06/24/2019 DAB Transcript

2 Kings 6:1-7:20, Acts 15:36-16:15, Psalms 142:1-7, Proverbs 17:24-25

Today is the 24th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is a pleasure and a joy to be here with you today as we dive in and move through this week together. And, of course, this is the final week of the month of June for this year. So, as we move through the days of this week we’re also preparing to enter a new month and that will come, that will come to us, it’s coming to us, but we are here now and we’re reading from the Contemporary English Version this week and we’re working our way through the book of second Kings and getting to know the prophet Elisha at this point. Second Kings chapters 6 and 7 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we take the Council that we see in second Kings today. A city was surrounded, You ran off the enemy, and four men with leprosy found the treasure that would save the city, the supplies that were necessary to save the people from utter horror and they began to hide it and hoard it until they realized, “we shouldn’t be doing this. Like, how can we keep this all for ourselves? We’ve got to go tell.” And we can see ourselves in that Lord. We feast on Your goodness continually and hide and hoard it. We ask that You will help us today and throughout this week to not do that. And this isn’t just about what we might say to somebody, this is how we will live this week, this how we will shine the light of the good news into a darkened world. Help us Father. We’re guilty of all these things. We find ourselves so many times at so many points, in so many of the stories in Your word and they expose us, and they force us to consider what Your Holy Spirit is speaking to us about things that shouldn’t be, about things that need to change. Come Holy Spirit into that we pray as we meditate on this story, meditate on Your word today. We pray these things expectantly in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here.

And we’re at the time of the year where a special date, kind of our Daily Audio Bible exclusive holiday is coming up on the 7th of July, which is two weeks from yesterday. And the 7th of July is a special day for us because it’s the day of the Daily Audio Bible long walk. So, if you’ve been around for several years, even one year, then you know…you know what’s going on here. If you’re new this year, I think this is the 11th Daily Audio Bible long walk. This tradition just formed because of a large stadium event that was happening in Nashville, which is where I live. There was this large prayer thing like 11 years ago, 12 years ago and at the time, right, you couldn’t just grab your phone and live stream stuff. Like that technology was just in formation. But this particular event was televised and so was there was this strange thing where a number of people are actually attending the event, but many many more are watching the event and like posting and emailing stuff and it was a moment where the community began to come together and people began to share their stories because we were all praying and it became the Daily Audio Bible long walk, an opportunity actually in the center of the year as we pass through the middle of the year to take a day and say, I’m giving this day to fellowship with God. Like, I’m gonna go for a long walk, literally go for a long walk with God. The kind of walk that I would go on was somebody I’ve fallen in love with where we would walk for hours and not even notice, right, in beauty and stop and talk walk and spend a day together saying everything you just haven’t had time to say and express your heart in ways that you just haven’t had time to think or feel, but also to give ample space for God to have an opportunity to speak back. Imagine the things that God is wanted to tell you, but you haven’t had time to listen. And imagine how freeing it will be to say everything you need to say, to actually really truly reconnect. That’s what the Daily Audio Bible long walk is about, and we do this every year now as we move through the center of the year. It’s a great opportunity to regroup and say, “Okay, you brought me this far, I’m halfway through the year now. What is the second part of this year supposed to look like? What direction am I to ahead in? How am I to navigate where we’re going together in the second half of this year? These things can only when we make space for them. And we’re just running, running, running. Ironically, the 7th of July this year happens on a Sunday. And, so, most of us will be off work and it makes it very easy to accomplish. Go somewhere beautiful. Whether that means you get in your car and you drive for hours or whether that means you get in your car and drive for minutes or whether that means you get on your bike and ride to a park. It doesn’t really matter, somewhere that comes to mind that is beautiful where you can actually be out in nature in silence, spending the day with God and realizing just how much life is happening around you every moment. And when we get out into nature it becomes very apparent, life is everywhere, life is bursting out. And Jesus said that He came that we might have life, but he also said the path of life is a narrow one. And, so, having these moments to reconnect, its rich and beautiful. And even though we’re experiencing our long walks all over the world individually in a solitary way, what makes it a community experience is that we just say wherever it is that you go, whatever it is that you do, maybe snap a picture on your phone or take a little video on your phone of where you are and post that at the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page, which is facebook.com/dailyaudiobible and what happens over the course of the day is that we open up windows into each other’s lives all over the world and we get this glimpse into the beauty of God’s creation all over the world. And it’s a fantastic experience. So, that’s coming up July 7th. Mark that on your calendar, the Daily Audio Bible long walk, a day to regroup, a day to a reconnect, a day to enjoy the beauty and go for a long walk with the lover of our souls. So, make plans for that.

If you want to partner with the daily Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link, it’s on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment there are a number of numbers that you can use. In the Americas, 877-942-4253. If you are in the UK or Europe, you can dial 44-20-3608-8078. And if you are in Australia or the lands down under 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

06/23/2019 DAB Transcript

2 Kings 4:18-5:27, Acts 15:1-35, Psalms 141:1-10, Proverbs 17:23

Today is the 23rd day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is great to be here with you at the threshold of a brand-new week that we’re walking into together. And this will be the final full week of the month of June. I think one week from today will be the final day of the month of June, but that’s yet to come and here we are at the threshold of a sparkly, shiny new week that is fresh and waiting for us to live into like the gift that it is. This week we’ll be reading from the Contemporary English Version and will, of course, be picking up where we left off. We’re working our way through second Kings in the Old Testament, which is reviewing for us the life and times of the kings of Judah, which was the southern kingdom, and the life and times of the kings of Israel, which was the northern kingdom. In first Kings we got to know the prophet Elijah. Now that we’re in second Kings we’re getting to know the story of the prophet Elisha who came after Elijah. And, of course, in the book of Acts we are journeying with the apostle Paul. So, let’s dive in. Second Kings 4:18 through 5:27 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us safely into this brand-new week and we pray the words of the Psalms into this week and over this week. Help us to guard our words whenever we say something. Don’t let us want to do evil or waste our time doing wrong with wicked people. Don’t let us taste the good things they offer. We pray this Father over this week that is a brand-new gift waiting to be on wrapped moment by moment. We pray Father that we will listen and obey, that we will not only be hearers of the word, but doers of the word as we walk through this new week. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on, of course, around here. So, be sure to stay connected.

Check out the resources that are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Check out the events in the Initiatives section. Visit the Prayer Wall in the community section. Stay connected.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. And we thank you, humbly and profoundly. We wouldn’t at all in any way be able to be here doing what we’re doing if we didn’t do this together. So, thank you for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family. This is Lee from New Jersey calling from my home office today. Today is…I believe it is June 19th and I want to start a 30-day prayer against covetousness which is one of the seven deadly sins. So, this one is a little bit complicated and easy at the same time, which basically, my understanding is that you want something that somebody else has. So, the reason way I chose covetousness is I was gonna pray for finances for 30 days but then I thought maybe I’m committing a sin of coveting because I’m looking at other people and seeing maybe how they enjoy their money and maybe I’m not seeing the whole picture of that. So, I want to pray for covetousness and just to get an understanding for myself. And, of course, anyone else that’s out there that can pray with me, that would be wonderful. So, today is day one and I’m going to start, of course, with the explanation of commitments and a short prayer from my beginner’s book of prayer, which is a Catholic prayer book. Covetousness draws us to grasp things created and to despise the things of heaven. It makes us envy our neighbors and lust after what they possess, burn with desire for what passes away, and forget the treasures of heaven. Merciful God grant us the grace of detachment and prepare us for heaven by detaching us even from the good things of earth. Amen. Love you all. Love you Lord and I’ll be calling back soon.

Hey DABbers, this is Slave of Jesus in North Carolina. All right Holy Spirit let’s roll. This is kind of a new situation, not new, but uncommon for me, but we’ll call it a praise report. So, I’m having some trouble with somebody at work. Just spent a whole…multiple months working on a project got lots of feedback including this person’s section, you know, people, this is how we want it. Got it all done and ready to send it out it’s over 300 people. And at the last minute, at ten minutes to five yesterday it was, “yeah, you need to rewrite this whole thing and change this.” And, so it really put me off. I was in a bad mood heading home real mad, but you know what I did? I started praying for this person. I said, “oh…wait…I know they’re going through a tough situation, their spouse is getting ready to move away, they’re gonna be separated for a long time and everything like that.” So, they don’t work in my area but I just started praying for the person and I’m gonna…I prayed for the person on the way into work and it helped me stop my resentment. And, you know, I wanted to undermine them and try to go around them, and explain to my bosses, and my bosses, boss is added to the email at the end of this conversation late last night. And I was ready to go in this morning and explain it all to them and the Lord gave me my be still Scripture. The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still - Exodus 14:14. So, my supervisor knows all about it and why we can’t redo it. And, so, I’m just gonna let those people fight for me but the biggest thing is I’m gonna let God fight for me. But more importantly, I’m going to pray for the person that I’m having trouble with and we’ll see today at a 1 o’clock meeting how well that goes. And I need to keep praying for that person after, so I do not let this thing eat me up for sleep and on the way into work on my Bible time of the DAB. So, love you all, have a great day.

