03/15/2021 DAB Transcript

Numbers 22:21-23:30, Luke 1:57-80, Psalms 58:1-11, Proverbs 11:12-13

Today is the 15th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today. This is as close as we can get to the center of the month, right? Halfway through today is I think the dead center of the month. So, welcome to the middle of March. A couple weeks from now we will complete the first quarter of the year if you can believe it. A couple weeks from now it’s gonna be just about Easter if you can believe it. But we’re here. We’re here in the season that we know as Lent, a season that is leading us toward Easter, a season that allows us to just spend 40 days of…of deep introspection and contemplation on the sacrifice of Jesus and all of His work on our behalf, but also, the ways we reject that to our own peril and doom and we invite God, we invite the Holy Spirit to rearrange us, to remove from us the things that don’t belong in our lives, even if they were good things and they just have no purpose anymore, to remove the things that don’t belong in our lives and to introduce the things that do belong into our lives and to rearrange the things that belong that are in our lives as we aim toward resurrection day. So, I guess…I guess that’s the lay of the land. That’s where we are in our year, but we’ve come for one thing and that is to take the next step forward in the Scriptures today. And, so, let’s get to it. We’re reading from the God’s Word translation this week. We are in the book of Numbers. The children of Israel are wandering around the wilderness. Just their very presence is causing anxiety among the leaders of different nations around them. The Moabites have sent for a person to come and curse the Israelites in the desert. His name is Balaam and we’re…we’re in the middle of his story. That’s where we’ll pick up today. Numbers chapter 22 verse 21 through 23 verse 30.


Okay. So, there is plenty we could talk about from the book of Numbers and this story of Balak the king of Moab and Balaam. I don’t know what we would call him, the hired curse assassin or something like that, like the person who’s hired to come and put a curse upon people. It’s a really weird story isn’t it? Like talking donkeys, the whole nine. It’s very strange, but we need to get a little bit further into it and so we’ll wait until tomorrow so that we can see the full complexion of the story because, man it’s like so many the other points in the Bible, it’s a mirror. So, we’ll get to that probably tomorrow. Let’s just pay attention to what’s going on in this story.

In the book of Luke, we’re…we’re still in chapter 1 of the book of Luke so we’re just getting going, but the book of Luke begins with the narrative telling us of the birth of Jesus. And I point that out because this is the last time this year where we will encounter that narrative, the story that we know as…as the Christmas story. Only two of the four Gospels have anything to say about the birth of Jesus and that would be Matthew and Luke whereas Mark and John don't…don’t refer to the birth of Jesus or tell that story. So, I’m pointing that out so that again we don’t just assume, “well we’ll hear that story again, I’ve heard it a million times” so that we actually press into the narrative of the coming of Jesus into the world and the development of His ministry. So, we have already, you know, Gabriel’s already come to Mary and she's…she’s given her permission, she surrendered herself to God’s will. She’s already seen her cousin Elizabeth, who is also pregnant in her old age. So, a bit of a miraculous turn of events. And Zechariah the priest, the husband of Elizabeth how he was struck dumb as he was serving in the temple because he couldn’t get his head around how he was gonna have this child in his old age. So, he wasn’t allowed to talk. He wasn’t able to speak until the child was born, which is what we witnessed today. John, the cousin of Jesus was born and he will grow up and will be known as John the Baptist or John the baptizer because that’s what his ministry will look like and we’ll see that soon enough as we get a little bit further into the book of Luke. What I want to point out today is how easy it is for us to read the narratives of the Gospels and just kind of…it's…it’s like Jesus and John, they just show up one day. We…we hear of their births and then they just show up one day. John just wanders in out of the desert and starts calling the people to repentance or Jesus just seems to show up at the Jordan and gets baptized. And it’s like they grew up in a vacuum somewhere and then just appeared magically when that’s not really what happened, and we’ll see this with Jesus as well as we go forward. But with John today. Well, what happened? Elizabeth and Zechariah a priest of God, so somebody who would be known by the community, they were righteous according to the New Testament and they were also elderly, and they were also childless. The people around them would’ve known all of these things and then when the priest Zechariah receives his commission to go and burn incense before the Lord and goes into the temple and he’s in there too long and then he comes out and can’t talk then everybody who was waiting outside knew that…that he had seen a vision according to the New Testament and he couldn’t talk. So, obviously something’s up, something supernatural is up. People are going to be talking about these things. And then finally John is born to Elizabeth and Zechariah in their old age. Zechariah still can’t talk to name the child. And, so, Elizabeth says his name is gonna be John, which is another thing that confuses the people because that’s not usually how you name people in your family. Like this son should be named after his father and nobody else in the family is named John. So, it’s odd. And, so, they appealed to Zechariah and Zechariah confirms his name is John and that opens his mouth and he’s able to talk again and the Spirit falls upon him and he prophesies. So, John didn’t just appear out of nowhere in a vacuum. All of these events happened that are noteworthy and would’ve had the people talking, right? So, if you had followed that story and were around Jerusalem or in the outskirts of Jerusalem around Zechariah and Elizabeth you knew their story and how they had this child miraculously and then named him oddly and then Zechariah prophesies. This is the kind of stuff you’re gonna be talking about and you’re gonna wonder, “what’s gonna become of that kid? Like what's…what is all of this that’s happening? What is his destiny? What is this future?” So, then when John does show up coming out of the desert at the Jordan River calling the people to repentance, he’s not just some crazy person who has just gone mad out in the desert. He has a reputation from birth that God has his hand upon this man. And, so, we can see in the gospel narratives that the people believe John to be a genuine prophet of the most-high God. Even when the religious leaders confront Jesus about his own authority Jesus confounds their questioning by saying, “where did John’s authority come from, right?” Because all of the people believed he was a true prophet of the most-high God except for the religious people. And this is an miraculous thing. That’s the thing of it. Like this is a miraculous thing for a prophet of the most-high God to show up because in their story a prophet of God hadn’t been among them for 400 years from the end of what we would call the Old Testament, from the last book, the book of Malachi. 400 years go by before there is a legitimate prophet of the most-high God that the people actually recognize. So, that’s where we are in the book of Luke with John beginning his ministry and his ministry, of course, as he declares is to prepare the way of the Lord. So, let’s enter into this. As we…as we move through the gospel of Luke let’s enter into the details of the story. Let’s look at the context surrounding the story so that we might more accurately and truly embrace the story and make it a part of our story.


