3/6/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 6:1-7:89, Mark 12:38-13:13, Psalm 49:1-20, Proverbs 10:27-28

Today is the sixth day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it’s great to be here with you as we greet a brand-new week out in front of us, a fresh start, a new week, some fresh perspective, day-by-day, step-by-step. And so, let’s dive in, we’ll read from the New Living Translation this week and of course, pick up right where we left off yesterday. Today Numbers chapters 6 and 7.


Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for this brand-new week that we are stepping into. We thank You that you will lead and guide our steps if we will humble ourselves before You and walk with You. This is what we resolve to do every day, step-by-step, day-by-day, in a straight line as You continue to sanctify, set us apart as holy, cleanse us, guide us, direct us and we need you more than ever, we need You more than ever. And so, we run to You, fall at Your feet and worship in humility, asking that Your Holy Spirit guide us, all of the moments of this week. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, this is New in Vision Growth calling from New York, calling in praying along with the DAB family. I know we all are for the things just going on in the world, specifically out to Ukraine and Russia. And you know, I’m just remembered and just want to encourage and bring to everyone else remembrance who may not remember this verse in Matthew 24 verse 6 through 8 and it says you know, and I’m paraphrasing that we will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but when we see these things, we as believers are not to be alarmed. We are to know that the end is to come like, these are birthing pains that we see so, with birthing pains we are to be like the midwives so to speak. And pray and intercede and that’s what I’m doing. I know that I’m not the only one doing it. I’m also praying for those who are trying to flee to safety. And unfortunately, due to just color barriers, it’s like a war within a war, they’re people being denied just because of the color of the skin, to flee to safety, which made me just think again about our own salvation and I’m just so happy that Jesus saves no matter what color you are, no matter what we did, what we’re doing, Jesus knows and he gave up His spirit and died for all of us. So, I just want to, just have everyone be encouraged not to be alarmed, not to be scared, not to be fearful, but know that God’s word cannot come back void. So, these things are to come but as believers we are to stand firm, to pray and to intercede for everyone and be grateful and thankful that we have gotten, if you have which I pray everyone has, the gift of salvation. Okay, be blessed everyone.

I’ve been thinking a lot about labor pains and the thought of having my first child came back to me. I remember vowing never to have another child because it was much too painful. But in God’s mercy, He allows us to forget that pain only until we’re in the same situation again and when I was having my second child as soon as I felt that first labor pain, I was terrified because I recognized it and I knew what I was in for. And the same thing with my third child. It wasn’t until my fourth child that I decided that I needed to embrace the pain, I needed to take control over it and to stop looking at it as an adversary but to look at it as a blessing and that new life will come forth from it. And so, I did and as a result my fourth and fifth deliveries were amazing, absolutely amazing. And so, I know that God can do the same thing in our marriages and I’m speaking of my marriage in particular, the pain of it. I just really am praising God for it because I know that it brings me closer to Him and I know that He’s going to bring forth new life. I don’t know when but I know He will. I am hopeful and I am so thankful for my Lord. This is Danny from Southern Oregon.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is Karen from Washington State. This is my first-time calling in. I’ve been doing DAB for the last year or so but I served many years as a missionary in the nation of Ukraine and I just wanted to call in and ask that you would intercede for our brothers and sisters and the church there right now, is there undergoing so much. And there is so much fear among people but there’s also so much strength and faith in the church and I just pray for the protection of my friends there, my brothers and sisters in Christ that this would be a time that people would just be turning to God like never before. And as people are crying out like never before that God would hear their prayers. So, if you would just pray for protection for my friends, people still trying to get to safety and just pray that all bombing would cease and that this war would cease. Thank you, brothers and sisters, around the world. Just keep lifting up the body of believers in Ukraine and throughout the world and just pray for peace. Thank you.

Hi, this is Randy from Phoenix. And I’m calling to pray for Joel from the Bay Area. I can only imagine the challenges you may be having with your wife away and taking care of a one-year-old and dealing with financial insurance matters and all kinds of other stuff and not having that support and proximity with each other, with your wife. And pray that God would strengthen you and bring brothers alongside you that can help support you and be a blessing to you and your son. And also, others to support your wife and her time away. In Christ name. Amen.