Hi, it’s Sherry from Odessa Kansas. I just want to say, first of all to Kelly from Australia, thanks for calling in. Still praying for you and believing God that freedom is what you’re going to be living in and walking in, freedom from addiction. And thank you for calling in like I said. Brian, it’s been amazing, the last few days in Kings and Acts. I feel like this enormous panoramic scene is parading in front of my eyes and I’m there watching all of this happened. And I’ve actually had chills and goosebumps as you’ve been reading, and I can explain but it’s just been incredible. Thank you so much for doing what you do. I know my life’s been transformed other peoples have been too. That is incredible. Thank you so much. Well, that’s all I want to say. Bye.

Hello DAB family this is Abiding in Him. I’d like to pray for Anne in Charlotte North Carolina. Heavenly Father, our sister has called in from a place of a broken heart. Her heart is broken because her son whom she raised has excluded her from his life to where she was not a part of the wedding and has never met her grandchild and doesn’t even know where that family lives. Heavenly Father I cannot imagine the pain that occurs in a mother’s heart to be separated from the one that they carried in the womb, but You don’t have to imagine it. It’s a pain that You endure every day as millions of the children who You love and created exclude You from their lives and turn their backs on You. So, heavenly Father I pray that You meet Anne in a deep and special way, that You pray for her heart can be restored heavenly Father. And that is what You do. Speak to her, show her in some way, shape, or form that You understand and that You’re there with her and that You will not let her fall away. And Lord if it be in Your will Lord, redeem this family, bring them back together, restore the union with her son and with his wife, and let her hold her grandchild and proclaim Your faithfulness. We thank You Lord that no matter what miseries we endure Lord that You are faithful and that You are true and that we are ultimately coming closer to You. So, we thank You Lord for Your faithfulness and give You praise honor and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.

06/22/2019 DAB Transcript

2 Kings 3:1-4:17, Acts 14:8-28, Ps 140:1-13, Pr 17:22

Today’s the 22nd day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s good to be here with you as we’re gonna close a week down, complete another one of our weeks together, which really leaves us only one full week left in this sixth month of the year. So, we are definitely moving forward. We’ve been reading from the Amplified Bible this week and we’ll do that today. And we’ve been working our way through the life and times of the kings of Israel and the kings of Judah. Today, second Kings chapter 3 verse 1 through 4:17


Father, we thank You for another week in Your word. We are grateful for the way that it speaks truth into our lives every day and the way that it is day by day transforming us changing the way we think and feel and act about everything. So, come Holy Spirit, seal all that we have read this week into our hearts as we prepare to move forward into the new week. And we ask Father for a happy heart and a joyful mind because these are good medicine and cause healing. And we acknowledge a broken spirit dries up the bones. We have experienced each in our lives and we know that this is true, and yet so often we are focused upon our brokenness and not the good medicine of a happy heart and a joyful mind that only Your Holy Spirit can lead us toward and into. So, come Holy Spirit, we embrace this proverb and ask for a happy heart and a joyful mind. And we acknowledge that we’ll have to collaborate. You not gonna just drop this on us. We’ll have to collaborate. We open ourselves, our hearts and our minds to You that You might bring joy and happiness to us despite what might be going on in our lives. We reach for You is children coming up into Your arms where it is safe, where we do find comfort, and where a happy heart and a joyful mind can be found. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus’, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, and it’s where you find out what’s going on. So, be sure to stay tuned and connected.

The Daily Audio Bible shop lives at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There are a number of resources available for this journey.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage and I thank you humbly for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for next week, which will be tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Well hello from beautiful Cincinnati Ohio, this is Daniel Johnson Junior. It is Tuesday, June 18th, 2019. Just finished listening to today’s reading and I wanted to call in and share some good news, praise report. Number one, was my wife’s and I, our anniversary, 24 years June 17th and that has been great. Let’s see. Happy belated Father’s Day to everybody. And then also, I’ve been riding the bus to get to work for the past two years and every day, every moment, you know there’s sometimes when I’m on the bus, it takes me into northern Kentucky from downtown Cincinnati, I am the only rider and I know that God has set this up for, you know, a great occasion, you know, and I get these incremental moments. We just finished reading through about the Ethiopian eunuch story. Well yesterday, my driver, she says, “can I ask you question about God.?” I said, “Okay, what’s that?” So, she says, “why is it that when people talk I get so filled up?” And, so, I was a just able to start from right there and just say, “you know, I think that everyone of us has this desire for God in our hearts to, you know, we’re thinking about eternity __.” And she says, “I don’t go to church, I don’t read the Bible, you know.” And I said, “I think it’s so important, you now, 85% of people in the United States who proclaim…profess to be Christians don’t spend time in the Word daily. And I want to tell you about the Daily Audio Bible. I listen to the Bible because my primary method of learning is through listening.” And she says, “mine too.” And I said, “so you should check out the Daily Audio Bible.” And she says, “you know what? I might have that app already on my phone.” So, pray for her, her name’s Vicki and we’ll see how things go. God bless you all from beautiful Cincinnati Ohio. This is Daniel Johnson Junior.

Good morning family, this is Laura Lee in Boynton Beach, a.k.a. Mrs. Valiant. Praying for you Much Afraid and you pray for me. I feel called to go to Bhutan somewhere in China for a long time. Pray for me, that He would tell me worthy to go. I feel called and I know I could never do each step without him. I’m reaching out to Susan Browning Shultz. Hey girl, I’m sure we’ve met. Went to the conference a couple of times and I lived in Savannah. I’m not on Facebook but please reach out to me at lordwilling@me.com and we’ll exchange phone numbers. Also…for…God bless you for reaching out…and letting me know you share my birthday. It is a funny thing. But my born-again birthday is 13th of June 2005, 11 AM in the morning. So, that is the real birthday. I’m reaching out to Julia or Julie…Julie who’s struggling with alcohol. Please reach out to me at that email address too Julie. Anytime you need a drink, want a drink, feel like a drink, call me. We’ll exchange phone numbers. I will be your church. I am available Lord. Use me today. He has delivered me from much more than just alcohol, so much more. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all. Lord, use us today. We are available. Like Elijah in the cave and what Brian said today, “if we are the only ones, let us be available for you to use us, giving our lives a living sacrifice, which is holy and presentable to God for you. You do not go by ability but…

Hi DAB family my name is Timothy, I’m calling from Asia in Taiwan. I just…I heard the broadcast on June 17th Daily Audio Bible about a prayer is needed for a four-month girl, Willow, who is going through a heart surgery. And my heart breaks for her and I want to pray for her right now at this moment. Dear heavenly father, I pray for Willow, that she’ll undergo a very smooth surgery, that the doctor will have the right skill and knowledge for the heart surgery and she will be healed completely. May our heavenly Father protect her. Let her heal in recover quickly. And no matter what, our prayer is with her. I know the Holy Spirit is with her and I know she will go through a very smooth and a very successful surgery and she will be healed completely. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name we pray for her. Amen. I will continue to pray for Willow and her recovery after the surgery and I hope she will be doing well…I know she will be doing well because God is with her and the Holy Spirit is with her. And please keep us posted on her situation and we will continue to pray for her. Thank you DAB family. We love you. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tiffany from Arizona. I just heard Kelly from Australia on June 18th, 2019 and she was seven days sober and she said not to applaud. Kelly, I’m telling you, seven days of kicking an addiction is something to celebrate, something to applaud, and you are doing an amazing job. And I pray for you that the Lord will bless you with a lifetime of sobriety without withdrawals. Continue looking up. You’re gonna make it, you’re doing a great job, and it is something to celebrate. Thank you very much for calling in and I’m so glad that I heard your message and I’m praying for you. Love you. Bye.

06/21/2019 DAB Transcript

2 Kings 1:1-2:25, Acts 13:42-14:7, Ps 139:1-24, Pr 17:19-21

Today is the 21st day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it’s great to be here with you as we reach the exact three-week mark of this month, it’s the 21st. So, we’re crossing over the three-week mark of the sixth month of the year and that lands us at the threshold of the book of second Kings, which we’ll begin today. So, we concluded the book of first Kings yesterday, which brings us to the threshold of the book of second Kings, but we’ll just be picking up where we left off.

Introduction to the book of second Kings:

First and second Kings were one continuous document. Actually, first and second Samuel and first and second Kings were all one document at one point. These have been broken up over time and different eras for ease of use and ease of finding things. So, there’s nothing specifically that we need to go over as we move into second Kings as far as the territory. We’re simply picking up where we left off and moving forward. That’s always a good thing. It’s always a good thing to reach these little lines of demarcation, these little accomplishments. So, we’ve accomplished first Kings and here we go. We’ll launch into second Kings. We’ll be reading the first two chapters and we’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week.


Okay. So, as we began the book of second Kings, Elijah the prophet was taken into heaven by a whirlwind. And, so, most of our interaction with Elijah happened in first Kings, and now his successor Elisha is becoming the prominent prophetic voice throughout the land and we’ll follow that in the coming days.

