Exodus 15:19-17:7, Matthew 22:1-33, Psalms 27:1-6, Proverbs 6:20-26
Today is the 3rd day of February. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and its wonderful to be here with you today as we cross the threshold into a shiny and sparkly, new week. And this will be our first full week in the 2nd month of the year. And, as is our custom, we read from a new translation each week and this week will read from the Amplified Bible we’ll pick up where we left off yesterday, Exodus chapter 17 verse 8 through 19 verse 15.
Father, we thank You for this brand-new week that we are entering into and this first full week of this second year or second month of February. We thank You God for bringing us this far. We thank You for all that You are speaking to us through Your word and all that You have yet to speak and all the ways that You are transforming us from within. We open ourselves to You fully. We announce, there’s nothing off-limits to You, in fact we say this aloud, there’s nothing off limits to You. We open ourselves fully to You. We trust You fully. Come Holy Spirit we pray into this coming week. We ask for Your guidance, Your counsel, Your protection, Your comfort, even Your rebuke if necessary. Come Holy Spirit we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to stay connected.
Let me also remind you about the other Daily Audio Bible channels that exist. Of course, this is the Daily Audio Bible. There’s also Daily Audio Bible Chronological going through the entire Bible in a year in chronological order, so, in the order that things happened in time. And China, my daughter, is leading that community over there. There’s also the Daily Audio Proverb, which goes through the book of Proverbs once each month. There’s 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs. And, man, I couldn’t suggest that enough. It’s like a five minute a day commitment but it’s five minutes of wisdom of all the ages. It’s the greatest wisdom that had been collected and this wisdom is thousands of years old. So, this is the wisdom that has stood the test of time. And I mean, I’m telling you, and you’ll see this as we go forward, it’s already happened, but we’ll see it often, just a verse of Proverbs can speak volumes to a situation or to a posture of heart that we’re holding. So, poring that continually over and over and over into your life…I mean…that’s a way to get wise. And, so, it’s worth it. There’s also the Daily Audio Bible Psalm. And that takes like two minutes but it moves back through the Psalms, just like what we’re doing here on the Daily Audio Bible but it serves as a reminder of comfort. The Psalms are so beautiful and they speak so deeply to our humanity. So, those resources are available as well as Daily Audio Bible kids. So, going through the New Testament for kids by kids in a year. Then if English is not your native tongue, there’s Daily Audio Bible and En Español. So, the Spanish team going through the entire Bible just like we do at Daily Audio Bible, only in Spanish. And they also have Proverbios and Pslamos, Psalms and Proverb just like we do in English. There’s Daily Audio Bible Japanese, Daily Audio Bible Arabic, French and the French team also has Psalms and Proverbs and then there’s Portuguese and Chinese. So, you may want to check out those channels or let a native speaker know that these resources are available.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link, it lives on the homepage. Thank you profoundly for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi DAB family, this is to give you an update on Bill Berryman. I had contact with Bill the last time at the beginning of 2018. He’d sent me a message asking me how I was doing and told me that he had some medical problems, that he was at home. He told me a little bit about his boys, how much he missed his boys and just asked for continued prayers. And since then I haven’t heard anything from him, but we do have a mutual friend and that friend contacted me a couple weeks ago to let me know that Bill is, yeah, he has dementia. His memory is not all there. He has a little bouts here and there that he remembers the boys in Africa. But as many of you know how dementia works, his memory is just, it’s going unfortunately and he’s now in a permanent home. I don’t know if he has biological children. I know that he loved his boys, him and his wife. His wife passed away some years ago. So, for all of you that have called in while he may not mentally know it, God knows that we are all praying for him. You can find him on Facebook. If you’ve written him don’t be surprised that he’s not written back. He doesn’t have the capacity anymore. So, let’s just continue to lift our brother Bill Berryman up in prayer. And I personally thank everyone of you who have asked about him and continue to pray for him. It’s amazing thing in this community when people come in and have no idea of the family that they are adopting in Christ the Lord. So, I want to thank you all also for continuing to pray for me and my family. Brian and the entire Hardin family, everyone behind the scenes that make this happen, thank you. I can’t believe it’s going on 13 years. It’s changed my life, it continues to change my life. I thank you all who have been praying for me and a second baby G, but more important, that God just continue to be first in my life. I love you all. Continue to keep your eyes on the Lord. Cheers. Asia…
Hi, my name is Kay calling from sunny Southern California. I just wanted to call in and lift up Brian and his family in prayer. I am so thankful for coming across this podcast. It has been so beneficial for me at this time of my life. The word is so important and it’s so important for me and everyone to be filled with God’s word and this is…it’s important to me because I’m a blind. And, so, this is a good opportunity for me to get the word. And I have other health issues too. And I’m just so thankful to God that he put Brian and China in my path to receive the word every day. I can rephrase the word now and it is so beautiful to have that opportunity, so wonderful and I’m thankful to God and I pray that God continues to bless Brian and his family for being so faithful to what they’re doing. And I’m new to DAB. This just…I started on October…
