11/14/2021 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 29:1-30:26, Hebrews 11:32-12:13, Psalms 112:1-10, Proverbs 27:17

Today is the 14th day of November welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is a joy to be here with you today as we greet a new week together. We just throw open that threshold and step through into this shiny sparkly new week that is out in front of us. And, so, it’s out there in the realm of faith. None of those days exist yet. We haven’t reached them yet. And we’ve been talking about that in the book of Hebrews. But we do have faith that this week will exist. And, so, as we look out in front of us we realize that our decisions, our conversations, our actions, that is what this week is gonna look like adn the story of this week is going to be told by our conversations and our motivations and our actions. It’s always nice to stand here at the threshold of this new week can know it’s not going to just be something that’s happening to us, we can happen to this week. We can take wise decisions in the ways that we conduct ourselves and we can be stronger at the end of this week then we are now and that can be an ever-increasing thing. And, so, it’s wonderful to be here with you around this Global Campfire at this threshold looking at the vista of all this week has to bring to us as we enter into it together. This week we will read from the Christian Standard Bible, and we’ll be picking up in the book of Ezekiel. We’ll actually be camping out in Ezekiel this entire week. We’re also in the letter to the Hebrews in the New Testament, and we will be concluding the letter to the Hebrews this week, somewhere around mid-week we will finish up the letter to the Hebrews. But we’re here now. This is where we presently are. So, let’s take that next step forward together. Ezekiel 29 and 30.


Father, thank you again. Thank you again for your word. Thank you again for this community, this…this family all over the world that gathers around this Global Campfire to take the next step forward together every day. And the next step forward is the next step forward in the Scriptures and we thank you. The Scriptures are the basis for…for this community and for us to gather and yet we’ve gathered and gotten to know each other by voice and have grown to care about what happens to one another as we share a year of history, of our own history and a year of history in the world and we thank you. We are grateful. It is with tremendous gratitude that we thank you for the gifts that are so bountiful, the gift of the Scriptures, the gift of each other, the gift of the body of Christ, the gift of salvation, the gift of technology, the gift that we live in a time in history now where this is a possibility. Thank you, father for all that you have done. Thank you for all that you have yet to do as we continue to step forward together. And we invite your Holy Spirit, and we ask that you help us to remain aware of your presence and remain in you, as we remain aware. Holy Spirit come we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Greetings Daily Audio Bible family I called in a few days ago, maybe a week ago with a prayer request for my mom. I’ve been her caregiver since she was diagnosed with dementia, and I called in saying that it hit the point after a couple of years where I was going to need to place her in a residential care program just because it was getting too hard to keep her at home. This whole process and just the decision has just been so overwhelming and scary and stressful. But a bright side, we’ve been looking into a few places and one of the few places that I was comfortable with and that would meet our needs in terms of budget and location and the level of care she needs, it was just a lingering feeling that I just wasn’t quite sure if it would work out. And I took my mom to visit today and just got such a really good feeling and just positive signs. She seemed really happy and comfortable there. There is space that will be opening up soon. It’s in a…in a room that’s even bigger than what she thought she would get. And I did get really comfortable with the staff that we were able to meet with. So, thank you for everyone who has prayed for me. I know that God has heard my prayers and all of your prayers and I'm…I’m feeling just a little bit lighter today about this process and what’s going to come next for my family. So, thank you.

Hey this is Gregory Bowman from southwest Sweden. HEJ, Swedish for hello. So, you’ve just learned a new word. My DAB family I love you and just want to say that everything that I hear, Bible readings, prayer requests, answers to prayers, and celebration of God and getting to know He is reminds us that he is a good God. Few prayer requests. The local __ shop owners’ wife was gunned down by a psychiatric patient rehabilitating. We have…we have one of those places here where people can rehabilitate…criminals and psychiatric patients. It was…she was gunned down so I can’t begin to imagine what that…what he’s going through, the husband of that of that woman. My wife would like physical healing from stress which causes pain in her stomach. And I’m looking for online guitar students. She would like to…we both would like to be able to work closer to home or at home. So, we appreciate and thank you for everything you can pray into this. And we’re believing God that he will break through in a major way. Thank you. Bless you everyone. And people who call in regularly but also many who…who….who…who are there listening and praying. God bless you each one of you. And all of our family and England remembering everyone there because we come from…well I come from London she’s from Sweden, my wife Nahita’s from Sweden. But we love you and we just say stay encouraged in God in…

It’s Susan from Canada God Yellow Flower calling and I can’t believe it’s Friday and I…and I only have 11 minutes left on the community prayer. I can’t believe I finally caught up. Woo. Anyway, I’m hearing a lot of prayer for our children or our loved ones who are not saved or have turned away from the faith. And I want to encourage you because in my life there were two people my mother and my father-in-law and they were very hard hearted and stiff-necked, and I prayed. I prayed fervently for many, many years. I think for my mom it was like…what she…she lived to almost 90…about 60 years and…and my father-in-law at…at least 40 years anyways. And, you know, God put people in their path to lead them down the narrow road. It wasn’t me that changed their life. Well, I have to say it was…they both commented on how I remained faithful to the Lord but it wasn’t me who actually prayed with them to receive Christ but the change in both of them was astonishing. So, we are praying in the will of God for the salvation of the lost and I will continue. But pray fervently. Pray fervently. You’re in God’s will. Amen.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible this is June in Maryland. I’m calling to pray for all people who are calling in with loneliness or suffer from loneliness. I just wanted to say to you, please just review Psalm 68:6. It says God places the lowly in families and sets the prisoner free and gives them joy but makes the __ live in the sun scorched land. Please, my word of encouragement to you is don’t wait for someone to invite you, don’t wait to be a friend, be a…get a friend…be a friend, learn to be a friend. It is a skill. It isn’t something that comes naturally. That’s way we teach it to our children when they’re small and we make them take things to school and be nice and be kind. Be a friend. Don’t wait for the invitation. Open your doors. Invite people in. Invite your church, your fellow female church goers in. Host the evening. I’m not saying to stretch yourself above your means, but just…you can have tea and cheese and crackers. You can just have…it doesn’t have to always be so starch or so elaborate. But just learn to be a friend. And, spoiler alert, you will get your heart broken or along the way. The first time I tried to host something I invited about 10 people and one person came. I had all this food prepared everything and it broke my heart. But I kept doing it and now I have a family around me. I have friends who’ve become family, closer than a brother, who are the ones that are helping me supporting me all the day long calling me every single day to check on me as a recover from this pneumonia and just always around me loving me, carrying me, guiding me, being there for me and praying with me. So, please learn to be a friend. I’m running out of time. Love you all. Have a blessed day.