Then in the book of Acts we are on a journey with the apostle Paul. So, the first part of the book of Acts really allowed us to get into the story of the apostle Peter and then we experienced Saul’s conversion and how he became the apostle Paul and know we’re accompanying him on his first missionary journey. And we’ll notice this, not only through the book of Acts, but also through the writings of the apostle Paul, that the gospel was a lightning rod and a lot of the animosity was focused upon Paul because he’s bringing the message, but it’s kind of like what we were talking about yesterday with the prophet Micaiah and Ahab and Jehoshaphat and how Micaiah came and delivered the truth, the King, Ahab, didn’t listen to it and he lost his life but he was warned. The truth causes a reaction, right? It can be rejected, or it can be accepted, but it causes a reaction and we’re seeing this lightning rod that the gospel has become and Paul continually facing angry mobs for one reason or another, but behind all of that, all of the animosity, all the jealousy, all the inciting, people against them, many hearts were being awakened. And those awakened hearts, they awakened other hearts and there were more and more followers of Jesus everywhere that Paul went and we’ll continue to see that.

And then in Psalms today…in Psalms today…one of my favorite passages of Scripture in the entire world. We’re basically asked to consider where is God not. So, to the Psalm says, “if I go up to heaven, you are there. If I go down to the grave you’re there. If I ride on the wings of the morning, if I’m on the other side of the ocean, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me. And we could go on rereading that Psalm. Memorizing that Psalm is so orienting. Like, when you feel lost in the dark, nothing’s making sense, everything’s been tipped upside down, just reading this Psalm is reorienting. There is nowhere you can go to escape God’s presence. So, no matter what’s going on as we move through this week, remember, God will be present in every thought and conversation and action that you take no matter where you are, no matter what’s going on. We just must become aware of His presence. He’s not distant, He’s near. And absolutely, we should be comforted by that, but we should also be sobered by it because it invites the question, “if there is nowhere that I can flee from God’s presence what would I rather not God hear me say or see me do?” And that can be quite a check and that can stop us and we can thank God for that, because anything that we would rather God not witness, those are the things that are seducing us away from God, and those are the things that are clouding us from being aware of His presence in our lives.


Holy Spirit, we invite You into that. We invite You to begin to reveal these things. As we go through this day, help us to observe ourselves, help us to be aware, there is nowhere that we can flee from Your presence, and may we find comfort in that, but may it also be a catalyst to help us observe ourselves and the things that we would try to hide from You. Those are the things that are pulling us away from You. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, and of course, its home base, its where you find out what’s happen’.

And we have been sharing the good news of the global camp fire Family Reunion that’s coming up here in a couple months, August 31st through September 2nd. That’s Labor Day weekend here in the United States, which makes a long weekend and a great time to come to the rolling hills of Tennessee and come together and get to know each other by more than voice. We’ve been taking this journey together for so long now, all of these days that we’ve made it this far into the year and we have some territory to go before the Family Reunion, so it’ll be nice to just, you know, go somewhere where everything is held in common, like we’re all on the same page and we’re all moving in the same direction, and we know each other by heart. So, if that appeals to you, and I hope it does, come on out here to Nashville by the lake and we will have a splendid time together. There’s plenty to do, plenty to do for you and your family. So, you can get all the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. Look for Family Reunion 2019 and we will look forward to seeing you here in Tennessee.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link, it lives on the homepage and I thank you, thank you for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer the mail, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment there are a number of numbers you can call depending on where you are in the world. If you’re in the Americas, 877-942-4253 is a number to call. If you’re in the UK or Europe, 44-20-3608-8078. And if you are in Australia or the lands down under, 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi, this is Natalie from Alabama. I’ve never called before but I enjoy listening to the Daily Audio Bible. I was actually thinking about calling in today because I have anxiety and depression and my anxiety is making me pretty much incapable of doing a lot of things. I can’t even serve at church because I couldn’t stop crying. But then I heard the prayer request line today, Doug called in and he had the exact same problem and he’s in Alabama and I was just so encouraged to know that I wasn’t alone in feeling this crazy. And I really hope that Doug gets the help he needs and that I get the help I need. And if you all could just pray for both of us because it’s…it’s a debilitating thing sometimes and I…I feel like I’m pushing away people that care for me and I need them, but I keep pushing them away. So, that’s not good. Satan’s trying to isolate me, and it sounds like he’s trying to isolate Doug too. So, thank you very much family for praying for us and I’ll pray for Doug and all of you and I hope God gives y’all a great week and thank you very much. I love you. Bye.

Hi this is Jane Ruth in Nebraska and I just wanted to say how totally grateful I am to the Daily Audio Bible and to the changes that are already happening in my life just because I’m being more consistent. First of all, I wanted to say thank you. Thank you so much to everyone that calls in, to everyone that prays, to everyone that answers a prayer, and everyone that answers a praise. I wanted to say something about addiction but a solution that I have found in my years of recovery is the five D’s. And this is something that I’ve learned. I have five fingers, praise God, and I use the is in every urge that I try to deal with. Distract, Delay, Discuss, Deep breathe, and Drink water. Distract, Delay, Discuss, Deep breathe, and Drink water. Whenever I have an urge, one of those things or more will help. I’ve been praying for every one of the requests that I hear and crocheting. And I’ve been crocheting shawls even though I have a tremor and I’ve been on disability for a long time. And praise God, I just keep making shawls and it’s just been an incredible gift. I can be reached at Jane Ruth…no…I can be reached at 4L247365@gmail.com.

Hey DAB brothers and sisters I just wanted you all to pray with me today for my pastor. He’s going through some stuff right now. He was planning a trip to go see his sick mom in Israel and he found out that his I was having some problems. So, he went to get it checked out. Turns out he’s got a detached retina which they won’t let him fly with. So, he’s getting surgery for that today and then overnight last night he found out that his mother actually passed away. So, just heavy for him right now. Yeah. Just pray for his healing physically. He is still planning to go. So, in addition to just, you know, him and his family as they’re trying to deal with the loss of his mother, I also want to pray for an opportunity for him to talk with his father about all of this. He’s got a bit of a tough relationship with him. And, so, I just pray for an opportunity there and for God to be in the situation for all of them. So, pray with me about him. We love him, he’s a great friend, he’s a great pastor, and a great man of God. So, thank you all for that. Appreciate it.

Hello, this is Zach calling in from North Carolina. I called for my wife Kelly and I to be able to have a child a few months ago. We’re doing the IVF for a few years. Our child was born on June 10th and his name is Orson Scott and he was born with multiple heart defects and is currently on a heart and lung machine at Duke Hospital in North Carolina. He was born at UNC Hospital and airlifted within 15 hours of birth to Duke. I’m asking for prayers for my son Orson, that he’s able to come off the heart and lung machine and then be able to come home and that the doctors and surgeons are able to repair everything. And also, pray for my wife Kelly and our two other children as they go through this and this stressful time with my son in the hospital, my baby boy Orson, just keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much. Amen.

06/20/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 22:1-53, Acts 13:16-41, Psalms 138:1-8, Proverbs 17:17-18

Today is the 20th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you today. How is your summer going or how is your winter going if you are in the southern hemisphere. Here in the South in the rolling hills of Tennessee we’re moving into the steamy hot, humid, but very fertile and green part of the year. Not sure we’re actually moving into it, we’ve kind of been in it for a while but I think I’m just starting to notice it’s getting pretty hot. And speaking of get pretty hot, our journey through the book of Acts is definitely taking us now into the life of the apostle Paul and his movements. And, yeah, we’ll see some of the heat that gets turned up on the early church as the gospel goes forth and as we continue through the book of Acts. But before we get to the book of Acts we need to go back into the book of first Kings which we’re working our way through. We’re reading the Amplified Bible this week. First Kings chapter 22.


