10/28/2023 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 51:1-53, Titus 2:1-15, Psalm 99:1-9, Proverbs 26:17

Today is the 27th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it’s great to be here with you today for of course, the next step forward in the journey that we find ourselves on together. And if my math is correct, this is day 301. So, this is our 301st step of 365 steps on this adventure, that is the Bible. And we’re kinda running the corner on the book of Jeremiah. And we’ve spent most of this month reading from Jeremiah in the Old Testament. We will conclude the book of Jeremiah tomorrow. We are also reading Paul’s letter to Titus, which we will also conclude tomorrow, but it’s not tomorrow. It’s today. So, from the Names of God Bible, Jeremiah chapter 51 verses 1 through 53.


Okay, let’s talk about the Proverb for a second, and then we will tie it to something that Paul says in Titus. Okay, so, do you know someone in your life that they seem to be in every single argument around you? Like they’re in everything. Like, they can be around people and maybe overhear somebody debating or having a conversation and then they insert themselves into the equation, uninvited, as if they can’t help themselves. We all probably know people like that. Maybe we even are a person like that. The book of Proverbs counsels us that that is like sneaking up behind a dog and grabbing it by the ears. And I don’t care whether it’s a little dog or a big dog, that…that’s never a good plan, because you’re gonna get growled at, snapped at, maybe even bitten. That’s what you set yourself up for when you insert yourself into other people’s business, and it doesn’t usually go well. And a lot of times when we are that person, we might be thinking, like, I’m just trying to help people, and I talk to people, and I’m just trying to help but what we’re not realizing is we really like hearing ourselves speak and we like to instruct people whether they want it or not. We feel like we have a valuable…valuable opinion and it needs to be heard whether…whether anyone wants to hear it or not. And then pretty soon, nobody wants to hear it. And then we wonder why we don’t have any friends. And it’s because we keep grabbing a dog by its ears, by inserting ourselves where we’re not invited. Now, conversely, we probably also could bring to mind a person in our life that we think is full of wisdom and wise, and it’s rare to find that kind of a person inserting themselves into every equation. Those are the people that we seek out. We actually want their opinion, we actually want to know what they have to say and what they might be able to share, because they live a life that we look up to and they carry wisdom that we seek. And we witness their relationship with God, and we witness their self-control. Like, we witness the evidence of that relationship and we seek it out. Paul refers to that kind of person, in his letter to Titus. So, he’s going down a list of different life circumstances and behaviors that…that would be appropriate and proper in those circumstances. And then he says, after all God’s saving kindness has appeared for the benefit of all people. It trains us to avoid ungodly lives filled with worldly desires, so that we can live self-controlled, moral and Godly lives, in this present world. So like, so that we can live this way right now. So that we can live self-controlled, moral and Godly lives right now, while at the same time, hoping for what we are expecting, the appearance of the glory of our God and Savior Jesus Christ. So, Paul basically gives us an example or a view of the opposite of what the Proverb is talking about, and tells us that it’s available right now in this present world. Which brings us to the ultimate question of why do we do the things that we do? If we don’t have any really deep relationships because we insert ourselves into everything and grab the dog by the ears all of the time, then we can ask ourselves, what’s underneath that, because that behavior is just an outpouring of something below and we’re exposing our own insecurities. And yet, according to the letter to Titus, God’s saving kindness invades that space and trains us to avoid things that are ungodly in every way. And trains us to live self-controlled, including our tongues. Self-controlled, moral and Godly lives in this present world, in the right now.


And so Father that is what we want. All of the story that has led us to this place and all of the behaviors that go along with it that are at times destructive or unhelpful, at minimum. We surrender that to you because it’s unlikely that we’re not aware, that we’re just completely unaware. And so, we surrender those insecurities and those wounds and the assumptions that we continually formulate, the things that we invent in our heads all of the time. All of that stuff that motivates us in ways that are not self-controlled, moral, and Godly in this present world, all of that, we surrender to You and invite Your Holy Spirit to come, restore, repair, heal and make new again, those places that are trigger points for us in our behaviors. Come Holy Spirit, we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

