11/16/2023 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 33:1-34:31, Hebrews 13:1-25, Psalm 115:1-18, Proverbs 27:21-22

Today is the 16th day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, like every day here, taking the next step forward together and continuing the journey through the Scriptures. We are deep into the book of Ezekiel; well, we are deep into the book of Hebrews as well. But we’ll be continuing through both of those today. We’re reading from the Common English Bible this week. Today Ezekiel chapters 33 and 34.


Okay, so, today we finished the…the book known as Hebrews, which is this amazing vision of the gospel from a Hebrew perspective, tying the gospel to the Hebrew story. And as we ended we were told to remember those who brought the good news of the gospel to us in the first place. Try to remember them, imitate their faith. That was necessary then, obviously that’s still something that we should do today as we have our mentors and those that we look up to. We were also told to watch out for strange teachings and instead of like going into all of the specifics of the different teachings because there were many, and there still are, the writer of Hebrews kept this in a completely Hebrew perspective and context. Yes, there are strange teachings. The true gospel is the one in which all the prophecies are fulfilled, and this was accomplished through one person and that person is Jesus. So, like, to illustrate this Hebrew centric perspective, let’s just read a couple versus. The blood of the animals is carried into the holy of holies by the high priest as an offering for sin and their bodies are burned outside the camp. And so, Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy with His own blood. Like, if you’re pagan that doesn’t really matter or make any sense. But from a Hebrew perspective, it does. For Hebrew believers who were suffering this marginalization and persecution, this parallel would’ve been meaningful. It would have seemed that they were walking in the footsteps of Jesus, and it should be meaningful to us too, our relationship with God may not be understood by everybody around us and isn’t understood by everybody around us. And we may be mischaracterized. But we’ve also concluded Hebrews and so, we’re stepping forward from one of the major pieces of the New Testament. So, let’s just think back at all that we’ve been able to see, and we’ve learned that God has done a new thing in the world, in the world through Jesus by coming in the flesh. He instituted a new covenant, and we’re permitted to personally enter the holy of holies because of this new covenant, we can collaborate with, we can be in relationship intimately with God. And this relationship is built through faith and hope in what we can’t see. Faith is the activator; it’s always been the way that we experience life with God. And faith is something that has to be strengthened, it’s like a muscle. So, we have to lose whatever is slowing us down, and run the race of life with endurance. And part of that endurance is walking in the footsteps of Jesus and persevering and enduring marginalization of persecution. We can’t just kinda hide in society, we have to live as light in the darkness, we have to believe that we are a part of God’s family, a new family. Jesus was the firstborn. And those who are following Him are born into this family of God. Which brings us to a beautiful benediction; may the God of peace, who brought back the great Shepherd of the sheep our Lord Jesus from the dead, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with every good thing to do His will, by developing in us what pleases him through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory forever and always. Amen.


Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank you for every single day of all these years but every single day of this year that we have shown up together, taking the next step forward. We thank You for this milestone of moving through the book of Hebrews, as we continue forward into the ending of the year, and the ending of the Scriptures. Holy Spirit come, there’s so much left for us, help us finish strong. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hello DAB family, this is TD in Texas. I’m calling in to pray for Joe. Joe called in saying he doesn’t know what he needs as far as prayer. That’s okay Joe, because in Matthew 6:8 it is written that your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. And in Romans 8:26, in the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We don’t know what we ought to pray for but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. If everyone in the DAB family would pray with me as we pray for Joe. Our Father in Heaven, thank You for prompting Joe to call in and ask for prayer. It could not have been easy but Joe, we’re so glad you called in. Joe has been tormented throughout his life and it’s painful not to experience the love you see your siblings or others receive. But God, You have seen every painful moment in Joe’s life. And You want to heal his hurt. Joe said he was saved as a young child. Lord, help him to come back to his first love which is You, Jesus. Jesus, You have never left his side. But help Joe to come back and develop a closer relationship with You. Joe says he doesn’t have any close friends. Help him to know that we will be his family and friends. The DAB family will always be there for you Joe, praying for you in earnest. God, please be with Joe and guide him. Help him to get a closer walk with you. Help Joe to lean on his DAB family for encouragement and prayer, as he builds his relationship with you. This we ask in Jesus name. Amen. We are praying for you Joe. God bless.