Alright. So, in the book of first Kings we have a meeting or a summit or a get together between two Kings, the King of Israel, his name was Ahab, his capital city was in Samaria, this was the northern kingdom whereas Jehoshaphat the king of Judah was visiting and there was this conversation about how they should go to battle together and take back this city that had been conquered. So, Jehoshaphat is following in the ways of the Lord an he’s like, “are there prophets of God around here?” So, the prophets come and they’re like…all like, “you got this. God’s gonna demolish the enemy. Go and be victorious. It’s gonna be awesome.” But Jehoshaphat’s like, “is there anybody else? Is there any other prophet around here?” And, so, we come into contact very briefly with a relatively obscure prophet named Micaiah. And, so, Micaiah is sent for and when the envoys who are going to collect him, find him they’re like, “look, all the prophets are unanimous about this. It’s good news for the king. He should go into battle. Make sure your words are the same.” And Micaiah’s kinda like, “I mean…I’m only gonna say what I hear from God. So, I’m not sure what to tell you.” So, Micaiah goes before the Kings, the two Kings, and he’s, you know, “go into battle. It’s gonna be awesome. You’re gonna be amazing. You’re the greatest. Go destroy your enemies”, in sarcasm. But they both know it’s in sarcasm and then Micaiah gives the truth, essentially saying, “Ahab, you’re the king of Israel and if you go into this battle Israel will be a people without a shepherd. In other words, you’re gonna be killed.” Despite this, Ahab and Jehoshaphat went into battle and Ahab was killed. So, Micaiah had to stand before the two different Kings and their entourages and his fellow prophets and refute what they were saying with sobering news, but Micaiah wasn’t sent to appease those around him, which is what he was instructed to do. He was called for to tell the truth and to speak as the mouthpiece of God. And after he spoke it…well…then the ball was in the court of the hearers, right? After he spoke the truth then it was up to Ahab and Jehoshaphat to decide what to do. So, God through Micaiah gave King Ahab advance words from the Lord that would have saved his life if he would have listened. And sometimes we find ourselves maybe wearing the same shoes as Micaiah. It’s difficult to be the only one standing against the crowd and if we find ourselves in that position then we usually feel the pull, right, the seduction to appease, to go with the flow, or if we actually stand and try to speak the truth in love, then we may feel the mockery of people who disagree, dissenters or even the anger of authority. These are things that Micaiah would have been facing. But speaking the truth humbly is always going to be the best choice because we are invited to live true and the truth is we may be the only warning a person gets. And whether we’re listened to or not isn’t going to be the point, right? That would be bringing our own baggage into the whole mix, as if because of us we’re doing something great. The point isn’t that we are affirmed, the point is that we deliver the truth. So, may we consider that as we move through this day and heed this example and speak the truth in love, as we’re instructed in the book of Ephesians, which we will get to in due course.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for this story. It could’ve been a completely different story. A prophet was sent for, and You gave Your word and it was disobeyed and lives were lost. Holy Spirit allow us to know that wherever we go the kingdom is going with us and whatever we speak should be words of truth and we don’t always know who we’re speaking to or why. We just may be having a random conversation with somebody, but we need to be speaking the truth as opposed to trying to make ourselves look like we’re a big shot or something to get affirmation. Help us to be humble, help us to be honest, help us to speak the truth in love we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, and it’s home base, of course, and where you find out what’s going on around here.

And we’re excited by the day for the global campfire Family Reunion that’s coming up August 31st through September 2nd here in the rolling hills of Tennessee. We did this last year, we had a wonderful spectacular time, we just didn’t have enough room, but this year we’ve been able to expand and we found a nice camp out on a lake where we can stay and play. We’ll just get to know each other besides knowing each other by voice. So, come on out to the rolling hills of Tennessee, enjoy Nashville, enjoy some fellowship and some fun together. You can get all the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section, which is at the top. Just look for Family Reunion 2019 and you can get all the details. Space is filling up. We expect that this event will sell out just like last year. So, I hope that you can make your way here and we can see each other face-to-face.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible as we move through the summer time, I couldn’t possibly thank you enough. Gratitude all around. We are a family, we are community and…well…we’re in this together. So, thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage of dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello DAB family, just calling to remind everybody that for ministry this is the lean time of the year, these are the summer months where donations go down. And, so, I want to challenge everybody. If you haven’t given yet to the Daily Audio Bible, this is a great time of the year to start. You know, maybe about five years ago, six years ago the Lord prompted me to call in and ask 3000 people to give you $10 a month and that would…we would combine and join forces and provide $30,000 of resources to the Daily Audio Bible so that they can continue the mission of spreading the word of God to anyone who wants to listen anywhere in the world any time of day. And, so, I’m asking you to partner, to continue to sew into this ministry, that God would continue to share the goodness of the word of God throughout the earth. So, if you’ve been having that heart…that tug on your heart, do it right now, get online right now, go through the app, whatever you need to do and just set up a monthly withdrawal from your credit card or from your bank account for $10 a month and we’ll do it together. I want to give a shout out to Blind Tony, Annette Allison, Viola in Maryland, Pastor Gene, Slave of Jesus, Jerry who was once a letter carrier, he called in earlier this year, Tony the truck driver and hey Alia from Waxahachie are you still listening? Call in, give us an update. Anyway, so good to call in and just encourage everybody to be a part of this ministry and to partner with the Brian and the Hardin family and providing this great mission that God has. Thank you all for listening this is Delta Alpha Foxtrot calling from the southern Texas front.

Sins from the present tempting the mind’s eye
sins from the past reluctant to die
calling so softly don’t leave me my love
come back once again be a hand for my glove
I’ll cling to you tightly I’ll shield you from pain
I’ll fill you with gladness as they flow through your veins
but I remember lots wife you called to her too
she listened intently looked back and was through
my past is not your present and we will not renew
because stuck looking stupid is all you can do
I guess you could say I’m the one that got away
thank you dear Lord I most fervently pray
hold to my hand as you lead me away
hold my heart humble make me stronger every day
because I remember lots wife and the words that you said
never look back keep your eyes straight ahead

blindtony1016@gmail.com. Drew from the bay area, haven’t heard from you in a while brother and I miss the sound of your voice. And also, Lee from New Jersey, I’ve been missing your voice to. And I’d like to give a shout out to my brother down under, Mark Reif, hang in there. Know your all my prayer list every day. And once again Brian and the Hardin family, thank you for this wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit to flow, keep it flowin’ y’all. All right. Bye-bye.

Hello Daily Audio Bible this is Stella from France. I praise the Lord and I think Brian and family for giving us this opportunity to sum to share prayers and praises to our Lord. I pray for all nursing students in Texas, all students undergoing GCSE’s in Europe and the UK, all those who are going to the ___ in France and my son as well. These are tough times but as some __ mother did Lord, I bring these students to You and I pray for wisdom, strength, understanding during lessons and Your guidance to apply all of these efficiently in their exams. I also pray Lord for all our DAB family and for Your guidance and protection in each person, Your blessings on China and her husband, and may God bless You Brian. Amen.

Hello, I don’t want to leave my name, I’d like to keep this anonymous. In January I’ll be married 27 years to a nonbeliever and the closer I feel like I’m getting to God through the Daily Audio Bible I feel like my husband’s slipping farther away. Seems like he’s getting angrier and angrier, not because of this but it just seems like there’s evil within him when I talk to him. I find myself, when I’m in the car with him or sitting across the table for him that I’m asking the Holy Spirit to protect me from whatever’s coming out of his mouth, as if I’m dealing with something other than him. And I have no children and I don’t have any family around. So, I’ve been praying for years that he would be saved. I have some Christian friends also praying that he would be saved. The other day I was trying to tell him about some things that Brian read, and I thought he was listening to me and understanding the stories. And he said, “no, I’m ridiculing you.” And that really hurt. So, I guess what I’m asking for is that, instead of just my friends and I praying that not only will I be protected from whatever is coming out of his mouth and that he would become a Christian eventually, but I would have the support of everybody there at the DAB to help me. The more that pray the more protection I could have. So, thank you.

06/19/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 20:1-21:29, Acts 12:24-13:15, Psalms 137:1-9, Proverbs 17:16

Today is the 19th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you today to take the next step forward on the adventure that we’re on, the epic adventure of a journey through the entire Bible in a year and we are definitely moving along. If you can believe it, about a week and a half and we will have reached the halfway point. I find that hard to believe but I do believe it, it happens every year, But, yeah, we’re nearing the halfway point. So, well done. But we’re not there yet, we’re here and we’ve been reading from the Amplified Bible this week, which is what we’ll continue to do. First Kings chapter 20 and 21 today.


