6/20/2021 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 22:1-53, Acts 13:16-41, Psalm 138:1-8, Proverbs 17:17-18

Today is the 20th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is so good to be here with you today as we just catch our breath, exhale, come around this Global Campfire. Stretch, let it all go, we’re moving into a brand new shiny, sparkly new week. And maybe last week was difficult or even brutal on us but this is a new week. And maybe it looks like this is gonna be the same kinda week but maybe it’s not. Maybe, we have an oasis here that can center us and guide and direct us as we navigate and so let’s press into that as we move into this new week together because it’s all out in front of us. So, in the Old Testament we’ve been working through the Book of 1 Kings. We will actually reach the conclusion and complete the Book of 1 Kings today and then move into 2 Kings tomorrow. We can talk a little bit, a little tiny bit about that as we go forward. We’ll read from the Contemporary English Version this week, 1 Kings chapter 22.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for this brand new shiny, sparkly week that we’re entering into together. We look forward to all that You have to teach us in the scriptures this week. And even as we leave 1 Kings behind and prepare to move into 2 Kings tomorrow, we mark time, we mark the fact that we have reached a conclusion of another book in the Bible and we just keeping moving forward and we will read every book, every word, every paragraph, every sentence and we pray that through the power of Your Holy Spirit that it will transform and change us. And so, we remain open with hands outstretched, open, reaching for You our Father asking You to lead our steps and guide us we pray and we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. Here in the United States today is Father’s Day. So Happy Father’s Day to all of the father’s out there, the physical, biological fathers and the spiritual fathers and oh the spiritual fathers get overlooked. We thank God for your direction and your counsel over time and what a joy it is when our biological father can also be our spiritual fathers. And that was my story. Course my father’s been gone now a long, long time and I miss him on a day like this but I’m also grateful for my children who come around me. And some of my children who are also fathers, so, it’s a beautiful day and I hope that you have a wonderful day wherever you are. And I know there are different Father’s Day or different days in different countries in different cultures that honor fatherhood. This is just the day that’s on our radar here cause this is where I’m at but Happy Father’s Day to everybody whether it’s Father’s Day or not if you’re a father thank you.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.  

Prayers and Encouragements:

Blessed morning DABers, my name is Melissa and I’m calling from Kingston, Jamaica. It is, I joined the app on the 12th and it has been such a blessing to me, can I tell you? To be able to add my prayers to everybody else’s and to pray over the situation actually it has helped me to take my mind off my own situation because just hearing the people who need prayers, I’ve been, my prayer life has taken on a new damage on this week. But I’m calling because I’m in need of prayer. I have an online business that I started last year and it’s not, the profit hasn’t started coming as I know it’s going to. I owe rent, I’m behind on my rent but God has given me favor with my landlord thank You Jesus. I owe other bills as well and I am just waiting for God to open up an opportunity and a door. I’ve been job hunting, I’ve been sending out applications as well and the mother of an awesome 10-year-old son, Joshua Daniel Bennet. He is, oh, he’s a blessing to me. And I went through infertility before I had him so that’s another story. But I wanted to ask you please to pray that God will open a way for me. He will send an opportunity, He will do what He does best. Pray for my son Joshua Daniel as well. He’s in the midst of his exam. In Jamaica they take this major exam at the age of eleven to determine which High School they go to and it’s a big deal. Please pray that he will get through for the school of his choice and that he will do well. He’s a bright kid and God has blessed him with a lot of talent. Today is the 16th of June and it’s 8:57 in Jamaica. Love you all.

Hi, my name is Amanda Martin just north of the Boston area in Massachusetts. And, I wanted to hop on here quick. I was introduced to this Daily Audio Bible just a few days ago from a dear sister in Christ and on my very first listen, June 14th, I was extremely blessed. So, thank you Daily Audio Bible but what impressed on me the most is the prayer at the end. And, while I was entering into that prayer time with God and you guys, during the first prayer I started to doodle and for some reason I wrote ‘Hello Sunshine.’ The very next prayer was from a girl named Sunshine in New York and so I wanted to reach out and hopefully Sunshine you will hear this, oh boy does God love you, does He desire you, does He see you and he will honor your heart’s desire for community and connection. I am praying for you here in Boston. I feel so deeply connected to you now just through this app and this prayer time, in fact, of all the things I could have doodled I doodled Hello Sunshine. Oh Sunshine, God see’s you, He’s saying hello, He’s wrapping His arms around you, He’s loving you and carrying you through this season in your life and He will do that till He takes you home. So please know that you are not alone. I am here, I am praying for you, I love you and most importantly Jesus loves you. You are loved you are cherished.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible this prayer is for all DABers. Father we place into Your hands the things we cannot do. Father we place into Your hands the things that we’ve been through. Father we place into Your hands the way that we should go for we know we always can trust You. Father we place into Your hands our friends and family. Father we place into Your hands the things that trouble us. Father we place into Your hands the person we would be for we know we can trust You. Father we love to see Your face. We love to hear Your voice. Father we love to sing Your praise and, in Your name rejoice. Father we love to walk with You and in Your presence rest for we know we always can trust You. Father we want to be with You and do the things You do. Father we want to speak the words that You are speaking too. Father we want to love the ones that You would draw to You for we know we can always trust You. DABers I know so many of us are going through but God is on the throne and He hears us. Thank you again Brian for putting this podcast together. God Bless.

Hi neighbors it’s Lisa the Encourager. I’m calling in from my back yard tonight so if you hear the summer bugs chirping in the background I hope you can still hear me. I’m calling into pray for God’s Property, all the way in Brooklyn, New York. So, I’m way down in here in Florida and I’m calling for God’s Property all the way in Brooklyn, New York. I think that’s so special, I love us and the fact that we can do that. And God’s Property was calling in over the Community Prayer about her Parkinson’s Disease and how she thinks it’s getting worse so I’m gonna pray for healing for her and I’m also gonna be praying for her daughter. Her daughter lost her son, I think she said 7, when he was 17, nine years ago. So, she’s still depressed about that and I can imagine that is something that never goes away when you have a loss of a child and then when they’re a 17-year-old, I mean, we all can relate how hard that would be so, I want to pray for God’s Property in Brooklyn, New York from Florida. So, let’s pray. Dear Lord, thank You so much for all Your blessings. Thank You, God, for this opportunity that I’ve been blessed to pray for God’s Property tonight and I pray special healing over her Lord. I pray that Your angels would just lay hands on her and just heal her body from this Parkinson’s Lord, don’t let it get worse, help it to get better. And please God bless her daughter. Bless her daughter so she can have joy back in her life again God and that she would be able to have it spilling over and it’ll be an abundant amount of joy that you will bring.

Hello DAB family I’m calling because I heard the cry of Shannon from Texas. And I just wanted to say sister that I’m praying for you today. All we need to do is just sit back, sit back, we gonna get bullets but God is gonna be there for us. Last timed I listened to this prayer I was just tired and I didn’t really pay attention and God made me stop, He just told me that’s okay, you know, listen to it other time because you’re just sizing off what I’m talking right now. And, yeah, so I had to give it a couple days and I listened to it again and it was just like, it was just really deep in my heart to pray for you. So, Heavenly Father I lift up Shannon from Texas her and her child and everybody who’s involved in the situation. Lift her spirit up Lord and all I’m praying is just for the joy while you keep her in trial and Your will be done. Just keep the joy inside of her Lord, just let her know You got it. Just let her don’t stress of how she acts or what she does, she, ya know, something goes wrong, something depends on her, nothing depends on her and her actions Lord. So, just let her know that please. Let her just relax and take it in, You got it all, trust. Amen. Jesus name.