Father we thank You for Your word and we thank You for all of the people that we get to meet in Your word, all of the spiritual ancestry that has gone before. And we look at these people and there’s so many time we can see miraculous things happening but they’re normal people. There is nothing particularly different about them than us, and You have invited us to be a part of Your story upon this earth at this time. And, so, as we engage with and interact with the stories in the Scriptures, we find ourselves. So, Holy Spirit come. Continue to lead us into all truth. This is…this is all we want, is all truth, that we might walk the narrow path that leads to life. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here and it’s always good to stay tuned and stay connected. It’s a year-long journey that where on, and, yeah, it can get long, and things can get heavy and it’s nice to know that we’re not alone.

So, be aware of the Daily Audio Bible app. If you don’t have it you…you should try it out. And all the things that…that I’m talking about in the web are in the app as well, like the Community section. This is where to get connected. This is where the Prayer Wall lives. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of different categories in there as well as a number of different resources that have been developed over the years for the journey that we’re on. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage or if you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. And I thank you, I thank you so much that the journey that has lasted all of these years now, is a journey that we’ve been on together all of this time. And its with great humility that…that I say these things. It’s incredible that day by day step-by-step we keep taking the journey through the Scriptures. And if that has been life-giving to you than thank you for your partnership. So, there is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, we’re a community and one of the beautiful things about us as a community is that accept each other and pray for each other and that is a beautiful thing. And, so, if you’re carrying something, if you have a prayer request or encouragement then you can hit the hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top and share from there or there are a number of phone numbers that you can use depending on where you are in the world. Of course, I guess it doesn’t really matter. You can use any of these numbers wherever you are in the world, but in the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to call. And if you are in Australia or that part of the world, the lands down under 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey family this is Benjamin the Sower calling. I would just like some prayer today just for the people in my life, that God has placed in my path. Just that I’ve gotten the chance to reach out to and that He's….God has given me given me some friendship or connection or ability to…to witness to, my hairdresser Gage and neighbor Dale, my coworker Elise, just people who believe in…in God but that don’t really know much more than that. I find just a lot of people out there are just kind of agnostic or call themselves atheist but that are like, “oh we can’t know.” And just kind of hold that humility and, you know, they hold it up high but really it's…I think it might be fear of exploring. And yeah, just in those conversations it’s been really cool but sometimes I’ve just felt tongue tide and, you know, hindsight afterwards, I’m sure we all have had that, looking back and thinking, “I wish that I had said, you know, said…said…said this or said more about you” or especially in times of covid just people looking for peace and hope. I just don’t want to be ashamed of the gospel. I just…I’ve experienced the joy of it, and I want that for others. So, I would just love…love prayer over that for boldness, just for more opportunities. At my church we call it like taps on the shoulder from God, which is kind of…kind of cool. So, I just want the Holy Spirit to be tapping me more on the shoulder just to be able to…to see the needs around me and to see the chance of the gospel to come to life. Alright. Love you guys so much. Bye.

