issues and it’s been stressful but I know God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think. I also want to pray for the woman that called, she lives in a small town and her family runs a business and she’s having some marital issues and she has sons that work at the company and one left the company because he had a dispute with his father and she’s battling with her husband because she won’t take the son’s side…the husband’s side regarding the situation. And the affair that he had…the husband had and what not. Just want to lift them up. Father thank You so much for this family and I pray that Your will be done in their lives. I pray You would bless the husband to come back, change his mind, change his ways and raise him up Lord to be an example to his sons and to his wife and to his family. Bless him and keep him. We pray for the wife that she would be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Bless his sons as well and bless the business and keep them all well and keep them safe. We thank You for all the prayers that come through, we thank You for this wonderful podcast and this platform. Bless everyone that calls in and bless everyone that listens. We thank You for everything in Christ’s name we ask. Amen. God bless you. See you soon, talk to you soon. Take care. Bye Bye.

06/09/2021 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 5:1-6:38, Acts 7:1-29, Psalms 127:1-5, Proverbs 16:28-30

Today is the 9th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is great to be here with you in the center of our week. And this is the first full week of the month of June, not that that matters but we’re in the middle of the first full week. I pay attention to these things because it’s day by day step-by-step. And, so, everything that marks the time, the forward progress is a good thing. And it’s good to be here with you did today around the Global Campfire as we take this next step forward. In the Old Testament we are reading from the book of First Kings and we’re just getting going. We’re…we’re working through the life and reign of King Solomon who is the son of King David. Solomon is leading Israel really to its finest hour. And that’s basically what we’re watching. It’s really interesting, because in Solomon’s reign, everything that we have been working toward this entire year reaches it’s…it…it’s mountaintop…it…it’s apex. And then in Solomon’s reign there’s a slide. Like, we reach the mountaintop and then we start going down the other side. But right now, we are working our way to that apex. Solomon has consolidated all his power. He’s got his government structure in place. His wisdom is becoming renowned all over the world. People are actually making Jerusalem a destination. Like, high profile powerful people are making Jerusalem a destination because they want to visit with this wise  King Solomon. And Solomon is going to build a permanent temple for God, something that his father David had wanted to do but wasn’t allowed to do. Solomon will be allowed to do that. And, so, let’s head in that direction. First Kings chapters 5 and 6 today.


Okay. So, in first Kings Solomon is now indeed building the temple. And we see how they’re gonna get the lumber and how it’s gonna be floated down the ocean and the exchange of payments and all of this. And, so, the temple, the temple of God is being built in Jerusalem, bringing with it a sense of national identity and spiritual identity. And we’ll continue with that story tomorrow.

In the book of Acts, we sort of began a story yesterday, just very very briefly and that story has spilled over into today’s reading in the form of a testimony. So, we remember that there were seven deacons that were appointed to more fairly distribute resources and food to…to widows. One of those men was named Stephen. Stephen was out doing his job but he was confronted by Jewish people from other regions and it kinda broke out into a fight. And then there were some accusations about Stephen’s commitment to his Jewishness and to his Jewish heritage. He is being associated with Jesus and one of the things about Jesus, one of the accusations against Jesus was that…well…first of all that he was a blasphemer but second of all that he was a lawbreaker, right? The…the…the laws of Moses were being broken or reinterpreted in a way that they didn’t accept. So, Stephen’s being accused and then he’s arrested. And, so, now what’s happening is Stephen is giving his testimony in his own defense. And what we should notice is that what Stephen is saying is basically a review of the story that we’ve read from the beginning of the year. He’s retracing the steps by retelling the origin story of the Hebrew people and by doing this he’s proving not only that he knows the story but that this is his own heritage. There’s some very very important things going on here. People who were following the Nazarene or “the way”, the way of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus indeed was crucified, and everybody knows that. There are still people following his teachings, though that truly did believe He was a good teacher and a good man and a prophet of God, and there are people who are following after the ways of Jesus, but at this point, at the origin, the beginning, the flashpoint of the church, this is very, very centered in the Hebrew culture. So, the Nazarenes teachings can theoretically be tolerated as long as they stay in the context of Judaism. And the earliest believers were Jews. Jesus was a Jew. Everyone who penned anything in the New Testament was also a Jew. And, I mean, there are generally scholarly disputes that have always been going on about authorship of certain books. And we can…we can point like to the book of Hebrews and go like, “well…you don’t know that. You can’t make that statement because we don’t know who the author of the book of Hebrews.” But, like the book of Hebrews is to Hebrews. So, it would be really hard for it to not have been written by a Jew because the whole context at all in that book is a Hebrew context. So, Stephen’s arrested and he’s being questioned and he’s…he’s choosing to show his Jewishness because as the church began it was coming from that context from that region from those people and outward into the world. And, so, you can follow this Rabbi Jesus, you can…can follow this person’s teachings as long as you obey the Mosaic law and follow the customs of Judaism. Jesus was accused. Stephen is being accused of not doing that. This will eventually come to a head. And we’ll get there soon enough, but it’s important to just realize it is a Hebrew context from which this story springs. We are mostly all Gentile people who believe in Jesus in the world today. Like vastly more Gentile than Jewish, and yet we can’t approach the good news without the Hebrew context, or it doesn’t make any sense. So with Stephen being arrested we see some early rumblings, some of the early unsettling reverberations of what is to come as this new thing that God is doing upon the earth through Jesus Christ begins to take hold, begins…well…begins to form and become a tsunami that spreads throughout all of the earth. We also have a really good opportunity, and I point this out every year when we get to the story of Stephen, we have a really good opportunity because his testimony is…is review of the stories that we have read. So, it gives us an opportunity to quickly go back and kind of catch-up to where we are. At the end of this…and I’ll bet most of you already know, at the end of this we’ll meet somebody who is around all this testimony and all that’s going on around Stephen. He is a zealous Pharisee, very devoutly attempting to become righteous before God by obeying the law and doing what he believes God is commanding and also defending God. He is a student of Gamaliel, and his name is Saul and he will eventually know…be known as the apostle Paul. But when we meet him, and we meet him in this story he wants nothing to do with Jesus. Actually, that’s not true. He does want something to do with Jesus. His mission is to blot out the name and memory of Jesus from the earth and from God’s people, the Jewish people. And, so, he wants to round up these followers of the Nazarene these people that, maybe they’re being tolerated by the greater community, but for Saul these are…these are heretics. These are people that are on the outer boundaries. They need to be rounded up and punished and silenced and this teaching of this person, Jesus, needs to go away. And, so, we’ll see that develop in the coming days.

