03/08/2019 DAB Transcript

Numbers 10:1-11:23, Mark 14:1-21, Psalms 51:1-19, Proverbs 10:31-32

Today is the 8th day of March. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is a pleasure to be here with you at the end of another work week. And I am glad for that. A little more sleep through the weekend and that should be the end of the jet lag and that’ll be great. At any rate it is it is a pleasure and it is a joy to come around the global campfire together with you and allow God’s word to speak. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Today, Numbers chapter 10 verse 2 through 11:23.


Okay. So, it’s not a bad idea to remember Psalm 51. It’s not a bad idea to know where that is and how to get there because the cry of repentance found in Psalm 51 really does portray for us the posture of heart that we need to go to God with when we have things we need to confess. And it’s really easy, especially when you’re dealing with things that maybe we’ve been dealing with for a long time and it’s kind of like, you know, I’ve confessed this a thousand times and I’m sure that my heavenly Father is disgusted with me. It’s important to know that He’s not and this feeling that we may feel is how were supposed to feel. And it’s doubtful that many if any of us are in the predicament that David was in when this prayer was prayed because David had a bunch of chaos and scandal going on. He had gotten another man’s wife pregnant and he had had that man killed to cover it up. And that man happened to be one of the 30 most loyal warriors to David. And, so, David had taken his friend’s wife, gotten his friends wife pregnant, and then killed his friend. That, I mean, that is about as low as it gets. So, coming back to Psalm 51 and just understanding the posture of crying out from your heart in repentance and asking God for His mercy and then expecting that He can create in you a clean heart and renew a right spirit within you, this is so helpful.


Father, we take counsel of your word that you have brought into our lives today. This is an opportunity for us to come humbly with our hat in hand down upon our knees before you, understanding that you are the great and Almighty God. And yes, you are our Father. And Father, we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed by what we have done and by what we have left undone. Purify us from our sins and we will be clean, wash us and we will be made whiter than snow, give us back our joy again, don’t see our sins, remove the stain of our guilt. Create in us a clean heart, oh God. Renew a loyal spirit within us. Do not banish us from your presence or take your Holy Spirit. Restore joy of our salvation and make us willing to obey you. We repent of our sins and we ask your Holy Spirit to change us from within. And may how we live this day reveal what you are doing in us as we are purified. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here.

Couple of things. Obviously, we’ve just returned from our pilgrimage to the land of the Bible for this year, but we’ll be going back next year, and registration is open for that. And well, so far, all of the pilgrimages that we’re taking to the land of the Bible they sell out, so it’d be a good time to check into that. If that’s something that’s on your heart, something that you’ve really put on your bucket list, something that you want to experience, then you can go to dailyaudiobible.com and go to the Initiatives section and you will see Israel 2020. And you can get all of the details that you would want to know.

The other thing is also an event, it is the More Gathering for women and that is coming up in just a couple of short months, actually not even a couple short months. Like, in just over a month we’ll be up on Sharp Top mountain in the mountains of North Georgia, which are absolutely gorgeous. And it’s a gorgeous time of year to go there. And the More Gathering for women will be taking place. So, you can get all of the details at moregathering.com or just go to dailyaudiobible.com and go to the Initiatives section, same place where Israel 2020 is and you will see the More Gathering and all of the details are there. And, yeah, I mean, if it’s been a long winter and your looking for new life to spring forth this is a good reset, the More Gathering for women. It’s a hard thing to describe but I can tell you that relationships that will last your lifetime, friendships have been formed there. There are groups of ladies that the come and meet each other each year to just remember what happened in their lives at the More Gathering. So, it is a powerful, powerful time. And if reset and restart is something that you’re feeling in your heart, this is a good way to get that going. So, you can get all the details at moregathering.com and hope to see you there.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link. It is on the homepage and I thank you humbly and profoundly for those of you who have clicked that link. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi Daily Audio Bible family, this is Mary Lynn from New Brunswick calling once again. And this time is the first time I’m calling for a prayer request for myself. I had __ with God because he just called for me, but I would like to lift up my marriage. I don’t want to make it sound like we are in crisis. I have a wonderful husband who is a good provider and he’s got so many great qualities, but he walked away from the Lord probably about 15 years ago now and as I continue to grow it just becomes a continues to become…it continues to become more of more of a bone of contention between us. I keep trying to serve the Lord and please Him and do things that I know that the Holy Spirit is telling me to do and, for whatever reason, a lot of time that causes strife in our marriage. So, if you would just lift him up, his name is Dennis. He is saved as I said but he‘s just…the last 15 years…in all honesty, he’s never told me what happened but I believe it had a little bit to do with some church hurt that went on through our church. And I guess for me it’s a little easier to understand that humans are humans and we’re not to follow Christians, we’re to follow Christ. So, I would really appreciate it if you would lift up him and our marriage and just that he would be enlightened, that the Holy Spirit would fall fresh on him and that his conviction would bring him back into a constant walk with the Lord and that our marriage would begin to be revitalized in that area. So, I just continue to lift all of you up. I continue lift up To Be a Blessing and Christie in Kentucky and His Little Cherry. You guys are constantly on my mind. So, God bless you all. Thank you and have a great day. Bye.

