04/25/2021 DAB Transcript

Judges 4:1-5:31, Luke 22:35-53, Psalms 94:1-23, Proverbs 14:3-4

Today is the 25th day of April welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you as we throw open the windows and the doors and look out into this brand-new week and step into it together. This week we will read from the Good News Translation and pick up where we left off, which is what we do every day. We’re just getting ourselves moved into the book of Judges which…which is the centuries following Joshua’s death and the rise of the judges. When people fall away and cry out to God He sends a judge to lead them. And today we will learn of Israel’s female judge Deborah. Judges, chapters 4 and 5.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for a brand-new week to enter and engage and interact with Your word as it enters into and engages and interacts with our lives, with the choices that we make that tell the story of our lives. And even now we acknowledge had we not engaged with this rhythm from the beginning of the year, the story would be a different story that we would be telling. And, so, we are so grateful that You have given us the gift of the Scriptures. And, so, Holy Spirit into these final days of this fourth month of the year. Before we finish this week, we will leave this month behind us and press forward into a new month. And, so, we are engaging, we are paying close attention to what You are saying to us through the Scriptures. May we have eyes to see and ears to hear, we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.

Community Prayer and Praise:

This is a message to Oliver in India. And my brother we are praying for you and your family who are in isolation with covid and we are with you and feel for you and are praying for you. God bless you.

Hello this is Wynn Kramer and I want to thank you guys for praying for my friend Kate. She is coming home from the hospital today and today’s April 20th. And I hope you are having a great day and my mom’s probably gonna try to plan a date for me and her to have a little play date. So, again I want to thank you all for praying for her and I hope you are…are doing well and please pray that she will come home safely.

Hey DAB family this is Dan from Maryland just calling in. Just wanted to pray for Chad who called in with a really heavy heart. And you can just hear it in his voice he’s suffering. And brother just want you to know that we are with you. I know you called in…I think you called in a week or so ago as well. And didn’t leave your name at the time but you just said that you felt like you were worth nothing to anyone. And I just want you to know that Jesus loves you and sees you as precious in your community here. Your family here loves you as well and we’re going to…we’re going to mourn with you because it sounds like you got something to mourn about. But we’re also going to pray for you. We’re going to ask God to heal the situations in your life and to even work inside of your mind and inside of your heart to bring new life and a sense of hope to you. Heavenly Father we just want to lift up our brother. And Lord I just…I know You’re someone who makes all things new, and our brother Chad needs his…needs areas of his life made new. Lord, he’s suffering from anxiety and depression and fear and Lord You’re the master of all those things and You give us hope, You give us joy, and You give us a spirit of confidence. And Lord we don't…I don’t know what’s going on with him right now but I just pray that Your spirit would minister to him in a real way right now, that he would feel Your love, that he would have a sense of peace that goes beyond what he can understand, and Lord that You would pull him out of this dark place that he finds himself in right now. I pray this all in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hi everyone, it’s Margo from Australia. And for those of those who don’t know me I am a missionary in Liberia. My husband is a pilot. We’re here with a missionary aviation fellowship and I am a nurse. And I just thought it’s been a while since I called, and I should touch base. Wanted to let you know I’m still here. We were in Australia for a few months last year while my husband did some training and we’ve been back in Liberia a couple months. I’m not going to lie it’s been a bumpy landing. Just readjusting to the dysfunction that exists here, the corruption, the hopelessness, the poverty, the health issues. It’s very confronting. But as always, I have felt His comfort. And I guess what I want to say today is don’t be afraid of suffering. Why are we all so desperate to flee from suffering when the Bible tells us we will see it? Serving Jesus is not easy but it’s so worth it. We only have one life to live. We do not get a do over. Last week a precious friend of mine in Australia died and being so far away here has been terribly difficult. But yesterday a friend and I took a carload of food and supplies out to an old folk’s home where there are 13 near starving residents. And driving back I thought nothing compares to the joy there is in serving the Lord. I will give my life as a sacrifice and I hope that you can do the same. It’s doable. Don’t think you’re not good enough or smart enough or capable enough. If I can do it anyone can. Love you guys. Bye.

Hello from beautiful Cincinnati OH this is your brother Daniel Johnson junior. How are you? God bless you wherever you are. Today is Tuesday April 21st, 2021 and I’m standing here in this park. It’s called blue rock park because there’s a…there’s a road that goes by here named blue rock road in the MetroWest area of Cincinnati. And I am standing here on this bridge, this wooden bridge. There’s this babbling Creek right over here you can possibly hear a bird or two in the distance. Really interesting thing is…is yesterday all of this area was green, leaves are green, but today there’s snow on the…on the grass and on the leaves, on the trees, and even on this bridge that I’m walking across. It’s springtime in Cincinnati and in this area of the country and yeah, we got snow on the…snow and it’s…feels like winter. God knows what He wants to do, and God knows what He’s doing. I just trust Him, and I marvel at it because this is beautiful to behold. Nothing on the streets and…but it’s beautiful because it’s in the grass and it’s just…it’s just beautiful to behold. I pray wherever you are you get to spend…go outside and just take in nature. Maybe inhale. Jesus be with us. Exhale. Hey, from beautiful Cincinnati OH God bless you all. I love you. And make it a great day.

Good morning DAB family this is God Lovin’ Girl Lisa from Nebraska. This is my first-time calling in. I’m a new Daily Audio Bible listener this year. Although I’ve been through the Bible a few times I really enjoy this platform and especially the prayers, hearing the prayers and the prayer request and then also it just warms my heart to hear all the people responding to those requests with prayer. I do have a prayer request. My…my dad who’s 73 has cancer. It’s progressed a lot in the past month and it’s in his bones. I really don’t know how long he has but he is in the hospital with uncontrolled pain. He is not afraid of dying. He’s afraid of the pain getting to death and I think he’s starting to give up. My…my prayer also is for my brother Brent who just…we just found out about him. His mom lied to him for years that…and said that…said that his dad had died. He found out through a DNA test through ancestry.com that my dad was also his dad. And, so, we’ve built a relationship. But I’m sad for him that he was robbed of all those years and now his dad is going to be leaving the earth soon and he won’t have him. So, pray for all of us if you would please. I really appreciate this prayer wall and it warms my heart just to see the…the goodness of you all and it gives me hope to for humanity. Thank you have a great day.