10/1/2023 DAB Transcript

Isaiah 62:6-65:25, Philippians 2:19-3:3, Psalm 73:1-28, Proverbs 24:13-14

Today is October 1st, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is wonderful to be here with you today as we end a week while beginning a month. So, here we are, first day of the 10th month of the year, 274th day of the year, which means 274 days ago we began our long journey, a year-long journey through life together through the Scriptures together, every single book, every single paragraph, every single sentence, every single word and what a journey it has been, what beautiful journey, it has been and what transformation has began to take shape inside of us. And we have one quarter of the year left to go, so we are plenty out in front of us, but we have plenty that we have covered already. So, it is wonderful to be here with you today as we begin this brand-new month of October. And whether it’s a brand-new month or a brand-new shiny sparkly week that we are entering into, we pick up where we left off and that leads us back out into the territory of the book of Isaiah, which we have been reading for a bit now. We will actually conclude the book of Isaiah tomorrow. So, we are, we are rounding the corner on this prophetic book and we’ll move forward after that, obviously. But we still got a couple of days to spend with Isaiah and so, let’s dive in. We’ve been reading from the Good News Translation this week. Today, Isaiah chapter 62 verse 6, through 65 verse 25.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for bringing us to the conclusion of another week together, and as we conclude this week, we are beginning this brand-new 10th month of the year. We consecrate this to You, we consecrate our hearts and ourselves to You in this brand-new month that is all shiny and brand-new, a gift that You are giving us day-by-day, moment-by-moment, a gift to be in Your presence. A gift to walk this life together with You. And we confess, as we have so often so much of the time we’re not paying attention, we’re cast to and fro, we’re running around from thing to thing to thing, keeping the plates spinning, try to keep anything bad from happening to us, when You have invited us into rest and instructed us that You will care for us. And we confess, we make our own messes then ask You to come and care for us when You have invited us away to walk with You and avoid so many of these pitfalls. You have invited us into a spacious place, where we can see what is going on and not be tied to all of the things, we attach ourselves to. And so, as we walk into this month, we want to walk in freedom. That might mean that we have to let some of the plates fall. That might mean, we have to listen to You, so that we know what is actually going to be important in this final quarter of the year. Holy Spirit come, lead us into all truth, we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if what happens when we gather around the Global Campfire every day, brings good news and hope to us, and the…the sense that we are not in this alone, that we are in this together, that God has given us brothers and sisters all over the world to take this journey with, this journey through the Bible, of course, but this journey through life together. If that has been meaningful to you then thank you, humbly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I am Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey family. Judy, Salt Lake City here. Steve’s sister Donna just called me and asked me if I would call in the prayer line for our nephew. Has been diagnosed in liver failure. Evidently, it’s pretty serious. It’s sounds like he has end stage. So, she knows with … our prayer warriors our pretty special people. She wanted to do it but she’s afraid she’d just start crying and wouldn’t be able to finish the prayer request. So, family, please hold up Allen in your prayers for salvation as well as his healing. He does believe in God but I don’t know how much else, it sounds like that’s pretty much it. So, please pray for his salvation. That through this time of trouble with his liver that he can meet Jesus and accept him as his savior before it’s too late. Thank you family. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hi beautiful family, this is Prisoner of Hope. I’m lifting up Anna in the Trenches, you said you have a stressful but exciting season in your buying a home. But the move sounds overwhelming. Lord, I’m lifting this family up, that You would send help. Please, she’s dealing with her mother with Alzeihmers and she’s deteriorating and it’s just hard to watch, Lord. Either bring healing to her or just bring comfort to this family. Whatever Your will is Lord. Oh Manita, you said … I guarantee you that is not true. And if anybody calls too much it’s probably me. And you have a young 20 something cousin Brandon, who was hit and killed by a motorist in Kentucky and your family is just devastated. Especially his mom. I am lifting up that family, your family. Lauriann from South Carolina, you lost your husband Steven and you just said so many days you want your husband back and grief is hard. I’m lifting you up, sweet sister. Cindy in Ontario, your friend Jennifer, her daughter Hope and is in a coma and there’s just not much hope there. And then, Amanda, your family, a family in your daughters school, their 17 year old son was killed in a car accident and so, I’m lifting up all these people, sweet Lord. That we can call upon you in times of our sorrow. Please just give these families Your strength and help them to give their heavy hearts to you. May they just feel the warmth of Your love and Your divine compassion. Have mercy on them while they struggle through life’s hardships, Lord. It’s just so difficult. And then Lord, for those in these situations, who have family members that don’t know You, I pray that You would reveal Yourself to them. Soften their hearts that they would come to know You as Lord and savior of their life. We just ask this in Your precious.

This is your servant, From Junk to Treasure and I’m calling to ask for prayers. Our little town that is close to where I live out in the country, elections for town board and things like that. And my brother had sold his house and moved in closer to town and he’s running for a position. So, I’m asking … because our little town really needs some changes and some updates. It’s pretty stagnet and running down and doesn’t have a lot of life left in it. And a lot of empty buildings sitting, even though it’s a very small town. And I think that we are in desperate need of changes and my brother has a God-fearing man and so, he would add a touch of Christianity, I don’t know how to say it. He would add Jesus into our community, I’ll say that. And so, if you could please … throne of grace, I would greatly appreciate it. Make treasures out of the junk that is thrown in our lives.

Hello DAB family, this is Adopted and Loved. Just calling to give an update and ask for prayer. I am going into court for my … Thursday and just having a lot of anxiety and wanting to give it to God and I don’t know. There’s so much that I don’t know. And I just want to give it to him and know what that looks like, clothing myself in his righteousness. And being able to walk in, not be ashamed of who I am. But know that I am a child of God. Ask for your prayer for my wife as well too, that she would be okay as we go through this court proceeding. I really wish that we … just for my four kids as well too. Thank you.