And then lastly, let’s just look at the proverb again. It’s three sentences. Sentence number one: Destructive people produce conflict. So, I mean that’s ½ a sentence. That’s ½ a sentence but if we stop at that half a sentence and just go, “okay. When I am observing conflict in the world, the voice of wisdom instructs there is…there’s destructive people involved identifying that…just the knowledge of it is helpful but then the sentence is completed. So, “destructive people produce conflict. Gossip’s alienate close friends.” That last one is something that we probably already know, and it’s very destructive and causes conflict, right? So, gossip in this sentence is very dangerous. It causes destruction and conflict and alienates close friends. I mean, we can just take that one. In fact, let’s just take that one. If you want to go back and read the other two sentences, that’s Proverbs 16:28 through 30 today. Let’s just stay there. The things that we say, truly have power and truly need to be selected carefully.


Father, that is something we also know. We know this. It’s just hard to practice it, to do it consistently because how we respond to just about anything very much is affected by the emotional state that we’re in, what’s going on within us. And, so, how we respond to something usually is because of what button got pressed within us and that button is attached to all kinds of stuff inside of our psyches. And, so, we’re not always seek wisdom in the moment. And yet we can cultivate that, we can build that into our lives so that we think before we speak, before we gossip, before we alienate close friends, before we produce conflict, before we’re a destructive person. Come Holy Spirit into that we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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Check out the Daily Audio Bible shop there are resources there that I say often are there to accompany the journey. That’s why they’re there. So, like resources like The God of Your Story, which is a project that we created. It was a an incredibly difficult long journey, but to create a 365 day devotional accompanying the passages that we read every day. So, it’s kind like the gold of the Daily Audio Bible in written form. And, so, it’s a resource that’s amazingly available even when Internet isn’t there, whether you’re traveling or on vacation or whatever to just keep with your rhythm. It also serves as a fantastic accompaniment. You know, maybe Daily Audio Bible in the morning then maybe God of Your Story just to kind of reinforce or to look at what we read today and what you might’ve been meditating on during the day from a different angle just to get that in our hearts, in our spirits, allowing it to really transform who we are. So, yeah, check that out, The God of Your story. It’s available…well…it’s available anywhere that you can get a book, but it is certainly available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage, and I thank you, I thank you. We wouldn’t be here. We couldn’t do this if we didn’t do it together. And, so, thank you profoundly and humbly for your partnership.

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And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey this is Matt from Eastern Washington I was just calling in again really quick just for prayer or encouragement for Becky in Texas. I was listening to the February 22nd podcast for Daily Audio Bible and you were talking about a blended family and just being exhausted and tired and, you know, your husband’s a first responder. You know, so I don’t know what’s kind of struggles you guys are going through but, you know, my wife and I are both first responders. We both work law enforcement. You know, I don’t know if your husband works law enforcement or EMS or as a firefighter but any…any one of those professions, you know, it…it takes a toll on people. So, anyways, Father god, You know I…I just want to lift Becky up to You and…and her family up to You and just pray that that You can help her, and that You can help them find some sort of where for healing in their marriage and to just restore Becky’s strength and…and that You can show her that having faith in You and…and seeking You for that strength can help get her through all this when she doesn’t think that she has anything left. Father God I…I just pray that You can help Becky’s husband, You know, see that she is exhausted and soften his heart and allow him to help her through these struggles and to reach out to help when he’s struggling. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Becky just look for God for that strength that’s all I’ve been able to do with my stuff. Bye.

Good morning DABC this is Vicki from Ohio I’m reaching out to Vincent from Connecticut this morning. His message really touched my heart. There are so many of us out here that are struggling to find our mate. We go through it so slow. The process is so slow, and healing takes time. I too cannot find a partner that wants to be with me. I always get excited at the beginning and get lots of promises and then I am left behind. God watches over us. He does heal us. It takes so long though sometimes. Vincent, I pray that you keep praying and asking God and that He will provide a woman for you that is deserving and loves you as you can love her. I pray this for everyone out there searching and hoping and desiring their ultimate soulmate through Christ. I pray for myself. I pray for Vincent, and I pray for each one of you out there looking. In Jesus’ name I pray. Be true to us dear Father and let Your will be done. Amen.

Hey family it’s Sparky from Texas. I wanted to take a minute to pray for Andrew who called in asking for prayer over… He’s 21 years old and I just wanted to take a minute to…to tell you that I remember being 21 years old and in the bowel of sin. I’m 35 now but the feelings that you’re feeling, it’s a pivotal moment in your life and you are in the right spot, and I wish that I would have been 21 years old listening to the Daily Audio Bible and listening to…listening to people pray for each other. You’ve got the world ahead of you. Keep your head in the word and look to God. And when it feels like there’s way too much sin in your life, we’ve just finished watching the perfect person and we’ve just finished watching the people closest to Him sin, including Peter. You’re in the right spot. Focus your life where you need to be, where you want to point and keep that part of your life pointed towards Jesus. Keep it here in prayer with people. I just wanted to give you encouragement. I pray with all of you. I love you. And you bring me to tears sometimes, but every prayer request I pray with every one of you. I hope you all have a blessed add weekend and a blessed week following up.

Today is June 4th this is Beth from Chicago. Today’s reading really touched my heart. I ask that you pray for my sons Tyler, Ryan, and Logan, that their heart may be opened and remove the hardening that has occurred through childhood, through rough times. And I ask that Lord God our Father come into their lives and touch them and help them believe. I am very thankful for this community, and I love you all and I wish you all blessings, peace, and joy. Thank you so much. This is such a beautiful start too every morning. God bless you. Amen.

Hi, my name is Angie from Colorado Springs calling. It’s my second time calling. Thank you guys for praying for me last month or maybe it was April. I’m still needing of prayer for confidence and clarity, depression, anxiety and happiness and laughter. I’ve been sober two years and in this time I have changed so much for the better and have a lot of goals set but in the meantime my son has pretty much not accepted me anymore as his mom. And I got into addiction when he was 18. Before that we were close as ever. He’s now 28 and we’ve been very close throughout this whole time of my life, but I just didn’t do the things I needed to do for him as a mom. So, he has a new mom in his late age which I’m grateful for because their Christians, they love him as far as I know. Anyways, I’m heartbroken. I'm…I'm…just heartbroken. So, he’s always been so close to me, and such a good son, and I’ve been a good mom believe it or not even through my hard times of addiction. Anyways, I just…I can’t find any pleasure in life anymore and it’s because I’m feeling like it’s a death losing a son that you love…

The Daily Audio Bible Reading for Wednesday June 9, 2021 (NIV)

1 Kings 5-6

Wood and stone for the temple

[a] Because King Hiram[b] of Tyre was loyal to David throughout his rule, Hiram sent his servants to Solomon when he heard that Solomon had become king after his father. Solomon sent the following message to Hiram: “You know that my father David wasn’t able to build a temple for the name of the Lord my God. This was because of the enemies that fought him on all sides until the Lord put them under the soles of his feet. Now the Lord my God has given me peace on every side, without enemies or misfortune. So I’m planning to build a temple for the name of the Lord my God, just as the Lord indicated to my father David, ‘I will give you a son to follow you on your throne. He will build the temple for my name.’ Now give the order and have the cedars of Lebanon cut down for me. My servants will work with your servants. I’ll pay your servants whatever price you set, because you know we have no one here who is skilled in cutting wood like the Sidonians.”

