11/14/2020 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 29:1-30:26, Hebrews 11:32-12:13, Psalms 112:1-10, Proverbs 27:17

Today is the 14th day of November welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we continue our journey forward. I guess we’re…we’re approaching the middle of the 11th month now. We’re gonna cross through the middle of this month before the weekend is over. So, a month and a half left in this year and we have already discerned…we’ve already determined to finish strong and well. And, so, let’s dive in. We are reading from the God’s Word Translation this week, which is today. Ezekiel chapters 29 and 30.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for another week in Your word. And it really is true, we’re looking at the weeks that remain versus the weeks that we have already moved through and we see that there’s just a handful weeks left in this year. That seems strange but it is the reality. And ,so, as we as we look at that, we also take the time as we’ve done so many times this year to look back and see the way that You have them imprinted Your word on our heart and that it has spoken to us in profound and meaningful ways impacting our lives, impacting the ways that we’ve lived our lives this year and we’ve needed it more than ever because it’s been one of the strangest years ever. And, so, we are grateful, and we turn our face forward with tremendous anticipation for all that You have yet to say to us this very year. So, come Holy Spirit, plant the words that were spoken today in the soil of our lives. May we cultivate them, may we care for them and may they sprout, and may they yield the harvest of the fruit of the Spirit within us we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the websites, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. And You can also find out what’s going on around here if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible after pretty much the same fashion by pressing the Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the app screen. So, stay tuned, stay connected.

Stay connected to the Prayer Wall. That’s in the Community section of the website. And that is one of the most beautiful resources that we have, prayer - prayer for one another in a number of different ways. So, be aware of the Prayer Wall in the Community section.

We’ve been talking the last few days about the Global Campfire initiative that is occurring right now. We have…well we’ve gone a bit old-school and…which is new school now and pressed up some vinyl, a deluxe, beautiful, really beautiful vinyl addition of the Heart guided prayer album that we released in July of this year at…during the long walk. And it is gorgeous and…yeah…something to hold onto, a memento of 2020, a positive memento of 2020. And, so, we have it available and what we’re doing is saying, hey, anybody who can contribute a hundred dollars or more to this initiative we are continuing to pour into developing home base, which is the app and the technologies that will continue to connect us as we take the journey through the Scriptures. And anyone willing to contribute a hundred dollars or more to this initiative, we want to send you this vinyl addition of the Heart album. So, we had 500 of these pressed up and when they’re gone, they’re gone and at that point they become…well they become impossible to find. So, they’re something to hold onto. And I thank you profoundly for all of you who have already gotten on board with this. This directly affects how…what we’re doing in developing the app. Our next release will…well should conclude the Badges initiative that we had earlier this year and just being able to look at a glance and see where you are in the Bible from a number of different perspectives. But there is so much more on the docket as we continue to move forward and continue to make this home. And, so, if…if you can get involved, if you feel lead in that direction then thank you so very much.

If you have a prayer request or encouragement, then you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the red button up at the top of the app screen or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

This is Candace from Oregon I just want to touch base with Rebecca from Michigan. I hope your birthday was really special and look forward to hearing about it. And I just felt that the Lord wanted me to say to you, he who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. And I would like to say a prayer over you. Lord, bless Rebecca from Michigan and thank you so much for her life, for all that you’ve done, and I pray that you will just pour a blessing on her. I pray Lord that she will find a true, true friend and life partner. I pray that her immediate problems with technology will straighten out, that she will solve that if she hasn’t already and be able to hear DAB every day without any problems. And I ask these things in Jesus’ name and for Jesus sake because I know that you Lord Jesus love her so dearly and gave your life for her. Thank you, Lord for everything that you’re doing, everything you already have done in her and all that is to come in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family this is Becky and Orlando it’s been a crazy year for all of us. I know 2020 is one year that just I’d like to not have happened. But anyway, I haven’t called in very much this year, but I’ve been listening and right now I’m a little bit behind. I’ve really enjoyed hearing all the new voices and being able to hear some of the old voices like Annette Allison and Shante. I’m so happy to hear from you again in Detroit and hearing that you’re going to come down to Florida. But I have an urgent prayer request for you. My mom is an atheist up in Massachusetts and things are pretty dire right now. Her husband has Parkinson’s disease and she’s now decided that she’s not gonna treat a UTI that he has and she just wants to speed up his progression and now he hasn’t woken up since Thursday and today’s Monday and he hasn’t had any food or drink. She’s not waking him up to feed him or anything or give him antibiotics. And, so, I’m just praying, praying, praying for his soul because as far as I know he is not a believer. And, so, I’m praying that he somehow in the state that he’s in surrenders to Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and am praying for my mom’s soul also. And if you guys can join me in prayer for that I would love it. So, I thank you guys and I look forward to checking back in again soon. All right. Bye.

Hi this is Christina I’m a child of God calling for prayer for my family. This Friday when…well…today is the eighth or the ninth, I’m not even sure but this past Friday when Brian…after Brian read about Ezekiel chapter 16 __ of God how He feels about Jerusalem and the betrayal I found out that my husband’s cheating on me. And it’s been a very tough weekend but God has given me a lot of peace and if it wasn’t for my faith in God and my…the Bible studies and this Daily Audio Bible that I’m so much in the word that I can be strengthened with His power to get through it but my son and my daughter are not believers and neither is he of course. Anyways, but could you please look them up in prayer. They are in a lot of pain. My daughter especially is devastated because she had her dad in very high regard. My daughter’s daughters name is Phoebe and my son’s name is Eric my husband is Humberto. He’s agreeing to go to a counselor to counselling or a therapist with me and he’s admitted to the affair. And, so, if you’d please keep me in prayer. Thank you.

Hey guys Eyes of a Dove here and much like Radiant Rachel and Big-Hearted Ben I’ve been compelled to involve my kids in the Daily Audio Bible prayer time. So, I’d like to introduce Ryland and Braden and we’re gonna pray for a couple people. I would like to pray for Joe. This is Ryland. Yeah. I would like to pray for Joe, yes Lord, and that his wife and his daughter turn to God so he doesn’t have to have a lot of stress and anxiety and they stop like hurting…and they’re just causing him a lot of hurt. Yes. And not judge him all the time. Yes, Lord we just pray that the mom and the daughter are saved, and Joe just feel strengthened and we hope to hear from Joe again. And here’s Braden. Hi, thank you guys for praying for me and helping me through my tough times and hopefully God can help some of you in the ways that He helped me. Yeah. Yeah thank you so much you guys and…for lifting up our…our other family member Izzy and how much Braden has felt the impact of your guy’s prayers. And that he can just be a leader to the other broken kids. And we’re praying for all the broken kids out there that are hurting just like Braden’s gone through and what Izzy’s going through and God we just lift and touch them. We just thank you so much Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Good morning my son is…is diagnosed with autism and he’s getting a little older now. And, so, he is dealing with meltdowns. And anybody that has autism…a kid with autism knows that they…a lot of them deal with meltdowns and his are now starting…they went from having one once every week may be every two weeks now he’s having them, three or four of them a day. And, so, he’s only 10, he’s getting bigger and he’s strong. And, so, he’s getting violent and it’s…he’s just such a sweet kid. And, so, it hurts me, and his mother’s feelings and it hurts our hearts to see him act out like that. We know that’s not what he wants to do but he can’t help it. And, so, we’re just praying…we still…just we still believe God’s gonna heal him completely from autism but we’re believing God to…to…to stop these meltdowns. They’re…they’ve gotten a little bit much, overbearing for both of us. So, we just ask you guys to pray and remember him. His name is Michael. Thank you, guys.