Hey everybody this is Carmen from Germany I thought it was time I call in again. I’ve been wanting to call, oh gosh, for weeks and you just kind of put it off. And I don’t have any major requests for myself but I hear all of your requests and I pray along with you and keep thinking, “well I need to call in and…and let people know, you know, that I’m still here, that I’m praying for you.” But I just listened to March 12th and I heard the call from the anonymous woman who said she got herself into a pickle by doing…by taking her…her eyes off of God. And I thought, you know, you’re speaking for so many of us. When I look back on my life and I think of all the times I’ve hurt people, I’ve got into bad…bad whatever, I mean, broken relationships, everything, it’s always been because I took my eyes off of God and my own selfishness, thinking, you know, somehow, I could justify whatever I was doing either that or…or being so selfish that I didn’t even think about it. But anyway, I want you to know that I’m going to be praying for you as well as so many people because I think you speak for so many of us and I think that so many of us can relate to what you're…you’re saying and probably even what you’re going through without knowing the details because we’ve all got our own versions of pickles we go through. Anyway, I’m praying for you. I thank you also for letting us know as a reminder for us to keep our eyes on Jesus just as that song says, “look full into His wonderful face.” So, thank you very much. I’m praying for you. Brian happy belated birthday and Jill I just want to let you know you are wonderful. I just love everything that you’re doing on the DABC. So, the both of you and Brian together, what a wonderful…

I’d just like to thank the Lord for taking away my wife’s cancer. She was diagnosed two years ago with metastatic Melanoma and through fervent prayer from family members and church members it’s gone. The treatment worked. Her spirits are good. Now we just need to go back in six months to continue to do cat scans and MRIs to make sure it doesn’t come back. And we were told by the doctor that only 10% of the people who recovered the way she did can get it back, only 10%. So, I continue in prayer and all my good friends at the Daily Audio Bible which I’ve been doing now for eight years every day, for eight years. I hear the prayers. I hear the crying that happens, and it breaks my heart, but together we all must pray and keep each other strong and continue to pray for Brian and his family. Prayer does work for our Lord is on the throne, doesn’t change. But prayer changes things. And may we all seek the wisdom of God, have a joyful heart, and faith back and move mountains. Come Holy Spirit I pray. I ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hi DAB family this is Abiola from New York I’m calling in wanting to throw another log on our wonderfully warm fire. I love you guys so much. Thank you, guys for having me a part. Praise God. Thank Him so much for the Holy Spirit guiding us all to this platform to where we can encourage and love on one another and not skip that beat in recognizing who He is in our lives. He’s so good to us and I just wanted you all to know that I pray with and for all of you guys. I’m asking for prayer to ask for prayer. I struggled with asking for help and asking people to pray for me and trusting people with things that’s going on with me and how I feel. So, I know that I need to ask. So, pray for me to be able to ask for prayer. I also wanted to pray for Kelly from Boston. Sis, I am praying with you that you and your husband in the second half of your marriage comes out better than the first half. I’m praying for total reconciliation and love and forgiveness to resonate through your relationship. I’m also praying the same for anonymous. God bless you for being able to confess your sin. I pray that those people around you in your relationships have a softened heart towards you. I pray that you guys can all reconcile and love. The of Christ can be the epitome of all of our lives. God bless you all.

Hi, my name is Marybeth I’m calling from New Hampshire I’m a first-time caller asking for a prayer request. I’m going in for an endoscopy on March 22nd and I’ve been having a lot of symptoms and I’m really concerned and I'm…my imagination keeps going towards cancer and I just have to hold my thoughts captive and not go there and just trust in the Lord. I just ask for healing and I just pray that God’s will be done. And I also ask if you will pray for my husband for his Salvation and I pray for my son. He is in the military in the Middle East, and I pray for his Salvation. And I thank you for everybody’s prayers in advance. Thank you.