Alright. So, today we read Psalm 137 and it’s, you know, it’s a dark lamenting song about people who have been carried away from their homeland and their homeland has been destroyed and assimilated. And, so, their captors are saying, “sing us some of your songs.” And they’re like, “how can…how can we do that? Like, we’re brokenhearted. How can we…how can we do that?” So, we’ve got a little bit of a time difference here. The ancient Israel we’re reading about in first Kings was divided into two kingdoms, right? We remember that, right, after Solomon’s reign, the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Neither of those kingdoms endured. So, like that’s the thing. Often, it’s just kind of in our mindset, not understanding history. We think of Israel and a modern context, as if it’s been a contiguous constant populated place by the Hebrew people since the Bible. That’s not exactly how it how it went. The northern and the southern kingdoms that we’re reading about in the Bible, neither one of them survived. Eventually the northern kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrian Empire and we’ve seen the Assyrian, right, Ben-hadad, right, coming and attacking and God pushing them back. But eventually Assyria will conquer the northern kingdom and then later the kingdom of Judah will fall to the Babylonian Empire. And these are all stories that we will encounter because the biblical narrative will take us through that territory. But before we get there just understanding just a few things will be helpful. When empires invaded and conquered new territory, they began a process of basically systematically destroying the underlying culture in these captured lands. So, when we see these captors asking the Hebrew people, “sing us songs of Zion” to amuse them, this is kind of one way of saying, you know, that was, “these are old songs…you are not there…just basically amuse us with your songs of worship for your God, who did not protect you from us.” So, one of the ways of assimilating conquered people into the Empire was exile, right? So, people who had been conquered will be taken from their homeland and resettled somewhere else in other conquered lands where those people had been sent somewhere else, right? Mixing it all up so nobody has anything native. Everyone’s in exile in some way after they’ve been conquered and then in future generations as the people assimilate, as they become a part of the Empire, then they forget over the generations. They’ll forget their history, they’ll forget their allegiances to anything other than the Empire because they won’t remember anything else. That’s the perspective of what we’re reading in Psalm 137, right? “Beside the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept as we thought of Jerusalem and we hung our harps on branches because our captors were demanding…demanding us to sing.” “Sing…sing one of those songs of Jerusalem.” How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a pagan land?” So, when we read the words of Psalm 137 through the lens of exile then they become profoundly meaningful because we know why they’re being said. The people had been displaced. They had been hauled out of their homes. They had been forcibly resettled in faraway lands. I mean families were torn apart, some going one place, some going another, like and maybe never to ever see each other again. And, of course, you know, most of the conquering happened through war so a lot of people had died and the land was pillaged. So, where there was once a homeland and life and laughter now there was lament. And it helps us just to understand this because this is territory we will go into but also just to consider, have you ever felt like this? Like, have you ever felt like you were in exile? Like the life that you used to have that was familiar to you somehow got tipped upside down and you don’t recognize the world anymore. We’ve all faced these season’s, whether it’s through the death of someone we loved or through the betrayal of someone that we loved or some other way that our soul has been crushed. Psalm 137 lets us know that we’re not alone. We’re not the only ones like Elijah thought when he was in the cave. We’re not the only ones to ever feel this way. And we have to appreciate that this Psalm doesn't…doesn’t end with some sort of nice little bow, like some frosting on top, as were so prone to do it. It just…it just sits there being honest. So, if you’re kinda feeling like I relate, I mean I haven’t been conquered and pulled into new land, but I relate to what exile might feel, then be honest, honest with yourself, honest with God. You may be closer to yourself and to God then you’ve ever been. You just don’t recognize it because it’s not what you’re familiar with, but believe me on this, God is not avoiding your honesty no matter what your honesty looks like. It’s your dishonesty that he would rather do without. That’s the problem. So, exile wasn’t the end of the story for these people. We’re just reading a Psalm from the time that they were in exile. And we’ll get all that. It’s not the end of your story either but hiding and denying what’s really going isn’t gonna help, honest. And feel the honest embrace of your Father.


Father, we come to You needing that embrace. We need that comfort as we consider the many disruptions that can happen on any given day or week or month. And sometimes we’re so disrupted that nothing looks familiar anymore. Its…life as we knew it has come to an end, and now we have to find a new way forward. And we feel so alone when we’re not alone. And, so, we come running to You and we’re honest before You about how bad this hurts. We just can’t put a bow on it right now. We just can’t spin it for the positive right now because it’s not, but You will lead us forward and something good will come from this and we believe that You are good and we believe, in hindsight, things will start making sense. And, so, we cling to You from this place, this place that we don’t really want to be in, this place that feels like exile. We cling to You. You are our only hope. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


Sherri Youngward - Restore My Soul

Lead me beside the water so still

Let me catch my breath

Let me drink my fill

Let me lie in fields of green

Where only gentle breezes blow

I’ll reach out my empty hands

For the cup that over flows

Restore my soul, Restore my soul

Restore my soul, Restore my soul 

I’ve stood too long here in these shadows

These valley walls are all I see

I need the skilled eyes of my Shepherd

Now my vision’s failing me

Restore my soul, Restore my soul  

Restore my soul, Restore my soul

Then I will run and not be weary

I will walk and not faint

I will soar with wings of eagles

In God alone is my strength

Restore my soul, Restore my soul  

Restore my soul, Restore my soul

Surely goodness and mercy

Will find their way to me

And I will live with them forever

I will have no more need

The Lord is my Shepherd

He is my God

I will live with Him forever

I shall not want

06/18/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 19:1-21, Acts 12:1-23, Psalms 136:1-26, Proverbs 17:14-15

Today is the 18th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian and it’s a joy to be here with you today, settling into the new week and moving our way through the story of the prophet Elijah as we move our way through the book of first Kings. We’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week. Today first Kings chapter 19.


Okay. So, we’re moving through the story of Elijah, the prophet, and we’re actually kind of coming to the to the end of his story and his protégé, Elisha, will take over and we briefly met Elisha today. So, I mean, what happened here right is that Elijah proclaims that there would be no more rain which lasted for several years, bringing about famine. Nobody could find Elijah and God tells him to show himself. He does to King Ahab and then subsequently there’s this showdown between the prophets of Baal and Ashera and Elijah. And God answers with fire and all of these false prophets are executed, and then Elijah tells Ahab rain is coming and a cloud comes up out of the ocean and sure enough rain comes. But Ahab tells his wife Jezebel what Elijah did and she sent him a note, right? In this modern era it would be a text, but she sent him a note that basically said, “may God judge me severely if you’re alive tomorrow.” So, I mean we can understand, right? We get a nasty text or whatever. Something happens. We hear about something. Word gets to us that just ruins our day, right? It just puts ice in our veins and we can’t really function through the rest of the day because we’re obsessing about the message that we received. This is basically what happened to Elijah. On the one hand, having the knowledge of what just happened on Mount Caramel we could expect Elijah would be like, “yeah, yeah, whatever. Bring it on”, but that’s not what he did. What he did was run away. And he ran all the way to Beersheba. That’s pretty far. Like, understanding the geography of Israel, at this point, Mount Carmel to Beersheba is over 100 miles. So, he booked it. He didn’t have a car or a motorcycle or anything. He just ran down to Beersheba, which is a long way. And then he went a day more into the wilderness and then he rested and rested because he was going to Mount Sinai. So, he’s so far, like he’s way down in the Sinai Peninsula, hundreds of miles from Mount Carmel and he’s complaining that he’s the only one left, right? We can find ourselves here because on both counts we’ve probably had these experiences. One we see God move in a mighty way then something happens, and we get a nasty message and rather than going, “yeah, whatever, my God is an awesome God” we go on the run. And when we get to the end of our running our complaint is that we’re the only one that understands us, we’re the only one left. So, let’s look at that for just a second. What if you were the only one left? What if that was true? In Elijah’s case that’s how he felt. It wasn’t true, but it’s how he felt. But what if it were true? What if you were the only one left? What God told him to do was come out on the mountain to meet Him and there’s this fantastic display of signs, powerful, powerful signs like wind and earthquake and fire. But God was not in any of that. God was found in the silence, the still, small voice. And he told Elijah to go back the way he came because he needed to anoint two kings and he needed to anoint the one that would follow him. So, Elijah’s out in the wilderness begging from God to let him die because he’s the only one left and nobody cares anymore, and God’s like, “basically, even if you were the only one left why would I do that? You need to go make more if you’re the only one left before you can check out a here. The mission is not accomplished.” But he did give Elijah advance words about who would come after him. So, he could see that his journey wasn’t over but where it was leading. We have to think about this in our own lives because we find ourselves hiding out in a cave saying we’re the only one. Why are we hiding in a cave if we’re the only one? If we’re the only one then we’re the only hope. As we will see Elijah obeys God and we’ll follow that story and move into the story of Elisha, but for us today let’s remember the words of the Lord to the prophet Elijah in the cave on Mount Sinai, “what are you doing here?” And may we follow the Lord back out into the world where we carry the hope of the world along with us and may we remember what the Psalm told us over and over today, “His loving kindness endures forever.”


Father, we invite You into that. We do believe that Your graciousness and Your mercy and Your compassion and Your long-suffering and Your loving kindness do indoor forever. For some reason we just choose not to participate, not to come close to Your lovingkindness. Rather, we find ourselves in a cave on the run saying, “we’re the only one”. Come to us Holy Spirit, bring Your comfort, bring Your still small voice of direction, and may we follow You on the path that You lead us. Come Holy Spirit we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website and that’s where you find out what’s going on around here. And there’s always something or another going on around here. So, check it out.

Check out the Community section where you can get all the links to the different social media channels that we are on. Visit the Prayer Wall there in the Community section as well and pray for your brothers and sisters. Maybe you have something that you need prayer for. It’s a good place to go.