Hiram was thrilled when he heard Solomon’s message. He said, “Today the Lord is blessed because he has given David a wise son who is in charge of this great people.” Hiram sent word back to Solomon: “I have heard your message to me. I will do as you wish with the cedar and pinewood. My servants will bring the wood down the Lebanon Mountains to the sea. I’ll make rafts out of them and float them on the sea to the place you specify. There I’ll dismantle them, and you can carry them away. Now, as for what you must do for me in return, I ask you to provide for my royal house.”

10 So Hiram gave Solomon all the cedar and pinewood that he wanted. 11 In return, Solomon gave an annual gift to Hiram of twenty thousand kors[c] of wheat to eat, and twenty thousand kors of pure oil for his palace use. 12 Now the Lord made Solomon wise, just as he had promised. Solomon and Hiram made a covenant and had peace.

13 King Solomon called up a work gang of thirty thousand workers from all over Israel. 14 He sent ten thousand to work in Lebanon each month. Then they would spend two months at home. Adoniram was in charge of the work gang. 15 Solomon had 70,000 laborers and 80,000 stonecutters in the highlands. 16 This doesn’t include Solomon’s 3,300 supervisors in charge of the work, who had oversight over the laborers. 17 At the king’s command, they quarried huge stones of the finest quality in order to lay the temple’s foundation with carefully cut stone. 18 The craftsmen of Solomon and Hiram, along with those of Byblos, prepared the timber and the stones for the construction of the temple.

Solomon builds the temple

In the four hundred eightieth year after the Israelites left Egypt, in the month of Ziv, the second month,[d] in the fourth year of Solomon’s rule over Israel, he built the Lord’s temple. The temple that King Solomon built for the Lord was ninety feet long, thirty feet wide, and forty-five feet high. The porch in front of the temple’s main hall was thirty feet long. It ran across the whole width of the temple and extended fifteen feet in front of the temple. He made recessed and latticed windows[e] for the temple and built side rooms against the temple walls around both the main hall and the most holy place. The lower walls were seven and a half feet wide. At the second floor the walls were nine feet wide, and at the third floor they were ten and a half feet wide. He made niches around the outside of the temple so the beams wouldn’t be inserted into the temple walls.[f] When the temple was built, they did all the stonecutting at the quarry. No hammers, axes, or any iron tools were heard in the temple during its construction. The door to the stairs was at the south side of the temple. Winding stairs went up to the second floor and from there to the third floor. He completed the temple with a roof of cedar beams and cross-planks.[g] 10 Then he built the side rooms all around the temple. They were seven and a half feet high. He attached them to the temple with cedarwood.

11 The Lord’s word came to Solomon, 12 Regarding this temple that you are building: If you follow my laws, enact my regulations, and keep all my commands faithfully, then I will fulfill for you my promise that I made to your father David. 13 I will live among the Israelites. I won’t abandon my people Israel.

14 So Solomon constructed the temple and completed it. 15 He built the walls within the temple with cedar planks, paneled from the floor to the ceiling. He overlaid the floor of the temple with pine planks. 16 At the back of the temple he built thirty feet of cedar panels from the floor to the ceiling. Solomon built the inner sanctuary, the most holy place. 17 In front of this, the main hall was sixty feet. 18 The cedar inside the temple was carved with gourds and blossoming flowers. The whole thing was cedar. No stone was seen. 19 He set up the inner sanctuary inside the temple so that he could put the chest containing the Lord’s covenant there. 20 The inner sanctuary was thirty feet in length, width, and height. Solomon overlaid it with pure gold and covered the altar with cedar.[h] 21 Solomon covered the temple’s interior with pure gold. He placed gold chains in front of the inner sanctuary and covered it with gold. 22 He overlaid the whole temple inside with gold until the temple was completely covered. He covered the whole altar that was in the inner sanctuary with gold. 23 He made two winged creatures of olive wood for the inner sanctuary, each fifteen feet high. 24 The wings of the first winged creature were each seven and a half feet long. It was fifteen feet from the end of one wing to the end of the other. 25 The second winged creature also measured fifteen feet. Both winged creatures had identical measurements and form. 26 The height of both winged creatures was fifteen feet. 27 Solomon placed the winged creatures inside the temple. Their wings spread out so that the wing of the one touched one wall and the wing of the other touched the other wall. In the middle of the temple, the wings of the two winged creatures touched each other. 28 He covered the winged creatures with gold.

29 Solomon carved all the walls of the temple—inner and outer rooms—with engravings of winged creatures, palm trees, and blossoming flowers. 30 He also covered the floor of the temple with gold, in both the inner and the outer rooms. 31 He made the doors of the inner sanctuary from olive wood and carved the doorframes with five recesses.[i] 32 He overlaid the two olive-wood doors with gold-plated carvings of winged creatures, palm trees, and blossoming flowers. 33 He made the door of the main hall with doorframes of olive wood with four recesses.[j] 34 The two doors of pinewood each pivoted on a socket. 35 Solomon carved winged creatures, palm trees, and blossoming flowers, and covered them with gold. 36 He built the inner courtyard with three rows of cut stone followed by one row of trimmed cedar.

37 Solomon laid the foundation of the Lord’s temple in the fourth year in the month of Ziv.[k] 38 He finished the temple in all its details and measurements in the eleventh year during the eighth month, the month of Bul.[l] He built it in seven years.


  1. 1 Kings 5:1 5:15 in Heb
  2. 1 Kings 5:1 Chronicles spells the king’s name Huram; for example, 2 Chron 2:3, 11-12; but cf 1 Chron 14:1 Kethib.
  3. 1 Kings 5:11 One kor is possibly equal to fifty gallons.
  4. 1 Kings 6:1 April–May, Iyar; Ziv is a month from a Canaanite calendar.
  5. 1 Kings 6:4 Heb architectural and decorative terminology in 6:4-6 and elsewhere in chaps 6–7 is often uncertain.
  6. 1 Kings 6:6 Heb uncertain; Heb lacks the beams.
  7. 1 Kings 6:9 Heb uncertain
  8. 1 Kings 6:20 Heb uncertain
  9. 1 Kings 6:31 Heb uncertain
  10. 1 Kings 6:33 Heb uncertain
  11. 1 Kings 6:37 April–May, Iyar; Ziv is a month in the Canaanite calendar.
  12. 1 Kings 6:38 October–November, Heshvan; Bul is a month in the Canaanite calendar.
Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

Acts 7:1-29

The high priest asked, “Are these accusations true?”

