6/2/2022 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 19:11-20:13, John 21:1-25, Psalm 120:1-7, Proverbs 16:16-17

Today is the second day of June, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, as we gather around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward together, that next step takes us back into the book of second Samuel, where we are traveling alongside King David, who was run out of Jerusalem and his son Absalom took over the kingdom for a brief moment but Absalom has died in battle. And as we ended our reading yesterday, the people were wondering why and why they wouldn’t bring the king, why they wouldn’t bringing David back. And that’s where we pick up the story in the Old Testament. And then we get to the New Testament, we will conclude the book of John. But first, second Samuel chapter 19 verse 11 through 20 verse 13.


Okay so, as we mentioned a few minutes ago before we started, we were going to and have concluded the Gospel of John today. Which means that since the beginning of the year, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the books that we have moved through in the New Testament. And if we’re using the Daily Audio Bible app and kind of checking off the days, then today awards us the Gospels badge because we’ve moved through a grouping of books, a very important grouping of books, known as the Gospels. And so, we should have a sense of accomplishment, we have concluded the Gospels, which means tomorrow we will be moving forward into the story of what happened next, as we enter the book of Acts. And we’ll talk about that tomorrow.

But the gospel of John and the Gospels themselves and in such a beautiful and incredibly, incredibly poignant way, where each of us, there’s just so much beauty here. So, Jesus is back in Galilee, the disciples are back in Galilee. Peter says he’s going fishing, they go fishing together, they don’t catch anything. Daylight comes, there’s somebody on the shore cooking and this person, who happens to be Jesus, calls out, did you catch anything? And there like, no, we didn’t catch anything? And He tells him to throw their net on the right-hand side of the boat, on the other side of the boat. We’ve heard those words before, this has happened before, when they first met and Peter was there, Jesus was on the shores of the Sea of Galilee as they were coming in from another fishless night. Jesus told them to cast their nets on the other side and they brought in a haul, so much that it was about to capsize the boat. And when they got to shore, they left, they left everything and followed Jesus. They left the win fall, they left the big pay day, they left everything and followed Jesus. And so, here as we look at this last seen in the Gospels, this happens again and they get another haul of fish and it’s almost as if what they had left behind was restored, was given to them again. So, John recognizes that it’s Jesus and he tells Peter it’s the Lord and Peter puts on his tunic and jumps into the water and swims the hundred yards to shore, while they bring the fish in. Jesus has breakfast waiting for them. They come, sit down. He tells them to bring some fish and they have a meal together and a final conversation together. And, in this conversation, some really, well, some really poignant things happen. Jesus asks Peter do you love Me and He repeats the question three times, do you love Me. Until Peter is sort of cut to the heart, like, you know I love you, like, you know everything. And so, you know, if I’m lying, you know, I love you. Jesus keeps telling him, feed my sheep. And then He tells Peter that…that a day is coming where he will have to walk a path that he doesn’t want to walk. And the Gospel of John tells us that He is explaining to Peter how he’s going to die. And then, the most interesting thing happens and it’s the last words of Jesus, in the Gospels. And this scene for me, is one of the most poignant scenes in the Bible. It’s almost like it’s left there, these are the final words of Jesus in the Gospels. And there just left there, kind of hanging for us to truly and deeply consider every day. So, Jesus tells Peter a bit about his future and a bit about the end of his life. Peter, then looks over at John and asks Jesus a question while looking at John. Peter says, what about him, Lord. And Jesus replies with the last words from the lips of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels: if I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me. Those are the last words of Jesus in the Gospels. So, we see, Jesus pressing in on Peter three times, and three times Peter affirming his love for Jesus. Many people draw correlations here to the betrayals of Peter and that Jesus asks this three times and this is restoring Peter. Peter, goes immediately to comparison, so interesting, what about him? If I have to go on a road that I don’t want to go and things are going to happen me that I don’t want to happen, what about him? If I have to endure hardship, what about him? We should be able to find ourselves in this story at this point. We should be able to hear our own selves saying that, what about him, what about them, what about her? Why do I have to do X, Y, and Z, what about them? And it’s Jesus words that answer the question, if I want them to do what they’re doing what is that to you, you follow me.

