06/06/2021 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 1:1-53, Acts 4:1-37, Psalm 124:1-8, Proverbs 16:24

Today is the 6th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is a joy and aprivilege to be here with you today as we open up the threshold and walk into this brand new shiny sparkly new week. And it’s out in front of us and nothing has happened yet and so we’re gonna live into this and yeah, like we say all the time the choices that we make that’ll tell the story of this week. But that’s out in front of us and the scriptures are here to guide our steps. And our next step today’s step leads us into new territory in the Old Testament. So, we concluded the books of Samuel, 1 and 2 Samuel, we concluded 2 Samuel yesterday and so today we will begin the book of 1 Kings. Which kind of means there’s a second Kings as well. And, many ways we’re kinda gonna be continuing the story. It has a little bit of distinction though. Because the first part of this will feel like we’re just continuing the story right out of Samuel but then what were actually gonna do is meet all the different kings of Israel. And for the matter the different kings of Judah and that might not make sense just yet but it will soon enough because this ancient Israel after King Solomon’s reign, who is the next king we will spend time with, after his reign the kingdoms divide and are two different nations with two different kings and so we’ll get to that soon enough. We will meet Solomon in the Book of 1 Kings and Solomon will take us really to the most dramatic and prosperous times, sort of the mountain top of the story that we’ve been reading for long going all the way back into the Book of Genesis. When we met Abram, we’ve been working alongside this family of Abram that was promised many nations would come from him. That his decedents would be as many as the sand on the seashore or the stars in the heavens and there’s an awful lot of them now and this is the same family that we’re walking along side. So, we’ve seen the family develop, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob then his name changes to Israel and then his children are the children of Israel and those twelve children become tribes and we’ve been in Egypt in slavery. We’ve seen God deliver, we’ve seen the wilderness experience, we’ve seen the crossing of the Jordan River and the conquest of the Promised Land. We’ve been through the times of the judges where there was no king in Israel and everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes. And then we saw them demand a king and then we see King Saul and we examined our own lives through his life. And then we’ve seen King David and we’ve examined our lives through his life. Where we pick up here as we begin 1 Kings is the tail end of David’s reign and the ascension of his son Solomon. So, that’s the territory that we are headed into. We’ll read from the Common English Bible this week. 1 Kings chapter 1.


Father we thank You for Your word. We thank You for this brand new shiny sparkly new beginning that we get to encounter every week and every day for that matter and every moment for that matter, if necessary. All things are being made new. And so, every reminder that we have of this is something that can be so valuable to us that we can start over. That all things can be made new. So, come Holy Spirit into this brand-new week. May we see You, may we hear You, may we have eyes to see and ears to hear what You are saying and where You are leading and may we walk with You every step of the way. That we might be available to You for Your service and Your will in this week. Come Holy Spirit we pray in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.

Prayers and Encouragement:

Hi Daily Audio Bible community this is Sherri Shalom from Spring Hill, Tennessee and I’m calling in response to Running Desperately to Jesus, she left a message this morning, it’s June, I believe it’s June 3rd or June 2nd, it’s June 2nd sorry. And I just…my heart was just moved so much with your loss. I know that when you lose your mom and you lose your day and lose so many people around you that are so precious to you it can just feel overwhelming. And I just…I was praying for you after I heard your message and the Lord just spoke to my heart just really gently and said It’s not that I take people because when we’re on the losing side we feel like they’ve been taken from us but God said I welcome them home. And I don’t know if this is gonna be comforting to you, I hope it is but, Jesus welcomed your mama home and my prayer for the month of June for you is that God would change the month of June from a month of loss and that he would redeem this month for you to lavishness and to lavish blessing. That there would be redemption for you in this month. And I have a scripture that I wanted to read to you that always comforts me in 2 Timothy 2, even when we’re too weak to have any faith left, he remains faithful to us and will help us for he cannot disown us who are apart of himself and he will always carry out his promises to us, that’s 2 Timothy 2 verse 13 in the Children’s Living Bible, I love that version because I’m a child at heart. But I just wanted to encourage you, to…to don’t lose heart. And even when …

Hey everyone this is Matt from Eastern Washington. I called in a couple weeks back just asking for prayers for my struggles with ya know, depression, suicidal thoughts. I called in a couple times, ya know, another time was asking for just prayers for restoration in my marriage. And then I posted on the DAB Friends Facebook page as well ya know, asking for that and kind of describing some of the struggles with my marriage and my wife wanting a divorce. Matt Aldridge on DAB Friends, that was me. Ya know, quickly, I just wanted to say thank God that I was able to find this…this Daily Audio Bible, it’s done amazing things in my life just in the last couple of weeks even. You know, I initially, I’ve only been listening for about a month I was just reading, er listening in through May but I decided I wanted to start over so I jumped back into January and I’ve been powering through that while I’m at work. Fortunately, I have a lot of time to listen to those types of things. Anyway, I’m almost through February it’s just been so amazing listening to all the community prayers and encouragements and all that it’s just…it just knowing that I’m not alone in my struggles. One thing I’ve learned ya know, that’s one of Satan’s greatest tools is making…making us feel alone in our struggles and use shame against us. So, I just thank God for all of you and ya know, everything that you guys have been doing to help me. I’ve heard a couple of your prayers for me and I just wanted to say thank you, I love you guys. I’m doing better, I’m still struggling but I’m running out of time so thank you.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible. How are you? My prayer goes out to those who feels love difficulties calling those who it is really tough on them to really call out and talk about their problems I just want them to know that this is a family that cares, this is a family that loves, this is a family that will pray for you no matter what you’re going through, this is a family that doesn’t judge, this is a family that loves you forever. I just want to tell you, what you’re going through, you’re not alone. And sometimes when you call and you hear people call out your name, people really devote prayers directly to you, it tells you that you’re not alone in this fight. Sometimes you hear people call to talk about the same situations that they go through that lets you identify to know you are not alone in this battle. I just thank you for your life. I just thank you for trusting the Daily Audio Bible for sharing with us. I just want to reach out also to those single parents who, in this time of COVID that it hasn’t been difficult, rathe it hasn’t been easy to take care of children. I just want to go to touch your hearts, to love your children more. I just want to go to bless whatever your hands are laid on, your job, your businesses, I just want to go over to touch you.

Good morning my DAB family it’s Jimmy from the East coast. And I just wanted to call and just be thankful for you and thankful for the prayers in this community and love that is in this community and the love that we have for one another and I remember listening to DAB I’ve been listening for a long time ago, over a decade, probably a year before, after it started. I was pretty young. I just, wow, God is good. And so, I just wanted to just release the love of God, the joy of God over our community and the peace of God over our community and to speak into existence what God has already said we have, he said that we can do right now that just light over the dark places, over the depression and the anxiety and it will no longer be here. Just speak joy, see love for every one and just clarity on those who needs it. Healing to those that are sick and in Jesus name. I’m just so thankful for you guys. Love you guys.