Stephen responded, “Brothers and fathers, listen to me. Our glorious God appeared to our ancestor Abraham while he was still in Mesopotamia, before he settled in Haran. God told him, ‘Leave your homeland and kin, and go to the land that I will show you.’[a] So Abraham left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran. After Abraham’s father died, God had him resettle in this land where you now live. God didn’t give him an inheritance here, not even a square foot of land. However, God did promise to give the land as his possession to him and to his descendants, even though Abraham had no child. God put it this way: His descendants will be strangers in a land that belongs to others, who will enslave them and abuse them for four hundred years.[b] And I will condemn the nation they serve as slaves, God said, and afterward they will leave[c] that land and serve me in this place. God gave him the covenant confirmed through circumcision. Accordingly, eight days after Isaac’s birth, Abraham circumcised him. Isaac did the same with Jacob, and Jacob with the twelve patriarchs.

“Because the patriarchs were jealous of Joseph, they sold him into slavery in Egypt. God was with him, however, 10 and rescued him from all his troubles. The grace and wisdom he gave Joseph were recognized by Pharaoh, king of Egypt, who appointed him ruler over Egypt and over his whole palace. 11 A famine came upon all Egypt and Canaan, and great hardship came with it. Our ancestors had nothing to eat. 12 When Jacob heard there was grain in Egypt, he sent our ancestors there for the first time. 13 During their second visit, Joseph told his brothers who he was, and Pharaoh learned about Joseph’s family. 14 Joseph sent for his father Jacob and all his relatives—seventy-five in all—and invited them to live with him. 15 So Jacob went down to Egypt, where he and our ancestors died. 16 Their bodies were brought back to Shechem and placed in the tomb that Abraham had purchased for a certain sum of money from Hamor’s children, who lived in Shechem.

17 “When it was time for God to keep the promise he made to Abraham, the number of our people in Egypt had greatly expanded. 18 But then another king rose to power over Egypt who didn’t know anything about Joseph.[d] 19 He exploited our people and abused our ancestors. He even forced them to abandon their newly born babies so they would die. 20 That’s when Moses was born. He was highly favored by God, and for three months his parents cared for him in their home. 21 After he was abandoned, Pharaoh’s daughter adopted and cared for him as though he were her own son. 22 Moses learned everything Egyptian wisdom had to offer, and he was a man of powerful words and deeds.

23 “When Moses was 40 years old, he decided to visit his family, the Israelites. 24 He saw one of them being wronged so he came to his rescue and evened the score by killing the Egyptian. 25 He expected his own kin to understand that God was using him to rescue them, but they didn’t. 26 The next day he came upon some Israelites who were caught up in an argument. He tried to make peace between them by saying, ‘You are brothers! Why are you harming each other?’ 27 The one who started the fight against his neighbor pushed Moses aside and said, ‘Who appointed you as our leader and judge? 28 Are you planning to kill me like you killed that Egyptian yesterday?’[e] 29 When Moses heard this, he fled to Midian, where he lived as an immigrant and had two sons.

Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

Psalm 127

Psalm 127

A pilgrimage song. Of Solomon.

127 Unless it is the Lord who builds the house,
the builders’ work is pointless.
Unless it is the Lord who protects the city,
the guard on duty is pointless.
It is pointless that you get up early and stay up late,
eating the bread of hard labor
because God gives sleep to those he loves.

No doubt about it: children are a gift from the Lord;
the fruit of the womb is a divine reward.
The children born when one is young
are like arrows in the hand of a warrior.
The person who fills a quiver full with them is truly happy!
They won’t be ashamed when arguing with their enemies in the gate.

Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

Proverbs 16:28-30

28 Destructive people produce conflict;
gossips alienate close friends.
29 Violent people entice their neighbors
and walk them down a path that isn’t good.
30 Those who wink their eye plot destruction;
those who purse their lips plan evil.

Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

06/08/2021 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 3:3-4:34, Acts 6:1-15, Psalm 126:1-6, Proverbs 16:26-27

Today is the 8th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today. It’s kind of a special day at least in my life this would have been my mom’s birthday and I can’t go past this day without missing her a lot. She…she was a part of this community and I suppose it’s true to say this community couldn’t have existed without her and so, I’m missing my mom today and honoring her today and I know, I’m not the only one missing their mom today or on any day. If you lose your mom…at least, I only had one mom and I only have one experience and that’s my life but I’ve talked to lots and lots of people about grief and when you lose your mom, something feels like it’s missing from then on at least. That’s how it’s been for me so, I miss my mom. I’m grateful for her and her life and for giving me life. And so, with that life and all of our lives combined around this Global Campfire let’s take the next step forward in the scriptures this year. We’re reading from the Common English Bible this week. Today, 1 Kings chapter 3 verse 3 through 4 verse 34.