Reminding you the Daily Audio Bible Family Reunion for 2019, right, the global campfire Family Reunion is coming up August 31st through September 2nd. You can get all of the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the initiatives section. Come, hang out on the grounds, camp, stay together, play together. It's…there’s so much to do there. You just have to go to the page and you can register and we look forward to seeing you and hanging out a little later in the summer.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, I couldn’t possibly thank you enough. We are a community, we’re a family of believers here who consider the rhythm of the Scriptures in our lives every day as something that’s essential. And if that resonates with you and is bringing light and good news into your life, then thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi DAB family, my name is Bella and ‘m calling from England as I’ve got a praise report. I got a fellowship to the…for an executive MBA at Cambridge University. And it’s a massive, massive deal. I mean, just getting to Cambridge has it’s own challenges itself but __ it has to be God, it has to be God’s favor. So, I’m really excited and I’m very grateful to God. And, so, I just wanted to raise all the glory to Him and I’d like you to pray for me and that course __ and it starts in September, just for God’s grace and favor to follow me through. And I’d also like to encourage anyone who’s praying for something like this or anything to do with education, just to say God is still in the business of doing miracles and He will see through whatever desire is put on your heart. And very quickly I’d like to give a shout out to my prayer accountability partner, Kat. Thank you so much for all that you do to me. And thank you Brian, thank you Jill and the entire DAB family. Love you guys. Take care. Bye-bye

Hello, it’s Kelly from Australia, I just wanted to check in and just let you know that I’m thinking of you all. Just a shout out to Margot and Uganda. I am praying for you every day. Mark Street, my Aussie friend, I am praying for you every day as well and your son and your family. Victoria Soldier, I’m praying for you. Blind Tony, I’m praying for you. Abiding in Him, I’m praying for you. I’m praying for all of you. I just wanted to give you guys a shout out and just let you know that I’m thinking of you. Jamie with the…I think it’s Jamie in Canada…with cancer, I just…I’m lifting you up to the Lord and praying for your health. So, I’m just praying that God would inspire courage in your heart to fight this and to keep going. Brian, who is deaf and blind I believe, I am praying for you every day as well. You must be so frightened, and I just pray God would just bring peace into your heart and into the hearts of your family as well. I’m thinking of you. I am celebrating seven days sober today. I am very excited. It’s a massive…I mean hold the applause…it’s only been seven days but I am quietly confident that this is…this is the time…this is the moment. So, anyway I am praying for you all and I love you and I will check in again soon. Okay, by friends.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family it’s Jay from Nashville. I know it’s been a while guys. I’m so sorry. I’m listening every day, praying every day. I’m so excited about the Family Reunion. I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it this year. You know, finances are really tight. So, pray for me there, that I’ll be able to discipline myself enough so that I can save up to come because I know that it fills up fast. So, listen, so this is, you know, just my advice to you if you haven’t been to the Family Reunion yet. If there’s a possible way that you can make it, I strongly suggest that you do everything you can to get there. It is really an amazing experience that you just won’t get anywhere else. Remember, I love you guys and yes I promise I will call in more often. Love you, bye.

Hi, this is Living in Hope and I’m calling in, I’ve been a listener for many years and I’m calling in because I desperately need to break through. My husband recently had an emotional affair with someone at work that he works closely with and we’ve been working through that. Unfortunately, she still works for us. He and her husband and herself all seem to think that’s fine and refuse to move on even though they know that it’s very, very painful to me. And he still has the freedom to call her and text her supposedly about work things, but I have no idea what they’re saying to each other or what’s in the texts. He says he’ll show me, but, you know, he can delete anything, and her husband doesn’t really pay attention. So, our relationship is going good. I just know what’s real and, you know, what’s really happening between them. And he says she works for us week by week, you know, just for now to see how things are going because she’s a very important part of our company, but I recently found out that she is scheduling herself for something months away. So, I feel very…I feel like God has been asking me to let Him move this mountain and fight this battle for me, but I just don’t know how to handle the daily anxiety and stress. I believe my husband’s sincere, but I believed he was sincere before too when it was all going on. So, it’s hard to know and I’m just really desperately asking for your prayers for real breakthrough. I just want freedom from this thank you.

06/17/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 18:1-46, Acts 11:1-30, Psalms 135:1-21, Proverbs 17:12-13

Today is the 17th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it’s great to be here with you, great to be here with you today as we settle into the flow of this week out in front of us, kinda get back to work and move through the middle of the month here. So, we began reading from the Amplified Bible yesterday because it was the beginning of the week and some pretty monumental things going on in the Scriptures. We met Elijah the prophet in the Old Testament and in the New Testament the apostle Peter had seen a vision, had been summoned by a Gentile Centurion, he has gone into the house of a Gentile, which is…which is frowned upon at best, and he has seen the Holy Spirit fall upon Gentile people, which is messing with him pretty good and is definitely going to mess with the early church as we will see going forward. In fact, it’s so monumental, this shift that’s taking place, that it it’s going to change everything. And it’ll take some time, we’ll see this over the course of Paul’s writings and so forth. So, we’re gonna be spending some time with this sub theme before us. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We are right here, right now and the Scriptures are going to lead us today in the next step and the next step will take us into first Kings chapter 18.


Okay. So, in the book of first Kings we’re seeing why Elijah is a famous prophet now, and we’re seeing the power of God that’s being displayed through him, especially here at this show down on the top of Mount Caramel with the prophets of Asherah and Baal versus basically Elijah, the God of Israel. And, so, when we saw this dramatic story…I can read this story now and see it so vividly in my mind because we’ve been to the top of Mount Carmel so many times and just exploring this story. I mean, it would seem like the stories over, right? The prophets of Baal and Asherah, they’re no longer with us. The people’s hearts have turned back to God and God is now sending rain on the land. So, it would seem like end of story, good job, but it’s not the end of the story and it’s got a bizarre twist to it and we’ll get to that tomorrow.

Then in the book of Acts, I mean I’ve said this a couple times as we’ve gotten into this story, that these are fundamental formation things in the early church that are taking place that affect us until today. And that’s not an understatement in anyway. You see the Peter was in Joppa and then he went down the coast to Cornelius’s house where the Holy Spirit fell upon a Gentile family and they received the Lord and they were baptized in the name of Jesus. Once Peter got back to Jerusalem and the mother church, right, the Jerusalem church, there were plenty of people going, “wait…wait…that’s against the rules. We don’t do those kinds of things. We don’t associate with those kinds of people. We don’t want those kinds of people in our church.” And we might think, “well that stuff doesn’t really happen these days” but that’s not true. It happens all the time. I was talking to a pastor friend the other day who was helping strategize for another church who wanted to plant a sister church, plant a new church in a different part of the community and he was basically just saying, “your strategies fine, but you have this beautiful building you are using for two hours a day, one day of the week basically and why…like why wouldn’t you plant the kind of community you’re wanting here in this beautiful building.” And he said one of their deacons was like, “because we don’t want those kinds of people in our church.” I was surprised that would be spoken out loud in that kind of environment, but this kind of stuff happens all the time. We segregate ourselves into like-minded people where we can all be right, and we can all convince each other that we are right. And, so, Peter’s coming back to the Jerusalem church with information that is absolutely and completely disruptive because now Jesus, the Hebrew Messiah that they are believing in that He came and offered them new life and hope for the people, well now this isn’t exclusive. Now this is open to all of the world, whereas originally the people were thinking, “well, Jesus was Jewish and he taught the Torah and you follow the customs. He certainly critiqued the religion without a doubt, but he was never saying like you shouldn’t be Jewish or Hebrew, I mean, like you shouldn’t do this anymore. He was just unveiling how it had gotten sidetracked and He was setting things right, but we were never thinking like everybody in the world could get in this.” The first believers in Jesus were Hebrew people who were following a Rabbi. They were following his teachings. They were following the Way. They were processing His critique on their traditions and their rituals and their religion. They were following the Way. They weren’t leaving one faith and converting to another faith. And, so, for Gentile people to begin to convert or follow Jesus teachings without first converting to Judaism was messing with their minds and we will certainly see how this plays out, but we will eventually be able to see how this faith in Christ that was borne out in this little patch of land within a Hebrew context grew to become far and away beyond the Hebrew context and it is largely made up of Gentile people. We’ll see this story before our eyes and the implications of it because there are significant implications for us to examine today and we’ll be examining this stuff for the rest of the year whenever the Bible brings it up. And it brings it up often.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us into this new week. We invite You fully and we see that there is disruption happening in Old and New Testaments and we realize that disruption is a part of life. And, so, Father help us this week that as we are disrupted, before we immediately label it a bad thing, help us to take a breath and to consider, “Are You in this? Are You shaking things up? Are You pulling us forward?” Come Holy Spirit we pray. As You did on the family of Cornelius, fall upon us we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. And there’s always something going on around. So, be sure to stay connected.

Connect with each other on social media. You can get all of the links of different social media channels and groups and stuff at dailyaudiobible.com in the Community section. The Prayer Wall lives there as well and there are people praying for each other and asking for prayer continually. It’s a great place to connect.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link, it lives on the homepage. Thank you for your partnership, profoundly, with all humility. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi DAB family, It’s James here from the UK. Haven’t called in for a while but just coming in this morning. Heard the prayer request from Marcella from Brisbane. And Marcella you really touched me, you really triggered something in me that just compelled me to call in. I heard in your voice the burden that you’re carrying right now and the financial hardship that mentioned that you’re facing into. And there’s a few things that just really triggered in me, things that I wanted to convey to you. And I think this is the Spirit’s work. Marcella, you talked about starting afresh, and I know that right now that is very hard thing to contemplate. What the future looks like is really uncertain and as a provider, as a man, there is a burden on you regarding your family and how you’re going to care for them. And you need to know that God is going to care for you Marcella, that God has got plans for you and that when you start afresh and when you start to move into this new space, albeit that it’s going to be a painful process to go through, He will provide riches that you’re not…you’re not envisioning right now. It might not be financial riches, but they will be things that you can’t comprehend at this moment in time. And I just needed you to hear that Marcella. Thank you so much for your call and I’m praying for you.

