5/5/2022 DAB Transcript

Judges 21:1- Ruth 1:22, John 4:4-42, Psalm 105:1-15, Proverbs 14:24-25

Today, is the 5th day of May, Cinco de Mayo. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is great to be here with you today, as we move forward, every day, step-by-step, together, through the Bible. And so let’s dive in. We are moving into some new territory in a few minutes. So, we have been moving through the Book of Judges, which once again, is the time period between Joshua’s death and the end of his leadership and leading us all the way until Israel anoints it’s first king. And as we have born witness, it was a tumultuous time, where there was no king in the land and everyone did what was right in their own eyes, as we’ve been told over and over in the Book of Judges. So, today, we will conclude the Book of Judges and then move forward, into the Book of Ruth and we’ll talk about the Book of Ruth before we begin it, in a few minutes. But first, Judges chapter 21.

Introduction to the Book of Ruth:

And that concludes the Book of Judges, which brings us to the opening of a new book. A Book of Ruth and Ruth isn’t a place that we’re gonna be able to camp out for that long, a couple of days and we’ll move through the short Book of Ruth. But it’s a beautiful story of loyalty and absolute trust in God through the lives of three major characters that are in the story, one of them, of course, being Ruth, another being her mother-in-law, Naomi, and the third being a man named Boaz. As it turns out, the faithfulness and loyalty to God and each other, of these people, brought about the circumstances that led to the birth of King David, and subsequently Jesus. This book shows us that when we are people of character, seeking wisdom, and making wise decisions, then the faithfulness of God hovers all around that. And after all that we’ve seen in the Book of Judges, the Book of Ruth really gives us a beautiful depiction of valent women of character. Nobody really knows exactly who wrote the Book of Ruth, there is Jewish tradition that talks about the Prophet Samuel writing it. Although biblical history scholars don’t necessarily think that’s possible. They think maybe, this was written after Samuel died in the time of King David. But the time period that we are referring to, in the Book of Ruth, refers to the time of the judges. And so, now let’s make this really confusing, at one time the Book of Ruth, was incorporated as a part of the Book of Judges and there was no Book of Ruth. But then, later on, it was separated as a story from the time of the judges, but not about a judge. And we were just talking about the prophet Samuel, who we didn’t meet in the book of Judges, but who was the final judge of Israel. We will meet Samuel, in depth, when we reach first and second Samuel. So, in the Book of Judges, we’ve seen some really beautiful things but we’ve seen some really, really trying, challenging, disruptive things as well. And so, the Book of Ruth comes like a breath of spring air, washing over the countryside, as we move forward in the story of the Bible and the story that the Bible is leading us into. So, let’s begin, Ruth chapter 1.


Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for everything about it. We thank You for the way that it comforts us, guides us, illuminates our path, disrupts us, shakes us, shakes everything that can…can be shaken and encourages us to shake away all of the things that are holding us back or weighing us down. We thank You for the counsel of the Scriptures, we thank You for the lives that are found in the Scriptures and what they mean to us, not only as we study them and get to know them over time, but also for the stories that are represented and how they apply to our lives. And so, even as we move forward from the Book of Judges and into the Book of Ruth come, Holy Spirit, allow us to see what true character looks like. We pray this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.


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And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, this is Judy in Salt Lake City again. My daughter just called me and told me that her daughter, my granddaughter, lost her two boys to the state. Please pray, that my granddaughter can get her life together. She’s got mental health issues, like my daughter does and we adopted her oldest son, so. There’s no way that we can adopt the great grandkids too. And on top of that, my husband just had his daughter, from a teenage relationship, bake in his life and she’s dealing with a very aggressive breast cancer. So, if you guys would pray for Star, to get her life together, and get her boys back and for Jaime to be able to beat this cancer it would be really great.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family, this is Renzo in Florida. And I just want to pray for one of the DABers. Forgive me if I forgot your name, I think it’s Amy from Atlanta. But, Father God, I just pray for Amy from Atlanta and I pray for her son as he is dealing with bullying at school and how he has to take a certain test because of his autism and I just pray as he’s even going through puberty Father God, I pray for her son, Lord God. I pray that he’s just covered by the blood of Jesus. Let him just keep, walking with you God. Father God, I also pray for the bullying that he’s dealing with at school. Let the kid whose bullying him, let him to be born again, let him to stop having anger issues. Maybe, even if it’s your will Lord God, let them to become good friends, God, cause You can do the impossible, God. We just know that God, so just please rectify it, if it’s in Your will, Lord God. And we just thank You for everything that You do Lord. And, Jesus name we pray. Amen. God bless you guys, Jesus loves you, so do I. Bye.

Hi family, it’s Mykayla from Gloster. Here, it is Sunday, the 1st of May, it’s almost the end of Ramadan. Though, my 30 days of prayer is slightly on hold. The final few days will be coming, at some point, in the near future. So, I’ve got a full flat at the moment. Both my sisters are down for the long weekend, which is lovely. But yeah, disrupts the routine, but it’s really nice to have them. The reason why they felt the need to come down is not so nice. So, on Friday, my mum got diagnosed with breast cancer. And so, they both live in London, so they were actually able, so, that was a Friday. So, they were actually able to come down on Saturday cause it’s a three-day weekend. They’re able to stay until Monday. So, they feel as if, they can be here and help mum prepare for what she’s gonna have to, she’s gonna have chemo in less than 10 days, she’s gonna start that and then surgery. So yeah, helping with all of that’s involved, so it’s really nice to kind of share the worries and what we can do and to, all that sort of stuff. So, really value your prayers on that front. If you could pray for Debrah, my mum. Yeah, other than that, I’m not really sure how I’m doing cause yeah, but ultimately, I trust God. I knew this was a possibility that, she’d had test. And I think from that it was a, whatever happens, I trust you. Whatever happens, You’ll get us through. So, yeah, thanks family.

Hello DABers, this is K from Quanis, Ohio. This message, this prayer is for God’s Yellow Flower. I heard your heart, I felt you. Most importantly God heard you before you even uttered a word, He heard your heart and He caught every tear. Keep praying, keep trusting, God is still faithful in the midst of everything you’re going through. And what I heard, immediately, through your trauma, through your pain is that God is stretching you. He is stretching your faith. So, you’re gonna have to dig deep and rest in Him and abide in Him. The prayers that you prayed before when your husband died, that’s the same prayers that you need right now. So, rest in Him. He’s gonna cover you, He’s gonna keep you, He’s gonna give you the words to pray. So, that you can dig deep and get your heals, set them in the ground and stand, despite everything you’ve been blown. You’re gonna be like the Matrix, you’re just gonna dodge from side to side. And they’re gonna bounce off of you because you’re living what you’re preaching, what you’re saying. So, when you pray, pray and when you call back, you’re gonna have a praise report. So, all might not be well but you’re trusting God that all will be well and you’re speaking into existence as if it has already happened. So, stand and trust and know that God is God. And there’s no god above Him and that He can do all things. God Bless you.

Hey guys, this is JP from North Carolina. I’m a big fan of the Daily Audio Bible and this community. It’s just been like a lot of people say, such a blessing to me and my spiritual walk. I mean, you know, being in communion everyday with the word and with Brian and his family and all of you other DABers. It really does bring a sense of connection to the Lord through community. So, I mean, it’s just, I’m just so grateful. But the reason why I am you know, putting this little message in is, just to request in prayer for me and my wife. My wife and I just, we’re blessed by having, having our first little girl about four months ago. She’s four months old now, she’s healthy, everything’s great, we’re so blessed, we’re so grateful. But during this time, there’s been a lot of attack on my wife. And she’s going through, what we think is a pretty severe post-partum and she’s just being hit with just deep sadness every day and anxiety. And we’re in prayer, we’re in the word and the wilderness just continues. So, we just, request prayer from our fellow DABers and our family around the campfire to pray for her and for me, just to get through this and to remain faithful to the Lord and not to lose our…our faith in Him, through this hard time. Thank you, guys, so much. We continue to pray for the other people that we hear come up with their needs and we rejoice alongside you with your prayers, your praise reports. Okay, thanks guys.