Hey DAB family, this is your sister Ashley from California. And I wanted to give you an update. Yesterday, November 11th at 6am, my papa experienced his homecoming. What was really special was that I, after taking over for my brother Cody, who was up with him until about 4 o’clock in the morning. And my mom stepped out to take a break and rest for a moment. I was in there with him and I was listening to, I was listening to Brian. And what was really providential and such a God thing was that the reading from yesterday was a great, was a great dichotomy of who my papa was. How in Ezekiel, talking about the graphic nature of how God was explaining the betrayal from Samaria and from Judah. And then also, about how we can boldly go before the, Jesus, our high priest in heaven and walk right in there. That’s who my papa was. And now he is experiencing that shalom and that perfect peace because he’s there. He is in heaven now and I am rejoicing at that. And rejoicing with the hope that I have for eternity. But dang, it’s really hard with the grief here, especially after so much loss in the last few years. So, please keep my family in your prayers. And DAB family, I am so grateful for you. And I am praying alongside with you. I love you, everybody. Bye.

Father God, I come before You, lifting up prayer requests and laying them at Your feet. For Mike in South Dakota with this skin condition. Refined by His Love in Arizona for encouragement through the trials of life. For Sheena in Saskatchewan, their family is not okay. People on the Water is stressed and going through a difficult time right now. Summer Girl in Tennessee, for mental illness with her mom and all the family dynamics that are not going on and the people in the family that are not saved. Father God, turn these stubborn hearts to You and let the word of God be able to settle on. Take the scales off their eyes, their blinded eyes Lord, and let them see You and let them see Your glory. For the situation where this young couple is pregnant Lord, and they’re stressed. Give them Your peace Lord. Give them their confidence in Your power. Let hope explode within all of these people that are suffering that need encouragement that are going through trials. That are feeling unstable, and things aren’t okay. But with You, we know that You can give us fresh resolve Lord. That Your divine intervention can come in and turn things around in the blink of an eye. And that’s exactly what we’re asking for, for saving grace, for saving families with Your salvation, for healing, for the stressful situations for guidance. We give You the praise and the glory.

Hey DAB family, it’s Abba’s Daughter, Sadie M. Today is Monday, November 13th. I’m listening to the tail end of the community prayer for the week. But I wanted to come on and pray for our prayer warriors. Because they’re praying for everyone. And I just want to lift up those of us who are praying for everyone. So, the Junk to Treasure’s, the God’s Life Speaker’s, the Prisoners of Hope, all of you and so many more. That’s just a few. But all of You who are praying and just lifting everyone and every challenge to the throne. I want to lift you to the throne. I want to lift your challenges to the throne today. So, let’s go to the throne, in honor of our amazing prayers warriors here at DAB. Abba Father, thank You so much for these amazing people that You have placed in the DAB community. Thank You for their consistency, for their loyalty to us and even more importantly, their loyalty to You, Lord. They are committed, prayer warriors of Your throne, of Your mighty name, Lord. And I just ask Your blessings upon them. Your blessings upon each and every prayer warrior here at DAB. Whether they are always calling or just silent warriors, Lord. I ask Your blessing upon these amazing people. We are so grateful for the prayer warriors here at DAB, Abba Father. And we just, we just ask Your blessing upon them. May Your face shine upon them and give them peace. We’re incredibly grateful for their silent service or for their not so silent service. Amen. Thank you, prayer warriors. We deeply appreciate your service and commitment in prayer. Abba’s Daughter, Sadie M. Bye for now.