So, as we conclude the Gospels and move into our day and prepare to move forward tomorrow, may that stick with us today. In fact, may this be one of the things that stick with us for a lifetime, because our culture draws us into nonstop comparison. It’s necessary for us to feel lack and we need to feel lack because that can be manipulated into products and services that we can buy to fill the lack and so lack has to always be there for this to work. And we begin to figure out that we’re lacking something by comparison with someone else. And this is such a ubiquitous part of our culture that we don’t even really notice this, unless it’s over the top and really causing damage that we can see. It’s turned into envy and it’s a bad, bad thing. The comparison is nonstop. And we find ourselves pulled in those directions, which we do most every single day. If we could just hear our Savior, if we could just hear Him speaking calmly to us, what is that to you? If we just hear that question and try to answer it, what is that to me? Why is that pulling me in a direction that I don’t want to be going in? Why is that pulling me into an emotional state that I don’t want to be in? What is that to me? And then we hear the words of Jesus. As for you, follow me. This is about as poignant as it can get for the faith journey that we are on. And we never go through this part of the Scriptures without pointing it out because it is so pivotal. If we really could find ourselves being drawn into comparison and hear Jesus saying, what is that to you, son? What is that to you, daughter? What is that to you? As for you, follow me. That could be a game changer and a life changer for us.


And so, Jesus, we love You. And on one level, it's…it’s a bit of a melancholy day. We’ve been journeying at your side, the disciples, since the beginning of this year and we’ve come to this point where the narrative stories of your life and ministry are concluded. And we begin to see what unfolds next as the Holy Spirit comes. And it’s not like You’ve left and now we don’t hear about You anymore in the Bible. It’s just we’ve been specifically walking by Your side until this very day in the New Testament. And we are grateful, we are thankful, You have given us an example of what it looks like to be human. And You have given us examples of what is supposed to be normal and we look at those examples and we see Your life before us and we see that we fall short and we see also that, that is okay. We could have never lived up to anything in our own strength. You have come with the strength that we do not have and have restored us completely to God. We are deeply humbled; we are deeply grateful. And as we’ve said many times already this year, what are mere words, our lives need to match our words and Your words to us today. What is that to you? As for you, follow me. They ring in our ears and ignite our hearts. So, Jesus, we will follow You by the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. And we pray this in Your name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that’s home base and the Daily Audio Bible app is home base as well, which you can download free from whatever…whatever app store is connected to the device that you use and so be aware that. That’s where you find out what’s happening around here and as I’ve mentioned the last couple of days tomorrow, tomorrow at 6 PM central standard time. The time zone that we are in here in the rolling hills of Tennessee, which, yeah, I mean you’ll have to, depending on where you are in the world, that can be any number of times, but if you can work back from there, you’ll find the right time. Jill and I are going to get on Facebook live together and just hang out with everybody for a few minutes, probably about 15 minutes. And you can find that at the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page. So Facebook.com/dailyaudiobible. And if you’re following along, or getting alerts or whatever then you’ll be alerted that but that’s where and that’s when and we’re looking forward to that quite a bit and so, looking forward to seeing you there.

Also, reminding you, if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, especially now, as we move into the summer months, thank you, humbly, thank you for your partnership. It’s a reality, we wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together and that has been the story since this all began to grow up out of the dust of the Internet, all of these years ago. So, thank you for your partnership. If you find Daily Audio Bible to bring hope and good news in life and encouragement, then thank you. There is a link on the homepage and dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, no matter where you are in the world or there are a number of numbers that you can call, depending on where you are in the world: in the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to dial, if you are in the UK or Europe 44 2036 088078 is the number to call, and if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61 3 8820 5459 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey everybody, this is Jonathan from Denver. It is the 30th day of May, lovely summer morning. It’s been a while since I called in, I kind of, fell off the bus there for a while. I’m just calling to ask for your prayers. I haven’t been doing too hot, lately. I’m looking hard for the Lord, trying to lean into Him, but it’s really hard. And I keep messing up. I just, I’ve been feeling real wretched and real gross lately, and I just don’t know how to do better, but I want to. I know you’re praying people and I know that prayers make a difference, so if you could please be with me and that would mean a lot. Just know, that I’m praying for all of you as well. I’m listening, I’m a few days behind still, but I’m catching up. Thank you.