This is Atis Eight, calling from Cincinnati, Ohio. And I’m calling in to pray for Liza and His Little Sharie. I’m a little bit behind and I’m catching up. But those two prayer requests really just pricked my heart. And so, that I offer, I hold my sister Sharie up to You God and I pray that You would lay Your hand on her body. God, I ask that You would give her perfect peace that passes all understanding for every decision that she has to make concerning her health challenges. And I ask, oh God, that You would give her just guidance on what to do and what not to do and just how to move forward in this specific situation. I thank You for her encouragement and for her just being so faithful to this community. And I pray, oh God, that You would just lead, guide and direct her. Continue to wrap Your arms around her, oh God. And in the midnight hour, I pray that You would just whisper, in Your still, small voice in her ear that comfort, so that she knows that You are still leading and guiding and working, even though You may not necessarily be saying anything. And I also ask, oh God, that You would lay Your hand on my sister Liza’s body. That You would move in the miraculous, oh God. Do the supernatural in her life, oh God. And I pray oh God, that You would just remove any discomfort that she’s feeling and just give her peace also. As she navigates through this situation. We believe You to be the perfect healer. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hello DAB family, this is Doctor Bob from Phoenix. I just heard the anguish in Junk to Treasure’s voice. And she just posted on the community prayer all the stresses she’s been going through, the disappointments, the financial difficulties that she’s had with her events and with her phone. And Junk to Treasure, I just want to say, I’m not the prayer warrior that you are. I admire all the prayers that you give forth every single time you’re on this platform. You pray for everyone, all over the world. I think it’s time for us to pray for you. Let me pray for you directly. Again, I’m not a great prayer warrior, Junk to Treasure, but you mean so much to me and I’m sure to all of us. So, let me just ask our Lord in heaven, please come to the aid of Your faithful servant, Junk to Treasure, as she’s going through these difficulties with her phone and her living in rural America with lack of reception, lack of adequate funds to get her through from month to month. Lord, she’s a great warrior for You, for all of us. Please come to her needs as I’m sure you always do. You’ve always kept all of us under Your wings. And You always provide for us all in our times of need. So, let me be the one to…to make this prayer, make this special request to You, Lord. Come to Junk to Treasure’s aid today. Bless her, keep blessing her, and give her the financial resources and the peace that she needs that goes beyond all understanding. Thank you. Bless you, bless you all.

Hey Lauriann from South Carolina. This is Heather of Pikes Peak by way of Texas. And I heard you on the Daily Audio Bible on October 22nd and you know, it saddens me too, what Christ went through to die on the cross. But this was ordained by God so that there would be no more sacrifices. He would end all sacrifices, for all time. He covered every sin on the earth for all time. And that means, even people in the world, they don’t know it, but their sins are covered by Jesus. And when you come to Jesus and you accept Jesus as your own, and you accept him as your savior, your sins are forgiven. That’s it. That’s it. There’s no hoops, there’s no special works, there’s no nothing that we can do. Jesus did it all. And so, Jesus says, you know, in John chapter 10, verse 29, that you know, that the Lord has made him shepherd and no one, no one, can snatch His sheep out of His hand. No one! So, that means your name is written in the book of life. You have a salvation through Christ Jesus. You are a part of the bride, which is the bride of Christ, which is the church. We are the body of the church. So, tell that demon of doubt and you don’t need to battle that anymore. That your name is written in the book of life. And you tell him, in the name of Jesus, go away. Because he is not welcome to question your faith. You are a child of God, your name is written in the book of life, Jesus died for you and you have your salvation. I hope this helps you sister. I love you.

Hi there, this is Katie in Ohio. I wanted to call for Lauriann in South Carolina. Lauriann said that she battles doubt that she’ll be in heaven on a continual basis, no matter how much she reads her Bible, or does anything else. And I wanted to say, Lauriann, I’ve gone through periods like that. I don’t think it’s uncommon for, especially certain personality types. I’ve also battled guilt over things that I’ve asked forgiveness for, over and over again. And I was given advice and I want to pass on to you. Lauriann, if you’ve admitted that you’re a sinner, if you believe in your heart that God died for you, if you’ve confessed your sins and asked Him to come in, then He’s forgiven you. Then you will be in heaven. And anything after that, any guilt, any doubt, that is of Satan. That’s not of the Holy Spirit. So, fight off those fears and doubts. Fend them off with the word of God. Memorize scriptures that can bolster you. That can help you get through. Because I am certain I will see you in heaven, and I can’t wait to meet you.