03/15/2021 DAB Transcript

Numbers 22:21-23:30, Luke 1:57-80, Psalms 58:1-11, Proverbs 11:12-13

Today is the 15th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today. This is as close as we can get to the center of the month, right? Halfway through today is I think the dead center of the month. So, welcome to the middle of March. A couple weeks from now we will complete the first quarter of the year if you can believe it. A couple weeks from now it’s gonna be just about Easter if you can believe it. But we’re here. We’re here in the season that we know as Lent, a season that is leading us toward Easter, a season that allows us to just spend 40 days of…of deep introspection and contemplation on the sacrifice of Jesus and all of His work on our behalf, but also, the ways we reject that to our own peril and doom and we invite God, we invite the Holy Spirit to rearrange us, to remove from us the things that don’t belong in our lives, even if they were good things and they just have no purpose anymore, to remove the things that don’t belong in our lives and to introduce the things that do belong into our lives and to rearrange the things that belong that are in our lives as we aim toward resurrection day. So, I guess…I guess that’s the lay of the land. That’s where we are in our year, but we’ve come for one thing and that is to take the next step forward in the Scriptures today. And, so, let’s get to it. We’re reading from the God’s Word translation this week. We are in the book of Numbers. The children of Israel are wandering around the wilderness. Just their very presence is causing anxiety among the leaders of different nations around them. The Moabites have sent for a person to come and curse the Israelites in the desert. His name is Balaam and we’re…we’re in the middle of his story. That’s where we’ll pick up today. Numbers chapter 22 verse 21 through 23 verse 30.


Okay. So, there is plenty we could talk about from the book of Numbers and this story of Balak the king of Moab and Balaam. I don’t know what we would call him, the hired curse assassin or something like that, like the person who’s hired to come and put a curse upon people. It’s a really weird story isn’t it? Like talking donkeys, the whole nine. It’s very strange, but we need to get a little bit further into it and so we’ll wait until tomorrow so that we can see the full complexion of the story because, man it’s like so many the other points in the Bible, it’s a mirror. So, we’ll get to that probably tomorrow. Let’s just pay attention to what’s going on in this story.

In the book of Luke, we’re…we’re still in chapter 1 of the book of Luke so we’re just getting going, but the book of Luke begins with the narrative telling us of the birth of Jesus. And I point that out because this is the last time this year where we will encounter that narrative, the story that we know as…as the Christmas story. Only two of the four Gospels have anything to say about the birth of Jesus and that would be Matthew and Luke whereas Mark and John don't…don’t refer to the birth of Jesus or tell that story. So, I’m pointing that out so that again we don’t just assume, “well we’ll hear that story again, I’ve heard it a million times” so that we actually press into the narrative of the coming of Jesus into the world and the development of His ministry. So, we have already, you know, Gabriel’s already come to Mary and she's…she’s given her permission, she surrendered herself to God’s will. She’s already seen her cousin Elizabeth, who is also pregnant in her old age. So, a bit of a miraculous turn of events. And Zechariah the priest, the husband of Elizabeth how he was struck dumb as he was serving in the temple because he couldn’t get his head around how he was gonna have this child in his old age. So, he wasn’t allowed to talk. He wasn’t able to speak until the child was born, which is what we witnessed today. John, the cousin of Jesus was born and he will grow up and will be known as John the Baptist or John the baptizer because that’s what his ministry will look like and we’ll see that soon enough as we get a little bit further into the book of Luke. What I want to point out today is how easy it is for us to read the narratives of the Gospels and just kind of…it's…it’s like Jesus and John, they just show up one day. We…we hear of their births and then they just show up one day. John just wanders in out of the desert and starts calling the people to repentance or Jesus just seems to show up at the Jordan and gets baptized. And it’s like they grew up in a vacuum somewhere and then just appeared magically when that’s not really what happened, and we’ll see this with Jesus as well as we go forward. But with John today. Well, what happened? Elizabeth and Zechariah a priest of God, so somebody who would be known by the community, they were righteous according to the New Testament and they were also elderly, and they were also childless. The people around them would’ve known all of these things and then when the priest Zechariah receives his commission to go and burn incense before the Lord and goes into the temple and he’s in there too long and then he comes out and can’t talk then everybody who was waiting outside knew that…that he had seen a vision according to the New Testament and he couldn’t talk. So, obviously something’s up, something supernatural is up. People are going to be talking about these things. And then finally John is born to Elizabeth and Zechariah in their old age. Zechariah still can’t talk to name the child. And, so, Elizabeth says his name is gonna be John, which is another thing that confuses the people because that’s not usually how you name people in your family. Like this son should be named after his father and nobody else in the family is named John. So, it’s odd. And, so, they appealed to Zechariah and Zechariah confirms his name is John and that opens his mouth and he’s able to talk again and the Spirit falls upon him and he prophesies. So, John didn’t just appear out of nowhere in a vacuum. All of these events happened that are noteworthy and would’ve had the people talking, right? So, if you had followed that story and were around Jerusalem or in the outskirts of Jerusalem around Zechariah and Elizabeth you knew their story and how they had this child miraculously and then named him oddly and then Zechariah prophesies. This is the kind of stuff you’re gonna be talking about and you’re gonna wonder, “what’s gonna become of that kid? Like what's…what is all of this that’s happening? What is his destiny? What is this future?” So, then when John does show up coming out of the desert at the Jordan River calling the people to repentance, he’s not just some crazy person who has just gone mad out in the desert. He has a reputation from birth that God has his hand upon this man. And, so, we can see in the gospel narratives that the people believe John to be a genuine prophet of the most-high God. Even when the religious leaders confront Jesus about his own authority Jesus confounds their questioning by saying, “where did John’s authority come from, right?” Because all of the people believed he was a true prophet of the most-high God except for the religious people. And this is an miraculous thing. That’s the thing of it. Like this is a miraculous thing for a prophet of the most-high God to show up because in their story a prophet of God hadn’t been among them for 400 years from the end of what we would call the Old Testament, from the last book, the book of Malachi. 400 years go by before there is a legitimate prophet of the most-high God that the people actually recognize. So, that’s where we are in the book of Luke with John beginning his ministry and his ministry, of course, as he declares is to prepare the way of the Lord. So, let’s enter into this. As we…as we move through the gospel of Luke let’s enter into the details of the story. Let’s look at the context surrounding the story so that we might more accurately and truly embrace the story and make it a part of our story.


