6/10/2022 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 7:1-51, Acts 7:30-50, Psalm 128:1-6, Proverbs 16:31-33

Today is the 10th day of the month of June, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and 10th month, the 10th day of any month is a good day to be here, any day is a good day to be here as we gather around the Global Campfire and step forward together in the book of first Kings, which is where we are right now in the Old Testament. We’re tracking alongside King Solomon, who is bringing ancient Israel to their greatest, finest moments. We’ve seen the temple of God built, the very first Temple for the Lord God in Jerusalem. And so, let’s pick up the story. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week, first Kings chapter 7.


Okay so, in first Kings we are still alongside King Solomon watching the developments that he is doing and the improvements to the infrastructure that he is doing in Israel. And Jerusalem is certainly getting some grandiose buildings and obviously you have your capital and then it’s growing up around you and you have the temple of God, the worship of God in the city. So now, this is becoming the place like, the place of pilgrimage and a place of identity for the people as Solomon continues to reign and these pages that we are reading like, this is the culmination of all we have read and dreamed about and thought about, all the way since Abraham as we’ve mentioned. So, let’s enjoy this because it’s brief enough. So, let’s enjoy the fact that we got here because we wandered with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We saw the enslavement and were in Egypt, we saw the freedom. We wandered in the wilderness and all of the other dramas that we have experienced along the way. It has taken all lot of time and a lot of energy to get to this place and so, let’s enjoy it as we’re here.

Then in the New Testament, in the book of Acts today, we are continuing to hear the testimony of Stephen who has been arrested and has been drug before the Jewish Council to answer for what he is doing, in the name of Jesus. And what we are hearing Stephen recite is the story of the Hebrew people, which is allowing us a little bit of review, a little bit of the major stories that we have already wandered through to get to the place that we are in first Kings in the Old Testament. And so, we will obviously continue with both of these stories, the next step forward tomorrow.

Then in Proverbs today, whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city. What we’re being told in effect here is, it is more powerful to have self-control then to be powerful. It is more important to rule over yourself, than to be mighty. Or maybe put another way, it is more mighty and powerful to have self-control then it is to watch someone with great strength and power obliterate something. So, if where the person who, who tends to rise up in dominance, rather than to be self-controlled then there’s a lesson here for us to learn indeed.

And then finally, in the book of Psalms today, we have the song of a sense, so these, the songs of a sense were four people on pilgrimage up to Jerusalem, the kinds of things that they would sing and the kinds of things that would be spoken over them, or spoken over their departure. These affirming words with outstretched hands, spoken over us, can be such a gift and so let’s go back to the Psalm today and just allow this to wash over us, as if it were being spoken over us, because it is. Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways, you shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands, you shall be blessed and it shall be well with you. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house, your children will be like olive shoots around your table. Behold thus, shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.


Father, we want that to be true of us that we are blessed because we fear You, we have awe and respect we are overwhelmed with Your greatness and overwhelmed with the depth of Your love that is immeasurable and we thank You for ancient words of affirmation, words of encouragement that have been spoken over brothers and sisters for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. Thank You for these words that still resonate in our hearts and embolden us and encourage us. Come, Holy Spirit and plant these words in our hearts that they may be a part of our lives. We pray this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.


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Of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, Daily Audio Bible, this is Rifka, currently in Ohio. So, I just wanted to pray for the precious lady who just called about a neuropathic issue that she’s dealing with and just her cry was just so, so touched me. God, so I ask for this lady, would You just give her healing, God. We ask that she would have no pain God, and I’m reminded of that verse in Revelation. I was just trying to find it, I know it but, I can’t find the address right now. But the one of when you know, when there will be no more pain, no more sorrow, no more hurt, no more tears. Yeshua, we just cry out for that, Yeshua, would You come, would You come for this lady. Would You touch her body? I can’t, yeah, I’ve had some pain but yeah, just the thought of having the constant pain, I mean for me, if, it comes and goes but yeah, the thought of having it all the time. So, I’m so sorry. And there was a guy also, his name was John and he is suffering from severe back pain and just yeah, it’s the same thing. Yeshua, would You come, would you just touch our body, would You just heal us that we know we’re Your, we’re Your servants, we love You God. And we know how much You love us and we know that You didn’t say that this life would be easy but we’re just asking God, for some relief, would You just come. Come and be with us God. We thank You and we ask You for all of these things, God in Yeshua’s name. Amen. 

