4/22/2023 DAB Transcript

Joshua 24:1-33, Luke 21:1-28, Psalm 89:38-52, Proverbs 13:20-23

Today is the 22nd day of April, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is fantastic to be here with you today as we gather once again and take the next step forward and lead ourselves to the end of our week. And we will actually conclude a book today. We’ve been working our way through the book of Joshua in the Old Testament for a bit here, and we will conclude the book of Joshua today, and begin the week in some brand-new territory. So, let’s dive in and complete the book of Joshua, Joshua chapter 24.


Father, we thank You for Your word and another week to spend together in community, as we move step-by-step and day-by-day through the Scriptures, and we thank You for all that they do in our lives each and every day, as they go inside of us and challenge everything and do the work of transformation in our lives as we cooperate with Your Holy Spirit’s guidance. We are grateful, we are grateful that we have been able to move all the way through the Book of Joshua now. Once again, we saw Joshua setting up a memorial stone as part of his last acts, and we see this theme so often through the Scriptures, including it in the Gospel of Luke today, Jesus where You talk about the fact that some will be handed over to persecution in prison and brought before kings and governors on account of Your name. And then You say so, we will bear testimony, as if we have become living stones as a memorial, as a testimony in this world as a witness, in this world about You are and who we are and where this is all going. Help us to not lose sight of that. Help us to walk in Your ways, knowing that our lives are a light, a city on a hill, a lamp on a stand to give light in the darkness. Come, Holy Spirit, we pray, in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey, DAB family, it’s Beloved on the Beach, here in Florida. And I got up early once on a Sunday and got my Bible reading done before church, and I’m so glad that I did. It’s April 16th and I just, first prayer request was from a mom pleading for her 19-year-old son, Jayden. Oh, Lord, I am an Estatition, ya’ll for over 20 years. And so, I know the depths aside from experiencing myself I understand what this family is going through and especially this son Jayden. So, I just want to stop right now and pray for him. Oh dear Heavenly Father and Great Physician, we come to You. Right now and we lift up Jayden to You. We pray for all the areas of his, his psyche and his physiological body that is being affected so deeply by this systemic issue, Lord. We pray right now in Your name, right now, that You will show up in this circumstance in mighty, mighty miraculous ways, Lord. That whatever is going on would be cleared up, right now. That the demons of dishealth and disfuntion and acne are lifted from him, right now. Right now, Lord. In Jesus name, they don’t have a place in his story, in this mans story anymore. You made him for great purpose and it’s about time he can focus on that, Lord. So, we praise You in advance for the ways that You’re gonna show up, we praise You in advance, right now, in this moment for healing this, this precious son of Yours, Lord. And we pray for the dear mother who is aching and wanting to support her son. And I just want to tell you mommy, you did the best thing you could have done, was to reach out and pray, ask for prayer. So, we’ll all be praying. And I can’t wait for you to call in. Please, please, please, let us know how this unfolds in the next coming days and months. Amen.

It’s Sunday, Daily Family. This is J in New York City. Last month I went to go visit my daughter in ___ and I’m just asking for prayer for my daughter Ashley. She’s 35 and smoking a lot of marijuana every day and I don’t know what else she’s doing or has done these past years. But my son is visiting there right now. And he doesn’t really want to spend time with her you know. He feels embarrassed by her. He says it’s not really nice how she looks. I agree, I was there. My beautiful daughter, her future is just dark now. And she’s going through a breakup with her boyfriend. But they’re staying living together, which is pretty strange. Anyway, I’m asking for Lord Jesus Christ to, to free her from this bondage that’s she’s in. That she would look in the mirror and she would know that she needs to make a change. I’ve tried to talk to her you know, texted her, Bible verses. Now we’re at the point where she’s not even answering my text lately. And I’m really worried about her. I mean, my son is there, I know she’s okay but I see that she’s getting my texts, she’s not responding and not making calls with me. And I’m just asking for everyone to join me in prayer because that’s my weapon right now. That’s all I can do is pray for her. God has to do something because I cannot. I’m not there. I cannot do anything from far away. So, let’s pray, pray, pray that Jesus would save Ashley. That Ashley would be once again this beautiful, productive woman that she should be. That God made her to be.