Okay, so in the Old and New Testament today there are parallels about leadership. And we’ll get to that in a second but in the Old Testament we’re watching King Solomon now, pretty much consolidate everything under his authority. And he’s kind of appointed his government and who’s gonna be where and responsible for and he has a vast territory. And we watch Solomon go before the Lord and simply acknowledge that he doesn’t know what he’s doing. I mean that right there, that posture is not unlike his father David in his earlier years and it is the posture that the people really, really identify with they can really get behind. And we see that taking hold in his judgements in what we read today. Solomon goes before God and confesses basically, how did I get here, like, how did this happen, how is it that I’m sitting here now as the King of all the land? How is that you saw my family from way back, how is it that you loved my father the way that you did and how is that I am sitting here and how am I gonna do this? These are your people, how am I gonna lead your people? And so, Solomon asks for understanding, for wisdom, for discernment instead of a powerful army to beat up all the people around him or more slaves so he can do more development, anything that would cause glory to come upon his own name, anything that he could build, he didn’t ask for that. He asked for the tools that he would need to adequately govern the children of Israel, God’s people. And that was the key and God bestowed that upon Solomon as well as everything else he could ever want. And we’ll continue that in the days ahead. But in this king’s life, he had the where with all to not think that he knew what he was going to do and he was the only one that could get it done and that he would go ahead and make that happen, he would be forcing this sort of decisive person that’s just leading things. Rather, he kind of is a contrast to that. He’s a person who knows that he has limitation and knows that he doesn’t even know what those limitations are yet because he’s never does this before. And he doesn’t know exactly how this landed upon him and that he should be so fortunate to be entrusted with this kind of leadership to be a king over a people who are loyal to him but are also depending upon him. And so, he humbles himself before the Lord and asks God to give him what he will need to do the task. When we turn the page into the New Testament we see that the early church continues to develop and numbers to added to day-by-day so there’s a great increase happening. And people are all coming together as a community and sharing…sharing their stuff. Like, providing for each other out of their own surplus so that there is no lack so that everyone is taking care of but as the numbers grow so does the complexity and so does the need for structure and we see that in the book of Acts and this is like one of the times that we can go, I don’t know how I glossed over this all these years. I just saw the Holy Spirit come in the Book of Acts and seemed like everybody after that, when they heard the good news they got saved and they flocked to the early church and it was perfect and everybody took care of everybody else. But what we see in even caring for one another they still had to struggle through some things. In today’s particular episode food was being distributed to widows, so they were, so that is a good thing, like that is a Godly thing, the community has…has come together and one of their purposes is to make sure that the less fortunate, the vulnerable, are cared for. It’s just that now the church has a couple of different languages being spoke: Aramaic and Greek. And these were spoken in the land of, well, it was the Province of Syria in the Roman Empire at the time but in the land where Jerusalem is, the promised land. And that land had gone through Hellenization under the Greek Empire so people still spoke Greek as well as Aramaic and so, people were sort of yes, we are in the same body but no we don’t speak the same language and so people would congregate together based on the languages they would speak, right. And some people would speak bilingual but that, we can understand this, like this is not a concept that is foreign to us in this day and age because people are gonna congregate. And as it turns out the Greek speaking followers of Jesus began to accuse the Aramaic speaking members of the community for playing favoritism. And that the Greek speaking widows were being over looked. And they weren’t…there needs weren’t being met. In response to this, structure was put in place. And 7 people were appointed to take care of this matter in a fair in equitable way. And this, is functionally the birth of what we now know as the deaconate or the role of a deacon which is originally to equitably distribute resources to people who were vulnerable. That role has come to mean a lot of things in a lot of different denominations. Sometimes it’s worked out for the better and sometimes its worked out terribly. But this is the concept, this is where it comes from. These leaders were appointed for a role, an important role to fix a problem, an important problem. And so when the Apostles said you need to appoint 7 people to do this they gave criteria, and I quote from the Book of Acts: they must be well respected and endowed by the Spirit with exceptional wisdom. Wisdom, that’s what connects us back to Solomon. Wisdom is what was sought in the leadership roles. One in the Old Testament, one in the New Testament here on the same day, wisdom was the foundation piece required in order to lead and accomplish the goal. Solomon wanted to lead an entire nation of God’s people with justice and equity and fairness before God righteously. In the Book of Acts, the church in its infancy, wanted to fairly, with equity, with justice provide for the body that was in formation the body of Christ and wisdom was required. So, I think we can say, maybe two things. One that applies in our lives, we must not ignore wisdom as a category. Like, wisdom is beyond common sense and yes we need common sense but wisdom is something that is consulted, wisdom is something that is pondered, wisdom is something that is cultivated and developed. It is born out of experience, it is born out of humbly seeking the experiences of others. It is bestowed by God, wisdom, discernment, understanding, humility. If we would like to eventually and we probably would never, if we became a wiseman or woman we probably wouldn’t know that that’s what we’ve become because we’ll always be a student and we’ll always be seeking discernment and wisdom and humility. But if we want to walk the pathway of the wise then these are criteria that have to be cultivated because they’re part of wisdom, they’re the atmosphere of wisdom. I guess we could think of it like this, discernment, understanding, humility, this is the air that wisdom breaths. And if want to breath that air, if we want to be wise we have to cultivate these things. The other thing that I think we could say is, wisdom isn’t usually a criterion, it’s not even usually a category that we consider when we’re considering leaders and leadership when we have a voice in those kinds of matters whether it would be a political vote or whether it be the selection of kind of, who were gonna follow or how that’s…how that’s gonna work. Often times were just looking for where the fight, where the smoke is then we can find the fire where something’s actually happening, where there’s a lot of energy. Wisdom doesn’t usually look like that. Wisdom is usually a very ancient, solid, methodical, step-by-step observant, aware, sense of things. Wisdom isn’t usually flashy. Wisdom doesn’t have anyone to impress. If we remember wisdoms voice from the Book of Proverbs back we were in the 8th chapter of Proverbs, she’s everywhere, at every crossroad calling to everyone. She’s looking for those who are listening. In some ways you might say she is looking for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear. And so, not only should we cultivate wisdom in our own lives but as we do we become more and more clear at what is wise and what is foolish and we can see that more clearly and once we do we should expect that, the counsel and leadership of the wise is a good thing. The bible tells us it leads to justice and prosperity. And so, we view into the life of a king today seeking wisdom. And we view into the birth of the early church seeking wisdom, maybe that’s a good path, maybe we should follow it, maybe we should seek wisdom to actively not passively. Like actually in engaging with the idea of becoming wise.


And so, Holy Spirit we invite You into that. If there’s one thing that is very available but scarcely consulted it would be wisdom. We could say that about the world but we can certainly say that about our own lives too. And so, we can’t just point fingers out to the rest of the world we have to look in the mirror. And today we’re seeking wisdom. Today we’re considering it an actual category in our lives, an actual category required for leadership and that flicks on all kinds of lights and makes all kinds of things make sense. And so, with Solomon we pray God give us an understanding heart, give us discernment, give us wisdom, above all of the other things that we are trying to achieve give us wisdom we pray. In the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base it’s the website it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. Of course, if you’re using the app you can find out these things too and I mention the Community section a lot and the fact that the Prayer Wall lives there. So, I mentioning it again because it’s good to know that it’s there. And good to know that it’s on and never off and it’s always available. We can always pray for each other, we can always ask for prayer. So check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, thank you for your partnership. There’s a like on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. Or the mailing address if that’s your preference is P.O. Box 1996 Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app the little red button up at the top and that will work wherever you are in the world. Or there are a number of numbers that you can use that are located in different parts of the world. I guess you can use any of them if you want to call internationally. In the Americas 877-942-4253. If you are in the UK or Europe +44-2036-088078. And if you are in Australia or in that part of the world 613-88-205459 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.  

The Daily Audio Bible Reading for Tuesday June 8, 2021 (NIV)

1 Kings 3:3-4:34

Now Solomon loved the Lord by walking in the laws of his father David, with the exception that he also sacrificed and burned incense at the shrines.

The king went to the great shrine at Gibeon in order to sacrifice there. He used to offer a thousand entirely burned offerings on that altar. The Lord appeared to Solomon at Gibeon in a dream at night. God said, “Ask whatever you wish, and I’ll give it to you.”

Solomon responded, “You showed so much kindness to your servant my father David when he walked before you in truth, righteousness, and with a heart true to you. You’ve kept this great loyalty and kindness for him and have now given him a son to sit on his throne. And now, Lord my God, you have made me, your servant, king in my father David’s place. But I’m young and inexperienced. I know next to nothing. But I’m here, your servant, in the middle of the people you have chosen, a large population that can’t be numbered or counted due to its vast size. Please give your servant a discerning mind in order to govern your people and to distinguish good from evil, because no one is able to govern this important people of yours without your help.”

10 It pleased the Lord that Solomon had made this request. 11 God said to him, “Because you have asked for this instead of requesting long life, wealth, or victory over your enemies—asking for discernment so as to acquire good judgment— 12 I will now do just what you said. Look, I hereby give you a wise and understanding mind. There has been no one like you before now, nor will there be anyone like you afterward. 13 I now also give you what you didn’t ask for: wealth and fame. There won’t be a king like you as long as you live. 14 And if you walk in my ways and obey my laws and commands, just as your father David did, then I will give you a very long life.”

