6/5/21 DAB Chronological Transcription

Proverbs 7-9

It’s the fifth day of June. I’m Jill. Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. It’s a joy to be here with you on this journey as we walk through the Bible together daily in chronological order. The Bible is read fresh every single day. Three hundred and sixty five days a year around here. And what an incredible privilege it is to be able to do that. We are in Proverbs right now. We are feasting from these protein packed, powerful nuggets of truth and wisdom and instruction. And it’s good. It’s so, so good. Today we’re reading Proverbs chapters seven, eight and nine. And this is the last day that we’re in the Christian Standard Bible for today.


God, we thank you for these important, relevant scriptures. Instruction, it’s instruction, but it’s also practical living words of advice and wisdom, and we’re so thankful that it speaks to us because we we have all been here. We we all have the tendencies to go along with social norms. And it’s a hard thing to do to swim upstream, to turn around and go the opposite direction and to be mindful that many of your ways are not the ways that come naturally to us. We have to fight. We have to fight for the reminders of the truth. We have to apply the fruit of the spirit and reach for self-control when our tendency is to spew back and hate and the evil and to throw daggers with our mouth full of fiery darts. But we know from your word today that the voice of wisdom rises above. The instruction that wisdom teaches us goes against our human nature or our learned bad behavioral patterns. We know today that the voice of wisdom, she she calls us to righteousness. And so we take her instruction rather than silver, and we reach for knowledge rather than choice gold because wisdom is better than pearls and nothing is more delightful than she. She hates evil and hates pride and arrogance and corrupt speech leads us on a path of evil. Father, we reach for wisdom and understanding. Over all the riches of this world, and that can be so hard to do because we live in a state of comparison where it’s flaunted to us daily what might be our lack, even though we lack nothing. We’re learning that wisdom can be one of the greatest resources. That is underutilized as a believer. Help us to reach for her. Help us to desire her above all else. We thank you that you hear us when we pray. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. 


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Community Prayer Line: 

Hi, Jill, this is May 30th. I’m listening to you. And I just have to say that you’re asking if somebody was listening to us, these changes that we have to make and those didn’t even go with today’s reading, but it kind of did because we’re listening to the command and we’re trying to follow Jesus. and wanna be like him. And Lord God, I am looking at Colossians 3:13 on my mirror that says bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another and forgive as the Lord forgives. And I have some anger and some bitterness and me and hurt and to persevere, perseverance must finish the race so that we will be complete and mature and lacking in nothing. James 1:4 these things I’ve been working on. And then I look up and I see I am with you until the end of ages. Matthew 28:20. The Lord is our Savior. He is good. He is gracious. But there are things in my life I need to change and I ask God daily take away the ugliness, or the bitterness, or the hurt that I have and I’m holding onto. Lord, set me free in Jesus name. I just thank Jill for the Holy Spirit that just spoke to her. And Lord, I ask for wholeness and newness. And it is a new day and a new mercy every morning. And you are the awesome God. You are the only one that can do that. So Lord I ask that you help me with those things, help us all with those things that we need to change because nothing is impossible. Nothing is impossible with you. Help us to have our faith and to not doubt that. Lord, I need you and Jesus. Thank you. God bless Jill.

Hello DAB family. My name is Vincent calling from Connecticut. And I can’t believe how many husbands are cheating on their wives. Not wishing to work things out. I am a man, I think I’m a good man. Oh, God won’t provide a wife for me. Or so it seems, and I’m getting towards the end of my hope and faith and. And I’m not sure what I’m going to do, but asking for for prayers to hold on. Life is not supposed to be this hard. That’s not what the book says. God bless you all.

Hi DAB family. This CGCG. I am new since November of twenty twenty. I’m just calling in to thank Jill for her prayer today, May 30th. I just finished listening to it and I believe it was speaking to me. That is exactly what is going on in my life and been going on my life for a long time. I am struggling with stuff. I lost my job and struggling to find work and I’m in my fifties and I am scared. I don’t know where to do and what to do. And I was trying to find something for myself, business for myself but the pandemic has crushed that. And now I am stuck not knowing which direction to go, which leads me to keep on going into repeating old patterns and old patterns coming back up. And even though I shut down some of them, they seem to want to surface back up and especially this one relationship that I keep on shutting down because it’s just putting me on an emotional roller coaster and the more I find the strength to shut it down, the more it want to come back and I don’t know if because my life is weak right now. I’m struggling with depression and anxiety and lack of direction and I’m hurting, really hurting. So I’m just calling to ask for prayer and to ask for prayer to keep praying that God would answer, give some direction. And opens doors, and I don’t miss opportunity, that is, is presented to me anymore. So I am praying for everyone every day and I’m praying for all you guys and just asking for prayer.

This is Pam, His Ransom Soul in New Jersey. Karen, Joyful in Texas, I just heard your prayer request on the May 27 podcast. I feel your pain, sister and I can relate so much to your situation because I have a young adult son and daughter who have turned far away from our Lord and are no longer walking in his ways. And it’s heartbreaking. Let me pray for you, dear one, Father. God, thank you for your healing and restorative power. Thank you. That you never leave us even when we leave you. I come to you, Father, and in Jesus name I ask for deliverance for Karen’s, three children. Deliverance from ungodly lifestyles. Deliverance from the demons of addiction and alcoholism. Deliverance from the spirits of bitterness and indifference. Deliverance from wicked beliefs and practices of the occult. Break through the walls separating these precious ones from you, Lord, and separating Karen from her daughter. Cleanse them from their sins, heal them from their brokenness. Father, make each of Karen’s children hear your voice calling out to them to come to you, to seek you and live. May they surrender themselves to you completely and be restored. Lord, I also ask for the healing and restoration of this mother daughter relationship. Hallelujah that you make all things new in Jesus’ name. Amen.