Good morning, this is Romans 12:2. I want to pray for Jayden and Eyes of a Dove. Father, this morning, I thank You, Oh God, that You will do a work in Jayden’s life, Lord. Father, that I hear his, the broken heart of his mom. Father, I pray, Oh God, that whatever medication that is being used, that You will be used through that medicine, Oh God, that his face will be healed and cleared up, God. Father, that the root cause would be revealed in the name of Jesus. I pray, oh God, for strength for Jayden, like You told Caleb and Joshua, be strong and courageous. Father, I pray oh God, that he will be a testimony to his classmates. That he will dig deep with his faith, oh God, will go into solid bedrock, that he will be unmovable, oh God, unswayable. Father, that this trial, oh God, would cause his faith to grow even more. That he would trust You even more, that he would lean on You even more. Father, we just pray, oh God, Father, that You would encourage him. That You would surround him with those that would encourage him, regardless of the situation, that he would look up to the hills in when’s forth come his health because his health come from the Lord. Father, I pray oh God, that he would not come despondent or depressed. Father, lift up his spirit today, oh God. And we believe You Lord that You would clear his face, in Jesus name. I also pray for Eyes of a Dove, Lord. That this tumor would be benign. Father, what the enemy meant for evil, that God will turn for good. That You would make crooked paths straight in her life, in the name of Jesus. All of these obstacles, oh God, that You will push them out of the way. Father, we appeal to You, today, for the strong hand. You said, can your right hand be stopped. Father, we just thank You today, oh God, for the testimony, that will come from Jayden and from Eyes of a Dove. We thank You in advance for what You’re doing. We bless You. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hello, my DAB family, this is Mark Street from Sydney, Australia. Today is Sunday, the 16th of April. And I’ve just heard Eyes of a Dove calling in worrying about her medical results. And I want to pray for you, Eyes of a Dove. And I’m believing in faith that God is gonna make sure that everything is fine, is well. It is scary when you have health troubles and I’m sure you’ve heard many others have plenty of health scares. But I want to pray for you now. Dear Heavenly Father, Eyes of a Dove is coming to You worried about this cancer scare for her, Lord. And Lord, You can heal everything as well, Lord. If you want the doctors to do it, Lord, You, You will send her to the right the doctors. And You’ll give the right skills for them to fully heal Eyes of a Dove. As she said, she’s has many more things to do, with your children as well, Lord. In these earthly times. Lord, I know that You want her to keep witnessing to all of us as well. Lord, and we ask in Your Devine name that You fully heal her. In Your name, Lord Jesus. Love you family. Love you, Eyes of a Dove.

Hello, DAB family. This is Vonnie in Northern California. And I just heard the prayer request for a boy in Haiti. I think it was Susie from Colorado. I, my heart is breaking for what’s happening in Haiti, these days. I know that there’s just an awful lot of evil. I just think that there’s a spiritual onslaught in that area, due to the practices of witchcraft and vedo or whatever is going on in that area. But I pray against that, in Jesus name. I ask You Lord, to break the evil chains that are happening in that area, in that nation. That has the chains that have impoverished those people. But I’m so grateful for the emissaries that You have sent in Your name to work in that area, that is so dangerous. Father, I pray for the group of missionaries or the group that has been helping these orphans and I ask especially for this young John, who’s 14 or 15, being taken up to Port O Prince by boat because the roads are so dangerous. I pray for your touch and miraculous touch on that boy. Please Lord, glorify Your name. And bring healing and protection. Send Your angels to encamp around the hospitals and the places where your people are working and serving You in Your name. I pray against the enemy in Jesus precious name. Thank You God for what You’re going to do. Amen.