15 Solomon awoke and realized it was a dream. He went to Jerusalem and stood before the chest containing the Lord’s covenant. Then he offered entirely burned offerings and well-being sacrifices, and held a celebration for all his servants.

Solomon and the prostitutes

16 Sometime later, two prostitutes came and stood before the king. 17 One of them said, “Please, Your Majesty, listen: This woman and I have been living in the same house. I gave birth while she was there. 18 This woman gave birth three days after I did. We stayed together. Apart from the two of us, there was no one else in the house. 19 This woman’s son died one night when she rolled over him. 20 She got up in the middle of the night and took my son from my side while I was asleep. She laid him on her chest and laid her dead son on mine. 21 When I got up in the morning to nurse my son, he was dead! But when I looked more closely in the daylight, it turned out that it wasn’t my son—not the baby I had birthed.”

22 The other woman said, “No! My son is alive! Your son is the dead one.”

But the first woman objected, “No! Your son is dead! My son is alive!” In this way they argued back and forth in front of the king.

23 The king said, “This one says, ‘My son is alive and your son is dead.’ The other one says, ‘No! Your son is dead and my son is alive.’ 24 Get me a sword!” They brought a sword to the king. 25 Then the king said, “Cut the living child in two! Give half to one woman and half to the other woman.”

26 Then the woman whose son was still alive said to the king, “Please, Your Majesty, give her the living child; please don’t kill him,” for she had great love for her son.

But the other woman said, “If I can’t have him, neither will you. Cut the child in half.”

27 Then the king answered, “Give the first woman the living newborn. Don’t kill him. She is his mother.”

28 All Israel heard about the judgment that the king made. Their respect for the king grew because they saw that God’s wisdom was in him so he could execute justice.

Solomon’s administration

King Solomon became king of all Israel.

These were his officials: the priest Azariah, Zadok’s son; the scribes Elihoreph and Ahijah, the sons of Shisha; Jehoshaphat, the recorder, Ahilud’s son; the general Benaiah, Jehoiada’s son; the priests Zadok and Abiathar; Azariah, Nathan’s son, who was in charge of the officials; Zabud, Nathan’s son, a priest and royal friend; Ahishar, who was in charge of the palace; and Adoniram, Abda’s son, who was supervisor of the work gangs.

Solomon had twelve officers over all Israel. They supplied the king and his palace with food. Each would provide the supplies for one month per year. Here are their names:

Ben-hur in the highlands of Ephraim;

Ben-deker in Makaz, Shaalbim, Beth-shemesh, and Elon-bethhanan;

10 Ben-hesed in Arubboth, who had Socoh and all the land of Hepher;

11 Ben-abinadab in all of Naphath-dor (Taphath, Solomon’s daughter, was his wife);

12 Baana, Ahilud’s son, in Taanach, Megiddo, and all Beth-shean beside Zarethan and below Jezreel, from Beth-shean to Abel-meholah and over to the region opposite Jokmeam;

13 Ben-geber in Ramoth-gilead, who controlled the villages of Jair, Manasseh’s son, which were in Gilead, and who had the Argob region that was in Bashan—sixty large walled cities with bronze bars;

14 Ahinadab, Iddo’s son, in Mahanaim;

15 Ahimaaz in Naphtali, who also took Solomon’s daughter Basemath as his wife;

16 Baana, Hushai’s son, in Asher and Bealoth;

17 Jehoshaphat, Paruah’s son, in


18 Shimei, Ela’s son, in Benjamin;

19 Geber, Uri’s son, in the land of Gilead, the land of the Amorite king Sihon and of King Og of Bashan;

and there was a single officer who was in the land of Judah.[a]

20 Judah and Israel grew numerous like the sand alongside the sea. They ate, drank, and celebrated.

21 [b] Solomon ruled over all the states from the Euphrates River through the Philistines’ land and as far as the border of Egypt. These areas brought tribute to Solomon and served him all the days of his life. 22 Solomon’s food requirements for a single day included thirty kors[c] of refined flour; sixty kors of flour; 23 ten head of grain-fattened cattle; twenty head of pastured cattle; one hundred sheep; as well as deer, gazelles, roebucks, and the best of fowl. 24 He ruled over all the lands west of the Euphrates River, from Tiphsah to Gaza, and over all the kings west of the Euphrates. He had peace on all sides. 25 The people of Judah and Israel from Dan all the way to Beer-sheba lived securely under their vines and fig trees throughout the days of Solomon.

26 Solomon had forty thousand horse stalls for his chariots and twelve thousand additional horses. 27 The officials provided King Solomon and all who joined him at the royal table with monthly food rations. They left out nothing. 28 Each brought their share of barley and straw for the horses and for the chariot horses, bringing it to its proper place. 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and very great understanding—insight as long as the seashore itself. 30 Solomon’s wisdom was greater than all the famous Easterners, greater even than all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 He was wiser than anyone, more wise than Ethan the Ezrahite or Mahol’s sons: Heman, Calcol, and Darda. His reputation was known throughout the region. 32 Solomon spoke three thousand proverbs and one thousand five songs. 33 He described the botany of trees, whether the cedar in Lebanon or the hyssop that grows out of the wall. He also described cattle, birds, anything that crawls on the ground, and fish. 34 People came from everywhere to listen to Solomon’s wisdom; even the earth’s kings who had heard about his wisdom came!


  1. 1 Kings 4:19 LXX; MT lacks of Judah.
  2. 1 Kings 4:21 5:1 in Heb
  3. 1 Kings 4:22 One kor is possibly equal to fifty gallons.
Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

Acts 6

Selection of seven to serve

About that time, while the number of disciples continued to increase, a complaint arose. Greek-speaking disciples accused the Aramaic-speaking disciples because their widows were being overlooked in the daily food service. The Twelve called a meeting of all the disciples and said, “It isn’t right for us to set aside proclamation of God’s word in order to serve tables. Brothers and sisters, carefully choose seven well-respected men from among you. They must be well-respected and endowed by the Spirit with exceptional wisdom. We will put them in charge of this concern. As for us, we will devote ourselves to prayer and the service of proclaiming the word.” This proposal pleased the entire community. They selected Stephen, a man endowed by the Holy Spirit with exceptional faith, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolaus from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. The community presented these seven to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them. God’s word continued to grow. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased significantly. Even a large group of priests embraced the faith.