Good morning brothers and sisters in the Lord. Thank you so much for your continued faithfulness and praying for each other. This is Southern Belle from Canada. My children who farm have been living in a drought the summer and it’s ironic that the people in the states in the Midwest who are drowning in mud and up here in Canada we are dry as can be. I’m asking for prayer for them. They are so fragile in their relationship due to extended circumstances with my daughter who passed away and they’ve been looking after for her estate for four years already and an abusive ex-husband that my daughter had and the children and the estate. I just don’t even want to go into it, all the convoluted mess of it all. But my son and daughter-in-law with three children of their own who are trying so hard to be faithful in their walk with the Lord and they try putting the seed into the ground and we all know what it’s like to put seed in, into our lives and to not have anything come from the fruition with it Lord. I just pray in the name of Jesus that You would send rain for their crops, that You would protect their harvest and that You would bring it to such an abundance that they wouldn’t be able to realize it. Not only my children God but for all the farmers out here in Midwest Canada. And Lord, for all those around the world God who are facing their own drought whether spiritually or relationally or whatever. We need You Jesus to be in our life, we need You to pour out Your rain. Come Lord, fill our hearts overflowing that we would reflect You, that we would be faithful regardless of the circumstances. And I pray for…

Hi, my name is Roslyn. I live in Louisiana. I have a very, very important prayer request. This is my first time to ever call and I’ve been listening since 2006. But we have a newborn, she was born a little bit early. And this week she was picked up. An ambulance came from Vanderbilt to take her up there to do heart surgery. And they couldn’t do it until she weighed 4 pounds. And she’s at 4 pounds right now. So, I’m just praying that everybody that listens to the DAB would pray for Willow. And thank you so much. I love you all. I listen every single day and I’m not going to mention any names but everybody that calls in on the prayer request, your prayers are heard and I’m sure a lot are answered in some way or another. Thank you so much for praying for Willow and I love you all. Thank you, Brian and Jill. And it has been wonderful to have this, and I hope…and I told my Bible study teacher that people around the world would be praying for Willow. Thank you so much. Have a good day. Bye.

Hi everyone, it’s Doug from Alabama. I meant to call in the past several months because it’s been a while. I always have that urge and then for some reason I don’t. But I’ll go ahead and get to the point because I only have my two minutes here. Please keep me in your prayers as far as my mental health. The last two or three months, I’m not sure if it’s because I haven’t been really sleeping well or what, but my anxiety has really just been through the roof. I’ve been having a lot of anxiety, __ attacks, I think that’s really what it is. I’ve just been really sensitive the last couple months. I’ve been trying to get into see a doctor. My psychiatrist had to cancel for an appointment on Monday because he had to go to back to India where he’s from. So, I can’t see him for a few months and I have to make a separate appointment to see a new therapist, which is money I really don’t have. So, there’s a lot of different things. I’ve got a bedbug infestation too. And, so, I wonder if that’s why I’m not sleeping very well and maybe that’s the root of it, but please just keep me in your prayers as far as my mental health because there are some days I feel like I’m going crazy, where, you know, I feel like I just need to be locked up in a room __. And also a couple of other points. Please keep me in your prayers as far as jobs because I’m extremely burned out at this current job I work at. I work as a donation tenant for a food store. So, I sit outside in the heat all day and take donations and it’s very lonely. And I haven’t really been able to handle the heat well. And, so, I’m still looking for a job too and I feel like a job would really help me. __ about up here. So, I really appreciate all your prayers. I listen to all of yours and I try to pray…like when my mind allows me. So…

06/16/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 15:25-17:24, Acts 10:24-48, Psalms 134:1-3, Proverbs 17:9-11

Today is the 16th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is great to be here with you today as we walk ourselves through the threshold of a new week and it’s all waiting for us like a gift and we get to unwrap it day by day. And one of the ways that we set our days correctly is to allow God’s word to speak to us and into our lives today. And, so, that’s what we’ll do here at the beginning of the week. We’ll read from the Amplified Bible this week and we’re in the book of first Kings. And at this point we are reviewing the different reigns of the different kings. And if you’ll remember from our reading last week, we ended Solomon’s reign, and then the next thing you know we have Israel dividing into two different kingdoms - the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. And now we’re kind of beginning to review the different kings and what they did. And, so, if we hear so-and-so reigned in Israel, that’s the northern kingdom. If we hear so-and-so reigned in Judah, that’s the southern kingdom and that can help us follow what’s going on as we move through the different reigns of the kings and what they stood for and what they did and where they lead the people. So, first Kings chapter 15 verse 25 through 17 verse 24 today.


Alright. So, a couple things as we walk into our new week here in the Old Testament. We met the prophet Elijah who was obviously a very famous and prominent biblical figure. And, so, he has entered the scene and we’re kind of moving rapidly through different king’s reigns, so we’re not necessarily seeing the passage of time, but we’re many generations from Solomon at this point. And, so, King Ahab is in the North, he’s reigning in Israel and he’s married Jezebel who’s also a famous person and we’ll see why soon enough. And now we see that the northern kingdom has its own capital city. Like the northern kingdom of Israel was formed because of a rebellion against Solomon’s son Rehoboam in the South. Remember all of that from last week. And, so, now they’ve constructed their own capital city. It’s called Samaria. So, it is the Jerusalem of the North. In other words, this is a capital city, a defended walled city. The ruins of Samaria still exist today. It was one of the places that we’ve filmed in the Promised Land films. It’s not a place that we go to and tour. It’s a little inaccessible. It’s a place that we’ve filmed in the Promised Land films. And then Elijah shows up on the scene and predicts a famine, which happens, and he is instructed on what to do. And, so, he is sustained and then he ends up in the home of a widow, a Sidonian widow, she’s not a Hebrew at all and yet God sends him to this woman and she has to take an incredible step of faith because this profit shows up, asks for water, asks for a piece of bread, and she’s like, basically, “I can’t give you…I mean I’m making a piece of bread for my son and for myself, and then we’re gonna…then we don’t have any more food so we’re going to starve.” And Elijah is like, “make me a piece of bread too.” And, so, she has to believe like he’s a prophet, she has to step out in faith here and she also has to show hospitality, which is inbred into the culture. And, so, she takes this step of faith and she will be sustained as we’ve already seen. And not to diminish this, but we saw resurrection happen today. Elijah raises the widow’s son after he has died, which obviously makes Elijah one of the prominent and powerful prophets of ancient Israel.

And we get into the New Testament in the book of Acts, and we also have literally earth moving things happening here, like fundamental shifts in the entire way of seeing things is happening in the book of Acts. This began where Peter had this vision of a sheet coming down from heaven with all animals that were considered unclean, and he was instructed to eat them and he’s resisting this. But then these Gentile people show up and he’s told to go. And, so, what is happening here is that peters Hebrew mindset that God, Yahweh, is an exclusive God for the Hebrew people only, this isn’t the case. He has loving everyone in the world and welcoming everyone in the world. This is a big deal. Like, right now, and I’ll say this many times as we continue through the New Testament. most everybody listening to me right now is a Gentile as am I. So, it’s very, very easy to take for granted what is happening here in the New Testament, but it’s so monumental and so controversial and it’s going to cause such upheaval that it’s going to force the early church into its first real crisis. And coming out the other side of that crisis it’s never going to be the same again and it’s the fundamental question. And believe it or not, it’s still a fundamental question that we continue to battle over. Who gets to be in? Who gets to come to Jesus? Who gets to be in? In the ancient early church, many, the majority of the earliest people were Hebrew believers converting to following Jesus, but never converting out of Judaism. They would never do that. But including Gentiles in an exclusive religion, that’s a game changer. And, so, this is a little bit of a heads up. This is the first we’re kind of seeing this but this is gonna run as a sub theme all the way through the rest of the New Testament. It’s fundamental to how the church formed. And, so, we’ll watch that in the coming days and weeks and months.


Father, we thank You for bringing us here into this new week and for helping us understand where we are in the stories that we’re reading and how it is that we can look at those stories and understand that really, things haven’t changed all that much in terms of the human heart. We’re wearing different clothes and we have different technology and, yeah, humanity has progressed a couple of thousand years and so we have different ways of thinking about things and we know some things now that weren’t known then, but our hearts and what we’re after and what we seek and why, what motivates us, these are very similar things. And, so, we find ourselves in the stories in the Bible. So, we invite You into this week with all that You will speak. We open ourselves. Come, Holy Spirit we pray in Jesus’ name Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, stay connected in every way that you can, every way that you will as we move through the summer months.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. I couldn’t possibly thank you enough for your partnership, especially here in the summer months. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi Daily Audio Bible, my name is Steph, I’m calling from San Diego. I’m 28 years old and I’m currently in a treatment program right now for veterans at the VA in La Jolla. I was just calling because I wanted to share with everybody that I have nine months…or excuse me…nine days…nine days…just nine days today and I just want to say a prayer for myself and from all my other fellow veterans here who are struggling with addiction and are struggling with mental health and PTSD and a lot of trauma. I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible for a few months now and I really enjoy it. I feel connected to those who call, and I really enjoy praying for others. I really enjoy what God’s doing in my life. You know, it took a lot of darkness, it took a really bad overdose for me to kind of get this help and I’m really grateful for it. So, yeah, so, like I just pray that we all remain strong and I really pray that I get it this time. You know, it’s pretty much a matter of life and death for me. And, so, I’m really invested in us. Thank you to everybody and I just pray for those who are suffering. I pray for those who are hurt and may need help. Thank you guys have a wonderful day from San Diego.

