01/15/2022 DAB Transcript

Genesis 31:17-32:12, Matthew 10:24-11:6, Psalms 13:1-6, Proverbs 3:16-18

Today is the 15th day of January welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today. This I guess is about as close to the center of the month as we’re gonna get, like today and tomorrow. We’ve got 31 days in this month so I guess technically halfway through tomorrow’s reading will be the dead center of the month, but here we are approaching the middle of our first month on our journey through the Bible this year. We have been reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week, which is what we’ll do today. Super high drama in the book of Genesis. Jacob has decided to leave his uncle Laban with his wives and his family and his wealth and his riches and he’s trying to do it covertly so that there isn’t a bunch of family drama, the kind of drama that could potentially end up with bloodshed. So, let’s dive in and find out what happens. Genesis chapter 31 verse 17 through 32 verse 12.


Father, we thank You for the Scriptures. We thank You for the way that they work themselves into our minds and seek their way into our hearts. We thank You that they give us context, context for what the stories are about but context for our lives. They…they shape us, they transform us and we are grateful that through the power of Your Holy Spirit You will lead us into all truth, which is promised in the Scriptures. And, so, as we bring a week to a close, we heed and pay attention to what the Proverbs are telling us. Speaking of wisdom, “long life is in her right hand. In her left riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant and all her paths peaceful.” We all will seek this. These are some of the primary motivators for what we do in our lives. Although we have made so many missteps because we have blown right through an intersection, some kind of crossroads in our lives and never even thought of wisdom as a category. But we do now, and we are seeking wisdom. “She is a tree of life to those who embrace her. And those who hold onto her are happy.” That’s who we want to be. And the first step in deciding that is who we want to be. And the second step is to walk intentionally without stopping in that direction. And that part, we can’t do on our own. We need You to lead us. Our part is to be aware and paying attention. And even in that we need Your help. We are hopelessly and utterly dependent upon You, and there is so much freedom and safety in that. And, so, come Holy Spirit and led us we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi everyone, it’s Christy from Kentucky I wanted to call today January the 9th Sunday and I had to stop the podcast as soon as I heard remorseful sinners request for us to pray. Sweet child, your transparency moved my heart. God is quick to forgive. The remorse in your voice is so real and we know that you had asked him to forgive you and we thank him in advance for hearing and answering our prayers to know that we are forgiven when we ask for forgiveness for our sins. And we all fall short of the glory of God. When we come to Him humbly on our knees on our face in the quiet times, in those quiet recesses of our life, when we cry out to Him, He is faithful to hear and to answer our prayers. Lord I ask that You bless this sweet child Father God. Give her peace we pray. Father let her find a church that she can be grounded in. Father surround her with brothers and sisters who truly love her who will speak life into her. Father let what has happened in her life turn so that she can speak life into the lives of other women who may walk through the same thing that she has come from. We thank You Lord in advance for using this beautiful woman of God, Your daughter and we thank You Father God for being so merciful to forgive us of our sins. We love You Jesus, and we praise You. In Your precious name we pray. Amen. Remorseful Sinner I pray that you will soon turn that name to Victorious Warrior. We love you so very much. I’m sending you a virtual hug.

Hi my name is Jouanne. I listen every day I’m a second time caller. It’s January 9th and I’m praying for first time caller because I was…I felt like the Holy Spirit told me to. I believe she referred to herself as Remorseful Sinner and I just wanted to encourage her and I want you to be proud of yourself that you threw away your tarot cards and all that demonic stuff and…and God is faithful and just to forgive and he loves you and…and…and once you’re forgiven, once you’re cleansed by the blood of Jesus you don’t have to feel that guilt anymore. Jesus took it all on the cross and if…and if demons are bothering you, put on the armor of God. He is with you. You don’t have to be scared. Rebuke them in the name of Jesus. His…his name is powerful and above all names. And I pray for everyone on the DAB every day after the reading and I pray for you on the Prayer Wall. I would ask that you pray for me. I’m going through something right now that I…I just ask that I come through the other side unharmed and better, that the best outcome may come. I know God has a great plan for me but I have something in mind that I believe will bring Him glory and I pray to God that the outcome of this situation it feels like life or death to me but I also ask that you pray for my family, that they get closer to the Lord, that I get in better fellowship with the Holy Spirit and bring glory to God. And I want to just give all praise to God. And I pray thee all these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Good evening DAB family this is Daniel the Wholehearted calling from Maryland. And I recorded call in last week and then for some reason never submitted it and I wanted to call now because you’ve been on my mind. I wanted to pray for Baankeir in India and I wanted to pray for People On the Water I believe in Indiana. Heavenly father I just lift up my brother Baankeir and I just pray that You would touch his heart and that You would just remove any depression and sadness away from him, the desire to take his life Lord, that You would just show him Your love and be an ever…or a real presence in his life at this moment Lord. Lord I pray that You would provide Christian friends and brothers to him to encourage him, to lift him up during this tough time. I pray this in Jesus’ name. I also want to lift up People On the Water. Heavenly Father I pray for People On the Water and just thank You for him opening up and being transparent with the family and just sharing struggles he’s going through Lord. And I pray that You would give him strength and that You would make him bold and help him to see the ways that he’s going to be a witness to others and that he can help strengthen others even in the times where he feels at his weakest. And Lord I also went to lift up Remorseful Sinner who just called in a couple days ago God and I pray that You would help her to seek forgiveness from You and that as she does that she would feel clean and that she would feel forgiven and that You would truly restore her. Lord just thank You for the love for all of us. Even when we screw up, even when we mess up, You’re always there. You’re a loving Father. You…You are happy to take us back. Pray all this in Jesus’ name. Goodbye everybody.

Hello this is Angela I’m calling from Alabama. I’m calling to just mainly state my appreciation for the Daily Audio Bible. It has truly been a godsend and it keeps me daily in God’s word, which we all know is so important. I am incredibly humbled when I hear all the Saints praying for others. And I try to journal on a regular basis everybody’s name that gets lifted up and try to go back and pray for those people as well. I am so thankful for each of you. I do have a prayer request. And my prayer request is for spiritual wisdom and decisions that I need to make at this point in my life. I want only to be in God’s will and only led by Him. I pray for ears to hear and the strength to walk in obedience to God’s perfect will. Thank you so much Daily Audio Bible and all you prayer warriors. God bless each of you. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Hi y'all this is Western __ Woman just like excited but sad. Going to South Carolina from Wyoming to be with my mom come February the 2nd. Her birthday is the 5th and she’s gonna be 90 years old. Bless her heart. My dad died a year ago and I just want to celebrate her life and…and be with her. My mom was like…growing up was a hard woman, a controlling woman. And gone through a lot of stuff with a step brother which was wrong and always being accused of bad things. It was all my childhood. Ah, shoot. I’m in my 60s. I should put it aside and say OK that was then, and this is now. And this is now. Just wanna honor my mom when I have to…not…I don’t have to…when I arrange a fun party for my mom. She’s gonna turn 90. I wanna bless her. I wanna honor her. I want to be everything I can be for her. It’s hard because there’s a lot of stuff that’s back there but yet…but God. I want to stay focused on God. So, help me. Help me to get through this and I’ll fill you in later. Love y'all. Thank you for letting me talk. Thank you for letting me pray for my mom and for my situation. Help me be strong. Love you all.