Hello DAB family, this is New Envisioned Growth from New York. Today is May 30th and we are at the Passion Story narrative in the book of John. And we’re up to the part where Jesus has been crucified and there’s a part where the people have asked Pilot to change the sign from, He is the king of the Jews to He said, he is the King of the Jews. And Pilot refused, saying, I said what I said, basically. And it just made me think of how in peoples mess, you will be blessed. And then I heard the call from Steve in Scotland on and I am praying for your child but how he was talking about his home and how it was vandalized and you know, set a blaze and losing so many precious things. But I love the fact that his faith was not burned up. But just know Steve, I’m praying and that in that mess, you will be blessed. So, the very things that people try to hurt us with are gonna be the very things that we receive a blessing from. So, I pray that for you and all those and even myself in times when people come at us and try to persecute us. That actually, pushing us towards something even bigger and greater, in the name of Jesus. Love you DAB family.

Hi DAB family this is the Farmers Wife calling in. I just, I just wanted to call and thank you all so much for your prayers of protection for me, for Farmer and the baby. I am 26 weeks and 3 days along, and she’s growing, it is a girl, we found out. I am calling in gratitude and thanks for protection because I work with cows for a long time now and never had a problem. But for the first time today I had a mom, a new mom, I was checking on baby and the new mom charged me and hit me against the gate. And it could have ended so badly but I was, baby and I were protected. I mean, I should have had broken ribs, I, but all I have are bruises. The baby’s okay and just so grateful that we were protected. And I know that’s because in large part because you all are praying and it just reinforces that God has such a special plan for this baby. And I am just, my, my Farmer and I are just overwhelmed with…with gratitude and thanksgiving for His protection of our little girl. Otherwise, we’re doing well, babies doing well. Survived COVID and you know, just taking it one day at a time. So, praise the Lord and thank you all so much family for looking out for me and baby and the farmer. Love you all.

Good evening, this prayer is for Micah in Missouri. Father God, we ask You in the name of Jesus Christ, Father, that You would touch Micah’s body, Lord. From the inside out, Lord. You would restore him Lord, You know the prayer request that he said, he wants to be healed, he wants to breath well again, he wants to sleep well, Lord. You know all his needs, You know his concerns, You know the desires of his heart, Lord. And we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Father, for his lungs to be clear and healed, in the name of Jesus. That all side effects from COVID are gone now, in the name of Jesus. Father, restore him, Lord. From the top of his head, to the souls of his feet, from the inside out, from his soul and spirit, Lord God. Refill him, fill him new, anew fresh anointing of Your Holy Spirit, Lord. May he rise up and be the man You have called him to be, that Your plans and Your will are perfect for him, Lord. I pray, Lord, we pray for a hunger, he sounds like he’s hungry and he wants to be pulsed and he wants to be in a really good place, with You first and foremost, Lord. Let it be so, we ask You that in the name of Jesus Christ. We look forward to hearing the outcome, the great testimony of Your goodness in his life. Thank You Father, in Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

Good morning, DAB family, this is Greg-o from Texas. And, I was listening, today is the 31st, the last day of May. Hope everyone had a great Memorial weekend but everybody is going back to work today but I was listening to prayer requests this morning and it was John from New England that called in 4am in the morning. Reason I know that is he told us that but anyway he was just talking about the excruciating back pain that he has. And John, I hear you brother. On the first day of the year, New Years Day, I was checking out of the grocery store and I didn’t even bend over, I just leaned over to get some items out of the bottom of my cart and the worst pain I think I’ve ever felt. And it went from my left hip, down through my thigh, into my knee and down to my ankle. And it stayed that way for the month of January. I cried and I see a pain management doctor, I have for years. I have a back condition called Anchylosing Spondylitis, it’s a rheumatoid condition. But anyway, brother I’m praying for you. I’m gonna leave a message on the prayer wall, John. And I’ll leave my email there, if you wanna get in contact with me. I might be able to give you some ideas. I’ve been battling back pain since I was 28-years-old and I’m 66 right now. But anyway, I love you my friend and I pray that you find some relief soon. In Jesus name.