2 Chronicles 26:1-28:27, Romans 13:1-14, Psalm 23:1-6, Proverbs 20:11
Today is the 30th day of July. Wow, one more day, we get to end a month as we start a new week tomorrow. One more day in this 7th month of the year. And so, we here are with today and tomorrow. And I’m excited to see what the scriptures bring into our lives, things for us to be edified by and uplifted by and challenged by. And so, let’s dive in. We’ve been reading from the Contemporary English Version this week. Which is what we’ll do today. And picking up where we left off yesterday we’ll lead us back into the book of 2nd Chronicles. Today, chapters 26, 27 and 28.
Father, we thank You for Your word. And we have now come to the full completion of this month, with only one day remaining. So, we look back over this month and we thank You for all that You have spoken into our lives, all that You have touched, all that You have comforted, all that You have challenged. And the way that You have led us forward, step-by-step, day-by-day. And so, come Holy Spirit and plant what we’ve read this month into the soil of our lives, that the fruit of this Spirit may burst forth in abundance, spilling out of us into the world. And we pray along with what the Apostle Paul said in the letter to the Romans. Jesus, may You be as near to us as the clothes we wear. And Holy Spirit, come, as we continue to contemplate and consider what life looks like if our posture were to live it as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to You. Come, Holy Spirit, into this we pray. In the precious and mighty name of Jesus we ask. Amen.
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And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.