Good morning DABbers, this is Walta from Charlotte, I’m a Burning Bush that will not be Devoured for the Glory of our God and King. I just heard sister Angela calling from California about thoughts been going through her mind and works in her head and just the suicidal…she’s battling suicidal thoughts. And, so, I want to tell you, today is the 28th January. I’m actually listening to the 24th today and I don’t believe it’s by mistake because for those…Angela, I want you to know I’m praying for you…but I also want to share for all those who think you’re running behind on listening to the DAB and sometimes you want to skip the prayers, don’t skip the prayers because God is intentionally allowing you to listen on that particular day. So, four days ago or whenever it was, somebody listened to her prayer and prayed for her and then the day after somebody else is going to be listening to the 24th and they’ll listen to Angela’s prayer and they’ll pray for her. And today Angela, I am covering you with the blood of Jesus. And I come against and every attack of the enemy on your life. You are chosen. You are chosen by God and the fact that you called and is indeed a miracle because you are not the only person struggling with suicidal thoughts. There are other people listening who are struggling with the same things and it makes it even harder for them because they feel like they’re the only person on the planet struggling with it. So, as Brian always says, “well done for calling in.” And I cover you with the blood of Jesus, I cover your family right now. There is no problem too big or too small for God to solve. I speak life over you in the name of Jesus. Father God, I pour the oil of joy over her. I speak from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. Father God, you pour Your oil and anointing upon your daughter right now in the name of Jesus. You are covered, you are loved Angela. I will pray for you every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Love you guys.
Hi, this is Joanne of Happy Valley with a prayer request. I’m currently reading Brian’s book Passages, which talks about how DAB came to be, and I am on page 145 where we’re talking about God’s love and he says, “__ in this profound aspect of Gods story. God truly and deeply loves you.” And here’s my response. Dear Lord, help me. I can’t do this myself. I’ve never experienced love I could trust. My parents abandoned me by dying. I took my children’s love for granted and ended up putting them in harm’s way even though in a broken I loved them, and I loved my grandchildren. I am uncomfortable with the concept of love and just can’t comprehend your loving me Lord. Please help me. That it. Thanks. Love you all in my own broken way. Signing off now. Bye.
Hello this is the Norwegian from North Dakota calling in. I’ve been listening to Daily Audio Bible for about six years. Mike called in the other day from London and he challenged us and said, “pray, lean on God, God takes care of all those things and God’s prayers don’t go unanswered” and he said, “be patient”. And I want to address Grace, who was aired on January 13th. Grace, you talked about up poor marriage and had a hard time getting along I want to first give you my email, pa53muri@gmail.com. I understand poor marriage, hard getting along. I had 35 years of it Grace. And three years ago we had a breakthrough and I want to talk to you, I want to encourage you, I want to let you know that I heard what you had to say and I want to talk to women out there totally. This is when my turnaround point came. My husband said to me one day, get this lady’s, listen, “I’m tired of you saying things to me to intentionally make me feel stupid.” Ouch. Big time. Hard spiritual spanking that I got from God. Oh, I couldn’t sit for a long time and I know you’re not pointing fingers at me because there’s 55,000 of you women out there that have been possibly saying things to make your husbands feel stupid. And that’s what we’re going to stop doing because God’s not pleased with that. Praise God and I know that Jill does not do that otherwise Brian couldn’t come on the air and do such a phenomenal job. So, God has convicted me a that, our marriage has turned around, and I’m excited. And grace, I pray that you’ll have time to call me or email me and that we can connect. And last thing I want to say is, I’m so thankful for this ministry. I write in my journal every day, I love the teas, I love listening to everybody and I thank you, thank you, thank you for what you’re all doing. Amen. Let’s go for…
My beautiful family, this is Pastor Gene from Bradenton Florida. Before I came to the United States I practiced law in Panama, my country of national origin, for eight years. When I graduated law school I majored in international law and one of the __ topics of interest in international law was preemptive strikes. And Preemptive strikes are when you know when a country claims that an attack is imminent, and they attack first because they know it’s only a matter of time before the enemy attacks them. So, they are preemptive, they preemptively strike their enemies. I bring this up because I’m feeling this sense of urgency as I pray for so many of our families and I want to encourage you today whether your husband a wife or a child a brother or sister to launch a preemptive attack against the enemy of our souls. Family, let’s not wait for our marriage to be about to end up in divorce, let’s not wait to see our kids suffering or bothers are sisters. Let’s not wait for those of us that are already in those situations. There’s absolutely nothing we can do but fight on our knees and trust God to bring a resolution to the situation. So, for those of us that are experiencing a period of peace and comfort, let’s face it family, it’s not going to stay that way if we are not careful. We need to preemptively attack, and we do that by praying with our Father. We do that by having kindness and attention towards our __ . We do that by __ and writing love notes and being kind and spending time together and spending time on our needs together and opening the word and speaking to our kids and being respectful. Let’s preemptively attack the enemy before it’s too late. I love you family. Pastor Gene from Bradenton Florida. Bye.