Hi Daily Audio family, __ from the UK here. I’d like to pray for my dear close friend Andrea Allison who last year suffered the acrimony of her husband cheating on her. So, consequently they’re separated. She’s been totally __ in un-peacefulness since with her ex being really nasty and manipulative over the children and custody. She’s really confused emotionally, really not sure, she goes from partner to partner. I really pray that these two guys….that she’ll find the Lord and that, with me being in her life to help her, to encourage her, and to be to a support for her, that she’ll get healing and a healing in her spirit, soul, and mind and that she’ll be on the journey and that God will show His love to her in a massive way. And pray for her boys, Warren and Charlie as they go through…see mommy and dad separated and get used to this new life and new beginning. Thank you for your prayers. I really appreciate you. God bless all of you. Bye-bye.

Hi Daily Audio Bible this is Rebecca from Michigan, it’s March 5th and I just have to pray for some people. I heard about a man here with bulimic issues and I always thought women had that problem, but I guess men have that problem too. I want to pray for him and I want to pray for the person that can’t walk, that was told that they can’t walk and the person who needs sight. Lord Jesus, I pray for this man that has a bulimic issue. I pray that he can find himself a recovery a course with the 12 steps because I know a lot of people that have eating issues that have been to this group and been delivered. I actually know somebody right now who had over eating issues and she’s been delivered, and I’ve never seen her smile so much in her life, and actually she works in a restaurant. So, I pray for this man to overcome his bulimic issues. And I pray for the lady who was told she could never walk again, and she’s burdened down her eight-year-old mom. I guess she’s got to wheel her around and take her a lot of places, but you know what, I know You have healed the lame and heal the blind and You are able to heal this person and perform very much a lot of miracles, people being healed that were told they could never walk or never see again or whatever. But see God I know You, Your bigger than all these issues, Your bigger than what a doctor may say or a person may say because our hope is in You and it’s not in a man. You do not live but I pray by faith that this person will walk again and be…

Hey Daily Audio Bible family, this is to be a blessing in California. Happy Tuesday, March 5th. I gotta tell ya, it doesn’t stop, the work scenario is deep and wide and thick and high, but our God is bigger than all of that. I’m whining to myself, I’m complaining, I’m __, I’m grumbling. People are on my very last nerve. I mean, really, the situation I’m going through, this is week four and it just seems to kind of be stirring around like quicksand or a whirlpool. But how sweet is God, He reminded me of a 95-year young woman who has been in a convalescent home. She really has no ability to get up and out of bed and Miss Martha is the sweetest thing ever. She has an amazing attitude, just had her 95th birthday and she’s hoping to live to 100. Her family is in different parts of the country. She doesn’t have a lot of visitors and yet God is her dearest friend. That certainly gives me hope and encouragement that while I’m going through whatever it is I’m going through, if someone can be bedridden, love Jesus, and be sweetest can be, so can I. Thank God for role models. Thank God for your prayers. Thank God for the Daily Audio Bible. Have a good evening. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Jonathan from North Carolina calling to pray for Angela from California. Lord, I just want to lift up Angela and these struggles that she’s having with suicidal thoughts and difficulties that she’s experiencing and the darkness that she’s going through. Lord, I just pray that You would help her to sense Your presence that she is feeling battling these thoughts when her daughters not around. Help her to be able to enjoy this season with her daughter, that she is expecting a baby, and as well as to be able to enjoy those times alone Lord, that You would make her feel the sense of Your presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen.