04/20/2022 DAB Transcript

Joshua 21:1-22:20, Luke 20:1-26, Psalms 89:1-13, Proverbs 13:15-16

Today is the 20th day of April welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian is wonderful to be here with you today, every day, but today because today is happening and it’s wonderful to be here together with you around the Global Campfire as we enjoy our next step forward. That next step forward certainly will lead us back to where we left off, which is in the book of Joshua. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Joshua 21 verse 1 through 22 verse 20.


Okay. So, we are ending or reaching the conclusion of our journey through the book of Joshua. Couple days left and we will conclude the book of Joshua. So, we have been sort of immersed in the conquest of the promised land and then sort of the division of the land and what towns went to which tribe and what their borders were and all of this. And, so, this has all transpired in the promised land. So, we’ve been in the promised land for a little while. And now they…they are in control of the land to the point that they can dismiss the 2-½ tribes that were given land on the other side of the Jordan River. These men had been faithful, loyal warriors, for the Lord and for the people of Israel, and it was time for them to go home. And, so, that’s what happened. They were dismissed. They were blessed at Shiloh. And, so, Shiloh right now is the center…the central place. It’s like what Jerusalem will become in the future. Sort of the heartbeat, the central place where the Lord is worshiped. And, so, the children of Israel have been wandering around the wilderness, but they’ve had this tabernacle, right? And we watched all the ways that it was constructed, how it would be set up, how it would be torn down, who’s going to carry what, how it’s gonna be transported, the whole thing. That has been going on but now that tabernacle is permanently installed at Shiloh. So, this is like the central spiritual capital of the country and it will stay like that for well over 300 years before David’s time in the move to the city of David and the capture of Jerusalem by David’s men. So, from Shiloh, they are blessed and sent back home across the other side of the Jordan River. And they head back in that direction and as they near the banks of the Jordan River on the western side of the Jordan River, so in the promised land, in the land that they have been in they erect an altar to stand there as they are preparing to cross over to the other side. And it’s a large imposing altar that can be seen and is visible and word does get back to the rest of the tribes of Israel who gather back at Shiloh to discuss the matter and they determined that if this is true, and they built an altar while than its civil war. And that’s kind of what we’re at the precipice of right now and why I’m kinda going back through the history of the story here because we are at the very edge of civil war right now. After…like just after peace finally came to the land and the enemies were conquered, right after that we’re at the cusp of civil war. What is this altar about? Why did they make this altar? Why are they doing provocative things? So, a delegation is sent to find out why and they confront the people of the 2-½ tribes of Reuben, Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh. What is happening that has brought us to this point? And we will have to find that out of course tomorrow.


Father, we thank you for your word and we thank you, even for cliffhangers occasionally that allow us to simply ponder and think, think about who we would be in that story, think about what the posture of our heart might be. Come Holy Spirit as we continue our journey through the Scriptures and plant seeds, seeds of truth, seeds that will bountifully grow up and be the fruit of your Spirit in our lives as we continue our journey together. We pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


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And, of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement that is one of the things that is beautiful about the Global Campfire community, as that we know we’re on a journey and we know we’re all over the place, literally geographically all over the place, but we each have our own story and our own brokenness and our own strengths and we are on a journey together through the Bible, but we accept one another for where we are knowing this is a journey that we’re moving through and we love one another on this journey and the Scriptures speak so often to us about our lives and about the things that are broken in us and about the things that are full of strength within us. And, so, praying for one another, having each other’s back is so important in community. And, so, if you have prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Father God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob we come to you with Thanksgiving in our hearts. This…we lift up Work in Progress to you and her little son Ethan who has progressive generation disease who’s in a wheelchair and has difficulty speaking and the doctors are just not able to figure out how to solve all this. And Father we just plead the blood of Jesus over this family and for little Ethan. Lord God, we pray for Your miracle working power right now. Father God hear…hear our prayers Lord God. Please honor this family. Please find favor in Ethan and his mother and his father Lord God. Father God we just pray that You open up the eyes and the ears of the doctors that are…are working on Ethan’s behalf and Lord God that they would find the right medication to give him comfort. And Father God we just pray that you restore this little boy, restore every cell in his body from head-to-toe Lord God and we claim his life in Your name in Jesus’ name and we thank you Father. We thank You Abba Father. We thank You Father. In Jesus’ name we pray.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Guardian calling from New England. It’s been a while since I’ve called. It’s been over a year now. It’s April 16th. I just listened to the prayer line today and first I wanted to call with a praise report. You may remember the last times that I called in a year and 18 months ago maybe was calling on behalf of my friend’s son Dylan in Florida and I just wanted to let you know that he’s doing well. He's…he’s recovering. The tides have turned. And, so, by the grace of God and everybody’s prayers he's…he’s back at home and starting to recovering his strength and starting to live the normal life of a teenage boy. So, thanks Peter God for that. Thanks to all of you who prayed for Dylan. Secondly, I guess I just wanted to call now and pray for…for Ethan. I just heard his mom call in today with…for prayers for him and the degenerative condition that he’s facing. And, so, Father I would ask that…that You bring healing to Ethan like You’ve done for Dylan and I pray that You would…You would do it in a way that’s so miraculous, that there’s no other explanation that the doctors…nobody can point to anything other than You. So, for Your glory that you would heal Ethan we pray, that…that we know that if You’re willing You can do anything just like You did for Dylan. So, we pray that You’d be willing, that it would be Your will to heal young Ethan in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Hello, my wonderful DAB family this is Rosie also known as Great to be Free in Jesus. I’m calling in to request prayer for two of my grandsons. One of them is Daniel and he’s the oldest and we don’t know where he’s at or if he’s OK. I know that he has problems with drinking and drugs and that God would reach him. I know God can do it, that God would pursue him the same way He pursues us and that he would be surrounded by people who will help turn his life around and he will listen to people and stop being so angry. And my other grandson Ethan. We know where he is, but he just doesn’t talk to us or come around and I don’t know why. He and I used to be really really close, and I don’t know what happened there. He’s finally talking to his dad now which is good. So that you would guys would continue praying for both Daniel and Ethan and that God would do a mighty work in them. And I appreciate all of you and I’m still praying for your…your families, that God would do a work in your families as well in Jesus’ name. I love you my wonderful DAB family. God bless you. Bye.

Good morning DAB family this is Saved by Grace coming to you from California with a prayer request for my cousin who has had so many losses in her life. Her mom at 16 and one of her twin boys was killed very unexpectedly and her grandmother who raised her also passed away within four months of the passing of the son. And she is angry at God. And I just ask that you keep her in prayer. I cannot understand that pain that she feels. She just says she’s mad at God. Why? Why me? Why so many losses like that? So, I just want to take it to the throne of grace. Most gracious God, Lord we thank You and we praise You Father God, that You are a good God and that all things good come from You. And Father I just lay my cousin on Your altar Father and I pray Father God that You would heal her, comfort her and give her peace. Father we may never understand why but help her to trust You God, to lean on You. And Father to just voice her…her…her anger at You. And Lord comfort her because we are human Lord and forgive our human’s Father God. Forgive us for acting in such a way Father that is not of Christ. I thank You Father for what You’re doing in this situation in Jesus…

Hi Kami’s dad this is Emily of Jim and Emily in Cardiff Wales Jim Stone Texas. But I heard your story about your prodigal daughter, and I got excited because if she’s in the pigpen that means she’s gonna come home soon. And I just want to speak to that tortured Russian soul that she has. And I’m going to pray in Russian and then I’m going to translate it for everybody  __ [speaking Russian] __. And what I’ve said is dear Kami God loves you so much. Return! Return! Return to your heavenly Father and to your earthly father who both stand with open arms ready to hug you and love you and forgive you. God loves you so much. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Or something like that. God bless you. I look forward to hearing what God does in Kami’s life.