5/22/21 DAB Chronological Transcription

Psalm 95, 97, 98-99

It’s the twenty second day of May. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I’m Jill. I am happy to be here with you because I’m on this journey with you as we are journeying through the Bible in chronological order every single day for a year. And it’s truly my pleasure and my most humble honor to be reading the word of God for you and with you along on this journey. Today, we’re reading in the Psalm and we’re reading Psalm ninety five, Psalm ninety seven, ninety eight and ninety nine. And we are still this week in the English Standard version. Psalm ninety five.


Well, guys, I’m going to be honest, it’s been a really hard week for us. I mentioned a few days ago Brian lost a mentor of his that left an indelible mark on his life. And it is no small statement. It’s the absolute truth that the podcast would not be in effect without his mentor, Bernard Terry, who taught him music, who taught him how to navigate his way through a studio and the industry which ultimately brought him to here. And then the next day, I lost a friend. That was my fifth grade teacher, Mr. Chuck Flowers. And today Mr. Flowers was laid to rest, his memorial was today. And just in the midst of some other tough things. And, you know, I don’t like to make this so personal that it takes away from the Bible, but I also know that it’s sharing in the struggle that makes us relatable with each other, that we can identify our own struggle if we never hear that somebody else’s struggle then we sit in the shame and the feelings that we’re all alone and that nobody understands what we’re going through. And that’s just not true. I actually wish there were more people in ministry that were willing to be vulnerable with the struggle and not just always talking about the overcoming high mountaintop experiences. Those are wonderful. They’re rightfully celebrated. But there’s something very powerful about when we share our pain, when we share our struggles. And my heart is heavy today, thinking about Mr. Flowers. And the only reason why I am mentioning this is because you have those people in your lives that when you look back and reflect, you undoubtedly know there was a changing point in your own life. Like I did not proceed the same after this happened. And Mr. Flowers was that for me, he was a kind, gentle, yet strong, solid rock in his faith. Steadfast, fun, fair, just honorable, good, great man. If he had you as a student, he knew everyone in your family by name, he knew of your parents. Just an unforgettable year and still not to the reason why I’m mentioning it. Still just explaining him to you, Mr.Flowers, was someone that was always safe. We were safe with him. He was trustworthy. And I find those qualities irreplaceable in humanity. Where I’m landing. This is I found out last year. Let me back up just a little bit. We connected about ten years ago on Facebook and we just exchanged sentiments. And of course, he asked by name of every single one of my family members. And I’m a big fan of letting people know the impact that they’ve had on our lives in this life and not after they’re gone in a room full of strangers. And so I did that often and I would just reach out and let them know how much I still value the lessons that he taught. And you can imagine my shock when I found out last year that he and his family went through the Daily Audio Bible together with the entire family, and they would just keep this running thread of conversation going in a family text. Mr. Flowers son, whom I graduated with years ago, listened to the Daily Audio Bible for several years before he ever knew that Brian was my husband and that we graduated together. And I think Brian mentioned something of my music and in the name and because I stayed with my maiden name, Dan recognized it and we connected. So I know that he listened. It just was something else to know that your teacher, who taught you and influenced your life in such a way. That it is forever changed is then partaking in something that you’re doing and hoping that it matters in this life. And so I just really wanted to honor him today as he’s laid to rest. His sons are are wonderful. One is pastor and a counselor, and the other one works for the Food Bank of Ohio. So you can see that their heritage is rich and it lives strong through my friend Chuck Flowers. And I do so because he was a member of this community. He didn’t miss for a year last year and 20 twenty. And so you may not have ever known him or that fact, but it just was really important for me to honor this man who has also left an indelible mark on my life. So Mr. Flowers is home, is in the presence of God, and I am thankful and grateful for the hope of eternity. But I’m not going to dismiss the grief and the pain that we feel here on this Earth just because they are home. It is quite a shock to our reality that this person that we have only known in this life is suddenly gone and will be for for the rest of our lives. So understanding where they are is right and beautiful. But honoring and understanding where we are at in this place of loss is also right and beautiful and necessary as a part of the grieving process. So thank you for allowing me the chance to honor this beautiful human being. Chuck Flowers today on the day that his family honors and puts into perspective the fullness of his life here on Earth. We thank you that while we mourn, while we grieve, while we experience loss here on this earth, that your presence is with us, that there can be holy moments in the pain and in the sadness and holy moments and the joy. Thank you for this community and how well they love one another, how well they bear one another’s burdens, encouraging one another, praying for one another, seeing one another, sharing their experiences with one another. And I thank you, God, even for the pain, the pain of this life as Jesus himself said, blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. But we so quickly forget that he calls us blessed as we grieve, as we mourn, as we feel the loss, as we sit with the heaviness. So we thank you for your word. That is life to us. That speaks to us. That is your presence with us, the living, breathing word of God that never returns void. We absolutely love you. And worship you and thank you for this day. Right now here today, these moments together right here. In the name of the father and the son. And the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