Hey this is Jaime Girl from Arizona and I’m calling, I’m a new listener. I was able to attend the More Gathering and that was just an amazing experience. I just have had a tumultuous year with a lot of adversity and a lot of health problems and I have created chaos in my life. I’m separated from my husband, estranged from my family and my friends and I know that a lot of it is my fault and a lot of it is not and I’m struggling to forgive and forget and I’m at a loss. I have very few people to pray with. And, so, I’m asking my Daily Audio Bible family to stand in the gap with me and pray that I will know which direction to turn, that I will feel Jesus holy presence in my life, that I will, despite having, a __ and a brain injury, that I would use my best judgment and I will follow the path that God has set for me. I’ve been a Christian for 50 years this year and God has never left me despite all of the twists and turns of life and I know that he loves me. And like Job, I stand and say though he slay me yet will I trust him. So, Daily Audio Bible buddies will you pray with me, that God will speak very clearly because my mind is upset and confused? And I just need His guidance and I need to know that it’s His voice and not that of the enemy. And Lord I hope that You would help me, help me find the path that You have for me so that I can be useful to You. Thank you, Daily Audio Bible friends.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family, my name is Fred and my wife, Sonia, and I are having an extremely difficult time in our marriage right now. I was in a dark, low place and the devil preyed on me and has caused significant damage and harm to the relationship with my wife. I love her so much and I ask that everyone please pray to God that she and I are able to heal and that we grow stronger in love together and rekindle what was once there. I love her so very much. She is my best friend. Thank you for your prayers.

Hi DAB family, this is Paula the Child Advocate from Los Angeles area calling. It’s been a while since I called, and I just wanted to thank you all for your prayers after we lost our home to the wildfires back in November. It’s been kind of a struggle off and on, but God has been so good to us and we feel so blessed and we’re just getting through things. So, thank you so much. I wanted to tell you how lovely it is when I listen to the DAB and I hear your voices and I recognize who you are. Even before you say your names I know you are. So, that’s a blessing to me and I’ve been listening to DAB for so many years I’ve kind of lost count. But when I started listening I called in my prayers specifically for my oldest child, Tyler, who was at the time in his early 30s, mid 30s, and he really wanted a wife. And I asked you to pray that God grant him a Christian wife and the prayer was answered. He found a most beautiful Christian woman, about a year and a half ago they were married. He went on a mission trip to Mexico and he met her there and they have been living in Mexico ever since because she cannot get a visa to come to the US. And that’s my prayer. Please, if you will pray for her that her visa will come through. They had been waiting and waiting to actually move from her small town in the __ to Tijuana so they could both find jobs. And my son actually crosses the border to San Diego every day because he has a job in San Diego crossing back to Tijuana to be with his wife. The government won’t tell us whether she is on the list. They just say the paperwork is in, she’s in a list. So, please family, please pray that she’ll get her appointment soon and that they can come back to LA and be with us where Tyler has a job waiting for him in LA as chaplain at a mission downtown on skid row. Thank you family. I pray for you all and I love you all. Bye for now.

06/15/2019 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 14:1-15:24, Acts 10:1-23, Psalms 133:1-3, Proverbs 17:7-8

Today is the 15th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it’s great to be here with you today as we reach the conclusion of another week and as we reach dead center of the sixth month of the year. It’s great to be here with you today. So, we’ve been reading from the English Standard Version this week and man we’ve covered some ground and some serious things have happened in both Old and New Testaments this week. And we will pick up the story of the divided kingdom in first Kings today. First Kings chapter 14 verse 1 through 15 verse 24.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us to the end of another week that we share together, for bringing us here to the middle of this month. Thank You, God for Your faithfulness, and Your kindness, and Your generosity, and Your compassion, and Your empathy, and Your long-suffering. And we could go on and on and on and on and even if we used all of the words that we could possibly think of in the English language to bestow worship upon You in adoration, we would not be scratching the surface because as much as we think we know, we know so little. You are so big, You are so vast, You are so eternal, You are so good. And You have declared us children and given us life. And, so, we are grateful. We honor You and we worship You and we adore You. And as we release this week and it floats away and becomes a part of our history we also look forward to all that You will do in the coming week. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home, home base, its where you find out what’s happening around here. So, be sure to stay connected.

And we’ve been talking about the forthcoming Daily Audio Bible Family Reunion, where the global campfire comes together and we’ll be hosting that this August 31st through September 2nd, that’s Labor Day weekend here in the rolling hills of Tennessee in the Nashville area which, is a great place to be and you are invited and honestly I hope you can come. You can get all the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. Look for Family Reunion 2019 and that’ll tell you everything that you need to know. Registration is filling up and we are gonna have a great, great time together in the in mere weeks. So, check it out at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer the mail, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174. And thank you profoundly and humbly for your partnership as we continue day by day through the summer time.

And, of course, if you have a prayer request or comment, if you’re shouldering things that are best not carried alone, you can dial 877-942 4253 and know that your brothers and sisters around the world will be praying for you. It’s one of the beautiful distinctives about the community here, is that where a people of prayer and we are people who understand that we are all struggling in some way or another. And, so, just knowing that we’re not alone makes all the difference in the world. So, reach out.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi, this is Rita. My sister shared the DAB with me over four years ago. It’s been a totally daily blessing and it really clicks when Brian shares the Scripture audibly. I’m so thankful for it. I need prayer for a biopsy I will have tomorrow. A year ago, a shoulder x-ray showed some spots on my lung. I had three CT scans within that year and one of them, the last one, showed growth on one of the spots. So, tomorrow I’m gonna get a biopsy and I just want to pray that its not cancer or that God will get me through this. This has helped me so much during this time, it’s a paraphrased poem I learned years ago, it’s Proverbs 3:5-6, paraphrased poem. “He does not lead me year-by-year nor even day by day but step-by-step my path unfolds the Lord directs my way. And I am glad that it is so, today’s enough to bear, and when tomorrow comes His grace shall far exceed its care. Why need to worry then or fret, the God who gave His son holds all my moments in His hands and gives them one by one.” I pray for all of you and I love all of you and I just hope that all the prayers are answered. Bye-bye.

Hello. Hi, DABber Drew encouraged us who are desperate to call, so that’s what I’m doing. Since November I’ve been desperate for financial breakthrough. I am a 10 year…I’ve been saved for 10 years and I’m an avid tither and I’m waiting for the Lord to open the floodgates of heaven. I’m a real estate agent and I have a few listings, but I need buyers. I’m down to my last pennies and I need a larger group of believers to pray for me. I believe that with your prayers this breakthrough will occur. I’m also a single woman. So, I ask for your prayers. And DABber Drew, thank you for encouraging me to call. God bless you all.

Hello Daily Audio Bible listeners and family. I just have a praise report. I’m sorry I didn’t call the day my daughter’s wedding. This is God’s Girl from Bakersfield. I’d just like to thank my whole family which is you for praying so hard and diligently. My daughter was able to walk down the aisle with her dad. And, so, it was a glorious day and just God’s presence was through it in every single second from morning till the evening and I just praise you all and praise Jesus and thank you all for just praying for us. I’d like to extend a prayerful heart and deep hug for Toni in Germany. I’m with you sister, it’s really tough sometimes, feeling like you’re not intentional or I forget the word that you used, I had it in my mind…intentional or…I forget what it was, but I just know that you’re not…don’t lose heart girl. I’m with you. I’ll pray with you. Just know that there’s a sister out here in California that loves you and there are so many people that I pray for daily. This podcast has enriched my life. I’ve been listening for 3…almost 4 years now and I just want to tell you how happy I am that I am a part of this family. So, I’m praying for you Tony, I’m with you, and don’t lose heart. Jesus is with us. He left us His Holy Spirit in his place. So, I know that we’re strengthened by that every day. I love you. Thank you all.

Hello Daily Audio Bible, this is my first time calling and I’ve been listening to Daily Audio Bible since about Easter and it’s really done some amazing things in my life but I’m calling because I just have a lot of anxiety about some relationships and some…some work-related things that are going on. And it’s mostly self-inflicted, just letting things condemn me that I know that God doesn’t want to condemn me. But it’s difficult to…I guess…maintain making sure that those don’t condemn me. So, I’d really love some agreement in prayer at that fear of fear and my anxiety has no place in my body or my mind or in my thoughts. So, thanks for your prayers and thank you.