Father we thank You for Your word and we thank You for all of the people that we get to meet in Your word, all of the spiritual ancestry that has gone before. And we look at these people and there’s so many time we can see miraculous things happening but they’re normal people. There is nothing particularly different about them than us, and You have invited us to be a part of Your story upon this earth at this time. And, so, as we engage with and interact with the stories in the Scriptures, we find ourselves. So, Holy Spirit come. Continue to lead us into all truth. This is…this is all we want, is all truth, that we might walk the narrow path that leads to life. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here and it’s always good to stay tuned and stay connected. It’s a year-long journey that where on, and, yeah, it can get long, and things can get heavy and it’s nice to know that we’re not alone.

So, be aware of the Daily Audio Bible app. If you don’t have it you…you should try it out. And all the things that…that I’m talking about in the web are in the app as well, like the Community section. This is where to get connected. This is where the Prayer Wall lives. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of different categories in there as well as a number of different resources that have been developed over the years for the journey that we’re on. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage or if you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. And I thank you, I thank you so much that the journey that has lasted all of these years now, is a journey that we’ve been on together all of this time. And its with great humility that…that I say these things. It’s incredible that day by day step-by-step we keep taking the journey through the Scriptures. And if that has been life-giving to you than thank you for your partnership. So, there is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, we’re a community and one of the beautiful things about us as a community is that accept each other and pray for each other and that is a beautiful thing. And, so, if you’re carrying something, if you have a prayer request or encouragement then you can hit the hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top and share from there or there are a number of phone numbers that you can use depending on where you are in the world. Of course, I guess it doesn’t really matter. You can use any of these numbers wherever you are in the world, but in the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to call. And if you are in Australia or that part of the world, the lands down under 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey family this is Benjamin the Sower calling. I would just like some prayer today just for the people in my life, that God has placed in my path. Just that I’ve gotten the chance to reach out to and that He's….God has given me given me some friendship or connection or ability to…to witness to, my hairdresser Gage and neighbor Dale, my coworker Elise, just people who believe in…in God but that don’t really know much more than that. I find just a lot of people out there are just kind of agnostic or call themselves atheist but that are like, “oh we can’t know.” And just kind of hold that humility and, you know, they hold it up high but really it's…I think it might be fear of exploring. And yeah, just in those conversations it’s been really cool but sometimes I’ve just felt tongue tide and, you know, hindsight afterwards, I’m sure we all have had that, looking back and thinking, “I wish that I had said, you know, said…said…said this or said more about you” or especially in times of covid just people looking for peace and hope. I just don’t want to be ashamed of the gospel. I just…I’ve experienced the joy of it, and I want that for others. So, I would just love…love prayer over that for boldness, just for more opportunities. At my church we call it like taps on the shoulder from God, which is kind of…kind of cool. So, I just want the Holy Spirit to be tapping me more on the shoulder just to be able to…to see the needs around me and to see the chance of the gospel to come to life. Alright. Love you guys so much. Bye.

