Jeremiah 49:23-50:46, Titus 1:1-16, Psalm 97:1-98:9, Proverbs 26:13-16
Today is the 26th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian and it’s great to be here with you as we gather around the Global Campfire and find a place and move forward together. Our next step forward will lead us back into the book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament. When we get to the New Testament, we have come to the pastoral epistle of Titus, and we will talk about that when we get there. But first, we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week, Jeremiah chapter 49 verse 23 through 50 verse 46.
Introduction to the Book of Titus:
Okay, so yesterday we finished second Timothy, thought to be the final writing of Paul’s life and we talked about that and tried to give it the honor that it was due and that now brings us today to the book of Titus. So, we’re like reading Paul’s goodbye letter, but we’re still with Paul as we move into the third of the three pastoral letters, which are first and second Timothy and Titus. And these are pastoral letters because they are written to sons in the faith, who are now leading congregations that were planted by the apostle Paul. So, Titus was an early convert, of the apostle Paul’s ministry and remained in ministry with Paul, after that. And he became a trusted ministry partner. He was, he was trusted enough to…to go with Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem, to attend the Jerusalem Council. And the Jerusalem Council, we talked about aplenty when we were in the book of Acts because that’s where it’s outlined. This is the Council where church leaders are coming together, making a like, an irreversible decision, as it turns out, about how a person is included in the community of faith in Jesus Christ; like do they need to convert to Judaism as a religion and then adhere to the Mosaic Law, including circumcision and all of the other requirements and then be accepted into the community of Jesus, or can they just come to Jesus. Titus was a Gentile, and he was able to be at this Council and that actually mattered, according to the writings of the apostle Paul. The irony is that Titus isn’t mentioned in the book of Acts, we know Titus through Paul’s letters, but getting back to the pastoral epistles. The scenario, the likely scenario and we talked about this before, there’s a ton of conjecture, and it’s not just wild guesses, just to reconstruct history is a scientific process and you reach some places where you don’t have certain evidence and so, you have to make the best guess as you continue to move forward piecing things together. And so, the scenario probably is that Paul was arrested after he appealed to Caesar, but probably was released for a while and was able to travel again. And he traveled to the island of Crete, in order to share about Jesus, a place that had not yet heard the message of the good news. And Cretans were known for their carnality. And so, when Paul comes and brings us new message that hadn’t been heard before, faith springs up. And then Paul left Titus on the island of Crete, to begin to form the congregation, the church on the island of Crete and to kind of navigate leadership in all of the different kind of cultural things that would come against this newly believing congregation. Paul trusted Titus to do this work. Paul had trusted Titus to do all kinds of different types of work, including carrying letters into difficult situations among congregations. So, Paul and Titus do this work in Crete. Paul departs Crete, sends this letter, this pastoral epistle, back to Titus on the island of Crete, probably around the same time that he was writing letters to Timothy. So, by the time this letter does arrive with Titus, on the island of Crete, it would serve a couple of purposes. One, it would be an encouragement from a spiritual father, but also, this would be Paul putting Paul in writing, like his instructions to Titus would be in writing. Paul would be giving Titus authority in the church, in writing. So, if Titus had to make an unpopular decision and people were like Paul would never say we should do these things this way, than Titus would have this letter that would essentially back him up. Because Titus would have work to do, he would need to appoint a pastor and he would need to appoint deacons, he would need to raise up leaders that had respect. So, as we’re going through the letter to Titus here, we’re going to see some of the criteria that we’ve seen in first Timothy. We’ll see some of the criteria for appointing people into leadership in God’s church, this being in written form, Titus would be able to show the Cretans, like this is what Paul says the criteria is, this is how we raise up leaders in the church and he would have this letter to the back that up. And as we said we we’re going through the, well, first Timothy, when we we’re going to first Timothy and there is criteria given there. It mentions like this is where so much criteria for church leadership comes from during the ordination process. So, if you’ve ever sought ordination or been ordained then probably pretty difficult that you didn’t pass through first Timothy and Titus, along the way. And so, with all of that, let’s begin. Titus chapter 1.
Father, we thank You for Your word, we love You, Lord, we thank You for the Scriptures and their guidance in our lives and the way that they inform everything, if were paying attention. And so, we thank You, as we continue our journey through Jeremiah now, as we’re in the letter to Titus, Holy Spirit, come, as we ask for just about every day, lead us into all truth. We’ve come here to seek the truth; we’ve come here to seek the right way of life and we’ve come here to allow the Scriptures to reveal what You are like to us. So, Holy Spirit, come and lead us into all truth, as we surrender and submit ourselves to You. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Announcements: is home base and that is where you can find out what’s happening around here. The Daily Audio Bible app is also available from whatever app store is connected to your device. And you can find out what’s going on around here, there in the palm of your hand in the Daily Audio Bible app, so check that out. We have a new project coming out in less than a week, November 1 which is next Tuesday the Sleep, A Contemplative Journey album will be officially released. And we have been talking about that for I guess, a little over a week. And so, we kind of know the lay of the land. This is a project that has been on the radar for quite some time. It’s taken quite some time to get to it, but it comes at a time when I needed it. And knowing that we’re moving into a really, really busy season of the year, we all need our rest. And this project is intended to create space for exactly that. And it seems like that is a needed space right now. Rest is something that we think is optional, when it’s actually necessary. So, looking forward to this releasing on Tuesday November 1st, you can find it now wherever it is that you get your music, you can preorder it now and it will show up on the 1st of November, so check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if you find that being around the Global Campfire every day is life-giving, then thank you, humbly for being life-giving, we couldn’t possibly do what we’re doing, if we were not in this together and so thank you deeply for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that is it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Good morning, Daily Audio Bible. This is October the 21st and this is Chris-Ann calling back in. And I am just asking for prayer still, for my marriage and reconciliation with my husband. We’ve been separated for 9 years and 4 years ago we went to court and the Lord intervened and answered prayer of stopping the divorce. And removed the lady out of my husband’s life that he was involved with. And I’m asking again that the Lord and asking for prayers and prayer warriors that the Lord would intervene and would stop this divorce from happening again. That it would not be finalized. We’ve been married for over 32 years; we have one son. And it has just broken my heart in the 9 years I have had so many ups and downs in my life. I never expected to be in the position that I’m in. And while I’ve had some good moments, there’s been some bad moments. This past year, 2022 has been extremely stressful. I had a pet that I dearly loved, had for 17 years and he recently passed away. But the Lord brought another little dog back into my life. It’s just been very difficult being by myself. And I have tried to be really faithful in my prayers. And I am asking for prayer warriors out there to pray for my marriage. And that the Lord would just intervene again. And that He would stop this divorce and that He would reconcile my husband and I to one another. That He would change my husband. I am trusting and believing that this will happen, and I just need all my prayer warriors out there to be praying for this. Thank you and have a good day.