Arrest and murder of Stephen

Stephen, who stood out among the believers for the way God’s grace was at work in his life and for his exceptional endowment with divine power, was doing great wonders and signs among the people. Opposition arose from some who belonged to the so-called Synagogue of Former Slaves. Members from Cyrene, Alexandria, Cilicia, and Asia entered into debate with Stephen. 10 However, they couldn’t resist the wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke. 11 Then they secretly enticed some people to claim, “We heard him insult Moses and God.” 12 They stirred up the people, the elders, and the legal experts. They caught Stephen, dragged him away, and brought him before the Jerusalem Council. 13 Before the council, they presented false witnesses who testified, “This man never stops speaking against this holy place and the Law. 14 In fact, we heard him say that this man Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and alter the customary practices Moses gave us.” 15 Everyone seated in the council stared at Stephen, and they saw that his face was radiant, just like an angel’s.

Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

Psalm 126

Psalm 126

A pilgrimage song.

126 When the Lord changed Zion’s circumstances for the better,
it was like we had been dreaming.
Our mouths were suddenly filled with laughter;
our tongues were filled with joyful shouts.
It was even said, at that time, among the nations,
“The Lord has done great things for them!”
Yes, the Lord has done great things for us,
and we are overjoyed.

Lord, change our circumstances for the better,
like dry streams in the desert waste!
Let those who plant with tears
reap the harvest with joyful shouts.
Let those who go out,
crying and carrying their seed,
come home with joyful shouts,
carrying bales of grain!

Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

Proverbs 16:26-27

26 The appetite of workers labors for them,
for their hunger presses them on.
27 Worthless people dig up trouble;
their lips are like a scorching fire.

Common English Bible (CEB)

Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

06/07/2021 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 2:1-3:2, Acts 5:1-42, Psalms 125:1-5, Proverbs 16:25

Today is the 7th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we dive into this week and move through it together. Yesterday as we began this week, we …we began a new book called first Kings. And, so, we’re getting moved into that. It…it basically picks up where Second Samuel left off. And, so, we see one more kind of attempt. David’s getting older, his son Adonijah wants to be the king. And, so, he’s trying to like be proactive about it and get some of the powerful people behind him and see if he can’t get himself declared king somehow, which creates quite a bit of drama because David had promised Bathsheba that Solomon her son would become king. And, so, he does…he does, but it’s kind of weird. There’s rival, sort of people looking for the kingdom, but David puts Solomon on the throne. And, once that’s firmly established, like that Solomon has access to the throne room and the throne and is sitting on the throne and the attendants are attending him as the king, once all that gets back to Adonijah and all of his buddies who are wanting him to be king…well…Adonijah gets left alone pretty quickly. Everybody splits in all kinds of directions. They don’t want king Solomon to know. They don’t want any kind of purge to happen, and they don’t want to be involved in it. They don’t want to be purged. Adonijah has to run into the temple and grab the horns for mercy because he doesn’t want to be purged. But Solomon lets him live long as long as he’ll be honorable. And, so, that’s where we are. David, the king is older now, very very old and is about to pass away and has installed King Solomon on his throne. And, so, we pick up the story. First Kings chapter 2 verse 1 through 3, verse 2 today.


Okay. So, in the book of First Kings we…well…we’re just getting moved into the book of First Kings and for that matter in the book of Acts we’re pretty much getting moved into the book of Acts as well. So, in first Kings we said goodbye to King David today. And, you know, as we’ve mentioned before sometimes the Bible…like we can be traveling along with a figure for so long that it’s like we know them and then the Bible’s like, “and then they died.” And that’s kind of the story. David has a conversation with Solomon privately about correcting some injustices that still remain and then he died and then Solomon’s on the throne and we saw that this transfer of power was not a smooth transition completely. Nothing was the same after Bathsheba. Like after David took another man’s wife and then had that man killed noth…nothing was ever the same again and his family, or his family line. And, so, David did die but one of the princes, like the eldest son, the prince of Israel also died today, Adonijah, the son of David who had expected to be king and who had…was in the process of trying to get himself declared king. He’s bummed about all this. Solomon is on the throne. He’s disappointed by this and he’s thinking, how can he get some notoriety and how can he, you know, how can he save face here. And he’s got this idea because they had gone and got this beautiful girl, and her name was Abishag. And she's…they searched the whole country for this beautiful girl to come in warm the king’s body. Like king David’s old. So, she’s a beautiful young woman. Normally we know kinda how those things go but that’s, that wasn’t the purpose. It was just for her to serve the king, keep him warm. And, so, she had done that. She was the last one to be the servant and attendant of the king. And, so, Adonijah like, “man, if I can marry her, not only is she beautiful respectable, she’s the last servant of the king. Like, who knows what the king might have whispered in her ear. Like, who knows how this could all turn around if we get everything in line and work it out just right.” Solomon, sort of sees what’s going on and that…and that’s the end of Adonijah. So, Joab the general of David is dead. Adonijah the son of David is dead. David’s personal priest has been sent into retirement. And then that one guy from Shimei who was like…remember when David was fleeing from Saul…from Absalom and there’s this guy throwing rocks at him and throwing dirt at him and throwing dust up in the air and cursing him and cursing him for what he did to the house of Saul. And…well…he’s kinda grounded to Jerusalem. And he doesn’t stay where he supposed to stay. So, he’s dead too. So, Solomon is now pretty much in firm grasp of the kingdom, but he has no idea what he’s gotten himself into. He is in so far over his head and he’s only just beginning to realize that. And we’ll see him realize that and we’ll see the steps that he takes as we continue the journey forward.

And then we flip into the book of Acts what we mostly see is intimidation. What we see is the good news spreading and people being added day by day and…and people holding together everything in common and…but as the gospel is preached there’s this same kind of intimidation that was against Jesus. And, so, there are those who do believe, and they are together, and they are a community, and they are moving forward and then there are also those who believe but are secretive about it because they are afraid of the social repercussions that could be brought against them. And then there are those who flat out do not believe and it’s pretty much the people in charge…like the religious leaders are against the apostles in the same way that they are against Jesus. And, so, they get beaten, they get held in prison. All this kind of stuff happens. And then we met…met this figure at the very end of our reading named Gamaliel and he’s part of the Council. He’s part of the elders of…of Israel, and he mentions a couple of other situations where charismatic type figures who had a following had come in and they were announcing themselves to be this or that or the other but…but they were all killed eventually, and all of their followers scattered. And, so, Gamaliel’s basically like, “if these apostles, if these people who seem to be…that God seems to be performing signs and wonders through, if there’s really nothing to this the same thing will happen. They’ll get killed and their followers will scatter. But if this actually is a move of God there’s nothing any…I mean nothing any of us can do.” That’s not exactly what they believe. Like, the Council is gonna do everything conceivable to diminish this name of Jesus because…well…they…they sorta turn their hand today. They don’t want to be held responsible for the death of Jesus and that’s what the apostles are preaching. And, so, they’re trying to shut this whole thing down as quickly as possible. Gamaliel is an interesting character because like we’ve pretty much read everything about him in the Bible, but he’s a teacher and he teaches students, and he has a very zealous student named Saul. And we’re gonna be meeting him soon.