Hi DAB family, this is Tammy from the Adirondacks. My husband and I just gone done listening to the June 7th podcast and Cindy from California, you called in about, I think you named the illness that you have and there’s no cure for it and we just wanna pray for you. And ask the Lord, who is the great physician for a mighty healing touch and just take this burning sensation and to just heal you completely from this. Father God, we come to You, we come to You Lord, You are the great Physician, You are the great Healer, You are the Lord of lords and the Kind of kings. And with You Father, all things are possible. There is no sickness, no illness, no disease, no ailment, no anything that is too big for You, Father, to heal, to cure and to just get rid of, to throw as far as the East is to the West, Lord. So, we lift Cindy up to You, Lord. We lift up her daughter, she called her, her angel, who introduced her to this family. And Cindy’s now apart of this family, Lord. And we ask You Father, to just touch her, give her a mighty healing touch, Father, that can come from only You, Lord. Because You can do anything, Father. You are God and we just praise Your precious name, Jesus. We give You the glory and the honor in every good thing that’s in our life. And we give You the glory and the honor when those bad things happen, that You love us and You take us through them, Lord. You take us through the wilderness. So, we’re asking You Father, to just pull Cindy out of this wilderness, Lord. Take her Father, reach her hand and just pull her out, Father, and heal her. In the might name of Jesus. We thank You and we love You. Be strong sister, God Bless. 

Hey DAB family, this is GG in Bama and I am compelled to call and pray for some of the people we’ve been hearing lately, who are all calling in with severe pain from one thing or another. Men, women it seems to be all ages. So, I just want to pray for those of you that are experiencing such severe pain. Father in Heaven, I ask You, right now to just reach down from where You are in the Heavenly realms and just heal these people, who are suffering mightily from one thing or another. It’s seems to be that there is so much pain among Your people, lately. And I know, that You are still in the healing business. I know, because You healed me from Plantares Facetious, I know because You healed me from infertility and You’ve given me beautiful children. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt You are still in the healing business. And I just ask You to reach out to my brothers and sisters in Christ and to heal them of the things that are causing them pain. Causing them to suffer. And I know that in suffering, we glorify Your suffering on the cross but I also know that there is power in the name of Jesus and there is power in the testimony that these people were healed and I know that they will use there healing as a testimony for You. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hi, this is Richard in Ohio. I would like prayer for my daughter, she has anxiety that is crushing her. She’s sees no hope in the future. Please pray that God would relieve her of this anxiety. That she will see that God is the one who has sustained her all these years. And pray that God would soften her heart, that she will turn to Jesus for her hope. Thank you DAB family.

Father God in Heaven, I lift up your son, Ben, who has been through the ICU, been through COVID, he’s been through many ups and downs. He’s been through a miraculous recovery and now Lord, he’s back and he’s not doing so hot. So, I lift up your son as an individual, as a father, as a son. I lift him up to you today, Lord, and I pray that You would bless him and heal him and allow him to recover. If not by himself, let him do it, let him do it together, with the people he has around him. Let this maybe be a new chapter in his life where he is not relying on other people but it able and willing and acceptable and accepting. Be like, yeah, you can help me and let us come together and praise the Lord together, for there is more power in two, than there are one. His mother encouraged me today by saying, on the Prayer Wall or on the Prayer Chain, that he might be continued to be better to be strong so that he can be about his Father’s business. And may we all be about our Father’s business. I just really like that phrase. This is People on the Water from Indiana. I love you, it’s all in Jesus name that I pray and I ask. Amen.