11/22/2023 DAB Transcript pt1

Ezekiel 44:1-45:12, 1 Peter 1:1-12, Psalm 119:17-32, Proverbs 28:8-10

Today is the 22nd day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It’s great to be here with you today as we continue the journey, continue taking steps forward, every step will be made before the end of this year, and we will complete the Bible. And there’s not too many days left, but we’re not there yet. And there’s plenty, plenty that the Lord would like to speak into our lives before we reach the conclusion of this year. And so, let’s take that next step forward and hang out, hang out till the end today. I have a story to tell, a long story of the last couple of years and some future plans and where we’re, where we’re going in the coming year. So, hang out for that at the end but we’re at the beginning. Let’s dive in, today, Ezekiel chapter 44 verse 1 through 45 verse 12.

Introduction to First Peter:

Okay, so, we finished the book of James yesterday, that brings us another step closer to the end of the New Testament. And that brings us to become reunited with an old friend, the apostle Peter. We met, well, we met Peter in the Gospels and we’ve gotten to know him through the book of Acts. We’ve kind of seen his personality and some of these other depictions of who he is. We’re now at his letters. So, getting to know his voice in written form. The first letter is known as First Peter. And so, Peters name Simon or Simeon was his given name but by the time he became part of Jesus disciples, Jesus had given him the name Cephas. And in Aramaic that means rock. And when Aramaic is translated into Greek of the New Testament, the word is Petros. And then we can see how Peter and Petros have their connections in the English translation Peter.