Daily Audio Bible, that’s the place to go, guys, if you want to take a look around and check out the website, check out the prayer wall if you would like to post a prayer request there. There’s people that will pray for you. If you want to check out the resources, the initiatives, the music as played in the background is sold there. There’s a journal that will help you enhance your journey. If you want to jot down some notes from the day, something that stuck out to you or something that God spoke to. You don’t want to forget the black pencils. It’s all- I could go on and on. Of course, the coffee. I’m a big fan of the coffee, but anything that you would want, you can check out at the Web page and also download the free app as well. If you would like to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, we thank you greatly, humbly and deeply for your partnership. We could not keep this running without you. You can do so by mail at DAB P.O. Box one nine nine six Springhill, Tennessee, three seven one seven four. If you have a prayer request, if you’re calling in to pray for somebody that’s previously called in asking for prayer, you can do that by hitting the red circle button up at the top right hand corner of your mobile phone or your tablet or whatever device you might be using. Or if you are calling on your phone, it’s eight hundred five eight three two one six four. Thank you for praying for each other. Thank you for shouldering that load and bearing one another’s burdens. It is truly a beautiful picture of the body of Christ. I love being on this journey with you. I truly do. I it gets old, I say it almost every day, but I literally cannot wait to turn the page together every single day. And see how the story unfolds. See what God speaks and see how the stories of our own lives are mirrored in the pages of God’s holy word. So until tomorrow, I’m Jill. I love you, love one another.

Community Prayer Line: 

Hi DABC, this is Riley from Colorado. I am actually a first time caller and I’m also kind of new to this scene. A friend referred me to this app back in December, and I started listening the first of January and have been listening up until now. I’ve been trying to figure out who I am religiously and spiritually, and this podcast has really helped me a lot and really sets my mood for the day. And how I go throughout my day is very different when I miss a day. But anyway, Jill, I just wanted to say thank you for making this environment so warm and welcoming. I’ve learned a lot. And like I said, I love listening every day. But the main reason I’m calling today is because I heard a prayer request from Emme from Illinois. And I cannot even begin to understand what you’re going through. But I can tell that you’re in a lot of pain. And I just want you to know that you are in my prayers and I’m thinking about you. All right. Thanks, guys.

Hi. This is Teresa from North Carolina, and this is in response to Emme from Illinois. Emme, just hearing your voice today and your plea for your marriage and your pregnancy just it just caught me on so many levels. I just wanted to pray for you so badly, and I did. And so I just want you to know that you’re not alone, that you’re loved, and you have a community of people that are loving you and praying for you. You mentioned that you had a safe place to go, and that probably may not be a bad idea right now. If you have a safe place to go, you might be good for you to step away and have some space and to pray. Pray for your husband. Pray that God’s will be done. Pray for discernment. Pray for guidance. Pray for the broken hearts. Pray for your step children. Praying for somebody that has hurt us is probably the hardest thing to do. But God will honor that, whether it’s in reunification or not. To have a healthy friendship if the marriage doesn’t work out is equally as important. So let me just pray right now. Dear Heavenly Father, we just come to you on behalf of Emme in Illinois and her baby Lord. We come to you on behalf of their marriage. Lord, we ask that you be involved in every situation, every action. We ask that her husband come to know you as well, so he can love his family and treat them the way that they deserve to be treated. God, marriage is not hard. It is not for the weak. It is not for the weary. But we ask that you be in it. In Jesus name we pray. Emme, I am Teresa Levy on Facebook if you need to reach out. I’m also on Daily Audio Bible Chronological Friends. Thank you Lord for Emme from Illinois. Thank you that she loves you. She has a heart for you. Thank you that you’re working in her life. Thank you. That you ordained the days of her life. Thank you that you before you lay the foundations of the earth, you knew that this day would come. Thank you. You’re in control of all things. Thank you that you look at all the things and you’re always there for us. Give you the praise for that. Thank you, Lord, for marriage. Thank you for her heart to look after her family. Thank you for her love- even foster children. Thank you, Lord. We give you the thanks, we pray, Lord, we bring up before you, Lord, we lay before your throne now and we ask you that you intervene in a situation that you show the light and the truth in a situation that the scales may fall off the eyes of either her or her husband or even both. Anywhere there is deception. Lord, we pray that your truth and your light will show the way. You are the author of marriage. You are the wealth of this institution. And we can only do it in your strength and your way. And it is our prayer today, Lord, that that be the case for Emme and her husband and the family. That your name will be glorified, that the situation that you put in place will flourish and be a light in the world that so despises it. That your ways and your kingdom will move forward in the name of Jesus we ask and we pray.

Dear Emme from Illinois, may the Lord bless you and keep you. May he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May he lift up his countenance to you and bring you peace. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He hears the cries of the righteous. His eye is on them. And I encourage you to bring every burden to the Lord. And be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your request to the Lord and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Dear God, I just wanna lift up Emme from Illinois. I know that she’s having a really hard time in her marriage and with her pregnancy. And she’s looking for guidance. So I just pray that you will guide her, that you will give her the answer she’s looking for. I thank you for her and her faith and her life, Lord. And I just pray that you will be her comforter and that you will lead her to take steps one by one. To where you want her to be and and to to be able to live her life for you in your joy and in your peace and in the way that you want her to, Lord. And I just thank you that she is seeking you and that she is leaving the you know, the decisions to you, Lord, and I just pray that you will be crystal clear with her and that you will answer her in a way that she knows for sure that it’s in your guidance. And and I just pray that you will bless her and her family and her children and her stepchildren in Jesus name. Amen. This is Radiant, Rachel.