05/22/2021 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 1:1-2:11, John 12:20-50, Psalm 118:19-29, Proverbs 15:27-28

Today is the 22nd day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful, it is a joy to be here with you as we bring another week to its conclusion and…and release it. It becomes a part of the past and we keep moving forward, day-by-day but here we are at the end of a week and it’s been a wonderful week as we’ve continued to examine the life of King Saul, Israel’s 1st king. Of course, yesterday in our reading Saul died in battle along with his 3 sons on Mount Gilboa in a battle with the Philistines. Now, we’re moving into 2 Samuel.

Introduction to the book of Second Samuel:

And as we’ve talked about in the past there was no Frist and Second Samuel originally. This was all 1 manuscript, First and Second Samuel and First and Second Kings, all one big manuscript but they’re broken apart and First and Second Samuel are kind of broken apart at a place where Saul’s reign has ended because he’s died and so Second Samuel now focuses on upon the character David. This little shepherd boy who became a national hero after killing Goliath and then had to grow up so fast under the spotlight and just become a cunning warrior just to stay alive because the King wanted him dead. Well now the King is dead and David is alive and David was supposed to be fighting in that battle where Saul lost his life but he was supposed to fight as a Philistine because he had defected to the Philistines to try to stay alive, to try stay out of Saul’s grasp. But then once they gave him shelter, they expected to allegiance and so he and his men were to go in battle but the Philistines freaked out and sent David home because they’re like, “we’re going into battle with his…with his own countrymen so if he turns on us and starts slaying us from within, like he’s just gonna endear…like they’re gonna receive him back.” So, David got back to his town Ziklag and it had been raided and everybody had been taken. And, so, that’s a bad day. They had to travel 3 days just to get back home away from the battle lines and then they found everything was gone. And, so, they had to go in pursuit, which they’ve done and everything has been recovered. And, so, just to kind of give us the big broad scope here as we go into Second Samuel, Saul died on Mount Gilboa which is basically in the Jezreel Valley up in the north not…not too far south of the Sea of Galilee. Whereas Ziklag is way down in the transitioned zone into the…into the desert. And, so, David is in Ziklag, he’s recovered all of the property that was stolen from them and Saul is dead on Mount Gilboa. The news of…of the defeat of the Israelites hasn’t reached David in the Philistine territory yet. And that’s precisely where we are as we begin 2 Samuel. And, so, let’s dive in. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week, which is today, Second Samuel chapter 1, verse 1 through 2 verse 11.


Father, we thank You for Your word and another week. We thank You for another week and we thank You for another week in the scriptures and we thank You for all that we learn, week-by-week, day-by-day, this slow methodical step-by-step accumulation. It just continues to transform us as we learn and as things seep into our hearts and begin to transform the way we’re looking at things and the way we’re reacting to things. We are so grateful. And, so, come Holy Spirit and continue this work as we continue to surrender ourselves to You and the work that You are doing within us. Come lead into all truth, we pray. In the mighty name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragement:

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is James from the beautiful Northeast Georgia mountains. This is…like to pray for Noah who called in today and talked about his addiction to pornography. And Noah you…you can get passed this. It’s a very dark place. I…I would encourage you to use some prayer and fasting and…and just want to encourage with a…a verse it’s Psalm 101 and verses 3 and 4. It’s says I will set nothing wicked before my eyes, I hate the work of those who fall away, it shall not cling to me. A perverse heart shall depart from me, I will not know wickedness. So, what I’d encourage you to do with this Noah, is to print it out. I used a little label maker for myself, I put it on the bathroom mirror, the car mirror, my windshield any…my workstation, I put it everywhere. And every time I saw it, I read it and I…I prayed it and, in the mornings, when I went to bed and I did that for a long time and I still do it. So, I love you brother and you can get through this, I’m gonna be praying for you. And God bless you.

Hi neighbors, this is Lisa the Encourager I hope you all are doing very well. I wanted to call and pray for a couple of the DABbers that were going through some difficult things. Ashley called in from California and her dad had a stroke. And Ashley, I just want you to know that I’m praying for you and your dad and that his recovery and that he will have a complete recovery and be able to…have rehabilitation so that this mild stroke doesn’t impact his life and that he will be able to be there for you and you’ll be able to love on him for many, many more years. And I also want to pray for Beloved in Texas. And I definitely…my heart is just broken for you and what you’re dealing with, with your 13-year-old daughter contemplating anorexia and eating disorder and trying to navigate through that with a counselor that has her best interest at heart and also to do it in a loving and Christian way. I’m just praying for you Beloved in Texas and I’m going to be thinking about your daughter too and praying that her heart will be stronger, and she will love herself and that she will grow out of this…that it won’t impact her for a lengthy period of time and that you will get the resources that you need to help her. And I’m also praying for Norman. I know you have cancer Norman. And I am so happy that you’re at peace in your heart for your…you know where your heart is with Christ, but I am praying that…

Hey DABbers it’s Laurie from Central Ohio and I wanted to call in, I know so many are facing different things and I wanted to pray for you. So, regardless of what you are struggling with be it medical issues or addiction to alcohol, drugs, porn, sex, food…whether you struggle with loneliness, self-doubt, depression, whatever…whatever it is, anything that you are facing this prayer is for you. Dear Jesus, I come to You to lift up each of those listening and their families. Lord, You know each of them by their name. You know what each is facing and whatever it is God, please work in each of our lives. May we sense Your love and guidance. May our loved ones come to know You personally. May we be Your light to others. In Your name we pray. Amen. Until next time know that I am…

Hey family it’s Jesse from Washington. I just wanted to call in and thank everybody for their advice and for their prayers. It’s really like lit a new fire under me. I…I missed, I’ve been behind, I’ve been so busy cause my dad’s in the hospital and my grandma’s whatever…everyone’s getting better by the way so thank you for your prayers. My dad’s making a lot of progress, he’s getting out of the rehab facility tomorrow. My grandma is in a lot better spirits and we figured out that, you know, if we get a massage therapist to come to her house, I know they’re opening back up, she thinks that would really, you know, make her feel a lot better so I pray for us to find a massage therapist that will take her insurance and come by a couple times a week. But yeah, just thank you for your prayers and your advice, like I said, I thought I missed it, or I thought that my call was to whiney or needy and they didn’t play it or something, I don’t know. And, so, I guess I just totally missed it and then I missed the…the weekly, the weekend thing last week and I’m halfway through it and man, its overwhelming. I love you guys. I thank you so much. And I knew no matter what that people would be praying for me even if they didn’t hear my prayers. I know God, you know, knows that…that at least I burned a calorie and asked for prayers. But it’s really awesome to hear you guys praying for me. And I love you. Thank you so much guys. Alright. Bye.