Jesus, we thank You for another day to be together around this…this Global Campfire, to be together in a safe place that we come to every day, a small little oasis of time that we set aside that is a beautiful place. It is a beautiful place and there are so many days where we’re like, “I’m just too…there’s just too much going on.” But every time we come into this place its calm. Like all of the cares, all of the things that just completely distract us, we have permission to let them go. It’s like they can survive a ½ an hour. We can…we can go get them back and be all full of anxiety if we want but we can have the freedom of a ½ an hour of peace that very well might change our perspective altogether so that we are re-oriented to You. And, so, we are so grateful for the rhythm of life together in community as we move through the Scriptures. And, so, is as our custom almost every day, Come Holy Spirit, this is our ask, this is our request, that You would lead us into all truth and that we would have eyes to see and ears to hear it. We pray this in the mighty and victorious name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. It’s the home of the Global Campfire. It’s where we meet every day.

But there are some sec…sections that can extend the experience like the Community section of the website or for that matter the Daily Audio Bible app leads you to places where there’s different links to social media channels that we interact on, as well as the Prayer Wall where we pray for each other continually and ask for prayer continually. So, that’s available in the Community section.

There’s also the Daily Audio Bible Shop and there are plenty of resources in there, things to write with, like the…well…the stuff that I journal with is in there, the Black Wing pencils. I love journaling with a pencil. I like sharpening a pencil that's…that’s just been the way it’s been for the last few years. I hadn’t written with a pencil since I was in like elementary school for the…for…for much, but I found these pencils and they were made beautifully and the craftsmanship was wonderful and I just fell in love with it and then we just brought them here and we were like, “hey, writing things down in your own hand is a really, really helpful thing. It really helps that get things out, but it also documents things for the future so that we can look back at God’s faithfulness in our lives as we spend a year in the Bible. That’s just one of many resources that are in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. So…so, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission that brings the spoken word of God read fresh every day and offered to anyone who will listen to it anywhere on this planet any time of day or night, and to build community around that rhythm so that we know we’re not going through it alone, not just the Bible, but a year of life we’re not alone, we’re on a journey together. If that makes a difference than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello Daily Audio Bible my name is Elena and I’m a first-time caller. I’ve been listening to Daily Audio Bible for a little over a year now and just felt really moved to pray for two women in particular. I just heard their prayer request on the June 2nd recording. I’m really sorry, I’m not recalling names, but the first woman called in, she’s a single mom of three and the father of her children doesn’t have the relationship that she’d like him to have with her children. Her father also has dementia, and she lost her mother not too long ago. I lift her up to You and pray that she would receive Your restoration and peace as she seeks You. I…I just feel that that desire to and need to rest in You Lord and that she wants Your help. And I just love her heart for that God, and I know that You see everything she’s been through and that You are there to give her rest. And, so, I pray in this season she would find that peace and that rest in You as You cover her and I pray You would cover her children Lord and as they draw near to You, I know You will draw near to them and that You are a good provider, a good Father and You will give them everything that they need to keep running the race Lord. I pray that she would find encouragement in this season Lord and that she would know You are a God who sees her. And I also pray for restoration in her relationships. I also wanted to lift up the woman who called a couple of people after her. June is a hard month for this woman, and I lift her up to You and pray that she would find peace and she would fight answers in You, the only…You’re the only one who can provide us answers this side of heaven Lord. And, so, I pray that she would find hope in knowing that her mother was victorious in Christ even in death. Thank You…

Hello this is In Love with Jesus asking you to come along beside me and pray for my daughter. I’m asking the Father for divine rescue for her who’s struggling with mental health and physical health problems. This has been going on for many many years and I confess, I get tired, and I get scared as my husband and I are getting older and worry for her living on her own. Her illnesses have created an isolation where she doesn’t have any friends, no longer goes to church yet still loves…loves the Lord but is hoping to…to die by disease. So, she’s constantly seeking out doctors and to do more health investigations. So, I'm…I’m just asking you that if the Lord prompts you that you will be willing to come alongside us as a family. It’s just really really painful. And I just…we just need help. So, thank you for praying. God bless.

Hi this is Victoria Soldier just calling to pray for some of the DABbers. I wanted to pray for Blessings Flow, that she lost many family members and also for other people who have lost family members during this particular time. And I want to also pray for Running Desperately to Jesus and Running Desperately for Jesus and all the…the…the members that she’s lost in June and how it affected her. Just want to encourage you all I want to play with you all that God be with you and…and…and strengthen you because I…when I think of…of June and when I think of this sickness, I remember when I was…went to work one day and told not to even unpack my bag because my mother was dying. And I…and then later on when I finally moved on home, I wind up losing her and I…she died before I got home but God told me that she was gonna die that weekend. The same way I just want to pray with you all that He touch you all like He touched me because I was just so grieved by it, I couldn’t eat but God, this wonderful God touched me and then He began to show me how she got her new body and that new body that she’s smiling because she’s got this new body. Gracious Father I pray for those who lost their loved ones, those who lost them through this pandemic and those who are going through the grieving process. Father I ask that You be with them like You were with me Lord and You just show up and You comfort and You strengthen Lord and You continue to…to show them Your word and that You love them and that You took them and the reason that You took them is it’s time to get their new body and that we one day will get to be with them for us to keep our eyes on You and keep looking for the joy that You have in showing us that You have…

Hi this is Carmen from Canada. I called a few weeks ago asking for prayer for my son who lives on the streets and has multiple health problems and addiction and mental health problems. Anyways, he was found dead yesterday. So, our family’s dealing with that. So, I’m just asking for prayer for strength and for my faith. This is really tough obviously. I’d seen him a lot more than normal recently and a few days ago he had actually asked for his dad to bring him a Bible. But it was a bit too late at night. He was really trying to make a change, you know, showing…talking about going to detox. He had asked me if I would go to church with him once things opened up from COVID. And he’s not gone to church for a long time but he said if I’d go to…there’s a specific church he was interested in going to and would I go with him once the services started again. There’s definitely a lot of spiritual battle going on within him. He thought demons were bothering him and we were able to pray with him and get him anointed with oil when all of this happened within the last month but his fight is over and I know where he is but it’s incredibly sad not to be able to see him for a long time. And, yeah, I just so many prayers for so much of his life and so many answered prayers. So, this isn’t what we expected to happen. Thank you for your prayers.

Good evening Daily Audio Bible this is Blessings Flow in Pennsylvania and wanted to join in prayer for our brother George Powell who is…heard your prayer brother. You are currently incarcerated. Pray that…may your…even though your body’s there may your heart and mind and soul be free. And I wanted to pray over you Isaiah 40 - they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as Eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. And I thank You God that You are good to those who wait. It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. Lord I just pray for grace for our brother as he waits on You. I ask that You’d strengthen him. I ask that You’d remove any shame. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. We love you brother.