Hey everybody this is Carmen from Germany I thought it was time I call in again. I’ve been wanting to call, oh gosh, for weeks and you just kind of put it off. And I don’t have any major requests for myself but I hear all of your requests and I pray along with you and keep thinking, “well I need to call in and…and let people know, you know, that I’m still here, that I’m praying for you.” But I just listened to March 12th and I heard the call from the anonymous woman who said she got herself into a pickle by doing…by taking her…her eyes off of God. And I thought, you know, you’re speaking for so many of us. When I look back on my life and I think of all the times I’ve hurt people, I’ve got into bad…bad whatever, I mean, broken relationships, everything, it’s always been because I took my eyes off of God and my own selfishness, thinking, you know, somehow, I could justify whatever I was doing either that or…or being so selfish that I didn’t even think about it. But anyway, I want you to know that I’m going to be praying for you as well as so many people because I think you speak for so many of us and I think that so many of us can relate to what you're…you’re saying and probably even what you’re going through without knowing the details because we’ve all got our own versions of pickles we go through. Anyway, I’m praying for you. I thank you also for letting us know as a reminder for us to keep our eyes on Jesus just as that song says, “look full into His wonderful face.” So, thank you very much. I’m praying for you. Brian happy belated birthday and Jill I just want to let you know you are wonderful. I just love everything that you’re doing on the DABC. So, the both of you and Brian together, what a wonderful…

I’d just like to thank the Lord for taking away my wife’s cancer. She was diagnosed two years ago with metastatic Melanoma and through fervent prayer from family members and church members it’s gone. The treatment worked. Her spirits are good. Now we just need to go back in six months to continue to do cat scans and MRIs to make sure it doesn’t come back. And we were told by the doctor that only 10% of the people who recovered the way she did can get it back, only 10%. So, I continue in prayer and all my good friends at the Daily Audio Bible which I’ve been doing now for eight years every day, for eight years. I hear the prayers. I hear the crying that happens, and it breaks my heart, but together we all must pray and keep each other strong and continue to pray for Brian and his family. Prayer does work for our Lord is on the throne, doesn’t change. But prayer changes things. And may we all seek the wisdom of God, have a joyful heart, and faith back and move mountains. Come Holy Spirit I pray. I ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hi DAB family this is Abiola from New York I’m calling in wanting to throw another log on our wonderfully warm fire. I love you guys so much. Thank you, guys for having me a part. Praise God. Thank Him so much for the Holy Spirit guiding us all to this platform to where we can encourage and love on one another and not skip that beat in recognizing who He is in our lives. He’s so good to us and I just wanted you all to know that I pray with and for all of you guys. I’m asking for prayer to ask for prayer. I struggled with asking for help and asking people to pray for me and trusting people with things that’s going on with me and how I feel. So, I know that I need to ask. So, pray for me to be able to ask for prayer. I also wanted to pray for Kelly from Boston. Sis, I am praying with you that you and your husband in the second half of your marriage comes out better than the first half. I’m praying for total reconciliation and love and forgiveness to resonate through your relationship. I’m also praying the same for anonymous. God bless you for being able to confess your sin. I pray that those people around you in your relationships have a softened heart towards you. I pray that you guys can all reconcile and love. The of Christ can be the epitome of all of our lives. God bless you all.

Hi, my name is Marybeth I’m calling from New Hampshire I’m a first-time caller asking for a prayer request. I’m going in for an endoscopy on March 22nd and I’ve been having a lot of symptoms and I’m really concerned and I'm…my imagination keeps going towards cancer and I just have to hold my thoughts captive and not go there and just trust in the Lord. I just ask for healing and I just pray that God’s will be done. And I also ask if you will pray for my husband for his Salvation and I pray for my son. He is in the military in the Middle East, and I pray for his Salvation. And I thank you for everybody’s prayers in advance. Thank you.