Hey neighbors, it’s Lisa the Encourager. I’m calling today to encourage you in prayer and also just wanted to tell you or share a little story. So, since my mom passed, I definitely have come closer and my attention has grown closer to eternity and you know, what that looks like and what it will be like. And just thinking about my mom in heaven and all of those things. So, one of the things that I also was thinking about is, I always try to, when I start my prayers at home, I try to give God glory for something new, you know that I haven’t thought about, whether that’s food or my health or my kids. Or just try to, each day, try to think of something different and say God, you know, thank You for this. You know, show that true appreciation. One of the things I, I’ve thought about in my life is one day, we’re all going to see God and we’re all gonna have that moment when we see Him and it’s gonna be so, I can’t, I’m sure it’s you know, obviously take your breath away and you just wanna cry and get on your knees and just you know, glorify Him and just, you know, bow down and be like, all the things I should have done, you know, differently. So, I was just trying to bring front and center that to my mind, you know. Think about that day today. Think about what it would be like if God was right there in front of you, what would you do differently today. So, let’s all pray that we will be mindful of that together. Dear Lord God, thank You so much for Your majestic love that You have for us. Thank You for being there and God help us to think about …
Hey fam, it’s Sparky. I’ve got a couple guys here and they were gonna say hi, real quick. Hi, it’s Aiden and Grant. I’m doing good with football, it’s treating me good, I’m playing a lot. So, I’m liking it a lot and schools doing good. Met a lot of friends, so yeah. Yeah, it’s good for me. I met a lot of new friends and I got to come visit which I was really excited. We got to come see my friends and get to hang out. Yeah, DAB fam, I just wanted to tell em to tell ya’ll hello. Cause I told them ya’ll been praying real hard for them. And they’re spreading the love of God up there. So, ya’ll wanna tell them bye? Bye. Bye. Love you guys, thank you for your prayer.
For all the insanity that You’ve already brought me safely through
As well as the many mercies that I still see You every day making new
My spirit cries out, Abba, Father, thank You for loving me so
For holding me tightly and not letting go
For refusing to let anyone or anything snatch me out of Your hand
For surrounding me with love and enabling me to stand
In the face of adversity, heartbreak and stress
Stupidity, rebellion and all the rest of my mess
For taking me out of slavery and setting me free
For giving me a taste of new life in Thee
And even though most of my peers are now all dead
I’ve found myself entertaining visions of new life still ahead
Though at times I’ve asked myself why me
Even in blindness it’s pretty clear to see
That it’s only Your grace, mercy, love and favor shielding me
That has not only kept me alive
But it’s also provided the impetus that has allowed me to thrive
To become more than I ever thought I would be
And I want to thank You Father for loving me
Healer, Deliverer, Sustainer
For me it is a no-brainer
Giving me blessings day after day
As well as new victories all along the way I’d like to give a shout out to Sally Young and Tony Parton, I haven’t heard from you in a while. Know you’re often in my thoughts and daily in my prayers. And once again Brian and the Hardin Family, thank you for this wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit to flow. Keep it flowing ya’ll. Alright, bye bye.
Good morning, this is A Woman in Texas. I’d like to thank everybody who prayed for me back in the early parts of the year. My husband was transferred to Arizona, and he was gone 128 days. The Lord had orchestrated it through actually the father of one of my patients, had an opportunity that was perfect for my husband. So, he’s back home, although it’s still a traveling job and I haven’t seen him in 12 days. Cause he’s been in the oil field. But he’s home, he’s here in Texas, he’s not in Arizona anymore. And I’d like to thank everyone for praying for me. I have another prayer request to lift up. I’ve, I was recently in a little fender bender car accident. It did put my car out of commission which all is well. But it’s brought up trauma just from other past car accidents and there’s just, there’s other trauma there that I can feel. And even though the Lord is providing, and all is well, it’s still hard to get out of bed. I’ve cancelled work a lot. I’ve slept all day for like over a week straight. My accident was about a month ago. I could just use your prayers. I know there is so much good and so much to be hopeful and positive about but it’s, it’s really hard to get out of bed. And I would appreciate your prayers. I put a smile on my face but it’s still, it’s hard. I’m sorry, thank you.